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August NPD Top 10s


Eric-GCA said:
Can anyone post the numbers for the best selling third party software on the Gamecube for reference?

On another note, I'm still majorly dissapointed that Eternal Darkness didn't sell more than it did.

As of July:

Star Wars Rogue Squadron II Rogue Leader: 851,618
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III Rebel Strike: 376,468

Soul Calibur (GC): 639,559

Resident Evil Zero: 415,601
Resident Evil: 465,276

Tales of Symphonia: 185,679


There are other games like Agent Under Fire, Spider-Man 2, Nightfire, and Pac-Man World 2, but I don't have numbers for those.


AniHawk said:
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!: 1,663,659
Super Mario Sunshine: 1,559,217
The Wind Waker: 1,490,722
Luigi's Mansion: 1,449,511

Truly sad to see such a mediocre title go toe-to-toe with the big shots.


Fularu said:
May I know why people never metion the 600k or so SMS sold with the bundle? It wasn't a free game... SMS is more like 2.1 million in the US (not counting canada japan europe)

I said it in the Sega thread, I'll say it here: I don't count games which aren't listed under the publisher. Be it Shenmue II, F-Zero GX, ESPN NFL 2K5 for Sega, or SMS bundle for Nintendo, they will not be listed when I give the totals for a publisher.


Eric-GCA said:
Can anyone post the numbers for the best selling third party software on the Gamecube for reference?

On another note, I'm still majorly dissapointed that Eternal Darkness didn't sell more than it did.

Here's what I have (Please feel to dispute these if they are incorrect.) Games in () have not been updated with this month's #s yet. Most US made games (with the exception of Lucasarts games) have not been updated since June 04)

(T. HAWKS PRO SKATER 3) 509,842
(SONIC HEROES) 414,516
(BOND 007: NIGHTFIRE) 687,508
(MADDEN NFL 2002) 367,053
(SSX TRICKY) 328,862


Soul4ger said:
I thought LM was great for the hour and a half it lasted....
Yep... it's actually one of EAD's better games this gen imo. Short and sweet but still polished in the way Mario/Zelda/Mario Kart were missing.... it would've been nice as a launch pack-in.


amazing how these monsters still sell after launch. No matter what you guys say about xbox sales numbers - non big titles on the box just don't even move anything (see GBTG); I don't see that installed base reflected in the sales of the game numbers. I reckon everyone's chipping the box to death and copying the games to the harddrive.

Translation: blah, blah, blah, I talk out my ass, blah, blah, blah

Here's a clue GG - Tie Ratio


Nice numbers for the football games and Symphonia. If RuSa are any indication, Pokemon's going to have one hell of a month this month.
Soul4ger said:
RE4 is a big one, but they got trapped on that way back when. If they had to do things now, do you think it would be a GC-exclusive, even if it does end up just being timed? The two Mega Man games, and VJ2, are brilliant, actually, but beyond that, there's nothing, and neither of those are exclusive. And the one is worse/not as good on the GC. Of course, Capcom is pretty much abandoning Xbox, too, but the support and excitement aren't there like they once were.

Trapped, you can't be serious. With any contract both parties have to agree, Capcom knew what they were doing when they got into a deal. Its an obvious risk, and gamers will thank them for it.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Sigh... can't wait till mainstream people drop videogames like a bad habit... it's sad seeing sports games constantly outsell quality titles like Tales of Symphonia. Maybe it's because, like any good nerd worth his salt, I hate sports...

Even though, I want the ESPN games to be successful for SEGA, cuz maybe they can invest that money and actually make some GOOD games, once again...


AniHawk said:
As of July:

Star Wars Rogue Squadron II Rogue Leader: 851,618
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III Rebel Strike: 376,468

Soul Calibur (GC): 639,559

Resident Evil Zero: 415,601
Resident Evil: 465,276

Tales of Symphonia: 185,679


There are other games like Agent Under Fire, Spider-Man 2, Nightfire, and Pac-Man World 2, but I don't have numbers for those.

Impressive SC2 numbers. Do worldwide numbers push it above one million?

Now that SA2:B has dropped to 19.99, I feel that it'll be able to do one million in its lifetime. SMB2 should also get a boost thanks to the PC rerelease.

Look at all that Sonic/Monkey love, it's a shame Sega always has to be stupid and potentially ruin their fanbase.

I hope ToS can break another 50K next month as well.

I also agree that LoZ:WW and SSB:M will be getting price drops, potentially even Animal Crossing.

WHY hasn't ED or WR:BS gone PC yet?

