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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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Dead Man

Hah, I did bump one from earlier today.


See, here is what I don't get. They say they are doing it so people find more relevant results. But I guarantee if someone types in 'blowjob' they want pictures of blowjobs, not fucking demotivationals.


Has problems recognising girls
Time for one of you nerds to confess.

Who's the one driving around Brisbane in a Toyota Prado with the license plate "GAF"?


Plenty more Platinum games that are coming out (or are already out) on other consoles!


A true Platinum fan would know better than to say something so silly. It means you missed out on Infinite Space by inference.
Ehhh, I dont really think anyone should be using reddit as grounds to criticise someone by association. It comes off as equally intellectually hollow as it does when people say Dawkins is militant and agressive etc when he is one of the most cordial, polite debaters I've ever seen. They conflate his controversial attitude with being rude, when his whole point is to challenge the unspoken rule that you don't challenge someone's beliefs.

On a slightly related note, I don't get why its considered rude to challenge someone in polite terms. It's more than possible to have a pleasant, interesting and civil discussion of the matter and I manage to do so with all sorts of people. If they want to challenge my thoughts, go for it. I'm open to being convinced otherwise, but at the same time have enough confidence of my understanding of them that I don't feel threatened.

If someone challenging your beliefs upsets you (speaking generally here), then its time to re-evaluate just how strongly you hold to them and whether your anger at them being challenged is merely a sign of unacknowledged doubt.

tl;dr: ideas need to be discussed openly and politely, and it's easy to do so.

Unless its to do with videogames in which case fuck niceties.
Unless that someone's beliefs infringe on other people, there's really no reason to challenge their beliefs. It can be invasive and even harmful, especially in circumstances where those beliefs are a coping mechanism for grief. I've seen idiots trying to follow Dawkins and seem to think that "challenging beliefs" equates to picking fights with people who want no fight. In the end though, its really not your business if people believe something else.

Decided to watch Archer instead


Best Archer ever


Also maybe I drank this scotch too quick?

I started watching Archer a few days ago. Its seriously fantastic.

Google a porn stars name and count out how many pictures it takes to find one with nipples.
Do you have safe search turned on?
Am at art gallery. Not even raining. I am hungry, though.
oooh, did you go to the Asia Pacific Triennials? I've been meaning to get over to GOMA, since the last one was really good.
I for one welcome our Microsoft overlords.

Whats the price on that Nokia 920 at the moment? I hear it is quite a good phone!

Safe Search? LULZ
This is the internet. I embrace it's wildness in all it's glory!

Archer is the only cartoon-ish thing I still follow. I've even stopped watching South Park since they got too "hey, what's the flavour of the day?"
I should have listened to you Stackboy, SSX is fucking incredible. Such a fantastic follow up to the IP. Just pure joy.

Even when I get my ass handed to me my face is covered in a shit eating grin and I am happy to replay again and again.

Once you get to grips with everything it is really hard to fault the gameplay. Controls are perfect. Music is fantastic!

EDIT: 1440x900 Shan?


Unless that someone's beliefs infringe on other people, there's really no reason to challenge their beliefs. It can be invasive and even harmful, especially in circumstances where those beliefs are a coping mechanism for grief. I've seen idiots trying to follow Dawkins and seem to think that "challenging beliefs" equates to picking fights with people who want no fight. In the end though, its really not your business if people believe something else.

Well if that's (bolded) the threshold, then all religions are ripe to be challenged.

Beyond that, there is nothing wrong with a contest or discussion of ideas. I already outlined it in a context of being civil, so I dont quite see what the problem would be. Again, you are blaming Dawkins for things he hasnt done.

I didn't say that DS gamers were kiddy, only Wii U ones. Why would you be so insulting to all those DS owners?

Primary colours dont make a game kiddy.


I don't see why religion gets a thoughtshield

As shan alluded to, it is afforded a bit of protection because people use it as a grief/coping mechanism. I'd argue its not entirely healthy but then not everyone is and some stories are helpful. I won't argue that point, nor would I try and convince someone that the only afterlife their dearly departed is experiencing is a worm's digestive tract.

