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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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If these sorts of people want to hold themselves up as arbiters of morality in society, they need to be seen to be doing the right thing as well as actually doing so. In these cases, they are lying which is a sin, as is breaking one of the commandments about not bearing false witness.

Simply put: hypocrisy.
Yeah, I know and it's sad. There are parts of any religion (or people in general) that display aspects of hypocrisy or contradiction. While the church should be above this, we are, as we are taught, all fallible and should strive to be better.

I guess they perhaps see it as telling a white lie in order to not bring God's name into disrepute? A small lie for the greater good? I'm not sure. Sometimes I just like to beleive the best in all people.

As it stands, though, if we were to follow the rules of the Bible to the letter, most humans are in violation. Cutting your hair or beard is a sin. Eating shellfish is a sin. Eating fat. Having sex with another man's slave. Selling land. Having two different crops in the same field.

All sins.

I'm sure most of us have done at least one of those (multiple times, in the case of the sex with a slave) and so are in violation of God's guidelines for living. It's clear that the majority of religions have learned to adapt to the changing times and concentrate on the larger lessons that their religion can impart to better man and the society in which we live. It would be good to see a little bit more of a progressive nature to some of them, rather than getting bogged down in doctrine and, possibly, focusing on parts of the bible that serve personal agendas and opinions.

In short, can't we all just get along?


I'm sure most of us have done at least one of those (multiple times, in the case of the sex with a slave) and so are in violation of God's guidelines for living. It's clear that the majority of religions have learned to adapt to the changing times and concentrate on the larger lessons that their religion can impart to better man and the society in which we live. It would be good to see a little bit more of a progressive nature to some of them, rather than getting bogged down in doctrine and, possibly, focusing on parts of the bible that serve personal agendas and opinions.

In short, can't we all just get along?

I guess the crux here is that in the past it was a sin to shave a beard or eat shellfish or so on. It's time it was no longer declared a sin for homosexuals to do what comes naturally to them. Obviously religion has shown a propensity and willingness to redefine what is really a sin over time. Sometimes it takes far longer than necessary, but we can see today that many christians are happy enough in australia to consume vast quantities of seafood without being expelled from school or barred from working in a pastoral role.

So yes, we can all get along, once the discrimination ends.


Solar power works a lot more effectively than I thought.

Last month our family spent $100 on electricity. This month, with solar power, we've actually made $20. It's only been half a month, but it should end up being nearly a $150 turn around. Pretty impressive. Also found out the bedrooms in this house had down lights at 50W each, so I replaced them with 4 watt lights.

Might be worth switching from gas water heating to electrical water heating at this point...
Obviously religion has shown a propensity and willingness to redefine what is really a sin over time.
I think it says a lot about a time in society when you needed someone to write down and the mass distribute a book that said "Ok, look guys, the following things? The things I'm about to tell you? They're bad, okay? Don't do these. If you've already done them, just stop it from now. This moment on, you're going to be the man or woman that no longer does these things. You'll be better for it, too.

"Ok, so from now on, no more having sex with your mum. That's gotta stop. Right now. And your dad? No more sleeping with him, either. Similarly, parents, just stop sleeping with your kids; I know you like a bit of variety but you're going to have to quit it. Likewise, we're not really okay with the brothers and sisters out there that are doing weird shit with each other. All of this is not necessary and you should feel bad, families.

"Anyone here own animals? Keep your hand up if you like to get down with them. STOP IT! You're no better than the family members that were sleeping together. I heard you snickering before so don't try and look superior. Just because it's not family doesn't make it any less weird and creepy.

"If any of you were wondering what you can have sex with now that your family and farm animals are off limits, you'll be disappointed to know that your neighbours wife and your friend's slave are also a bit of a no-no, now. Sorry dudes. This may mean more sex with your wife. As long as she isn't having her period, because that region is a no-go zone for those few days.

"Also, we've been hearing some distressing reports about some killing going on. That's not good people; we're going to have to ask you to cut back on that, too. Like, totally, actually. It's probably not best to injure people instead, cause that's not really cool with the big guy, either. We're trying to really take a whole 'no harm' approach to living here and we'd really appreciate your help. It's going to be strange for a while but we think you'll kinda find it rewarding after a while."

"So yeah, there's a bunch of other things that we really want your help doing, so Dave, here, will be passing out some parchments that you can take back to your village. when you get back, schedule some time, find someone that can read, and all sit down an think about the things we're really excited about you all doing."

That is a fucked up society.
Dead Man et al!

Made a query to BeatTheBomb about pre-orders and got this good news back.

At this stage we take payment at shipping. If paying by credit card however, we do initially charge $1.00 to make sure your credit card works, and can be saved at our payment processor (this will be changing soon though, so we don't have to charge the $1.00).

