I get disproportionately upset seeing how much everyone loves Overwatch when the real competitive FPS R6 Siege got slept on so much. Hopefully more people will be willing to give it a chance now that there's a 'Starter' edition out or something.
Hmm. Well, Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield on PC was the game that first got me into Multiplayer games. But I skipped the most recent one because it came out in a window of 'bigger' must play shooters late last year like Halo 5, CoD: BO3 (MP was a step up since it ditched pure P2P networking for the first time in years) and of course, Battlefront. There was no room for R6 in that environment (which is weird because this year looks even worse).
Overwatch is just brilliant. And I hated TF2 and MOBA's. I kinda got it for research purposes since so many devs are using Overwatch as a quality bar to meet or exceed, but found I'm really enjoying it, despite having no idea what's going on half the time.
And Overwatch doesn't look like it's going to charge you full price and then split the user base with DLC maps. Maybe it will. Blizzard doesn't have the form, whereas UBisoft does.
Weird, you're having Summer weather in Brisbane, yet here in Britain, it's been fucking freezing this first calendar week of summer until today (though technically, they tend start the seasons three weeks after the month (solstice)
My main problem now is trying to work out whether to play Overwatch or Uncharted 4 (both a brilliant).