Zomg ur right were being dum. Lets stop the argumets and stuf k? Parity forevs.Why are we discussing things, ubisoft went all out of their way to prevent discussing the graphics and resolution. You guys are ruining it![]()
Zomg ur right were being dum. Lets stop the argumets and stuf k? Parity forevs.Why are we discussing things, ubisoft went all out of their way to prevent discussing the graphics and resolution. You guys are ruining it![]()
Also means a lot more NPCs to run into and stumble when trying to make a getaway.Yeah I really could do with a lot less NPCs. Already felt like there were enough in the other games. The NPCs don't even look that great and they don't seem like they're gonna do anything amazing that's worth trading the visual quality for all that AI.
At least I can watch people play this for free to see how it is. I really want it to look good in person and be good. Co-op in Assassin's Creed is something I've wanted for quite awhile.
Unless the game somehow looks a million times better in motion, which I would be perfectly fine with because I cant see myself taking screenshots while playing and meticulously going over them, I think I will be having too much fun playing the game.
Why do people constantly make it an issue about graphics when it's clearly about Ubisoft being full of shit again? If they removed game mechanics that they'd been advertising for months I'd be just as annoyed.
Also, it's as if some people think they're apart of some noble cause that doesn't care about visuals. It's an Assassin's Creed game. From a series that needs to pump out another slightly different version from the last every year. Graphics is one of the main things it has going for it.
and thats pretty sad. Same thing in movies and why the last transformers made over a billion dollars.
Yeah I really could do with a lot less NPCs. Already felt like there were enough in the other games. The NPCs don't even look that great and they don't seem like they're gonna do anything amazing that's worth trading the visual quality for all that AI.
At least I can watch people play this for free to see how it is. I really want it to look good in person and be good. Co-op in Assassin's Creed is something I've wanted for quite awhile.
Also means a lot more NPCs to run into and stumble when trying to make a getaway.
That's so beautiful compared to the final product. The reflections, lighting and image quality are all so much better than the actual game. One day a technically competent developer will give us visuals like that.
and I cant believe how much people obsess over graphics. The nemesis system is the most impressive thing I have seen so far this gen, over Second Sons graphics, or Killzones graphics...anything
I also believe there is something off with the way these screenshots were taken and uploaded. That one video that came out the other day of the beginning of the game looked amazing
Why are you so stubborn? Why can't you just admit that we're fully justified for being upset just like you. If you're fine paying sixty bucks for a halfbaked game you're more than welcome to, and if we don't want to let Ubisoft fuck our wallets anymore than we have a right to tell them no. Stop telling us we shouldn't be upset and that we should only focus on gameplay. We have every right!no, I think the major changes to almost all points of AC gameplay are more important
Reminds of Driveclub, and all the talk about downgraded visuals and no shadows...which resulted on Rushy having to take a picture of an actual car "with no shadows", to show that is part of the lighting/engine/whatever, which aims to be realistic and varies by position instead of oversaturated with excesive shadows.Are you familiar with Fresnel effects?
Apparently not!
Guys, let's spend another six pages talking about how there are no shadows!
Because that idiot dead horse could do with slightly more flogging.
no, I think the major changes to almost all points of AC gameplay are more important
Nah. This is the first time they're actually attempting the atmosphere from the AC1 trailers on a large scale. I'd rather they gimp the visuals now in favor of crowds so that in 2-3 years we reap the benefits.
Why are we discussing things, ubisoft went all out of their way to prevent discussing the graphics and resolution. You guys are ruining it![]()
Now you're talking. Cancel your preorders until DF tells us how hard Ubi fucked us.TBH those debating arent even discussing resolution that much. 900p is not "blurry" or low res or whatever and these screens have obviously been compressed to hell and back again. Other GAFers usually point stuff like this out before I do, but it's getting glossed over a lot.
Youre basically getting the same old shitty "DOWNGRADETON" maymay shit usually thrown at Ubisoft.
This game in particular has always looked better in motion. Even in that leaked alpha footage that was glitchy as fuck, it looked great. Compressed screencaps of the side of a building tell us almost nothing, yet people are acting like this game looks like shit.
The thing is, people are still pretty pissed over the parity debacle and are channeling their discontent at the game as a whole. Mods have actually had to delete posts and threaten to ban users at all the immature jokes about parity.
