So how is JBs doing?
I would have thought they took a fair chunk of the VG dollar.
I would have thought they took a fair chunk of the VG dollar.
So how is JBs doing?
I would have thought they took a fair chunk of the VG dollar.
Thanks for the insight. It's insane how many eb stores can be maintained with their generally absurd prices. Target has been pretty good for a while with pricing, but I can totally understand how K-mart, Target and Big W struggle in the market. They just never really managed to establish an image of being game suppliers (and an often lacking range doesn't help).
Other retailers sounds enticing. My wallet weeps.
They do okay, they don't deep discount like Big W/Target though. They're pretty smart about looking at the market from a long term perspective. They've branched out a fair bit too over the last few years rather than just focus on entertainment media.
Speaking of which, what kind of splash do we think Amazon's reported expansion into Australia will have? They'll surely be doing tech I imagine, yes?
Speaking of which, what kind of splash do we think Amazon's reported expansion into Australia will have? They'll surely be doing tech I imagine, yes?
I suppose it depends on how they get the stuff into the country. If they are still dealing with the same handful of importer/distributors it might not be a huge amount but at least it will piss off Gerry Harvey!
It continues to boggle my mind why anyone ever shops at EB and how its even a going concern given the pricing. I don't think I've ever bought anything there. I've at best window shopped. Especially given any location EB is at there's a department store like Target et all that's cheaper.
Of course thinking about it, I was mostly a PC gamer first so local game shopping opportunities did dry up a long time ago, and I've been digital only for probably a decade on PC and 3-4 years on console.
But growing up I remember I was mostly shopping at department stores (like Grace Bros, K-Mart) and sometimes places like Dick Smith. That and mail order places.
Fair Work Australia will probably have a field day I bet
Speaking of which, what kind of splash do we think Amazon's reported expansion into Australia will have? They'll surely be doing tech I imagine, yes?
Many EB Stores are drongos when it comes to their price matching policy: they won't price match unless the competitor is in the same shopping centre and has confirmed they have stock. For example, EB Games at Birkinhead Point are in a shopping centre where they have no competitors selling video games, and thus refuse to price match anyone. EB Games at Leichhardt did the same thing. I've had EB Games at Miranda call a competitor to confirm stock levels near Christmas time, and when the competitor didn't answer they refused to price match because they couldn't confirm stock levels.EB price match basically any retail store so complaining about them selling at RRP doesn't make much sense. They in general have 10 times more stock than anywhere else and they also have a no questions asked 7 day return policy. It's actually the best place to buy games here really, not sure why people complain about them.
Oh man ill be picking up titanfall 2 and watch dogs 2 for those prices. Will jb price match if target sells out? I dont really like dealing with eb workers.
Pissing off Gerry Harvey should be everyone's goal.
EB price match basically any retail store so complaining about them selling at RRP doesn't make much sense. They in general have 10 times more stock than anywhere else and they also have a no questions asked 7 day return policy. It's actually the best place to buy games here really, not sure why people complain about them.
Speaking of which, what kind of splash do we think Amazon's reported expansion into Australia will have? They'll surely be doing tech I imagine, yes?
What are their workforce practices that are considered particularly shady? I've never really paid much attention to them.No idea, depends on how big a splash they want really. They could basically take over any markets they want due to how cutthroat and hyper effective they can be. End result will be Amazon basically BEING the retail market.
I assume they'll ease into it, get a feel for the regulatory situation then push hard once they're sure the authorities are happy with how they are operating.
What are their workforce practices that are considered particularly shady? I've never really paid much attention to them.
Long list here. They push the boundaries where they can see cost savings.
Long list here. They push the boundaries where they can see cost savings.
Much like slavery.Great for consumers, bad for the workers.
Much like slavery.
Maybe I'm an idealist, but I don't think capitalism and ethics need to be mutually exclusive.Welcome to capitalism, fuck the little guy.
Maybe I'm an idealist, but I don't think capitalism and ethics need to be mutually exclusive.
Probably too heavy a topic for this thread though![]()
Welp, guess I'm joining the long legion of men who now have a wife.
And single women around the world breath a collective sigh of relief.Welp, guess I'm joining the long legion of men who now have a wife.
Welp, guess I'm joining the long legion of men who now have a wife.
Congrats mateWelp, guess I'm joining the long legion of men who now have a wife.
Zero-Hour contracts? is that even somthing that would fly down here ( or dos for that matter) ?
We spoke to the guy rolling out Amazons business here in Australia and in his words: We are going to destroy the retail environment in Australia.
I am sure it will have an impact on retail, but will it really be that great? Online purchases are still dwarfed by retail purchasing here, at least that's what a recent report led me to believe. Maybe this will finally put the squeeze on distributors to drop price gouging in this country, interesting times ahead.
Any sweet deals on PS4 Pros? Looking to sell my 1TB non slim for around $420.
I don't know if you'll have much luck at that price.
You can get a new 1tb slim + 3 games for $449 @ EB
I was going to ask if it had a 1TB SSD in itOh really, whoops, will have to do more research.
What price would you guys put on it? It's a little over a year old.