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August NPD Top 10s


2 more months and Xbox should have a 2 mil lead over Gamecube.

So is ESPN NFL2K5 turning a profit now? After selling 1.5 million copies.


Goodbye Gamecube, hello NDS. Didn't really want it to end this way, and the system should get a bit of a push when Zelda arrives, but it looks like (sales wise anyway) the big money making Nintendo action (for the forseeable future) will be on the portables. Alas, and all.

Still got the great games though, and that's all that matters. And NDS is going to own my soul :)


Whats with all the Gamecube goodbyes here? Just a year ago they were doing great. A few months before that they were doomed. Earlier this year there were shortages. A year ago the XBox was in third. The PS2 and the GBA are still pounding away at both.

Sure, they're in last now. And they probably will be for a while. But things change in this business fast. Who knows what it'll be like in a year. It's fun to watch the little month to month battles, but there is no reason to draw doomed conclusions from even an entire year of sales.

Another thing, why do people always talk about selling a system when it's not selling well? You don't like the games you already bought for it?


rawk said:
Another thing, why do people always talk about selling a system when it's not selling well? You don't like the games you already bought for it?

1. If the person's serious, then it's because there might not be too many games on the horizon they'd like to purchase. Besides, they'll get more money for it now than later when it is devalued even more.
2. If the person is not being serious, but pretends to be, they're just trying to piss off fans.


AniHawk said:
1. If the person's serious, then it's because there might not be too many games on the horizon they'd like to purchase. Besides, they'll get more money for it now than later when it is devalued even more.
2. If the person is not being serious, but pretends to be, they're just trying to piss off fans.

#2 I figured. #1, I guess I just don't identify with. There are no cool games on the horizon for my NES, but I love that little guy! It seems shortsighted to me, but to each his own.


rawk said:
#2 I figured. #1, I guess I just don't identify with. There are no cool games on the horizon for my NES, but I love that little guy! It seems shortsighted to me, but to each his own.

Yeah, I never get the point of selling systems. I always want to play a game on them sometime eventually. Just recently I started up my N64 after a year of not playing it at all. A few months back, I started Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on the DC again after not playing the system in about a year and a half...

I'm sure I'll play my Xbox, GBA, and PS2 sometime again soon. Though now the GC's going to be my primary gaming machine until at least November.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I think Sony will rebound next month and regain the lead once again, but like many others have said, it's going to be a seesaw battle from here on out, imo.
Quite possibly for the rest of this generation it will be pretty close. Next generation, with Microsoft reportedly launching at least six months sooner, who knows what will happen. Personally, I think it's not a good idea to gauge any global next gen sales just by looking at the month to month sales of the tail-end of this generation. Sure, PS2 is now selling not much more than Xbox in US in the past six months or so, but they are both not selling particularly big numbers. Will the same, close ratio of sales just continue straight into the next gen, or will Sony keep those extra (tens of) millions of PS2 owners to their side in the first years, before the sales slow down and equalize again? Hmmm, who knows. Talking only about the US, btw. I think Sony is pretty much invulnerable in the Europe and Japan, this gen and the next.

What will happen to Nintendo in this whole thing - I can't say I can even begin to guess. But I would bet that whatever happens in the next gen of home consoles, 3rd party games will in many cases be available for both PS3 and XB 2 (except for maybe some Japanese developed games and the key, paid for, 3rd party exclusives), while I wouldn't bet the same for Nintendo. It might also happen that the roles reverse in the next gen and PS3 games have some not so big technical advantages over the Xbox 2 games.

As I've always said... the next few years are going to be *very* interesting
That certainly should be. Even more so now that Sony is in the handheld market, which throws couple more variables into an already complex equation.

Has anyone else noticed that the whole NPD thing has really died down since the Gamecube quit being in real contention?
Yes, and thank God for that. Now I can go into these threads and easily find out how much certain games and consoles are selling, without sifting through tens of pages of flames and garbage.
Some Summary Numbers:
[b]Format		         Dollars 		 Units 		Percentage[/b]
DC Total		 $29,531 		 4,672 		0.01%
GBA Total		 $43,596,010 		 1,841,326 	12.95%
GBC Total		 $340,086 		 32,583 	0.10%
GBO Total		 $1,415 		 233 		0.00%
GCN Total		 $38,377,223 		 1,280,826 	11.40%
GEN Total		 $12 		         8 		0.00%
GG Total		 $466 		         178 		0.00%
N64 Total		 $25,817 		 2,948 		0.01%
NGA Total		 $141,987 		 4,593 		0.04%
NGP Total		 $4,282 		 252 		0.00%
PS Total		 $5,014,217 		 400,640 	1.49%
PS2 Total		 $168,979,648 		 4,916,751 	50.20%
SAT Total		 $26 		         28 		0.00%
XBX Total		 $80,105,095 		 2,551,127 	23.80%
Grand Total		 $336,615,815 		 11,036,165 	100.00%

In summary, PS2 = 2*Xbox = 4*GCN (based on dollar sales)


sonycowboy said:
257 PS2 VIEWTIFUL JOE $279,005 9,363

Released on 08/24/04

Viewtiful bomb :(

VJ sold about the same in Japan too for its first week. I've been seeing commercials again for it though... I'd imagine VJ 2 sales will be the interesting comparisons though.


Capcom got no one to blame but themselves, the very least they could've done was change the cover or plaster Dante's image on it to make everyone aware that he was in it, it also didn't help to release it for $30 right when the GC version dropped to $20


Link316 said:
Capcom got no one to blame but themselves, the very least they could've done was change the cover or plaster Dante's image on it to make everyone aware that he was in it, it also didn't help to release it for $30 right when the GC version dropped to $20

I didn't see ads for the game until this week. It's the same commercial from a year ago except the inform everyone it's PC and on the PS2 for $30. Being advertised will definitely help both versions.


