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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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I will add to this discussion that both my father and sister ride motorbikes, so I actually do understand and care about the way that other motorists treat them. My dad was t-boned by a car when he was young and was forced into a slide on another occasion. My sister has been adversely affected by unobservant and dangerous drivers, too.

The issue that I have, which is also held by my dad and sister, is that it's not fair for cyclists to wag their finger at car drivers and admonish them for reckless driving when many of them are also to blame for taking unnecessary risks (and disobeying road rules) when they ride.
Your sister sounds hot. Is she single?
This needs to be a fucking Kinect game. It'd be the perfect joypad + motion game, because you can easily take either hand off the pad to whip someone going by on either side of you.

It would be awful though. That is the issue. That most Kinect games are just awful. The random kiddie stuff seems to actually work well but big name developers just do a shit job with it.

Mid-tier developers can give it enjoyable stuff like Child of Eden.


It would be awful though. That is the issue. That most Kinect games are just awful. The random kiddie stuff seems to actually work well but big name developers just do a shit job with it.

Mid-tier developers can give it enjoyable stuff like Child of Eden.
Would it be awful just because pretty much anyone would fail to bring *any* type of Road Rash game to justice, or specifically because of the Kinect thing?

Becayse the way I'm picturing it, is it's just like Road Rash (well, next-gen RR) but the biker on screen does what you're doing with your arms, effectively. You still control with the joypad with both hands (and when both hands are on the joypad, your biker avatar has both hands on the handles), but if you want to use a weapon you just, say, raise your right or left arm outwards and swing. It wouldn't need to be precise, it just needs to be able to read when you're holding the controller with both hands and when you're sticking one of your arms out. Doesn't need head tracking or any of that fancy crap, just your two top limbs.

Bonus points if you use both arms for something, as you're completely forfeiting any control of the bike for a short period of time to hit someone, just as you would if it was happening in real life.

The bet part is is that it's not exclusively a Kinect thing, so if you're playing with just a pad you'd just use the bumper buttons or something (but maybe program in an artificial delay so as to not disadvantage Kinect players making physical movements). And for two-player splitscreen, you'd have the added benefit of *actually* punching them as well as doing it in-game.


When you're right, you're right. However, I still dislike the use of the phrase dangerous roads when the correct directing of the blame should be at the people. Also, not every road can be made wider, so at some point the onus will come back on people to take responsibility for their own actions.

I think you're getting too hung up on the term dangerous roads. I don't think it's supposed to mean that the road quality is bad or that the road is causing the issues. It's just the fact taht the bad driving takes place on the roads, thus making them dangerous.
How about cyclists?
Anyone that puts others at risk due to their negligence. I'm an equal opportunity hater.

Your sister sounds hot. Is she single?
That's a yes to both. Unfortunately, due to the former, she wouldn't be interested in you.

I think you're getting too hung up on the term dangerous roads. I don't think it's supposed to mean that the road quality is bad or that the road is causing the issues. It's just the fact taht the bad driving takes place on the roads, thus making them dangerous.
Yeah, I am getting hung up on the term dangerous road. The reason why is because the answer to these things always seems to be "changes need to happen with the road" which doesn't eliminate the cause of the issue, it just hides it.

But you're right, I just need to let it go. We can't suddenly make dangerous drivers disappear, so we can only do what we can do - change the roads to give them less opportunity to hurt or kill others.


Man it sure has gotten a lot more convoluted to get your license. Best of luck Jintor. Driving is easy provided you've got the practice and don't get nervous!

Sweet freedom!


Also, thank you for the condescending "I thought that was apparent" ending to that paragraph.

You are reading a tone where there is none.

The issue that I have, which is also held by my dad and sister, is that it's not fair for cyclists to wag their finger at car drivers and admonish them for reckless driving when many of them are also to blame for taking unnecessary risks (and disobeying road rules) when they ride.

That is an absurd line of thinking that I cannot understand, especially given what your family members have experienced. However, I'll keep this in mind each time my back and knee aches from the result of one particular accident. The accident wasn't even that bad, but I can't play sports again because my knee can't handle it and I'm unable to take a job that involves heavy lifting because my back will cause great pain. I won't wag my finger at offending drivers because other riders have been reckless on the road.

A friend of mine witnessed the death of a fellow motorcycle rider at the hands of a driver who ran through a red light at speed and T-boned him. Even though the man was hit right outside a hospital in full protective equipment, there was no saving him. But he shouldn't wag his finger at the driver responsible, because other riders have been reckless too.

The problem with many car drivers goes down to a lapse in performing the very fundamentals of driving a vehicle and occurs even when obeying the rules of the road. So many drivers cannot even bother to check their blind spot when changing lanes; motorcycles can easily hide there. Knowing how roundabouts work is another and others can be cleaned up by a car because of this, I know because I've been hit, only gently because I did my best to minimise the impact, but I was still hit. Apparently even watching the road in front of them is difficult because I have been rear-ended whilst stationary at a busy roundabout and sent flying into oncoming traffic, there is no excuse for that.