Deku Tree

I'm kind of dissapointed that VJ didn't make it into the PS2 top ten.
Wasn't VJ released on 8/24?
Granted it only had a week, but it would have been nice to see it hit at least 40k.


djtiesto said:
Sigh... can't wait till mainstream people drop videogames like a bad habit... it's sad seeing sports games constantly outsell quality titles like Tales of Symphonia. Maybe it's because, like any good nerd worth his salt, I hate sports...

Even though, I want the ESPN games to be successful for SEGA, cuz maybe they can invest that money and actually make some GOOD games, once again...

Translation: Sigh.. can't wait until ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY BUY VIDEO GAMES quit purchasing them... Then the games I enjoy can sell 50,000 copies and move back to the top of the charts!

Deal with it. Your tastes are apparently obscure and *hardcore* as we say. Tales of Symphonia has sold extremely well! Considering it's a GC exclusive, and 3rd party support is normally pretty non-existant.. it's sold a ton of copies in the first 2 months without some huge marketing blitz.


Hero said:
Impressive SC2 numbers. Do worldwide numbers push it above one million?

Now that SA2:B has dropped to 19.99, I feel that it'll be able to do one million in its lifetime. SMB2 should also get a boost thanks to the PC rerelease.

Look at all that Sonic/Monkey love, it's a shame Sega always has to be stupid and potentially ruin their fanbase.

I hope ToS can break another 50K next month as well.

I also agree that LoZ:WW and SSB:M will be getting price drops, potentially even Animal Crossing.

WHY hasn't ED or WR:BS gone PC yet?

1. SC2 has not broken 1 million WW for the GC. It's about 800k on the system so far.
2. It will reach 1 million in the US by the end of the year.
3. Please don't bring that shit into this thread when there's another one devoted to it.
4. I think it may. The game's cover practically sells itself. I know anecdotes are never exact measurements, but even the other day I was in the store, and this 12-13 year old was asking their parents if he could get ToS. When they asked him about it, he had no clue what it was about.
5. Forgot about AC. That should be $20 by the end of the year. Has potential to hit another 250,000 or at least hit the 900k the Japanese game did.
6. Because ED is $15 without being PC, and WRBS dropped to $20 before the first PCs were announced, I believe.


djtiesto said:
Sigh... can't wait till mainstream people drop videogames like a bad habit... it's sad seeing sports games constantly outsell quality titles like Tales of Symphonia. Maybe it's because, like any good nerd worth his salt, I hate sports...

Even though, I want the ESPN games to be successful for SEGA, cuz maybe they can invest that money and actually make some GOOD games, once again...

the sports games are actually good though.

I simply cannot wait to see what impact Pro Evolution Soccer 4 has on Xbox in UK this xmas. Epecially on XBL subscriptions.

I was speaking to some people on Burnout 3 today, they said they recently signed up because of Pro Evo on Live. Was quite surprised, the word is already getting around.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Prine said:
the sports games are actually good though.

I simply cannot wait to see what impact Pro Evolution Soccer 4 has on Xbox in UK this xmas. Epecially on XBL subscriptions.

I was speaking to some people on Burnout 3 today, he said he signed up because of Pro Evo on Live. Was quite surprised, the word is already getting around.

Yeah, if you like sports, they may be good, but like I said, I'm a geek and couldn't give a shit. I'll root for the Bills or the Islanders if they ever make it to the finals, and of course I'll always hope the Yankees lose...

Capcom got chastised for releasing the same game over and over with minor upgrades, why are the mags so lovey-dovey on EA? I don't remember sports selling that well at all in the 16 bit days, either...


Then you shouldnt get upset over ToS performance. If you like RPGs its a great game, if you dont, its crap. Swings both ways eh?

EA are giving what the gamers want with madden, same goes for Visual Concepts. Its not a bad thing, nor an indication of the current state of videogames.

More people like football, thats the way it is.


Soul4ger said:
See, you're wrong. I didn't say Japanese companies WEREN'T dropping Xbox support. Just that there was a push for people to make GameCube games for a while, and now it's completely fallen off. There was a lot of talk about Nintendo properties being farmed out to third-parties, and while F-Zero showed up, where are the other ones from Sega and Capcom? There were rumors about them, and even hints by the developers themselves. Do you see companies announcing five or six GameCube exclusive releases in a single night anymore? Saying "For the Future! For GameCube!" I don't. I don't doubt that GC third-party support will continue to trickle out, but I doubt it'll be anywhere near as exciting as it used to be. I could be wrong, part of that could just be that developers are starting to focus on the next-generation of systems. But I highly, highly doubt that.
That sort of behaviour is usually limited to the beginning of a generation, when there's still some question about how things will pan out. At this point, there is no real reason for the manufacturers to chase exclusives for this generation's systems - they're either being approached by the developers, or they aren't.

The same thing will happen again for all systems next generation, assuming that none of them are that much more expensive to develop for than the others.