I will actually get back to you with how the programming works with pre-order prices. Basically if it drops in price, you will be invoiced the lower price, but need to check with if (although I haven't seen this happen too often) the price rises.

Thumbs up all round :)


Oooh fuck. Anarchy Reigns is good, dumb fun but gives me a bit of motion sickness :(

ugh, bad enough Im going to have to return it I think.


DmC is my good dumb fun of choice right now. Though I bet Anarchy Reigns controls better.

Where to get? I was browsing stores today and didn't see it, but I wasn't looking very hard

deek you were right, but I was going to play FemC eventually anyway so you're also wrong


game looks dumb enough, not sure about the fun though. might grab it when cheaper.

I punched a guy in a bull suit 50 times and then cut him in half with Jack's chainsaw. That is the very definition of fun is it not?!

But yeah, it might not be for everyone, it's very much a Mad World/Spikeout type beat em up, with lots of random shit going on and you can choose which missions to take from a hub world. I think if you beat enough thugs up then larger ones come along and random black holes spawn and exploding tankers and poison gas and giant venus fly traps and guys with flamethrowers and hovertanks and then you get catapaulted 300 feet in the air from air vents then crash back down on a mutant crocodile wielding a sledgehammer and throw a taxi at him then find a rocket launcher to clear out some more dudes with electic shock taser rods and then you stomp on someones head and oh dear I feel dizzy.

Try it, it might be your thing, it might not. It's pretty laid back for a game and I'm annoyed it makes me sick. I'll give it another go and if not it will be a very reluctant return.


You're the new worst!
The new wurst.
Oh my, Anarchy Reigns.

So what's the deal... it's like Power Stone, yeah? Because that's about the only thing I can think of that it's a bit like. BoB did an admirable job of describing it, but it sounds like you have first-hand experience.

Can't. Stop. Watching. United States of Bacon.
Sweet. I mean... salty.

Oooh fuck. Anarchy Reigns is good, dumb fun but gives me a bit of motion sickness :(

ugh, bad enough Im going to have to return it I think.
What did you get it for? How much?

rep: What were you thinking of getting it for... platform with the best controller (360) or best... um... bluray player?

DmC is my good dumb fun of choice right now. Though I bet Anarchy Reigns controls better.
I couldn't give two shits about whether dMc is true to the original story or not... will I like it?


It's not like Powerstone. Maybe loosely, but its more like Spikeout I find.

I got it from eb, $48 or something it cost me. Its probably cheaper at OGS. My description of it up above kind of gives a sense of it, its pretty good and crazy, but not as chaotic or hard as powerstone. And its much more open too.
I'm trying very hard not to make a "that's adorable" squeal noise.

Well after hearing some of your recent tales maybe private might be the way to go :p Single Sex schools are dumb though. Don't send him to one of them.

my private christian school hired a few of those
husband had sex with the student and the wife got pregnant and still taught there


Oooh shit. Anarchy Reigns is made by Platinum as is Metal Gear Rising. I hope they don't have the same engine, because if they do then it might be a problem for me >.<
Solar power works a lot more effectively than I thought.

Last month our family spent $100 on electricity. This month, with solar power, we've actually made $20. It's only been half a month, but it should end up being nearly a $150 turn around. Pretty impressive. Also found out the bedrooms in this house had down lights at 50W each, so I replaced them with 4 watt lights.

Might be worth switching from gas water heating to electrical water heating at this point...

Awesome. What size system are you using? 1.5KW or 3KW?

If you switch to electrical water heating, you will see the savings go down and still end up paying $100-150 each month to the energy retailer because electrical heating is quite expensive to run. Better off with gas. Alternatively, you can switch to a gas boosted solar heating system and save even more money.
rep: What were you thinking of getting it for... platform with the best controller (360) or best... um... bluray player?

I couldn't give two shits about whether dMc is true to the original story or not... will I like it?
$27.50 at OzGameShop with the LE DLC for PS3/360.

After reading the cheevo guide I will probably go 360!

Won't be buying it for another month or so as I have a bunch of bills coming up :/

Oooh shit. Anarchy Reigns is made by Platinum as is Metal Gear Rising. I hope they don't have the same engine, because if they do then it might be a problem for me >.<

Seem like very different games though so you should be fine.
Awesome. What size system are you using? 1.5KW or 3KW?

If you switch to electrical water heating, you will see the savings go down and still end up paying $100-150 each month to the energy retailer because electrical heating is quite expensive to run. Better off with gas. Alternatively, you can switch to a gas boosted solar heating system and save even more money.
Most importantly, do your research! If you are going to go solar boosted make sure to grab the right type for your water supply and weather conditions. We have replaced quite a few down here that only lasted 2-5 years before giving up the ghost (quite a large upfront cost too!). Gas or solar boosted gas is certainly the way to go in a lot of areas that natural gas isn't stupidly priced.


