Let me guess.
Generic characters, boring story, possibly amazing freedom and world map but with the most dull game design ever which will make you want to give up after a few hours.
Climb a tower, syncronize, do a few activities, they are all the same, and if you have the chance to find something that you haven't done before, you know it will be a template for something that will be copy and pasted 1000 times into the map.
I really cannot stand this anymore, and I used to be a fan of the series during the first few episodes, but really, I can't stand these ubisoft (and other similar) open worlds anymore. Playing something while knowing already exactly everything you're going to do is a terrible feeling. There's no excitement, no magic, no immersion, it just feels like work at some point.
I really need games with more original experiences, where you discover new things while playing.
Generic characters, boring story, possibly amazing freedom and world map but with the most dull game design ever which will make you want to give up after a few hours.
Climb a tower, syncronize, do a few activities, they are all the same, and if you have the chance to find something that you haven't done before, you know it will be a template for something that will be copy and pasted 1000 times into the map.
I really cannot stand this anymore, and I used to be a fan of the series during the first few episodes, but really, I can't stand these ubisoft (and other similar) open worlds anymore. Playing something while knowing already exactly everything you're going to do is a terrible feeling. There's no excitement, no magic, no immersion, it just feels like work at some point.
I really need games with more original experiences, where you discover new things while playing.