Do I think the parity scandal is true? Maybe. WD was 900p on PS4 vs XO's 720p. Several other games have resolution or frame rate gaps. It is really suspicious how MS is supporting this game and then this happens. But then again, I'll wait for the DF article before I pass judgement, since no one knows what's going on in the background. Thats what a reasonable person would do.
no, I think the major changes to almost all points of AC gameplay are more important
How many damn npcs do you really need on the screen at one time? There werent any difficulties hiding in past games or having the world seem "alive"
these screens have obviously been compressed to hell and back
You clearly didn't read the thread's responses if you think this is only about numbers before a p.reasonable responses... honestly this thread is nothing more about continuing the discontent of gamers as a whole.
lets just ignore the visual scale of this game or even the much more advanced lighting lets only focus on resolution because all i can do quantify is the numbers before a p.
Why are we discussing things, ubisoft went all out of their way to prevent discussing the graphics and resolution. You guys are ruining it![]()
It's not too late.I feel like I was sold a lie again.
+ the constant pop in.
What's this based on? Here's one of the screenshots:
Here it the same screenshot 'compressed to hell and back':
Notice the heavy artifacts? The edges of sharp UI objects being discoloured? The originals are hardly compressed at all. You guys have got to stop using that as some sort of crutch.
Just because artifacts aren't easily noticable doesn't mean something isn't really compressed.
The images were probably shared to Facebook and then reuploaded to imgur. You're going to lose a lot of visual detail. It's not a crutch. It's a fact.
Just because artifacts aren't easily noticable doesn't mean something isn't really compressed.
The images were probably shared to Facebook and then reuploaded to imgur. You're going to lose a lot of visual detail. It's not a crutch. It's a fact.
On top of blurry and brown ridden, the game simply doesn't look impressive at all. The overall IQ and texture work seems pretty poor. Well, I wasn't sold on Unity anyway, so this is just confirming it.
You start the sentence with 'probably' then end with 'it's a fact'.
I had the "chance" to play this at PGS, it's far worse than everything you can think of.
- The framerate is absolute horror.
- THE CLIPPING POP UPS, it's just not acceptable to have that much clipping in a game that looks that bad. It ruins any sort of immersion. You walk, turn the camera, see npc textures load up AS WELL as their shadows (when there are shadows), just popping up, you ignore it, walk forward, see everything ahead load up. This is unbearable. If you think infamous was bad, this will make you cry.
- The animations are, I'm sure, nice individually, but holy hell they glitch every chance they can, making this game look worse than AC 2 PC at this point.
- The super Ninja Naruto jumps. I have no words.
- The fights are exactly what you can expect. Shit.
Good points :
- Atmosphere
Horrible first impressions. That might not make it a bad game tho, maybe the missions and COOP + story can save the game.
I tested the xbox one version.
Uh... Yeah it does. I also said they weren't heavily compressed, not that they weren't compressed at all. Considering you can still make out the aliasing on the buildings in the distance, I'd say compression wouldn't factor into it any more than a JPG saved from Steam would.
You start the statement with 'probably' then end with 'it's a fact'. Hmm. Either way, and as someone who works on Photoshop and web dev for around 12 hours a day, I'm telling you now, they're not heavily compressed.
Mmmm, no
Look how buildings have zero reflections now :
Dayum! D=
But you did say Xbox One version. I heard that version was running at like 20fps or something like that in another thread. That's horrible if true.
If explanations and photographic proof of heavy compression are not evidence enough, I don't know what would be. Keep ridin' that crutch, I guess.
Have you seen the textures in the cathedrals, buildings, insides and outsides? I think they did a pretty good job, obviously not ALL textures will have the same level of detail.
Edit: man did Evilore approve a new wave of juniors? no offense, but I'm constantly rolling my eyes at the amount of bullshit from some of these guys :/
You start the statement with 'probably' then end with 'it's a fact'. Hmm. Either way, and as someone who works on Photoshop and web dev for around 12 hours a day, I'm telling you now, they're not heavily compressed.
I said that because you said people were saying compression was a clutch and I concluded that if there was compression, it would need to be considered. I work in graphic design, I'm telling you now, they're heavily compressed.
Played the xbone demo at PAX and can verify that the framerate is indeed dogshit. it felt like a slideshow at times.
But that wasn't my main problem with the game. my main problem was the shitty parkour, which feels like a big step backwards from previous games. movement was unresponsive, and my character kept moving in directions i didnt want him to. dont even get me started on the combat.