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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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I never had an issue with The Walking Dead but then I did play each episode in one session and all five in four days, so who knows what's up with that game. Luck of the draw it seems (or something).

Hm, I played every episode of Walking Dead, on PC, on day 1, in 1 sitting, and never had any problems.

I had the same experience as you both. Seems to be something in common.

Worst game of late is Hotline Miami. Hard locks my PC.


I've found canyourunit to be kind of iffy, tbh. A bunch of games it said I couldn't run worked fine, and other games where I passed the recommended requirements ran so poorly my computer just shut down.

yeah true that. it said dawn of war 2 was a complete no go on mine.
1 below par spec = complete failure according to canyourunit this would be true id say for the more demanding games like Battlefield 3 or Starcraft 2


My brother, who can't get shit in terms of decent Internet right now (no cable, no decent ADSL) lives across the road from a current construction zone. So, about 50m.

Yeah... that has to burn. I am fine with not being in a zone as we are moving this year some time. Problem is, not to a likely NBN zone! :x
Every time the map is updated, the proposed NBN area retreats further and further away from Springfield Lakes.

I don't know what would be more frustrating: Tactical Retreat (and no other internet options) or being 50m away...


Oddly enough I've been running into a whole lotta people lately who rely on 3G for their Internet at all times. They tether their laptop or whatever when they need those things to get onto the Internet.

Our Tony must've been onto a winner...

I bet they're real glad of all these new always-online games coming out.
Oddly enough I've been running into a whole lotta people lately who rely on 3G for their Internet at all times. They tether their laptop or whatever when they need those things to get onto the Internet.

Our Tony must've been onto a winner...

I bet they're real glad of all these new always-online games coming out.
Yar, lowly 3G user here, and it's such a pain in the ass. Gaming is slowly become an exclusionary hobby towards me. Not only does it take McGyver like skills to get some console connected to the internet but really, its the data limits that hurts the most.

Publishers releasing 500mb patches (sometime constantly) or games that require you to download the (usually around or over 1gig) extra missions that the back of the box proudly proclaims is included with the enclosed edition means that I either don't download these things or have to, in essence, work out an Internet Budget for a month or two to accommodate these things.

Or, I rely on one friend who kindly allows me to take things to his house to update / download games. I am truly thankful to him. Whenever I'm at his house and I watch the progress bar zoom along and realize that I've just downloaded 10 or 20gigs of previously inaccessible games, DLC or patches I'm in amazement.

Side note: I've been exceptionally pleased with Microsoft's patch limits this gen (granted, it's due to their stupid launch Arcade tier machines) which are exceptionally friendly to me. I fear that will not be the case next gen. Hello, PS3 sized uber patches.
Hey some of you own a WiiU? Need a game for it to tide you over until the usual Triforce of Nintendo titles release?

Batman Arkham City Armhoured Addition for $28 from OzGameShop

Dead Man

Wow, I missed all the news. I really don't get the hype for HD re releases, but that X game looks cool as fuck.

As for THQ, it turned out about as well as could be hoped, hope Volition get some budget for whatever they work on next.

Still ~200m outside a construction started zone.

Same :/

Oddly enough I've been running into a whole lotta people lately who rely on 3G for their Internet at all times. They tether their laptop or whatever when they need those things to get onto the Internet.

Our Tony must've been onto a winner...

I bet they're real glad of all these new always-online games coming out.

Why would you do that?
If you head north, south and west for a block or two the NBN is being built.



your telling me


I had the same experience as you both. Seems to be something in common.

Worst game of late is Hotline Miami. Hard locks my PC.

See this is what I dont get. I admittedly have low patience thresholds when it comes to performance and reliability of my entertainment products - but I can't get how one could assert PC superiority in general if the tradeoff for better visuals is decreased stability.

Simply put: there is no superior platform and they all suck in special ways.

My dream system would have:
* The build quality of a Gamecube
* Graphics capability of a PC
* Patching system of an XBox 360 but with the quality control of a company that does not yet exist
* Online service with features of Steam, PSN+ and the customer service of Nintendo
* Support for every control standard except kinect

Dead Man

Man it is totes cray cray how close we are.

My bus goes by a few blocks from your house every day.

Well shit, we better get some sort of RadGAF meetup organised soon, before beer drinking weather goes away.

Edit: I'm not actually on Doreen street, but yeah, not very far from it either.


Have we talked about the KAP crazies yet?

It turns out they both got shitcanned. Surprised & impressed.

A Katter's Australian Party candidate for the federal election has stood down and a Senate nominee has been suspended after they both made anti-gay comments.

The candidate for the Victorian seat of Wannon, Tess Corbett, has withdrawn her nomination after causing controversy for comparing gay people with paedophiles.

Queensland Senate nominee Bernard Gaynor, meanwhile, has had his party membership suspended and nomination deemed invalid after making other homophobic comments.




Also that woman is a fuckwit, glad that Katter stopped listening to her bullshit. She was starting to rile up the crazies down here, already bad enough with the fluoride and wind farm hysteria.


Fuck your rules, I drink when I'm thirsty!

She said people "should be able to discriminate" in some cases.

"I don't want gays, lesbians or paedophiles to be working in my kindergarten. If you don't like it, go to another kindergarten," she told the Hamilton Spectator.

When asked by the paper whether she considered homosexuals to be in the same category as paedophiles, Ms Corbett replied: "Yes."

"Paedophiles will be next in line to be recognised in the same way as gays and lesbians and get rights."

