The Matrix is a solid 10.
The Matrix is a solid 10.
I actually watched it for the first time maybe 6 years ago. I couldn't see the hype in it. Maybe it's something I need to go into a time machine and watch it when it first came out to really understand how it influenced many of the movies we have now.The Matrix is a solid 10.
Groovy's Top 10/10 movies of all time.
1. The Great Mouse Detective (Vincent Price being my all time fav actor)
2. A Christmas Story
3. Willow
4. A Nightmare Before Christmas
5. Jurassic Park (not WORLD. My parents weren't first cousins)
6. Empire Strikes Back
7. Back to the Future
8. Fantasia 2000
9. Raiders of the Lost Ark
10. The Polar Express
Yes, three Christmas movies and a whole bunch of cartoon and action figures stuff.
Nice. I wanted to get into the hobby of exploring space and still do. Just need the $$$ for it.
Groovy's Top 10/10 movies of all time.
1. The Great Mouse Detective (Vincent Price being my all time fav actor)
2. A Christmas Story
3. Willow
4. A Nightmare Before Christmas
5. Jurassic Park (not WORLD. My parents weren't first cousins)
6. Empire Strikes Back
7. Back to the Future
8. Fantasia 2000
9. Raiders of the Lost Ark
10. The Polar Express
Yes, three Christmas movies (ELF would be in top 15) and a whole bunch of cartoon and action figures stuff.
I actually watched it for the first time maybe 6 months ago. I couldn't see the hype in it. Maybe it's something I need to go into a time machine and watch it when it first came out to really understand how it influenced many of the movies we have now.
It's kind of crazy that Pagano is main eventing a Triplemania. Even if I find him forced. His match with Psycho before was fantastic.
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Godfather
The Godfather: Part II
The Big Lebowski
City of God
The Princess Bride
Back to the Future
The Silence of the Lambs
Taxi Driver
There Will Be Blood
A Clockwork Orange
Apocalypse Now
The Apostle
Mulholland Dr.
Dog Day Afternoon
The Crow
Inside Llewyn Davis
Raging Bull
Annie Hall
The Wrestler
Here are my top rated movies:
: )
Here are my top rated movies:
: )
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly is a 10/10. And don't come back at me with that "but, Once Upon A Time in the West..." bullshit.
The Matrix is a solid 10.
I own the trilogy on Blu-Ray but I've still only watched the first (very good) movie.
heel, i heard genji had some backstage heat for not shaking reaper's hand and got buried
Hmmmm Josie Wales is up there too.The Good, The Bad & The Ugly is a 10/10. And don't come back at me with that "but, Once Upon A Time in the West..." bullshit.
You're my new favorite WrassleGAF member
*Offers Kaladin a Sephzilla World Order shirt*
Die Hard is the most solid 10 that has ever been a solid 10.
The greatest Christmas movie of all time.
Zach those are amazing movies (There Will Be Blood alongside Amadeus are probably the best films I have seen) but I need my babefilms to pick up the mood. I look at that list and think you're depressed.
Your picks are very good!
Terminator 2 isn't a great movie.
i'm glad most people recognize Fury Road as the superior movie of the franchise, eventhough it's a recent movie and a soft reboot
Terminator 2
Still have yet to watch and I feel like I'll be missing so much not seeing it in theatres.i'm glad most people recognize Fury Road as the superior movie of the franchise, eventhough it's a recent movie and a soft reboot
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly is a 10/10. And don't come back at me with that "but, Once Upon A Time in the West..." bullshit.
Shoot, The Matrix has age horribly also blade movie is not a good movie no matter what time period.
T2 is one of the best action movie of all time, but my favorite Arnold movie is still Commando
I still haven't watched Amadeus! Probably because it's long, right? If it's long that's why I always put it off.
Which is hilarious because I watch hours and hours and hours of wrestling. But I guess, I dunno, good movies deserve more respect and thoughtful attention. Wrasslin' is just like "get papa a beer, son! I'm watchin' the matches!"
Totally agree, slightconfuse.
Another Perfect 10 movie:
Naw, The Sam raimi spider man trilogy is goat, and Spider man 2 goat.Tombstone is a fucking A+ movie
The Matrix holds up well enough. You can even handwave away a couple of the dated aspects of it by saying it's just a biproduct of whatever era The Matrix runs in. You know what movies have aged fucking horribly though?The Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies
Not a fan. I'm not really in to Spielberg, to be honest.
I still need to watch Schindler's List, though.
Later Spielberg is hit and miss, but he was a master in his early years.
Paul Heyman/Brock Lesnar promos are longer and more boring than anything Stephanie McMahon does. Heath Slater is amusing.