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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton


So the Tyranny of George Washington DLC was announced to be released Feb. 19th. Thoughts?

might end up being better than the main story missions

but i also heard rumors its really short, like the 3 pieces making up just over an hour of gameplay - that would suck


might end up being better than the main story missions

but i also heard rumors its really short, like the 3 pieces making up just over an hour of gameplay - that would suck

My thoughts exactly. I'm thinking the story itself will be great, but I really don't want the gameplay to be so short.

But I wouldn't be surprised. Just disappointed.


So I just finished it last night.

Why wasn't there as big an outcry over that ending as with Mass Effect 3?

Pretty bad. Maybe cause the whole game was mediocre it was less of a surprise.


I finished the game last night as well.

I wasn't enjoying it too much even having entered my birthplace (New York), so I decided to put it up for sale (on Amazon Japan) while the price was still high, with the intention of maybe pickng it up again a year from now when it's cheap.

Someone bought it within an hour of me listing it, so I had three days before I had to send it to him, and I figured with eight or so hours of gameplay left I'd just ignore the side missions and finish the story and see how it ends.

Well. Now's as good a time as any to rant.

It was a mix of frustration, boredom, and missed opportunities with the occasional spot of brilliance interspersed.

The naval missions are evidently a lot of fun, but I only had enough money to do two small upgrades, meaning that the naval missions were hard. And it took me a long tmie to finally notice that the swivel guns aren't just on the left side, with the cannons on the right side! (No, both sides are equipped with both.)

Having skipped a lot of the optional content, the game was continually trying to shove it in my face. This came to a head during the Sequence 10 mission when you have to
warn your village about Washington's impending attack
. This involves riding a horse on a narrow, ill-lit path and taking down four
. Now as I'm doing this -- and this is a timed mission, with very low visibility! -- and the last target is somewhat ahead of me and I'm trying desperately to catch up with him, the game clutters up the screen directly in my field of view with some insipid tutorial message about a bobcat. Are you for real, Ubisoft? Get that garbage out of here! You'd think that they'd have the sense to suppress that stuff when a story mission is going on, and particularly when there's a clock running.

The want-to-break-the-disc difficulty of this mission was ramped up further because with each failure, the game doesn't restore consumable items like arrows and bullets each time you restart, so when you run out, you have to start the whole memory over. And while the game remembers how many arrowsyou consumed during your failed attempt, it doesn't remember what weapon you switched to during that attempt, so again and again I had to switch over from the sword to the hidden blade.

And here's what happened in a certain late-game sequence
: after the boat-chase escapade,
Lee isn't dead but has gone up the Charles River somewhere.
. So I head up there and am
limping around, thanks to that stick I caught in my stomach in the battle on the boat.
And as soon as the area loads, I see a message at the top of the screen: "Attack the convoy."

antgonist Lee
's getting away on a convoy? How can I run after him, since
I can barely move
? Wait, there's a horse! Giddy-up!

And I try riding after the convoy--

**bzzt!**Stay in the area. **bzzt!** ...says the game.

Wait, how can I stay in the area when... ...then a red message appears, saying I missed the attack. But I don't desynchronize. ...oh. That convoy has nothing to do with my target. That horse is just there for show. All I need to do is
go inside the tavern
and the mission is over.

These stupid in-your-face subquests. To have them jump in front of the camera and ruin the scene -- who approved this nonsense?

And then there was the ending. Ugh. For this I played five games over three years, lapping up all the lore and speculation and puzzles? Wow. How low this franchise has sunk. And AC2 was so amazing... how the mighty have fallen.


I'd just ignore the side missions and finish the story and see how it ends.

i did this on PS3, combined with the technical issues at launch it resulted in a horrible experience. the main missions were really weak this time around.

but i just finished it on PC, took my time with all the content and it was much more enjoyable.
I finished this game after only playing the original Assassin's Creed for about 20 minutes so I had no clue what was going on at the end. I'm going back and trying to play though the original again and the difference is...stark.

