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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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I just want everyone to be nice to one another :(

As admirable goal as that is, the problem is that positions of privilege allow some very nasty things to be said and justified as unquestionable, sacrosanct and beyond challenge because they are religious.

The problem is these standards (usually involved in guilt tripping for a wide range of natural sexual behaviour) are not religious in origin, and they are irrelevant when it comes to the concerns of a hypothetical deity. It is thinly veiled bigotry that has been given protection it doesn't deserve, and that desperately needs to be challenged every single time it comes up. Too many people have killed themselves because of the harassment and isolation forced upon them because of religious pressure.

I dont care/mind if someone is christian. I do mind if someone christian tells gay people they will burn in hell.


I just think everyone should be free to live their lives the way they see fit. Of course beliefs should be questioned if it leads to hatred and fear. Challenging someone over beliefs that cannot be proven either way is a bit more problematic than challenging someone over things that are proven false.

I think that encourages a type of thinking that is detrimental to society. It's challenging things that are believed to be true that allowed science to advance to where we are today. It doesn't do any good to try and educate and illuminate people for the betterment of the human race whilst tip-toeing around so as not to offend the religious for believing something that doesn't fit with proven understanding of the world around us.

The money and effort going into trying to prove creationism, for one, could do so much better things than just advancing a religious, and to some extents political, agenda.


Mannnnnnnnnnnnn that would be awesome. But instead I gotta defend myself to people in public every now and then or tell them that gays are alright. I like parts of religion, my son is growing up Uniting despite me being an atheist, just have to cherry pick the positive stuff from the bigotry. He is much more developed as a child from his interactions through religious activities than if I kept him at home.
True... and just because one grows up with religion doesn't mean they won't be able to think for themselves in the future. Hell, I went to church until I was... maybe 15ish or so, when basically our whole family just kinda drifted away from the whole thing. Still did youth group and Sunday school and stuff up until then (when relevant) but I think a part of it is that apathy breeds atheism and my parents pretty much stopped giving a shit. If you have other stuff in life to drive you to be a good person then why does one need religion?*


I'm not disappointed that neither of my nephews have been baptised into a church of any kind... let's put it that way.

Gotta say though, rep.. props to both you and your lady friend for not letting something as (relatively) insignificant as religion get in the way of your family. Plenty of people on both sides of the table would've called it quits by now (for their own reasons).
I really wish the local church had a proper Sunday School. Where we were near Geelong was a LOT better in regards to religion than down here, which is very odd. The little guy just needs more time around other kids to learn how to exist in a dynamic society full of people.

EDIT: Well my wife is Uniting but pretty lax on going. It is a good way to get a few hours on a Sunday morning alone to nap :) (although the getting ready time is a heretic hour or so)

I am convinced that Iwata is a games journalist sent from the future to show us the kind of interviewer we deserve. Just better than anyone ever. Even if you hate Nintendo with every fiber of your being you can't help but find the Iwata Asks interviews to be enthralling.

WTF man...I want to punch those bastards so bad. Find me a cheap flight to China!

I'm doing my best to stay far far away from China! Hard to think of places overseas to holiday now that I have a wife and son. :/

Best just to condemn the action and hope that at some point we can have a way to voice that concern to their citizens.


Ehhh, I dont really think anyone should be using reddit as grounds to criticise someone by association. It comes off as equally intellectually hollow as it does when people say Dawkins is militant and agressive etc when he is one of the most cordial, polite debaters I've ever seen. They conflate his controversial attitude with being rude, when his whole point is to challenge the unspoken rule that you don't challenge someone's beliefs.

On a slightly related note, I don't get why its considered rude to challenge someone in polite terms. It's more than possible to have a pleasant, interesting and civil discussion of the matter and I manage to do so with all sorts of people. If they want to challenge my thoughts, go for it. I'm open to being convinced otherwise, but at the same time have enough confidence of my understanding of them that I don't feel threatened.

If someone challenging your beliefs upsets you (speaking generally here), then its time to re-evaluate just how strongly you hold to them and whether your anger at them being challenged is merely a sign of unacknowledged doubt.

tl;dr: ideas need to be discussed openly and politely, and it's easy to do so.

