I don't think I've bought more than one or two new games from EB or any other retailer that does this. While this is mostly from a price point of view, it's also because I don't agree with the practice, especially from a retailer that heavily promotes what comes down to a free 7 day rental program. I don't like paying full price for a new item when it may not be.
As a consumer, it's not my responsibility to come up with a way to protect themselves and their customers but it could be quite simple. One thought is that they could keep 4 or 5 display cases for popular items on the shelf and only one for old and seldom sold titles. You bring up a display case, they get a new copy from out the back (for the popular titles they could keep 10 unopened copies in the disc drawers that they'd no longer be using. In the downtime between customer's they could put the display cases back up (after checking with their stock management system). But like I said, it's not really my concern how they fix it but I'd think it would be in their best interest if these rumours becomes a reality.
Yeah it's my 'studio', which is really just one end of my living room and isn't sound-treated so actually isn't a studio at all but it kind of feels like one so I dig it.
Well, I can personally vouch for the Yamahas (not my pic BTW) but like I said, probably needs some decent, matched bottom end to get the most out of them. I'm not sure how the KRKs stack up, but there are enough options with it (such as frequency tweaking/cutoff) to get it sounding how you'd like without really compromising the sound in any way:
I initially grabbed onto the bass because I wanted to look like Les Claypool. Then I started trying to play slap and my head started to hurt, so I mostly played RATM covers lolIt's a Peavey Grind sorry. I don't mind the Cort stuff though, pretty good for the price. You play bass? I'm not much of a bassist, I'm just fake it. What style do you play? Can you slap and pop?
I fucken love the DT. I used to have a Tiny Terror, then I ended up swapping some shmuck at work my old iPhone 4 for his Dark Terror. The extra gain and effects loop in the DT won the day and I sold the TT.
Happy birthday you lucky fuck!Thanks for the birthday wishes guys. I have arrived at the ripe old age of twenty.
Haven't done a whole lot yet, just been stuffing my face with french toast, bacon and maple syrup. Also got a cheesecake for later and am going to eat that till I'm sick cause that's how I get off.
You seem to know your shit.
Except there wouldn't be any shelf space for used games anymore as they wouldn't existI understand your position, but from a retail perspective, all this will do is either make it that high volume/heavily marketed titles dominate shelf space even further (really, how many display cases would exist for steambot chronicles 2 for example), or more shelf space will be dedicated to used games.
Except there wouldn't be any shelf space for used games anymore as they wouldn't exist(that's if we're both still talking about the hypothetical future, that is)
You arseholeI'm working on the assumption that PS3, 360, Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, Vita (lol) all maintain shelf space for several more years at least.
heh, same reason why I want a home studio...and to reawaken failed dreams I guess...;__;I
Mostly just pretend I'm a musician.
Guitar stuff like this https://soundcloud.com/kaarma/down-an-up and electronic stuff like this https://soundcloud.com/kaarma/inside-outside
I just think of my listening spaces as completely separate, so my iPhone headphones are different to my DJ ones are different to my speaker monitors is different to my HT setup. I doubt very much that any company at all sells a headphone that complements their studio drivers perfectly anyway.I was leaning towards the KRKs because I've already got the 6400 KRK headphones, so I figured they'd match up nicely. Still, the Yamahas look great.
You arsehole![]()
A German vet just gassed one of our cats, glad she made the joke before I said something.
A German vet just gassed one of our cats, glad she made the joke before I said something.
Holy shit, $135? Who do they think they are! Coldplay!?!
Reminds me that Fawlty Towers is getting censored. Any time something German related has been discussed this past week everyone has been chipping in with, "HAVE YOU HEARD WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO FAWLTY TOWERS!?!", which has been heartwarming.
PC is the worst for the sorta thing he is complaining about though, pretty much all games are linked to some form of online account, even multiple at times (although this is slowly going away) and there is 0 resale market.
Sure there are DRM free options, but that aren't what you would call mainstream.
It isn't already? :/I really worry about whether Vita is going to end up as an online only distribution system.
It isn't already? :/
Also, does anyone on Ausgaf have a gameboy player for GC they wish to part with? I have a 360 controller (halo reach version) and play/charge kit I havent managed to offload yet (both unopened).
Holy shit, $135? Who do they think they are! Coldplay!?!
Reminds me that Fawlty Towers is getting censored. Any time something German related has been discussed this past week everyone has been chipping in with, "HAVE YOU HEARD WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO FAWLTY TOWERS!?!", which has been heartwarming.
Hmm... I have one that I tried (and failed) to get connectivity going between my Wii (as a GameCube) and GameCube (as a Game Boy) with and failed (I never owned a Game Boy, so I thought this would be a way to finally get the Fusion Suit and stuff...). I could potentially be persuaded to part with it, but I have no need of 360 stuff...
Reminds me that Fawlty Towers is getting censored. Any time something German related has been discussed this past week everyone has been chipping in with, "HAVE YOU HEARD WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO FAWLTY TOWERS!?!", which has been heartwarming.
Yo linky be naughty.
Shit, that reminds me... that's gotta be free on PSN by now!For the interim it is, there is very little on the horizon for it. That said, it has given me Tactics Ogre, the final WipEout, and heaps of other games in a short period of time. Were all support for it to end today, I'd still be happy with the games I've got on it.
Yo linky be naughty.
I will regain what I sold off to jint lol!
Which is why it's the only game I'll ever have in my Vita. Never needs to come out.lol stupid carts not also being digital purchases
lumines is a perfect on-the-move game, not a very good swap-in-the-cart game...