This series has evolved rather quickly, I'd say.


Are the sidequests even worth doing or are they just basically fetch quests? Any free-running "tombs" like in Brotherhood and Revelations? Those were my favorite. I just finished sequence 7.

I finished this game after only playing the original Assassin's Creed for about 20 minutes so I had no clue what was going on at the end. I'm going back and trying to play though the original again and the difference is...stark.

This series has evolved rather quickly, I'd say.

Wait so you skipped Ass 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations? The biggest jump was between Ass 1 to Ass 2. Every game afterwards have been minor iterations. It has not evolved much in the last three games. Hence the disappointment.
Ah damn.

Just started the multiplayer and my internet cut out. When it came back it literally had skipped all the introductory stuff.

Any way I can go back and kick that all back in? What did I miss. Its frustrating to miss this stuff.

From what I saw, I did a tutorial and then got thrown into a 'proper' match. Does anything happen after the proper match?


Ah damn.

Just started the multiplayer and my internet cut out. When it came back it literally had skipped all the introductory stuff.

Any way I can go back and kick that all back in? What did I miss. Its frustrating to miss this stuff.

From what I saw, I did a tutorial and then got thrown into a 'proper' match. Does anything happen after the proper match?

I think the first "proper" match is still a practice session, so to speak; you can always re-do any of the tutorials as much as you like. Even if you've played AC multiplayer before, I'd still recommend doing them; some of the buttons are different.

I finished this game after only playing the original Assassin's Creed for about 20 minutes so I had no clue what was going on at the end. I'm going back and trying to play though the original again and the difference is...stark.

This series has evolved rather quickly, I'd say.

Did the first AC mention the Precursors explicitly? I can't remember now if we already knew about them in the first game. What was all the conspiracy-related e-mail pointing at in that game?


Did the first AC mention the Precursors explicitly? I can't remember now if we already knew about them in the first game. What was all the conspiracy-related e-mail pointing at in that game?
In AC1 the Precursors were only hinted at, barely, by Vidic in one line to Desmond.
Are the sidequests even worth doing or are they just basically fetch quests? Any free-running "tombs" like in Brotherhood and Revelations? Those were my favorite. I just finished sequence 7.

Wait so you skipped Ass 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations? The biggest jump was between Ass 1 to Ass 2. Every game afterwards have been minor iterations. It has not evolved much in the last three games. Hence the disappointment.

I bought Ass 1 right before Ass2 came out so I would be ready for it because I was hearing a lot of hype for the series. I played Ass 1 once or so and never went back. I meant to...it just never happened. Fast-forward to when I bought my Wii U and, while I loved Mario and NintendoLand, I needed something else to play so I chose Ass 3. Now I'm going back to the beginning to play everything leading up to Ass 3.

I really like typing the word ass.
Did the first AC mention the Precursors explicitly? I can't remember now if we already knew about them in the first game. What was all the conspiracy-related e-mail pointing at in that game?

I still don't even know what a Precursor is. Part of the reason I couldn't get into Ass 1 was the fact that it had all this weird, modern-day, sci-fi crap that I wasn't prepared for so I didn't really pay attention to anything but the Altaïr stuff.

Once that bitch Assassin leader demoted me and took away all of my fun gadgets, though, I was done.


Once that bitch Assassin leader demoted me and took away all of my fun gadgets, though, I was done.

LOL...Ass1 was very repetitive. Game was very half-baked. If the free running weren't so good I probably would have stopped too. They fixed most of the problems people had with the game in Ass2. Unfortunately they haven't really innovated much since.

I hope they totally re-do their stealth system in the next game. Having to place random bushes to hide that their stealth mechanics suck is really poor design.


I still don't even know what a Precursor is. Part of the reason I couldn't get into Ass 1 was the fact that it had all this weird, modern-day, sci-fi crap that I wasn't prepared for so I didn't really pay attention to anything but the Altaïr stuff.

