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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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Have you ever cheered when your team wins a sporting match you are watching on TV alone? Or shouted things at the players you are watching even though you are fully aware they can't hear you?

I've always taken applause aimed at a film to be similar expressions of emotion. I've done it myself after watching films where afterwards I feel that I need some way to express the emotion of pleasure and gratefulness for the experience I've just had, especially if my expectations were broken. Of course, clapping is much more appropriate in a cinema setting than cheers and whistles, so it takes a different form. Then there's the people that DO cheer and whistle in the cinema...

Of course I have, but that's a different thing altogether. Cheering, yelling, gasping and the like are immediate expressions of emotion. No one expects there to be a recipient to these outbursts, they are a verbal release of tension, excitement and/or frustration.

Clapping/applause is intended to be directed to someone or a group of people. The reason for it is that since everyone cannot vocalise their feelings amongst others doing the same thing, it would all be unintelligible, drowned out by the host of others doing the same thing. Applause on the other hand expresses appreciation so that those who have performed whatever it may be that they have done, can feel the appreciation of the crowd as a whole.

Who in a cinema is there to receive the praise? Is it the crowd for being on their best behaviour, not talking or using their mobile phones? Is it the projectionist for correctly displaying the film on the screen and the correct audio being passed through the speakers; maybe the ushers for directing patrons to the correct cinema, cleaning the floors and seats and opening and closing the theater doors at the appropriate times?

I cannot think of any other instance outside of this where applause by a group of people is directed at no one in particular, instead at inanimate objects.


Cheers of applause at the end of a film screening is great. You guys are no fun. It's only annoying when the film in question is bad.


What the fuck happened to selfie pic January? Everyone chicken out or something?


PS. Juicy Bob, are you a newly naturalised pre-member of the AusGAF community, or have you been "one of us" for a while? Can I ask whereabouts you're from?
(apols for the 20 questions, I'm just genuinely curious :) But if you answer wrong, you're outta here :p)

PPS. Speedpop changed his avatar? What happened to swirly guy?!?

PPPS. ErinMarcon, are you related to Liam at all? I think I know your brother or cousin or distant relative or something.


Okay, I don't normally give too much of a shit about tennis, but that squealing that Azarenka gives off is just fucking ridiculous. There's no way that's a sound that's let off because of exerting energy, that's putting off the other player. What a load of horseshit.

Le Na, the other player? Barely makes a sound.

Look at these 3 good looking men all stacked on top of one another here for others to ogle at.
Damn straight.

VERY straight.

Azarenka is fucking annoying. Hoooooooo. Hooooooooo. Hoooooooo.

Even Michael Jackson toned it down ffs.
Oh, you wrote that already. This is what she sounds like.
Fucking ridiculous. ARGH.


What the fuck youtube why are you buffering on 480 quality videos
It's been buffering on me for everything for fucking ages. Is there an international link issue or some shit? Or is YouTube just being pathetic again?

FUCK YES. Break point. Take that you stupid squealing bitch.


Of course I have, but that's a different thing altogether. Cheering, yelling, gasping and the like are immediate expressions of emotion. No one expects there to be a recipient to these outbursts, they are a verbal release of tension, excitement and/or frustration.

But what I was trying to say is that applause can do that too, and does not have to be just a way to show appreciation, at least for me. When I applaud, it isn't always just a gesture, it provides a method to release emotion, in a similar way that cheering does. Is there another way to release this feeling of excitement or pleasure when you are in a cinema?


But what I was trying to say is that applause can do that too, and does not have to be just a way to show appreciation, at least for me. When I applaud, it isn't always just a gesture, it provides a method to release emotion, in a similar way that cheering does. Is there another way to release this feeling of excitement or pleasure when you are in a cinema?

Applause exists for a reason, I explained this earlier. Screams, gasps, laughter and tears are common expressions of emotion that I have experienced and witnessed others do during a film. I'm not telling you how to express yourself, but I'm not going to say that doing so via applause isn't strange.
Starc bowled well at the death.

19 off 5 balls of the penultimate over by Laughlin though. What a joke. Just not enough quality in the bowling attack in the end. Also no-one bothered to bat well aside from Warner.


Do any of you know a good site for Australian political journalism/analysis? Surely there must be something beyond Murdoch and Fairfax. Even a blog like poligaf's DHP would be good.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
So I checked out Dungeon Crawl in Melbourne for the first time, it was a little bit too 'dungeon' for my tastes but each to his or her own.

Anyway I purchased a Wii U from the Nintendo Experience store, my NNID is:


Happy for anyone on AusGaf to add me. I did have a previous NNID but it's a long story.

Loving Melbourne so far.

welcome to melbourne :)

where did you move from?

and some one post the survey!!

Sorry for the late response, from Perth.


Screaming helped.

No one complains about Sharapova's screaming. Why complain about hers?
To be honest, haven't seen her play. Actually, I can't remember the last time I watched any women's (or men's for that matter) tennis matches. I just have what I had to go on tonight, and that was the amount of noise Azarenka made vs. how much Na made.