But the same thoughtshield affords all sorts of dangerous ideas equal amounts of protection (homophobia, discrimination against all out-groups, anti-science propaganda and patriarchal dominance) and apparently it is rude to challenge those ideas?

I should have listened to you Stackboy, SSX is fucking incredible. Such a fantastic follow up to the IP. Just pure joy.

Even when I get my ass handed to me my face is covered in a shit eating grin and I am happy to replay again and again.

Once you get to grips with everything it is really hard to fault the gameplay. Controls are perfect. Music is fantastic!

EDIT: 1440x900 Shan?

If the tennis wasn't still going I'd be playing it now. Great game.
Well if that's (bolded) the threshold, then all religions are ripe to be challenged.

All religions? Really? There is nothing inherently wrong with believing in a higher power. Religious institutions are a different matter, but individuals themselves aren't necessarily doing anything wrong. I've met many 'religious people' (a pretty vague term tbh) who, for example, have no problem with gay marriage, and many non religious people who are completely against it. I guess I just don't see what's wrong with people holding different views.

Beyond that, there is nothing wrong with a contest or discussion of ideas. I already outlined it in a context of being civil, so I dont quite see what the problem would be. Again, you are blaming Dawkins for things he hasnt done.
I wasn't blaming him for anything (have I before?). I'm just saying some people I've met have idolized him and ended up being incredibly offensive. Dawkins himself I'll admit I'm not too keen on. He made some very good points when I saw him on qanda, but I do think he's also pretty obnoxious sometimes.

As shan alluded to, it is afforded a bit of protection because people use it as a grief/coping mechanism. I'd argue its not entirely healthy but then not everyone is and some stories are helpful. I won't argue that point, nor would I try and convince someone that the only afterlife their dearly departed is experiencing is a worm's digestive tract.

But the same thoughtshield affords all sorts of dangerous ideas equal amounts of protection (homophobia, discrimination against all out-groups, anti-science propaganda and patriarchal dominance) and apparently it is rude to challenge those ideas?


It depends on the circumstances obviously. You're putting words in my mouth. All of those things effect other people, and I definitely don't agree with letting shit like that slide. Is the belief that a big old man watches over you and you go live with him when you die necessarily harmful? I don't believe it is.
Yeah my years on this earth has solidified my belief that religion is definitely a crutch for the majority of people in that boat. Which makes me less inclined to pick holes in their discussions unless they start to demean me.

Dead Man

Now that the GIS crisis of 2013 is resolved I can resume normal gaffing.

Unless that someone's beliefs infringe on other people, there's really no reason to challenge their beliefs. It can be invasive and even harmful, especially in circumstances where those beliefs are a coping mechanism for grief. I've seen idiots trying to follow Dawkins and seem to think that "challenging beliefs" equates to picking fights with people who want no fight. In the end though, its really not your business if people believe something else.

The difficulty is that people that ascribe to the same set of beliefs will not keep to their own business. Family first type Christians make it very difficult to not discuss Christianity in a way that will force people to defend themselves.


All religions? Really? There is nothing inherently wrong with believing in a higher power. Religious institutions are a different matter, but individuals themselves aren't necessarily doing anything wrong. I've met many 'religious people' (a pretty vague term tbh) who, for example, have no problem with gay marriage, and many non religious people who are completely against it. I guess I just don't see what's wrong with people holding different views.

Athiesm's a view


All religions? Really? There is nothing inherently wrong with believing in a higher power. Religious institutions are a different matter, but individuals themselves aren't necessarily doing anything wrong. I've met many 'religious people' (a pretty vague term tbh) who, for example, have no problem with gay marriage, and many non religious people who are completely against it. I guess I just don't see what's wrong with people holding different views.

Bolded: why not? They are ideas ripe to be questioned. That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. If one cares to make an effort for appearances, take the time to make a logical argument. I know I have done so when debating with intelligent design advocates.

Nothing wrong with people holding views. Everything wrong with people holding religious views and having them imposed on society where people of multiple and no faiths exist.