The sad thing is that the onus is on the motorcycle rider to protect themselves, to look for and avoid problems such as the above to preserve their lives. Lapse in perfect attention for even a moment and your life as a rider could be forfeit. Car drivers are supposed to be actively looking for hazards, not only paying attention to what's in front of them, even though some are incapable of doing that. See, what I'm saying is that it goes beyond recklessness. These are the most basic elements of safely navigating a vehicle around the streets and I see them being ignored constantly every time I'm on the road. To do such things is to show utter disregard for other people on the roads.

Anyone who has ever said "sorry mate, I didn't see you" is a shit driver and should get off the road immediately, before they kill someone.

How about cyclists?

Missed this. The low man on the totem pole. The roads here in Sydney are pathetic for them to use, putting them constantly on the road with angry, aggressive drivers. They have things thrown at them, cop a lot of screaming abuse, have people hit them with their cars and attempts made to run them off the road and worse.

To top it off, they get told two contradictory things by jerk drivers:
  1. Don't break the road rules.
  2. You're too slow to take off from the lights, hurry up.
It's one or the other guys. They take off from the lights early, get yelled at for breaking the rules. They wait for the lights to go green, get yelled at for being too slow off the mark. On top of that there is the ludicrous "bikes should have to rego too" argument. people need to relax on this. The more people on bicycles means less people in cars creating more congestion.


Everyone should watch a new TV show called Legit. It stars Aussie comedian Jim Jefferies and it's actually a bit funny. Worth a shot, at least.

Edit: The guy in question. He's playing the Aussie/ocker card pretty heavily, but I don't think it's deliberate... that's just his thing:

That's a yes to both. Unfortunately, due to the former, she wouldn't be interested in you.
I only asked one question.
From someone who grew up riding motor bikes, as soon as you hit the road in anything without a "cage" your asking for trouble. People on the whole cant drive for shit. As much as people harp on about how car drivers etc. should pay more attention, it's not them who's going to be splattered all over the road.

I do still ride occasionally, just not on a daily basis.
I started this conversation by stating that there are bad people on both sides of the equation. I later restated that the point I was trying to make was that there are bad operators or vehicles; car, bike, motorbike, semi-trailers, buses, van, whatever.

However, you continually return to this argument which is "The problem with many car drivers goes down to a lapse in performing the very fundamentals of driving a vehicle and occurs even when obeying the rules of the road." and your stance on people on motorbikes is "Lapse in perfect attention for even a moment and your life as a rider could be forfeit."

There is a fundamental locus of control difference in these statements. Your view is that many drivers, even while trying to be good are ticking time bombs waiting to go off on an unwary motorcyclist. Even the good ones are bad, essentially, and that it's but for the grace of god that lives aren't taken more often. Meanwhile, people on motorcycles are finely honed concentration machines that, if they let their attention slip for just one second, their life will be claimed by a car. (Side note: there are a couple of bad seeds in the motorbike fraternity, but no one likes them and their are easily recognised by the fact that the only protective clothing they wear is a helmet.)

I don't think that that is an accurate characterisation of either side. There are crappy operators of vehicles on all sides. All sides. I think it's unfair to label many car drivers well-meaning-but-ultimately-loaded-guns and equally unfair to believe that the vast majority of bike riders adhere to the road rules at all times. It's not fair and it's unrealistic.

I think where this issue stems, is that everyone experiences a lot of the same issues on the road, it's just that the stakes are a lot higher for people on bikes. People don't check their blind spot because they hate people on bikes it's because they are shitty people. It's not personal, they're just fucktards. But fucktards are not limited to cars, or buses, or taxies or trucks; they exist everywhere.

You bring us examples in your own life that have happened and shouldn't have. Absolutely, there is no excuse for anyone getting rear ended or cut off or any other form of vehicular crash. But it happens with people in cars, too. People in cars die and that horrendous, too. Pedestrians die due to vehicles, too. Late last year a pedestrian was killed by a motorbike. Everyone fallible. Your stakes are just higher which is why it seems more personal.

The point I was unsuccessfully trying to make towards the end of my last post is that before people on bikes talk about how "if everyone rode bikes we wouldn't have accidents" like they're a bastion of care and road rule adherence is absolute bollocks. To a degree its a case of the pot calling the kettle black when there are appeals for all drivers of vehicles with more than 2 wheels to stop being reckless on the roads when not all people on bikes show the same regard for the rules or their own lives.

That's all. That's all I ever wanted to do. Just to point out that it's not all as one sided as it was being made to seem. I wanted put forward the idea that it's not always targeted toward motorcyclists but shitty human being shitty to humans. That's it, that's all.

I'm sorry to everyone for shitting up the thread with this. It's not great conversation and I apologise.


I'm sorry to everyone for shitting up the thread with this. It's not great conversation and I apologise.

I had a decent reply, but you know what? Fuck it. Why don't I do everyone a favour and end it right here. You're putting words in my mouth and twisting those that I did say.

