As a longtime AC fan for whom AC2 is the pinnacle fo the franchise, I'm dreading the ending of this game despite staying away from any kind of spoiler!
Still, I got up to the end of Sequence 3 and enjoyed the twist there (which I didn't see coming until about 10 seconds before it happened).
Some of these "don't be detected" missions are annoying. I must have failed the "rescue the three groups of prisoners in the camp" mission 10 or 15 times, and a similar number of failures for the "infiltrate the fort in a snowstorm" mission soon after that. I can't seem to figure out how to do non-lethal takedowns, so I had to do the fort mission not just without killing anyone, but without incapacitating anyone, which was not fun.
Boston doesn't quite have the vibrancy that AC2, ACB, and ACR's cities had. Which doesn't give me confidence for New York, which wasn't anywhere near as developed in the 1750s as it is now (or was even 50 years later).
Multiplayer is as fun as always, though! I'm struggling to learn all these new avatars and what they look like from various angles, and am getting killed regularly in Simple Deathmatch. Manhunt seems a lot harder than it was in ACB ad ACR. Artifact Assault is a lot of fun, and Wolfpack is a fantastic addition. I can only imagine how much fun Wolfpack would be if you were playing with three friends, all of whom had headsets. As it is, it's frustrating because teammates will jump in and take kills from you. I want to somehow tell that ally of mine that I'm standing next to this target for three whole seconds not because I don't know to kill him, but because I (and we; this is a team effort) need that Focus bonus!
Any of you GAFfers playing Multi? Feel free to add me; I'm Heian_Xavier[/i]. Mention your GAF name so I know it's not just some random person.