And yes, people do do things wrong. They run for Katter's Australian Party equating homosexuality to pedophilia. They run gay conversion courses. They harras women on the way to abortion clinics. They monopolise education boards in public schools and prevent ethics classes from being taught instead of fundamentalist christian beliefs and how Hossam the Muslim friend of little Johnny will go to hell if he doesn't open his heart to jesus christ.

I said, in the beginning, that there is nothing wrong with having open, honest and critical debate. Keep it civil, keep it as a contest of ideas, and if you can't do that then you shouldnt be talking to anyone anyway. I have had, literally, two hour long discussions on the doorstep with JWs about what they believe and what I understand, and it went nowhere other than stating why we believed what we did, pointing out apparent contradictions in each others argument, and at the end of it we shook hands and went our way.

I think the problem is you seem to assume everything need be hostile and adversarial. This is one topic where it absolutely can and should be adversarial, but only adversarial between ideas. Not people.

I wasn't blaming him for anything (have I before?). I'm just saying some people I've met have idolized him and ended up being incredibly offensive. Dawkins himself I'll admit I'm not too keen on. He made some very good points when I saw him on qanda, but I do think he's also pretty obnoxious sometimes.

"Idiots trying to follow Dawkins" is typically lazy invective used to apportion blame to him for things he does not do. Atheism is not a creed, church or organisation. He is a biologist-slash-philosopher.

Religion meanwhile is a creed (or group of), and people following specific belief sets can be frequently harmful. The catholic church's stance on contraception is a notable one. The anti-homosexual societal pressure (no doubt contributing to too many suicides) is another.

Personal belief is fine, but when it has the power for societal impacts, it absolutely MUST be held to account.

It depends on the circumstances obviously. You're putting words in my mouth. All of those things effect other people, and I definitely don't agree with letting shit like that slide. Is the belief that a big old man watches over you and you go live with him when you die necessarily harmful? I don't believe it is.

I'm doing no such thing. I'm pointing out that your criticism of Dawkins is due to nothing he has done, and is more to do with the actions of people who agree with some of his ideas. Obviously they haven't seen or read enough of him, because he is painstakingly polite.


Dawkins himself I'll admit I'm not too keen on. He made some very good points when I saw him on qanda, but I do think he's also pretty obnoxious sometimes.

He can be seen as obnoxious by some as he doesn't let people get away with espousing and vocalising utter nonsense. The constant hypocrisy and cherry-picking he has to deal with regularly would be enough to drive any other rational person to their limits.

In many of the situations I have seen him in, he has demonstrated a great deal of restraint and patience. Watch his interview with Wendy Wright and tell me you wouldn't want to throttle the woman within 5 minutes of its commencement.

On numerous occasions he has said that people having faith because it makes them feel good is one thing. Taking the teachings as an absolute truth is another thing entirely. Those who would believe that the Universe revolves around the Earth or that the Earth is flat would be challenged, even ridiculed today. Why should religious beliefs be any different?


My go to suggestion is this: if someone finds Dawkins too hostile (why, I will never know, but Danoss makes a good point), I suggest Sagan as a far less controversial and far more subtle as a philosopher.
The difficulty is that people that ascribe to the same set of beliefs will not keep to their own business. Family first type Christians make it very difficult to not discuss Christianity in a way that will force people to defend themselves.

That's true. When people are using their religion as an excuse to be assholes it is a problem.
People get defensive when you call them/ what they believe dumb or false. But its hard to challenge someone's beliefs without them feeling that way which does make discussion difficult sometimes.

This is one topic where it absolutely can and should be adversarial, but only adversarial between ideas. Not people.
The problem is its often hard to distinguish the two, and an attack on someone's beliefs and lifestyle is often taken personally. I would also like to see these things debated, but there's a difference between that and harassing individuals who aren't doing anything harmful. What exactly is wrong with being religious?

"Idiots trying to follow Dawkins" is typically lazy invective used to apportion blame to him for things he does not do. Atheism is not a creed, church or organisation. He is a biologist-slash-philosopher.
Did I ever say it was? I did not mean to put blame on him. I suppose that's just where my thought stream lead when you mentioned Dawkins. Apologies.