Maybe if there's two of them that made equal noise it wouldn't have seemed as bad, but given Na was as quiet as a mouse yet still managed to make the final, it made Azareka seem like a filthy, cheating sad excuse for a tennis player.

ABC or SBS are about the only other ones.
Crikey maybe? I haven't invested more than a few minutes into them so I don't know how leftist or accurate they are, but they seem pretty straight-down-the-line. I guess.



So dreamy~


Last night I finished the novel, 'John Dies at the End'. Has anyone else here read it?

This is not a recommendation, the opposite in fact. There was a considerable amount of hype around this book and even putting that aside and going in with no expectations, this book was quite a disappointment. I won't go into my thoughts any further than to say it's a long-winded waste of time. H.P. Lovecraft wrote this story 100 times better (and shorter) back in 1920 when he penned 'From Beyond'.

Foolishly, I capped that off by watching the movie and holy shit, they made it worse! If you haven't read the book, there is no way you will have any idea what is going on other than witnessing a sequential presentation of weird shit taking place. There is a character in it whose sole purpose is to open a door; I am not kidding, that is all she does and is never seen again afterwards. I think her lines in the film are "Hi", "I know", "Thanks" and "Whoa".

I once wrote a story back in high school intended to make fun of a guy in my dorm who had a crush on a girl in our year. Her face was fucked, she was an absolute whining bitch and her only redeeming feature was her huge tits. The story was a more detailed version of "boy has wet dream and cums so much he fills the room and everyone's beds are floating around on it". I think that was a better thought out, more interesting and entertaining story than 'John Dies at the End'.
Haven't read it but was meaning to get around to it one day. More of a morbid curiosity than actually looking forward to it. It's by one of the guys from cracked isn't it? Fuck cracked.

Dead Man

To be honest, haven't seen her play. Actually, I can't remember the last time I watched any women's (or men's for that matter) tennis matches. I just have what I had to go on tonight, and that was the amount of noise Azarenka made vs. how much Na made.

Maybe if there's two of them that made equal noise it wouldn't have seemed as bad, but given Na was as quiet as a mouse yet still managed to make the final, it made Azareka seem like a filthy, cheating sad excuse for a tennis player.

Crikey maybe? I haven't invested more than a few minutes into them so I don't know how leftist or accurate they are, but they seem pretty straight-down-the-line. I guess.

Meh, I think tennis should get over itself and stop giving a shit about some noise, personally. It's not fucking chess.

So, here's last night's Kangaroo and stout pie

Yummy, even tho the wife vetoed me putting emu in as well. How unaustralian of her :)

That is a damn good looking pie, nice work.


Haven't read it but was meaning to get around to it one day. More of a morbid curiosity than actually looking forward to it. It's by one of the guys from cracked isn't it? Fuck cracked.

Yeah, he's the Senior Editor of Cracked.

Save yourself the time and read 'From Beyond' by H.P. Lovecraft instead. It's a very short story and available completely free on the internet; I like this collection here. Someone also made it into an excellent animated short on Youtube.

Meh, I think tennis should get over itself and stop giving a shit about some noise, personally. It's not fucking chess.

That noise is suspected to be covering up the sound of the ball hitting the racquet. That sound gives clues to the opponent on how to react and respond to it.

I'd liken that to putting a sheet over the chessboard, moving a piece and then removing the sheet. "Guess which piece I moved and what I am planning" wouldn't be much of a sporting way to play, would it?

Dead Man

That noise is suspected to be covering up the sound of the ball hitting the racquet. That sound gives clues to the opponent on how to react and respond to it.

I'd liken that to putting a sheet over the chessboard, moving a piece and then removing the sheet. "Guess which piece I moved and what I am planning" wouldn't be much of a sporting way to play, would it?

If it is only suspected, and unless there is some data which shows it actually effects the opposing player, people should just calm down. Martial arts has used exhalations for centuries. If they want to ban it, they should ban it, otherwise people should just accept that it is a part of tennis.

Not really a fan of tennis though, and the grunts don't bother me so maybe I don't get it.


Crikey maybe? I haven't invested more than a few minutes into them so I don't know how leftist or accurate they are, but they seem pretty straight-down-the-line. I guess.

No idea, personally. I'd be wary of taking the opinions seriously of someone who calls ABC leftist. It means they are probably a News Ltd/The Australian reader/viral marketer.


So who else is celebrating Australia day? (slowpoke.jpg)

I'm at the Kangaroo and Kiwi in Ballard again, watching Hewitt kick ass on the Tennis Channel. That is a thing in America.
It's raining in Sydney today. I'm varying my activities between playing No More Heroes 2 and reading the final Wheel Of Time book, and not much else.
It's sunny and 24 in Melbourne, and I'm assembling the rest of my furniture. Seriously, this assembling work is so boring, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. There is always that one bloody screw that just won't fit!!!

PS: Who wants 2 dozen Allen keys?
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