I really wanted to play through as female to see how they changed things up, but..animati...I just...this gam...arrggghhhhhhhhh!! I hope you do get through it though, cos I wana hear how great it is!

Also, I wouldn't go and buy P1/P2 unless you want to appreciate where the series has come from. Art, music, story, characters, atmosphere all good.. but they are straight up old ass ps1 era jrpgs. You have been warned, again!




Gyarrgh fuck you chrome. Delete key deletes an entire folder of bookmarks? WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT INSTEAD OF DELETING THE HIGHLIGHTED ENTRY.

Oh wait, an undo key. Well that fixes it.

Oh, undo does nothing.

Fucking useless!
Gyarrgh fuck you chrome. Delete key deletes an entire folder of bookmarks? WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT INSTEAD OF DELETING THE HIGHLIGHTED ENTRY.

Oh wait, an undo key. Well that fixes it.

Oh, undo does nothing.

Fucking useless!

Do you have it synced to your Google account? Might be able to revert back to the old bookmarks.
Jambo, you like prog rock right? New Steven Wilson album would be like a wet dream for you. The first track has a fat bass line AND jazz flute!

Probably my favourite solo album by him so far.
tch. You guys just can't appreciate high class humour.

Also Kritz, your chrome add on for the Ausgaf tab needs updating. It still goes to Ausgaf 7.



It's Pro (and freemium) now!



Awesome. What size system are you using? 1.5KW or 3KW?

If you switch to electrical water heating, you will see the savings go down and still end up paying $100-150 each month to the energy retailer because electrical heating is quite expensive to run. Better off with gas. Alternatively, you can switch to a gas boosted solar heating system and save even more money.
We have a 3KW system. During midday when the sun's out, it's always generating between 2.5KW and 2.8KW which apparently is as good as we can expect in our location. Also, smart meters are bloody awesome. We can track our electricity usage online by the hour, which helps the family adjust what we're doing to the hours of the day where the solar generated electricity is peaking.

Never heard of gas boosted solar heating. I'll look into it.


I think Ive figured out the motion shit in Anarchy Reigns. Its the tunnel vision zoom and pull back when you transition from running to normal speed. The movement of the camera into the screen and the relative acceleration of that movement as it changes seems to fuck with my eyes.


Just finished Dark Souls. What a game, a few underwhelming areas aside. I think it's easily one of my favorite games of all-time. There's a certain feel about the game, like the way the open-world is implemented and how the exploration is designed within it, not to mention the incredible oppressive atmosphere, and the sense of awe and wonder you get when you discover something new in the game, It's a amazing feeling about the game, that I feel only the likes of Super Metroid and Castlevania SOTN have captured. In fact the more I think about it, what makes the game so damn good to me, is it basically feels like the closest thing to a proper 3D version of SOTN, except unlike SOTN it's actually reasonably difficult to a degree.:p

Here's hoping they don't fuck up Dark Souls 2 somehow. Because From Software are truly on a roll with two-near perfect games in the form of this and demon souls.
Tomorrow Never Dies

Movie 3/5 - being very generous, M was awesome, everything else was just off, not sure how to describe it.
Transfer - 4/5 - no issues, nothing impressive really.

So Goldeneye aged better than I expected while TND was much worse. I wonder how the last 2 will go >.>

Also I really noticed the miniatures in these 2 Bronsan movies too, while in the rest of the series I think they only stuck out once or twice. They were quite obvious here.

What's the deal with Full House Poker now then? I vaguely recall Krome being involved too?

Dead Man

Tomorrow Never Dies

Movie 3/5 - being very generous, M was awesome, everything else was just off, not sure how to describe it.
Transfer - 4/5 - no issues, nothing impressive really.

So Goldeneye aged better than I expected while TND was much worse. I wonder how the last 2 will go >.>

Also I really noticed the miniatures in these 2 Bronsan movies too, while in the rest of the series I think they only stuck out once or twice. They were quite obvious here.

What's the deal with Full House Poker now then? I vaguely recall Krome being involved too?

The Brosnan films got worse as they went along, quite a feat considering some of the actors they had to work with. Goldeneye is by far the best, and if you think TND is bad, wait until you get to Denise Richards. Ugh.
From Software have had a good 2012 with Steel Battalion and the fan made PC port of Dark Souls!

The Brosnan films got worse as they went along, quite a feat considering some of the actors they had to work with. Goldeneye is by far the best, and if you think TND is bad, wait until you get to Denise Richards. Ugh.

I remember playing the PSOne game for that one, it was terrible. It was terrible in everyway and I couldn't complain because my Grandma bought it for me :/
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