Unless its to do with videogames in which case fuck niceties.

PS. Come back to Geelong.

Hey if I had a long term prospect lined up we would be back in an instant.

My current job has at least 5 years work, while a job I could move to in Geelong probably only has just over a year left lol

I really should start looking again though before the little guy has to get into a school.


A true Platinum fan would know better than to say something so silly. It means you missed out on Infinite Space by inference.
But Infinite Space was only published by Platinum! interesting thing to note the developers of Infinite Space actually made a another story-driven VN type science-fiction game on the PSP except instead of focusing on ships it focused on mechas.
Viewtiful Joe was a fun rental. There. I said it.

I need to be convinced that The Wonderful 101 is more than a fun rental.

Note: I know they are not the same type of game, I just get that same feeling.
Eh, but you couldn't finish Viewtiful Joe in a rental period.>:
Well if that's (bolded) the threshold, then all religions are ripe to be challenged.

Beyond that, there is nothing wrong with a contest or discussion of ideas. I already outlined it in a context of being civil, so I dont quite see what the problem would be. Again, you are blaming Dawkins for things he hasnt done.
I agree with this, it's funny how culturally openly discussing religion critically is one of those unspoken restricted rules that cannot be broken, even most atheists I find refuse to discuss religion beyond a basic level. Also I think the attitude that just because "religion is a coping mechanism" therefore people's personal beliefs in it shouldn't be criticized is a very condescending attitude imo. And it's one of those things I see a lot of atheists/agnostics do. Then again my own opinions on personal religious belief are kind of biased due to my own experience.


but ever so delicious

There's been a suggestion by Kritz that we should try and get game nights going again, It's something that sorta worked a good while ago.

Instead of throwing out 3 game suggestions, What I want from those who are actually interested in gaming with guys and ladies from ausgaf is to simply list what games they would be interested in playing.

From there we can hopefully get a couple of core groups for a few games to be played occasionally. I figured most events would go for an hour or so. Of course going longer isn't out of the question, that's up to everyone involved.

For example. Path of Exile is now in open beta, if there are people who would like to level up chars specifically as a group then that could happen.

If you want to play TF2, NFS:HP, D&D, Dirt2/3, sydnicate co-op... Whatever.

Just list down what you're interested in and I will tally up everything. From there we can hopefully get some MP gaming going again. If you're going to suggest a game that we may not have played before, Make sure you add how many players MAX it is for.


I'd be interested in getting an occasional game of Worms Armageddon or Worms Revolution going if others are interested. Both are 4 players, I believe.



There's been a suggestion by Kritz that we should try and get game nights going again, It's something that sorta worked a good while ago.

Instead of throwing out 3 game suggestions, What I want from those who are actually interested in gaming with guys and ladies from ausgaf is to simply list what games they would be interested in playing.

From there we can hopefully get a couple of core groups for a few games to be played occasionally. I figured most events would go for an hour or so. Of course going longer isn't out of the question, that's up to everyone involved.

For example. Path of Exile is now in open beta, if there are people who would like to level up chars specifically as a group then that could happen.

If you want to play TF2, NFS:HP, D&D, Dirt2/3, sydnicate co-op... Whatever.

Just list down what you're interested in and I will tally up everything. From there we can hopefully get some MP gaming going again. If you're going to suggest a game that we may not have played before, Make sure you add how many players MAX it is for.

Dota 2. MAX: 5 to 10.

Seriously though I wouldn't mind NFS nights again. HP probably since it looks everyone owns that game and only a few people bought Most Wanted. Also I've always liked SF4, should play that.
SSX should have been on PC.

Spending my Australia Day entertaining my wife's friends who are married and have 2 kids. The mother is like, 1/18th Aboriginal. They call today Invasion Day. Sigh.

Wish I could get interest rates on home loans like she does :(


Hitchens is far more entertaining than Dawkins, one minute he'd say some lovely poetic truth about humanity then turn to a crowd the next day and tell them that we should kill all Muslims.

Such an adorable fellow, really.

He never said that...

Dead Man

Home from work, FC3 arrived yesterday, time to sit in front of the TV, play games for 15 minuets then fall asleep. Australia Day, woo.



