Ninja Scooter
Arn Andersons theme sounds like the song they play during a love scene in an early 90s low budget action movie.
yo so i'm listening to austin's heyman interview and he's saying he would be tempted to come back for a match against lesnar
i mean
god damn.
i can't think of a wrestling thing i'd want more.
Feels like it's been weeks since the last Raw. I need my fix. This next one is gonna be fun with HH bday & guests. I'm thinking Hulk botches at least 3 lines in his promo(s).
Feels like it's been weeks since the last Raw. I need my fix. This next one is gonna be fun with HH bday & guests. I'm thinking Hulk botches at least 3 lines in his promo(s).
I'm at Denny's with the fam, and Rusev + Big E just sat in the booth next to us.
I'm at Denny's with the fam, and Rusev + Big E just sat in the booth next to us.
Chris Hero's Samoa Joe style transformation is so sad
Maybe when we're done eating I'll say hi. Food just got here.
Is his weight gain a gimmick, or what?
You can't not take a picture.I'm at Denny's with the fam, and Rusev + Big E just sat in the booth next to us.
I'd love that if he can physically do it, dunno what kind of shape he's in these days though. Did he pick up any more serious injuries apart from the neck damage from the owen piledriver?
I'm at Denny's with the fam, and Rusev + Big E just sat in the booth next to us.
I wouldn't feel right taking a pic when they're tryna eat. If it comes up when I say hi, sure. But I'm not gonna actively steer the convo towards a pic.
Fucking Denny's? Goddamn that struggle.I'm at Denny's with the fam, and Rusev + Big E just sat in the booth next to us.
What, are they afraid the over-sensitive marks, sponsors, and shareholders are gonna think it's a group of evil "black power" radicals? 'Cause we covered that already with Faarooq, Henry, D-Lo, & Rock. It's nothing new, at least not to any of us.
Kofi can't be a heel, no one would believe it. He could be what WWE's creative team thinks is a heel... which is being a joke and a threat to no one. But, otherwise, I don't see him yelling at the fans or ripping up signs any time soon. He can pretty much just coast by on his annual Royal Rumble antics every year and filling spots in US/IC Belt contenders matches from time to time.
Xavier Woods I just don't see fitting in with any picture right now aside from headlining Main Event or Superstars if that's even still on. The fans haven't had enough time to get acquainted with him to really buy into him in any way.
Big E is just awful on his own. Impressively agile for his size but he can't talk. He can't get himself over. And now the trend is starting to go against big men with all the smaller dudes coming up now and gaining popularity. He needed this stable to happen as really his best use as a performer is as "the heavy" of a 3 or 4 man stable. Or as a bodyguard like he was before. Heck, since they're not going to do this, make him Miz's bodyguard, the fans already understand there's history between Big E and Ziggler, that tells half the story already.
Ask them if they saw Guardians of the Galaxy and if they know how big Batista's dick isI wouldn't feel right taking a pic when they're tryna eat. If it comes up when I say hi, sure. But I'm not gonna actively steer the convo towards a pic.
I look forward to Malcom Xavier
I hope that faction takes over the WWE.
That sucks. It was something I was really looking forward to. Would've given more guys something to do.Got some bad news for ya. The faction seemed to be abandoned going by Smackdown.
Been bottling that up for quite awhile now huh?
TNA has now taped all the episodes that are scheduled to air under the current SpikeTV contract, which ends the final week of September.
TNA has a hold on the Manhattan Center for September tapings but are formalizing their strategy for those tapings before officially announcing the shows. They may be taping One Night Only PPVs as part of those tapings.
So Big E met both Beef and DM, he's practically part of wrasslegaf now.