Religion meanwhile is a creed (or group of), and people following specific belief sets can be frequently harmful. The catholic church's stance on contraception is a notable one. The anti-homosexual societal pressure (no doubt contributing to too many suicides) is another.

Personal belief is fine, but when it has the power for societal impacts, it absolutely MUST be held to account.
I agree. I have never said that I disagree.

I'm doing no such thing. I'm pointing out that your criticism of Dawkins is due to nothing he has done, and is more to do with the actions of people who agree with some of his ideas. Obviously they haven't seen or read enough of him, because he is painstakingly polite.

Read what I quoted. You were putting words in my mouth, and again in your most recent post insinuated a whole load of stuff that I don't actually agree with.


Read what I quoted. You were putting words in my mouth, and again in your most recent post insinuated a whole load of stuff that I don't actually agree with.

You said this:

Unless that someone's beliefs infringe on other people, there's really no reason to challenge their beliefs. It can be invasive and even harmful, especially in circumstances where those beliefs are a coping mechanism for grief.

I said this:

As shan alluded to, it is afforded a bit of protection because people use it as a grief/coping mechanism. I'd argue its not entirely healthy but then not everyone is and some stories are helpful. I won't argue that point, nor would I try and convince someone that the only afterlife their dearly departed is experiencing is a worm's digestive tract.

That's a pretty accurate representation of what you said (worms aside), all I did was extend the argument to say that my concern is the protection religion gets (in part for being a coping tool for some people) allows some of its more harmful traits to get a free ride.

As you said in the same breath
Unless that someone's beliefs infringe on other people
and I pointed out that it is often the case religious beliefs do start to impact on the lives of others.

There is no actual point of dispute here between what you posted or what I posted, except to say that I did not put words in your mouth. QED.
That was some fine ass Tennis.
Some fine fine ass.

Poor Rodger, the Curse of Andre Agassi will drag him down to Davey Jones Locker. He's still pretty damn bitching for a 31 year old. If he has another golden era he'll become some sort of immortal guardian of grand slams and play till his grave.

In a Gandalf sort of manner.
I knooooooow :(

On numerous occasions he has said that people having faith because it makes them feel good is one thing. Taking the teachings as an absolute truth is another thing entirely. Those who would believe that the Universe revolves around the Earth or that the Earth is flat would be challenged, even ridiculed today. Why should religious beliefs be any different?

I just think everyone should be free to live their lives the way they see fit. Of course beliefs should be questioned if it leads to hatred and fear. Challenging someone over beliefs that cannot be proven either way is a bit more problematic than challenging someone over things that are proven false.

That's a pretty accurate representation of what you said (worms aside), all I did was extend the argument to say that my concern is the protection religion gets (in part for being a coping tool for some people) allows some of its more harmful traits to get a free ride.

As you said in the same breath and I pointed out that it is often the case religious beliefs do start to impact on the lives of others.
Funny you didn't quote the part I was actually referring to:

But the same thoughtshield affords all sorts of dangerous ideas equal amounts of protection (homophobia, discrimination against all out-groups, anti-science propaganda and patriarchal dominance) and apparently it is rude to challenge those ideas?



I just think everyone should be free to live their lives the way they see fit. Of course beliefs should be questioned if it leads to hatred and fear. Challenging someone over beliefs that cannot be proven either way is a bit more problematic than challenging someone over things that are proven false.

But (to repeat an example) a typical argument goes:
"I dont like gays they are the same as pedos" (I'm sure thats a direct quote of many bumpkins)
"How dare you say such a thing"

What can you possibly do to demonstrate to someone of that mindset that their worldview is not only wrong, but harmful?

Funny you didn't quote the part I was actually referring to:

Funny, neither did you. edit: oh, you did, but not at time of posting.
In any case it should be clear the second paragraph was speaking generally. If you thought it was accusing you of that mindset, I apologise.
But (to repeat an example) a typical argument goes:
"I dont like gays they are the same as pedos" (I'm sure thats a direct quote of many bumpkins)
"How dare you say such a thing"

What can you possibly do to demonstrate to someone of that mindset that their worldview is not only wrong, but harmful?
I don't know! Is that a rhetorical question?