Don't worry about it; you're not really supposed to. The modern-day conspiracy stuff is supposed to be in the background in AC1, but in AC2 there's a sidequest running all through the game whose objective is basically to put the Precursor stuff front and center.
LOL...Ass1 was very repetitive. Game was very half-baked. If the free running weren't so good I probably would have stopped too. They fixed most of the problems people had with the game in Ass2. Unfortunately they haven't really innovated much since.

I hope they totally re-do their stealth system in the next game. Having to place random bushes to hide that their stealth mechanics suck is really poor design.

I actually played through Arkham City for a second time not long before I started Ass 3 and I was appalled at the fact that I couldn't even duck down to hide when I was trying not to be seen.

The choices are: find tall grass/run away/get stuck in an endless fight with asshole redcoats. How can I not just duck down like Batman? GAWD.


I actually played through Arkham City for a second time not long before I started Ass 3 and I was appalled at the fact that I couldn't even duck down to hide when I was trying not to be seen.

The choices are: find tall grass/run away/get stuck in an endless fight with asshole redcoats. How can I not just duck down like Batman? GAWD.

Exactly. It doesn't help that I just finished playing Farcry 3 and Dishonored that both had very fun stealth mechanics. They should not be allowed to call themselves assassins until they fix this part of the gameplay :p


This game is atrocious. I'm forcing myself through it because I paid for it, but ever since taking control of Connor, I've hated just about every second.
... I tried exploring a little more of the temple... I died trying
and got a very interesting message that implies that Desmond himself is being controlled by someone else, or that this is a recording from another person's perspective.

I'm also curious about that, anyone know what could that possibly mean?
Stupid question, but I had a look and couldnt find anything. Am I right in thinking that hiding spots are not shown on the mini radar any more? It was pretty useful in the older games to know where to run and hide, now I feel like in a chase im kind of blind and just keep running!

I suppose I should use social stealth rather than hiding spots? I did try but I got spotted by someone who ran near my group. Are there certain enemy types that spot you in social stealth or did I somehow mess up?

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Guys, remember how some people (including me) wanted to have a co-op mode in AC3? Yeah, about that.

"Before we knew about the Desmond story and Animus link, we had a huge co-op component in there," Bergeron said. "But it just became too hard to do: the engine couldn't support it, and then the metaphor we had above it didn't support it. Co-op was one of those big things at the beginning that just didn't make sense in the end."

As in: "we just couldn't do it and we're making the excuse that it didn't make sense in the storyline because we didn't want to waste more money on it".


Finished the game today, was set on getting everything, maybe even getting a platinum. Then I beat the game... And it was like the final straw. I got these flash backs of every time Conner froze mid-combat, the random unpolished bits, weak story elements, and I said fuck it. Took the game out, won't play it ever again... Well I might try the mp, but not for a while. Fuck me man that ending sucked hard.


So I'm about 15-20 hours in now, still in ch.6, just been clearing all the optional content available before resuming the story, and there's some really weird design decisions in this game. I'm enjoying it, sorta, but I definitely see the AC1 comparisons. It almost reminds me of AC1 x Oblivion in that you gotta make your own fun and immerse yourself.

Like the whole "you must map out the entire map yourself because we want you looking at the screen and being immersed and not running from one radar point to another"...I actually could accept this argument and there is some Oblivion style fun in exploring and mapping the Frontier by foot and then coming across feathers and things as you go.

...But then I just found out you can buy maps of all the treasures/feathers/peg leg items, which is the freaking opposite of what they just said. Now instead of exploring the frontier I'm just running from blip on my radar to blip on my radar collecting things.