Prine said:
the sports games are actually good though.

Yup. I guess it's like online gaming.. if you dont enjoy the style of games then it may be hard to imagine. However, a good sports game can be played zealously for 6 months easy. The replay value is almost endless (especially now w/ online play evolving) It's difficult to find better values on the market (that aren't PC online MP type games w/ free play). So, it's always surprising to see people diss the new Madden or whatnot as being a $50 update.

If someone is able to spend 150 hours on Madden this year @$50 is it not worth repurchasing even though the changes might be slight.. I mean.. that's a lot of enjoyment for a LOT of people.

Whereas, tons of people purchased Chronicles of Riddick and loved the game.. at 10ish hours.. maybe 20 or so if you played through multiple times, but that is deemed perfectly ok to purchase.


Interest fact worth noting:

Madden's opening take (about $106,000,000) is greater than the opening week box office of any movie, other than the two Spiderman pictures.

Musashi Wins!

They should start a GAMECUBE NINTENDO bundle that comes with a hundred dollar bill. Free game and a hundred dollars out the door. Christ, what a lackluster machine.

I didn't expect the PS2 shortage to come out that way. Either way, nice going Xbox.
jedimike said:
Translation: blah, blah, blah, I talk out my ass, blah, blah, blah

Here's a clue GG - Tie Ratio

Translation: blah, blah, blah, I talk out my ass, blah, blah, blah

Here's a clue JM.. give me a tie ratio. Without numbers.. see above.


Rhindle said:
Interest fact worth noting:

Madden's opening take (about $106,000,000) is greater than the opening week box office of any movie, other than the two Spiderman pictures.
Yes, that will make people take notice. I wonder how much of that is from the 1st 3 days like a movie.


Prine said:
I was speaking to some people on Burnout 3 today, they said they recently signed up because of Pro Evo on Live. Was quite surprised, the word is already getting around.
People in the UK? Interesting.

I think if Konami released dance stage on a more timely basis, Xbox would be doing even better in Europe.


The month of August ended early for NPD, so all of the August 30 releases will have to wait until September - including Star Ocean 3.
I dont understand the hate/contempt some people have for sport games. Sport games have always sold well, and sport was one of the very first genres in video games. Summer Games, Decathlon, Kick Off etc were on top seller lists for months back in 80's.

Sport games rock! and sport games are the best party games... :) Is it fashionable to hate sport games since they quite often are "western" games?


Internet geeks don't like sports games because they were picked last in kick ball :)

Seriously though, looks like Madden sales and NCAA sales picked up significantly because of Xbox live support. EA will probably see similar spikes for Tiger Woods, NBA Live, and Need for Speed underground 2.

Shortage or not this is the first time Xbox has outsold PS2 when both were the same price for the entire month. As I predicted in the past word of mouth on Xbox is spreading well and the system has exclusive titles that people want to play. EA being on Xbox Live also seems to be helping out console sales quite a bit, I don't like EA much but it's helping Xbox sales quite a bit.

A bunch of different factors come in to play, but you can probably expect PS2 and Xbox to duke it out in monthly numbers for at least the next 6 months. Can Fable carry Xbox to victory in September? I pick PS2 to win September.

I love it when I'm right!

Where is Deg now?


Yeah, I can see the duke-out. They are close in sales and with a strong anticipation for Fable (XBox's 2nd most important game of the year), September for the XBox should be pretty good, but PS2 will stop the Gamestop and EB shortages that happened.

From PS2 and XBox, PS2 will probably do a bit better, but Pokemon FiLe will lead to a crushing blow for both from GBA...

The real question is GCN. Pokemon Colosseum will not doubt gain a higher profile due to the talk coming from the two new Pokemon games. With Pikmin 2, Donkey Konga, Day of Reckoning (first WWE game release since Smackdown last fall), and the Metroid Bunle, Gamecube should at least see a 10-15% rise in sales, but really, with the only Pokemon console games on it, it could go much higher than normal.


JayFro said:
I dont understand the hate/contempt some people have for sport games.

My taste in sports games reflects my taste in sports in general. I love watching and playing basketball and baseball. I can't stand watching football, soccer, or hockey most of the time, and I've only owned one game out of those sports I dislike (and it was one my dad purchased). Maybe the people here who don't like sports video games in general don't like them because they dislike them in the real world.


If Xbox takes PS2 two consecutive months by beating it in September does this show a shift in momentum? Or is it simply a bit of dumb luck?


JayFro said:
If Xbox takes PS2 two consecutive months by beating it in September does this show a shift in momentum? Or is it simply a bit of dumb luck?

