You know, that would almost perfectly pinpoint when I started to lose interest in Hyper. Also, I wonder if there's some correlation between that phenomenon and when the gaming journalism industry started to lose their way. Assuming they were getting paid to put up their marking material as the cover, I'm going to say... yes.Yeah, I've long held the opinion that modern games magazines started losing their appeal when they moved from originally commissioned art to using publisher-supplied images.
I mean compare these
I was only shitstirringI wasn't having a go!
Lumines is about 700mb. The capacity of Vita carts is... whatever they want it to be. They can theoretically use flash memory of any size but the largest game so far has been about 3.2gig. I think.Which is why it's the only game I'll ever have in my Vita. Never needs to come out.
Curious to see how big it is to download on PSN, though. I have no idea what capacity the Vita carts are supposed to be.
Police have reportedly discovered vials of urine hidden in the plumbing at the home ground of an NRL club.
The discovery was made while police conducted a bomb-detection training exercise at Skilled Park in Robina, Queensland, the home ground of the Gold Coast Titans.
The vials were discovered in the dressing room plumbing on Thursday, the day of the release of a major report linking Australia's major sports codes to widespread illicit drug use and organised crime.
Titans management described the find as a mystery.
"The Rugby Sevens were played there in October and there was a rugby Test between Australia and Argentina in September," Titans operations boss Ian Buchanan told News Limited.
"There is more than one tenant at Skilled Park and I certainly don't think it's fair to point the finger at us."
Buchanan told News Limited police had not asked the club to explain their find.
"How could they when there are so many teams that use the venue?"
Wait, we aren't allowed to say the n-word around kids?At least it's gotten people buying Fawlty Towers on DVD, which is something everyone should own anyway.
But it is just a removal of one utterance of the n-word specifically for broadcast in a child-friendly time slot.
Internet outrage sure is good for pageviews, though.
I think that was mainly laziness and pinching pennies more than anything else. Using assets they get given for free is a lot easier and cheaper than finding an artist to do something cool.You know, that would almost perfectly pinpoint when I started to lose interest in Hyper. Also, I wonder if there's some correlation between that phenomenon and when the gaming journalism industry started to lose their way. Assuming they were getting paid to put up their marking material as the cover, I'm going to say... yes.
Hey Fred, you were saying yesterday? :lol
How incredibly stupid can you get.
I vaguely remember that... not the cover itself, but something about it. All I know of custom covers (given I never really bought UK mags) was what Matt Hatton did for Hyper. I'm pretty sure that the only early ones he didn't do were #1 (Chun-Li) and number... 4, I think (NBA Jam, with a flaming basketball on the front). For some reason, I distinctly remember buying that one in the Virgin Megastore in Melbourne CBD. Weird, huh?My favourite PCPP cover was one that Paul Steed had made up for them especially when he had an interview with them for Quake 2. Just looks random as fuck, which really draws your eye to it.
It's hard enough to find regular issues of Retro Gamer...
I vaguely remember that... not the cover itself, but something about it. All I know of custom covers (given I never really bought UK mags) was what Matt Hatton did for Hyper. I'm pretty sure that the only early ones he didn't do were #1 (Chun-Li) and number... 4, I think (NBA Jam, with a flaming basketball on the front). For some reason, I distinctly remember buying that one in the Virgin Megastore in Melbourne CBD. Weird, huh?
How incredibly stupid can you get.
Did they not think to just pour it out.
Also CMI scored higher than Quake 2
Haha, 1998: Are singleplayer games doomed?
Haha, 1998: Are singleplayer games doomed?
To be fair, compared to 1998 they kinda are.
Maybe AAA wise, but there are tonnes of indie and arcade SP games.
I wonder how much that $15,000 "fastest games PC in the world" PC is worth now and if the winner still has it.Dat ADSL on the horizon!
I wonder how much that $15,000 "fastest games PC in the world" PC is worth now and if the winner still has it.
I wonder how much that $15,000 "fastest games PC in the world" PC is worth now and if the winner still has it.
Holy shit at rayman legends news
Holy shit at rayman legends news
Tinfoil hat time: major publishers all abandoning Nintendo systems so they can get onboard with anti used and online only orbis and durango.
Haha what
Looks like we're in for another first-party only (+ Platinum) Nintendo platform
Tinfoil hat time: major publishers all abandoning Nintendo systems so they can get onboard with anti used and online only orbis and durango.
The only difference I can see is Iwata has specifically called out third parties as something they aren't doing well (did they do this on Wii? Probably not considering it's success), as well as potentially putting his job on the line.Since then it's all been about Nintendo IPs pushing their hardware. There was nothing about the Wii U that said anything differently.
Putting a game on other systems isn't abandoning Nintendo systems really.
Putting a game on other systems isn't abandoning Nintendo systems really.
A previous exclusive is a bit weird.
Happens all the time to the 360. Third party platform exclusives died in the 360/PS3 gen for the most part.
Happens all the time to the 360. Third party platform exclusives died in the 360/PS3 gen for the most part.
Plus, It's Rayman. Let's be honest here, That IP hasn't sold well in terms of units in forever. It's pretty much a dead IP and while the Rayman game we got last year looked pretty and was favourable with reviews, It didn't set the Rayman IP back on fire.
So this is pretty much them going, fuck, we need to actually sell units to justify making this thing. All three consoles it is!
Bugger Rayman, did you hear that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate's online has been confirmed region locked??
Damn you, Nintendo.
Plus, It's Rayman. Let's be honest here, That IP hasn't sold well in terms of units in forever. It's pretty much a dead IP and while the Rayman game we got last year looked pretty and was favourable with reviews, It didn't set the Rayman IP back on fire.
So this is pretty much them going, fuck, we need to actually sell units to justify making this thing. All three consoles it is!
In the Ubi conference call this time last year they said Origins turned a profit and they were going to make it one of their continual IP's, so it's one of their top level franchises at least.
Not that it means much the way this gen has gone lol
Hmm should I go and see Tool live for a third time, just on the off-chance they might play some new/different material?
What, you mean exactly like the original MH3?
Rayman going to other platforms doesn't bother me, I'm all for as many people as possible being able to play what looks like a quality game. Pushing the Wii U version back half a year so close to release, unless they're reworking or adding content, is a dick move.