Funny, neither did you.

That doesn't make any sense! I give up. I'm not keen on shitting up the thread further.

Well, it'd be more accurate to say the idea of 'proof' is anathema to the idea itself

That's true. But gods or unicorns or kappas, if it makes them happy and doesn't hurt anyone I don't really care what they believe in.


Shan, you're taking the questions personally.

My 'please' post was a response to jintor with a reference to your line, followed by a rant against nasty things done in the name of religion.

The second question quoted above is obviously rhetorical.

Dead Man

That's true. But gods or unicorns or kappas, if it makes them happy and doesn't hurt anyone I don't really care what they believe in.

I can't say that I don't care. If it is a belief system with a history hateful beliefs and making things worse for people because they don't follow the same beliefs, then I care a lot. I care enough to challenge those people and their beliefs. Sometimes I may upset someone else who holds a different version of those beliefs. That is just too bad. I don't go around to funerals and talk about god being a made up entity, that would be stupid. But because mainstream religious belief has been something that you don't need to defend for so long it is a shock to the system when you have to. I understand that. But the sooner they get used to the idea that personal belief that impacts others needs to be discussed and justified the sooner we can get past the bollocks with Christians feeling like they are under attack, when all that is really happening is most of the time they get asked 'why' and at worst get treated as they have treated other religions.

I see that turned into a rant, sorry. It wasn't directed to you, it was just in reply to you. But yeah, if what someone believes has no impact on me or society or the choices that people are able to make then I don't mind at all what they believe. But not many religions are like that. Many people subscribe to weak or watered down versions of those religions though. They often have beliefs that would not impact anyone else, but their larger organisation does so the feel attacked even though they are not the target.

People just need to get used to the fact that since religious views impact on society, and there is a plurality of religions, there will need to be debate, at the very least, about what the proper role for religion is.

That doesn't make any sense! I give up. I'm not keen on shitting up the thread further.

You are not shitting up the thread. If you want to stop because you are getting piled on (sorry about that) that is understandable, but you are not thread shitting.
Hitchens is far more entertaining than Dawkins, one minute he'd say some lovely poetic truth about humanity then turn to a crowd the next day and tell them that we should kill all Muslims.

Such an adorable fellow, really.



Well you were were pretty vague.

Sorry for ruining the thread.

I'm not going to accept an apology as none is needed. Put it down to the limits of text and add this context to my posts when reading them:

If it comes across as angry, its aimed at religion.
If it comes across as a bad attempt at a joke, or anything neutral or nicer, its aimed at specific people.
You are not shitting up the thread. If you want to stop because you are getting piled on (sorry about that) that is understandable, but you are not thread shitting.

I just want everyone to be nice to one another :(

People just need to get used to the fact that since religious views impact on society, and there is a plurality of religions, there will need to be debate, at the very least, about what the proper role for religion is.

Ideally it should be a private thing, and nothing more. I suppose that's not very realistic though huh.
Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn Stackboy some of your scores/times will have to wait until this boarder chick levels up a bit. Plus I keep running into trees while button mashing. :/

Well, it'd be more accurate to say the idea of 'proof' is anathema to the idea itself
Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Anathema is a pretty great band. Am I correct in remembering that someone in here saw them this year?

Sorry for ruining the thread.

Debate is good! Discussions is the savior of man kind. If we can't talk this stuff out people will resort to violence, which never sorts anything out.

Ideally it should be a private thing, and nothing more. I suppose that's not very realistic though huh.

Mannnnnnnnnnnnn that would be awesome. But instead I gotta defend myself to people in public every now and then or tell them that gays are alright. I like parts of religion, my son is growing up Uniting despite me being an atheist, just have to cherry pick the positive stuff from the bigotry. He is much more developed as a child from his interactions through religious activities than if I kept him at home.
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