There's been a suggestion by Kritz that we should try and get game nights going again, It's something that sorta worked a good while ago.

Instead of throwing out 3 game suggestions, What I want from those who are actually interested in gaming with guys and ladies from ausgaf is to simply list what games they would be interested in playing.

From there we can hopefully get a couple of core groups for a few games to be played occasionally. I figured most events would go for an hour or so. Of course going longer isn't out of the question, that's up to everyone involved.

For example. Path of Exile is now in open beta, if there are people who would like to level up chars specifically as a group then that could happen.

If you want to play TF2, NFS:HP, D&D, Dirt2/3, sydnicate co-op... Whatever.

Just list down what you're interested in and I will tally up everything. From there we can hopefully get some MP gaming going again. If you're going to suggest a game that we may not have played before, Make sure you add how many players MAX it is for.
Syndicate co-op!
The Ship (lol)
Torchlight 2
Worms Armageddon
Borderlands 2
Left 4 Dead 2


Straya day, cunts.

P.S. The best game for AusGAF to play would be EU3 multiplayer.

I would be down for this...

Ck2. I'd be down for that.
...and this, would love to have a day/afternoon/evening playing a Paradox game with AusGAF folk.

Syndicate co-op!
The Ship (lol)
Torchlight 2
Worms Armageddon
Borderlands 2
After listening to Idle Thumbs I am kinda interested in playing this.
How about some newly uncut l4d2?

I'm spending the day working, so that'll be fun. Kinda sad that I won't get extra pay since it's not the public holiday. I just hope the management had sense enough to put extra staff on.
17,000 people are being sworn in as citizens today!!! I've been waiting for 4 months !!!

Damn it, I want my shiny new passport!!!

Foxtel on Xbox is free for a month if anyone is interested:

I got 3 months foxtel free on Telstra 4G connection. It's pathetic, none of the good channels are included in the free sub.
It's "Love it or bugger off". Damn immigrants, no sense of patriotism.
There actually are ones out there that are "Love it or Fuck Off!"

I am utterly charmed whenever I see one.

Sometimes, though, fuck is F**K because while we want to tell people to fuck off we don't want to offend people (I assume Australians) by saying FUCK. That would be rude.

If damn imigants are offended by the word fuck they can fuck off and go fuck themselves.


Ingredients bought for Oz Day pie. Construction will begin in a bit (slow cooking the filling.)

Tried to buy my wife some birthday presents while at the shop - DVD or BluRay of some romcoms she likes. Stores had none of them. Welp, back to the Internet...

And where the hell is Ni No Kuni???


Syndicate co-op!
The Ship (lol)
Torchlight 2
Worms Armageddon
Borderlands 2
Left 4 Dead 2

I don't think we're so much tallying as we are suggesting just a whole range of games. Evl you might have more luck if you do a google docs survey to see who has each of the games mentioned, times of a week where people are good to sit down and play, etc.

Planetside 2 (twelve players per squad cooperative)
Blur (six? player competitive)
Magicka (Four player "coop")
Serious Sam First Encounter (16 player coop)
Serious Sam Second Encounter (16 player coop)
Serious Sam 3 (16 player coop)
Grand Theft Auto 4 (I forget how many players. But there are some amaaazing home made gamemodes for this, as well as the usual types. I don't know the cap but conversely I think we'd need at least four or five people for this game to work well)
Quake Live (no idea on the cap, competitive / teams)
UT2k4 (no idea on cap, competitive / teams)


but ever so delicious
I don't think we're so much tallying as we are suggesting just a whole range of games. Evl you might have more luck if you do a google docs survey to see who has each of the games mentioned, times of a week where people are good to sit down and play, etc.

Yea I thought about doing that. I don't really know how to go about it although I assume it's pretty easy.

If you want to go ahead and do it then go for it. I have no issues if someone else wants to take control of this game night idea.


Yea I thought about doing that. I don't really know how to go about it although I assume it's pretty easy.

If you want to go ahead and do it then go for it. I have no issues if someone else wants to take control of this game night idea.


I don't want to touch this idea because I have the power of riddling ideas with apathy and then they don't turn out in the end.
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