Hollllllly shit


I'm neither surprised nor impressed. I suspect this is a widely held view amongst many of their support base, and one has to wonder why exactly it would be.

Well, I don't disagree with you about KAP voters.

Hence why I was surprised and impressed that Katter actually decided to sack them. The base probably loved them for what they said.
Well, I don't disagree with you about KAP voters.

Hence why I was surprised and impressed that Katter actually decided to sack them. The base probably loved them for what they said.

I thought their "Australian companies and produce first" policies were what drew most people.

I hope he's woken up to the fact that you can't say that kind of shit without being ridiculed in the 21st century. At least if they hope to gain any support outside of Queensland.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
How many generations can Nintendo maintain the excitement for the release of the same batch of games? Seriously.

I'll make you a deal: when the game stop being fun, I will stop playing them, and Nintendo might stop making them.


Well, I don't disagree with you about KAP voters.

Hence why I was surprised and impressed that Katter actually decided to sack them. The base probably loved them for what they said.

I'm not convinced her axing was anything other than a politically convenient course of action.

I'll make you a deal: when the game stop being fun, I will stop playing them, and Nintendo might stop making them.

There isn't enough credit given to some of their games for the immense amount of creativity found within. It's damn hard to find games these days with the level of subversion and new ideas within say, the Galaxy games. Yet they get lumped in the same old 'oh, another Mario' complaint. Not only is it a complete disservice to the quality and originality within those games, it's also baffling to think what unique snowflakes these people are playing instead.


See this is what I dont get. I admittedly have low patience thresholds when it comes to performance and reliability of my entertainment products - but I can't get how one could assert PC superiority in general if the tradeoff for better visuals is decreased stability.

Simply put: there is no superior platform and they all suck in special ways.

My dream system would have:
* The build quality of a Gamecube
* Graphics capability of a PC
* Patching system of an XBox 360 but with the quality control of a company that does not yet exist
* Online service with features of Steam, PSN+ and the customer service of Nintendo
* Support for every control standard except kinect

To be fair, TWD has issues on every platform, and I got it for free (Thanks Clipper) on PC, so it is the superior platform.

And now just to be a tad fanboyish, I will address your bullet points.

* The build quality of a Gamecube

A PC's 'build quality' is rock solid, if built right, gamecube is not a current console. PC wins

* Graphics capability of a PC
* Patching system of an XBox 360 but with the quality control of a company that does not yet exist, PC is just as good if not better than a console, because it's just as seamless, and if a dev doesn't do its job the community (in a lot of cases) will, see Kotor2 and Far Cry 2. PC wins
* Online service with features of Steam, PSN+ and the customer service of Nintendo. PC wins here just by sheer options, but I will let you have a draw if you like.
* Support for every control standard except kinect. PC wins, more options than all of the consoles combined, hell all of the consoles controllers even work with the right driver[/QUOTE]

/PC fanboy :D


My launch Gamecube froze my games at random times. It was the worst console I've bought and had to have it replaced.

PC is machine of the gods yo.


SSX is FREE on 360 right now! Get in quick! Probably pricing mistake!

And I paid $10 for a retail copy like a sucker! :(

On an unrelated note, anyone want to buy SSX on Xbox 360 for $30 inc postage?
Did you end up getting the GoD one? I missed it, but I'll sling you some cash for your disc copy if you like.

how do you do that thing where you change the Steam settings to download a game early? The Cave should be unlocked by now. :|
I actually tried unlocking it with a VPN last night and... no dice. I think GMGs time was a day out... pretty sure it unlocked at midnight on the 24th GMT regardless of region.


To be fair, TWD has issues on every platform, and I got it for free (Thanks Clipper) on PC, so it is the superior platform.

I guess you get what you pay for in the case of people who can't play it, but its very annoying if you are unlucky to buy something that doesn't work, and then have to fight for a refund and some victim blaming from steam customer support.

* The build quality of a Gamecube

A PC's 'build quality' is rock solid, if built right, gamecube is not a current console. PC wins

That's fine if you source the bits and pieces yourself and know what you're doing. But so far as a single spec system goes, GC is the pinnacle of disc based systems in terms of reliability. Built to a high spec for its time, no cheaping out on anything (until the component out later in its cycle) and no rush to market compromising its reliability.

It's not strictly comparable to put it up against the PC options, since YMMV.

* Patching system of an XBox 360 but with the quality control of a company that does not yet exist, PC is just as good if not better than a console, because it's just as seamless, and if a dev doesn't do its job the community (in a lot of cases) will, see Kotor2 and Far Cry 2. PC wins

Community patching is a massive plus, I will grant you that. Complacency seems to be more widely accepted in development than I would like to see. I really wish more devs put time in to making sure they release a stable game first. If thats the fault of publisher + competitor + demand pressure, fair enough, but I don't think its right that a game can be released in an inherently broken state like so many today. There really needs to be some level of enforced QC.

* Online service with features of Steam, PSN+ and the customer service of Nintendo. PC wins here just by sheer options, but I will let you have a draw if you like.

I won't let you claim victory here, since the customer service of Nintendo is typically higher in standard than any other platform holder (I'll include steam and origin here too, but not GoG since I'm unfamiliar with them personally).

That said, there have been recent mixed and concerning signals from Nintendo so the gap has closed since this time last year.

* Support for every control standard except kinect. PC wins, more options than all of the consoles combined, hell all of the consoles controllers even work with the right driver

Can't argue here.

/Console Battalion Commander :p
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