This is the second time I have engaged in a conversation with you and I regret it as much as the last.

I also apologise for the way this has gone. I have now learned not to give those that ended up on my ignore list a second chance. Kritz, have you still got that userscript or whatever it is that makes those on the ignore list completely invisible? I would very much appreciate a copy.
Yeah, sorry about that.
8 people occupying 8 seats in your restaurant is high impact and you need to pay more for service? I don't think I've ever used a 'lolwat' before but that difinately deserves it.. The laws of business says that they are the people that you target for service as they are a potential high paying table. Make sure you're taking plenty of drink orders and keep them spending.

I have now learned not to give those that ended up on my ignore list a second chance. Kritz, have you still got that userscript or whatever it is that makes those on the ignore list completely invisible? I would very much appreciate a copy.
On the off chance that Kritz hasn't delivered the script to you before you've finished overreacting, you can just use the old fashioned Ignore List in the User CP. Hopefully your heart will mend and you'll learn to open up and love again.

Can't we all just go back to talking about how much we hate video games?
Can we talk about how much we hate your new avatar?


really shaneus... 9gag...
If you're saying that because of the banner on that image, I'm sorry I couldn't get a better quality image for you while browsing at 64kbps. Next time I'll try harder or just not bother at all.

If it's because it came up with some rehosting thing because I didn't bother rehosting that image to imgur or somesuch, I apologise as I'm currently throttled to 64kbps and next time I'll try harder or just not bother at all.


Watching District 9 on Go. Man talk about shitty cuts to ad breaks. Literally in the middle of shootouts it's like bam, cut to ad.


I also apologise for the way this has gone. I have now learned not to give those that ended up on my ignore list a second chance. Kritz, have you still got that userscript or whatever it is that makes those on the ignore list completely invisible? I would very much appreciate a copy.

I do but if I gave it to you I'd have to quickly delete my userscript that puts a little ", lol :p" at the end of your posts which is super charming and even though we're now friends again I don't have the heart to remove it because it makes all your posts seem super warm and fuzzy please don't be mad :(

this should work

put user on your ignore list, and you'll no longer see their messages or Neogaf's banner telling you that someone's been ignored.
Also make sure to give a review of Portland!

Who had the time to look around? Left at 8am from Melbourne, finished work and reached motel at 10pm. :/ 600 kms on a morning coffee.

Country side driving was great though, much better landscape than other parts of victoria. Tomorrow I'm meeting a client in cape bridgewater, so will try to get a view of some seals or whales or penguins or whatever else wants to show off it's scaly form.

I have a hazard perception test tommorrow to move to my P2 licence, woo

Green P drivers are the worst in my experience. They think they can't bother with the rules anymore. Last month this P plater chick almost caused a pile up on GOR near angelsea when she overtook me by going on the wrong side and didn't see the big friking truck coming head on. Had to brake like crazy so she could squeeze through the gap between me and the car in front. Luckily the 2 cars behind me also braked in time and major fuckup was avoided.

I had a decent reply, but you know what? Fuck it. Why don't I do everyone a favour and end it right here. You're putting words in my mouth and twisting those that I did say.

This is the second time I have engaged in a conversation with you and I regret it as much as the last.

I also apologise for the way this has gone. I have now learned not to give those that ended up on my ignore list a second chance. Kritz, have you still got that userscript or whatever it is that makes those on the ignore list completely invisible? I would very much appreciate a copy.

I'm sorry. Won't post anything remotely related to driving ever again. Now make nice with planet_jase and his hot sister.


Ok, so where exactly can you hire an artist from? I want to get someone a specifically made picture/poster thing online for their birthday, a cartoony colourful one with all our in jokes since we've known each other. Where do you find people who do that? There's probably a lot of them about but I dunno where to start.


Ok, so where exactly can you hire an artist from? I want to get someone a specifically made picture/poster thing online for their birthday, a cartoony colourful one with all our in jokes since we've known each other. Where do you find people who do that? There's probably a lot of them about but I dunno where to start.

Go via their site/private contact details, most (non-hobby) artists take private commissions. I'd be happy to recommend a couple but it's better if you choose the style/artist yourself


I do but if I gave it to you I'd have to quickly delete my userscript that puts a little ", lol :p" at the end of your posts which is super charming and even though we're now friends again I don't have the heart to remove it because it makes all your posts seem super warm and fuzzy please don't be mad :(

this should work

put user on your ignore list, and you'll no longer see their messages or Neogaf's banner telling you that someone's been ignored.

Thanks, I just get a thick black line in its place instead, which I assume is the banner borders up against each-other . Also, you're mean.

I'm sorry. Won't post anything remotely related to driving ever again. Now make nice with planet_jase and his hot sister.

Not a chance. I'm not angry or anything like that, but I don't like having my time wasted.


What part of 'hot sister' did you not understand?

Probably the unspoken "she lives in another state, I do not know her, will never know her, currently know nothing about her, nor have I seen pictures of her". Also, if she exists, her brother is Jase, who I have had the misfortune of dealing with.
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