It's also annoying because unlike AC2 where you could MAKE YOUR OWN MAP by selecting and deselecting which icons you want to show up...here you have no control! They all show up and after you buy the maps, your map is now a mess of icons and you can't make them go away!! WTF. Why would they go back from AC2's map interface? Like so many other things in this game it seems like they literally devolved from AC2, whereas elsewhere they took it another step forward like the stealth grass (which I really like).

But then you have the moments where you stumble upon an enemy camp, climb a tree and snipe someone and then drop down and stealth assassinate all the guys making your way around and it's like "hey, this is a pretty fun assassination sandbox game".

Ups & Downs for sure.

Oh and the game runs SO GOOD now after the latest Nvidia beta drivers. Almost constant 60fps. Yes! Oh, but it still crashes on me here and there. Boo :(


Also the Boston underground is so confusing. I run into all kinds of doors locked from the other side and walls that look like they should be hallways. Can you not unlock all of the underground until you progress to a certain point in the story? And you can't find underground entrances on the above-ground map besides the starting one, right?


Also the Boston underground is so confusing. I run into all kinds of doors locked from the other side and walls that look like they should be hallways. Can you not unlock all of the underground until you progress to a certain point in the story? And you can't find underground entrances on the above-ground map besides the starting one, right?

You can open all the underground locations once you enter a city, as far as I am aware they don't require you to be so far to unlock them. Doors locked from the other side means there is a way around them some how, usually going over them and coming back down or around them some how, if there is a hallway with a wall with a hole check that there isn't a gunpowder barrel you can shoot and blow it up.

Though if you want to save time, maps for Boston and NY.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Why use the underground? Just use Quick travel and then climb the roofs. The underground was awful and thankfully not required.


It's also annoying because unlike AC2 where you could MAKE YOUR OWN MAP by selecting and deselecting which icons you want to show up...here you have no control! They all show up and after you buy the maps, your map is now a mess of icons and you can't make them go away!! WTF. Why would they go back from AC2's map interface? Like so many other things in this game it seems like they literally devolved from AC2, whereas elsewhere they took it another step forward like the stealth grass (which I really like).

Well, you can still filter the map, just not in the same way as you did in the previous AC games. When you're in the map menu, push to the right, and that will bring up the filter. Unfortunately it reverts back when you exit, but it's one way to see through the clutter.
Finally Platinumed the game. There were two privateer contracts that were a nightmare to 100% sync. The other stuff was mostly just time consuming.
Why use the underground? Just use Quick travel and then climb the roofs. The underground was awful and thankfully not required.

the underground give you more quick travel points in a city . you have to complete the underground and afterwards you just quick travel like crazy.
Is the underground actually fun? Is there anything to see down there or do down there? If its just a blind maze I doubt I will bother. May just follow a map in order to do the door puzzles.

Also silly question, but how do I actually use the cheats I unlocked by doing the Pivots?


Is the underground actually fun? Is there anything to see down there or do down there? If its just a blind maze I doubt I will bother. May just follow a map in order to do the door puzzles.

No, navigating the underground is tedious and boring. There are some fights, but not much else.
Is the underground actually fun? Is there anything to see down there or do down there? If its just a blind maze I doubt I will bother. May just follow a map in order to do the door puzzles.

Also silly question, but how do I actually use the cheats I unlocked by doing the Pivots?
It's in options. Looks for "animus hacks".


yeah, head to the £ icon and you can dye outfit inside

actual outfits you unlock by doing certain missions are in the mansion basement
I just got prompted for a patch 2.01 for AC3. Anyone know what this is? Google didn't yield any results. I canceled it just to get to the main menu and make sure I had the right game in.


pc notes said this - basically all MP

Patch 1.03 PC Release Notes:

- Night maps are available now
- Ability animation icons fixed
- Ladder fixes
- Various fixes of the in game videos
- Issues with usage of the Chasebreaker fixed
- Champions packs will be available now
- Gameplay and Appearance packs will be accessible
- UI improvements related to Various overlaps
- Ability set exploit fix
- DLC Playlist improvement
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