Fucking rad.Earlier this month, Brian Dennehy started a new job as chief marketing officer of Nordstrom Inc. JWN +0.29% In his first week, he pulled aside a colleague to ask a question: How hard it is for a nonemployee to enter the building?
Mr. Dennehy doesn't have a particular interest in corporate security. He just doesn't want to be "It."
Mr. Dennehy and nine of his friends have spent the past 23 years locked in a game of "Tag."
It started in high school when they spent their morning break darting around the campus of Gonzaga Preparatory School in Spokane, Wash. Then they moved onto college, careers, families and new cities. But because of a reunion, a contract and someone's unusual idea to stay in touch, tag keeps pulling them closer. Much closer.
The game they play is fundamentally the same as the schoolyard version: One player is "It" until he tags someone else. But men in their 40s can't easily chase each other around the playground, at least not without making people nervous, so this tag has a twist. There are no geographic restrictions and the game is live for the entire month of February. The last guy tagged stays "It" for the year.
That means players get tagged at work and in bed. They form alliances and fly around the country. Wives are enlisted as spies and assistants are ordered to bar players from the office.
"You're like a deer or elk in hunting season," says Joe Tombari, a high-school teacher in Spokane, who sometimes locks the door of his classroom during off-periods and checks under his car before he gets near it.
One February day in the mid-1990s, Mr. Tombari and his wife, then living in California, got a knock on the door from a friend. "Hey, Joe, you've got to check this out. You wouldn't believe what I just bought," he said, as he led the two out to his car.
What they didn't know was Sean Raftis, who was "It," had flown in from Seattle and was folded in the trunk of the Honda Accord. When the trunk was opened he leapt out and tagged Mr. Tombari, whose wife was so startled she fell backward off the curb and tore a ligament in her knee.
"I still feel bad about it," says Father Raftis, who is now a priest in Montana. "But I got Joe."
It could have been worse for Mr. Tombari. He was "It" in 1982, heading into the last day of high school. He plotted to tag a friend, who had gone home early that day. But when he got there, the friend, tipped off by another player, was sitting in his parents' car with the doors locked. There wasn't enough time to tag someone else.
"The whole thing was quite devastating," says Mr. Tombari. "I was 'It' for life."
About eight years later, some of the group were gathered for a weekend when the topic turned to Mr. Tombari and the feeble finish to his tag career. Someone came up with an idea to revive the game for one month out of the year.
Whereas the Parties Do Not Wish...
Patrick Schultheis, then a first-year lawyer, drafted a "Tag Participation Agreement," which outlined the spirit of the game and the rules (no "tag-backs," or tagging the player who just tagged you). Everyone signed. The game was on.
One year early on when Mike Konesky was "It," he got confirmation, after midnight, that people were home at the house where two other players lived. He pulled up to their place at around 2 a.m., sneaked into the garage and groped around in the dark for the house door. "It was open," he says. "I'm like, 'Oh, man, I could get arrested.' "
Mr. Konesky tiptoed toward Mr. Dennehy's bedroom, burst through the door and flipped on the light. A bleary-eyed Mr. Dennehy looked up as his now-wife yelled "Run, Brian!" Mr. Konesky recalls. "There was nowhere for Brian to run."
Over the years, some of the players fanned out around the countrywhich curbed the action but raised the stakes. At one point, Chris Ammann was living in Boston. So Mr. Konesky dipped into his frequent-flier miles and crossed the country on the last weekend of the month. He spent the next two days in the bushes outside Mr. Ammann's apartment, sitting in his friend's favorite bar or driving up and down his street. Mr. Ammann never showed. Mr. Konesky was "It" for the year.
"I felt bad," says Mr. Ammann, who went out of town for the weekend. "I think I would have sacrificed getting tagged to spend some time with him."
The participants say tag has helped preserve friendships that otherwise may have fizzled. Usually, though, the prospect of 11 months of ridicule overrides brotherhood.
Mr. Schultheis once refused to help a colleague change his tire, fearing the guy had been recruited to help get him tagged. He sometimes goes to Hawaii in February, partly to lessen the chances of getting tagged.
Every February, Mr. Schultheis's office manager provides security detail as well as administrative functions.
Mr. Tombari once tried to talk his way past her. "She knew it was tag time," he says. "I wasn't allowed in. Nobody got in to see him."
Mr. Konesky, a tech-company manager, is now "It" again and has had 11 months to stew. With February approaching, he has been batting around a few plans of attack. He says he likes to go after people who haven't been "It" for a while. That includes Father Raftis, who has been harder to reach since he moved to Montana but who, as several players pointed out, is a sitting duck on Sundays.
"Once I step foot outside the rectory, all bets are off," the priest says. "I have to be a little more careful."
Well thanks for fucking posting about it here you selfish cunt. Not everyone can take the time out of their busy schedules to meander around in OT as if their life wasn't worth a pinch of shit.Also Shaneus I read that on GAF a few days back
Well thanks for fucking posting about it here you selfish cunt. Not everyone can take the time out of their busy schedules to meander around in OT as if their life wasn't worth a pinch of shit.
Just for broadcast in the UK? Pfft.
Well don't have a go at me for posting something that's already been on GAF if it's basically impossible for me to have ever seen itWhen I'm on the phone waiting for public servants to handle my query I like to mobile GAF through the OT. I'm too lazy to link it in here unless it is between Noon and 1pm.![]()
Who owns the rights to Fawlty Towers though?
Who is to say one change is enough though?
Who shot first though?
Think of the Blu Ray release?!?Greedo owns Fawlty Towers? o_0
God damn. God DAMN I finally own the first issue of Zzap! 64.