PS2 at some point was going to start showing it's age and I think it's slowing seeping into consumer notions about current hardware. (shift in momentum) Some mainstreamers are definitely moving to XBox, but they've also got their 2nd biggest title of the year, Fable, being released in September (luck and/or was ready for this date)
JayFro said:
If Xbox takes PS2 two consecutive months by beating it in September does this show a shift in momentum? Or is it simply a bit of dumb luck?

If the Xbox can consistantly outsell the PS2 once Sony has the new shipments of the PS2 out, then that'll be the shift in power. I'm not sure if the new units have been sent out by now, but i'd hope they would be. It's been about a month since the original announcement of there being a shortage of systems.


JayFro said:
If Xbox takes PS2 two consecutive months by beating it in September does this show a shift in momentum? Or is it simply a bit of dumb luck?

Depends on whether or not anyone can get their systems shipped in time. Both are experiencing shortages, but Xbox seems to be performing at a more normal rate, whereas the PS2 is doing much lower than usual.

EDIT: Damn that was fast.


I don't think MS can keep this up 2 months in a row. Unless Sony has manufacturing I don't know about, I think the Flextronics plant in Mexico allows MS a small amount of market sensitivity more than Sony which has to ship from Asia. That benefit showed up in a few thousand more systems sold. I'm sure Sony has adjusted to demand on its warehouses and has more than enough systems shipping on the way and ready for the holidays.


I think Sony will rebound next month and regain the lead once again, but like many others have said, it's going to be a seesaw battle from here on out, imo. Microsoft has a string of high quality titles in the pipelines coming out on a very consistent basis, starting with Fable and continuing with Halo 2. Add the facts that most people already own a PS2 and more and more of the "mainstream" is noticing the Xbox and you've got a recipe of some serious competition. As I've always said... the next few years are going to be *very* interesting.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
AniHawk said:
My taste in sports games reflects my taste in sports in general. I love watching and playing basketball and baseball. I can't stand watching football, soccer, or hockey most of the time, and I've only owned one game out of those sports I dislike (and it was one my dad purchased). Maybe the people here who don't like sports video games in general don't like them because they dislike them in the real world.

Some of my friends at work, they're very big sports fans... buy tickets to all the games, play for fun/in leagues, etc... but they can't stand the games. I hate sports games because I don't like sports, myself. The most fun I had with a sports game were the ridiculous old NES games liek Baseball Stars or Tecmo Bowl, so unrealistic but lots of fun. I play video games to escape reality, so realistic games in general bore me.


Do you take the same stance with Nintendo releasing yearly updates of Pokemon? I assume you like pokemon and appreciate that gamefreak do enough to warrent a purchase yeah?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
SolidSnakex said:
If the Xbox can consistantly outsell the PS2 once Sony has the new shipments of the PS2 out, then that'll be the shift in power. I'm not sure if the new units have been sent out by now, but i'd hope they would be. It's been about a month since the original announcement of there being a shortage of systems.

How can it be a shift in power? In reality aren't we going to start seeing a down turn in PS2 sales possibly as much as a year before the down turn in other consoles(of course the unveiling of new consoles could affect that... as could another price drop.. but not a $20 one IMO).


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Prine said:
Do you take the same stance with Nintendo releasing yearly updates of Pokemon? I assume you like pokemon and appreciate that gamefreak do enough to warrent a purchase yeah?

No, I don't really care for Pokemon, what the hell gave you that idea? Because I hate sports, somehow I like Pokemon? I don't really care for the whole, 3 whole versions of the same game bit, but there was a definite jump from the originals, to Gold/Silver, to Ruby/Sapphire. Certainly a bigger jump than from Madden 2003-2005. If I was a fan, I would buy one from each of the product line, if you're a hardcore fan/collector obviously you'll want all of the versions.
So can I sell my GC as it is now over? No seriously. There is no way Nintendo can be happy with these numbers and third-parties should be even less happy.

Now what possible reason could third-parties have to even bother with future Nintendo support, outside of having to do GBA games?

Musashi Wins!

Has anyone else noticed that the whole NPD thing has really died down since the Gamecube quit being in real contention? Their must be a lot of Nintendo fans who just don't bother highlighting things these days. The old boards sales threads were omnivorous. Not saying I don't like the change.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Musashi Wins! said:
Has anyone else noticed that the whole NPD thing has really died down since the Gamecube quit being in real contention? Their must be a lot of Nintendo fans who just don't bother highlighting things these days. The old boards sales threads were omnivorous. Not saying I don't like the change.
Probably that and the fact that it isn't that close of a race anymore so no one's really that interested. No one likes watching a massacre (look at last years superbowl vs the broncos/falcons one, which was more interesting to watch). Although XBox fans have a slight dimmer of hope of matching PS2 monthly sales looking at the hardware numbers this month.
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