In many places the GCN version isn't being carried anymore, even after going Player's Choice.

September should be a bit more telling as it'll have been out more than just one week, but either way, with the userbase size the PS2 has, that's not a good number.
what the HELL!?!
is halo EVER gonna get out of the Xbox top ten?!

halo probably will be in the top ten till halo 2 comes out...and even then it will still probably be in the top ten.



I haven't seen Viewtiful Joe PC anywhere.

It'll be interesting to see VJ2 PS2 vs VJ2 GCN first month numbers.

I don't think putting Dante would've helped all that much, though it's stupid they didn't change the box art.


Prine said:
Do you take the same stance with Nintendo releasing yearly updates of Pokemon? I assume you like pokemon and appreciate that gamefreak do enough to warrent a purchase yeah?
Pokemon isn't released annually.

Chi-Town said:
Cumulative Installed Base

PS2: 24,644,690
GBA: 22,891,568
Xbox: 9,583,911
GCN: 7,780,953
So how long until GBA actually passes PS2? I think with the drop to $79 it'll happen by December...


Hero said:
I haven't seen Viewtiful Joe PC anywhere.

It'll be interesting to see VJ2 PS2 vs VJ2 GCN first month numbers.

I don't think putting Dante would've helped all that much, though it's stupid they didn't change the box art.

GCN VIEWTIFUL JOE $223,946 11,042
PS2 VIEWTIFUL JOE $279,005 9,363

great numbers for the GCN version considering it's available in far fewer stores than the PS2 version...


Gold Member
Now where is that "OMG Nintendo will have a great August and regain leadership" viral marketing thread when it's most needed?? Tried to do a search but couldn't think of distinctive enough words.


Chittagong said:
Now where is that "OMG Nintendo will have a great August and regain leadership" viral marketing thread when it's most needed?? Tried to do a search but couldn't think of distinctive enough words.

That's because it doesn't exist. Efralope's thread was for September.


Gold Member
Shoryuken said:
That's because it doesn't exist. Efralope's thread was for September.

Whoops, my bad, jumping the gun there. So, we'll have to see how things go in September, then. With Burnout 3, it's pretty tough to see the EA domination not to continue. Over 40% however, that's sick.


Chittagong said:
Now where is that "OMG Nintendo will have a great August and regain leadership" viral marketing thread when it's most needed?? Tried to do a search but couldn't think of distinctive enough words.

GCN 75,000 (or 93,000, there was a dispute)

GCN 108,953

Rebound for GCN just like I had predicted.

Nintendo hardware marketshare for August is almost 50%, is that not leadership enough, lol.


It'll be interesting to see what Nintendo's placement will be when they get their first serious handheld contender.

The GameGear began to pick up steam and marketshare in the US and Europe before it was killed off, and even still, it had a lot of limiting factors. The PSP looks to be the first well assembled competitor.

And I expected Nintendo numbers to be higher, but apparently Free Metroid and Demo of Prime 2 Hunters doesn't interest many.


Link316 said:
they've pretty much been releasing a new Pokemon SKU every year either here or in Japan
So by counting games twice (or more), Nintendo releases annual Pokemons? Fuzzy...

Vagabond said:
It'll be interesting to see what Nintendo's placement will be when they get their first serious handheld contender.

The GameGear began to pick up steam and marketshare in the US and Europe before it was killed off, and even still, it had a lot of limiting factors. The PSP looks to be the first well assembled competitor.
I'm really hoping PSP manages to establish itself but there's still some alarming question marks... I'd really like to see PSP take a good chunk of Nintendo's handheld marketshare and PS3 lose some ground to Xenon/Revolution, but I'm kinda doubting either seriously happening at this point. :/


Soul4ger said:
See, you're wrong. I didn't say Japanese companies WEREN'T dropping Xbox support. Just that there was a push for people to make GameCube games for a while, and now it's completely fallen off.

Actually I wasn't wrong. I just mistook what you said. I thought you were saying that third parties were dropping support altogether. You were just saying that they were making less exclusives and not making as many games for the Cube as they did in the beginning. And I'll totally agree with that. If you don't have the largest userbase and the best graphics its hard to get somebody to make games for your system.


jarrod said:
So by counting games twice (or more), Nintendo releases annual Pokemons? Fuzzy...

I'm really hoping PSP manages to establish itself but there's still some alarming question marks... I'd really like to see PSP take a good chunk of Nintendo's handheld marketshare and PS3 lose some ground to Xenon/Revolution, but I'm kinda doubting either seriously happening at this point. :/
PS3 will lose some ground due to Microsoft's inroads this generation. Nintendo as always will perform solidy and isn't going anywhere.

Also, PSP will fail to establish itself. It's going to take marketshre, but an insignificant amount considering the amount it's going to expand with the SP price drop and NDS.
efralope said:
PS3 will lose some ground due to Microsoft's inroads this generation. Nintendo as always will perform solidy and isn't going anywhere.

Also, PSP will fail to establish itself. It's going to take marketshre, but an insignificant amount considering the amount it's going to expand with the SP price drop and NDS.

I guess you have a crystal Ball for next generation :)


Wow, nice spike in sales for ESPN. I don't even think they reached 1 mil last year. This year, they reach it within 6 weeks...right?

Anyway, Madden collectors edition sells nearly half a mil. :lol

I'm one of em! So much for limited edition eh? Can't really call it that when it was the third best selling game of the month on PS2. :lol
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