Anyone have a best-guess as to how much money I should set aside for this Sony thing ?
600 bucks would be a good guess i think
Anyone have a best-guess as to how much money I should set aside for this Sony thing ?
Anyone have a best-guess as to how much money I should set aside for this Sony thing ?
Anyone have a best-guess as to how much money I should set aside for this Sony thing ?
Anyone have a best-guess as to how much money I should set aside for this Sony thing ?
Haha, EB games made a funny.
PS3 was $999 at launch here. PS2 and PS1 were both $750. Both Xboxes were $650 at launch.
I know exchanges rates are better but since when has that stopped anyone?
I'm hoping it's cheaper than $600 considering there doesn't seem to be any super expensive tech in this machine like cell or a new disc format
So am I correct in reading the hive mind that most are disappointed apart from the PS3 fans on GAF?
PS3 was $999 at launch here. PS2 and PS1 were both $750. Both Xboxes were $650 at launch.
I know exchanges rates are better but since when has that stopped anyone?
Hmmm not sure, but I will only use it until maxwell comes out next year so I don't want to blow a fortune on it and it has to be a better performer than the 6970, preferably Nvidia, pretty sick of AMD's issues.
I think for hardware there is a fair bit more wiggle room than online dd pricing mismatch.The Xbox 360 dropped in price sharply within a few months of launch, plus the Wii U was priced incredibly well.
I don't think MS and Sony will be able to get away with a big difference, especially with MS being brought before Parliament to explain their price differences.
The Xbox 360 dropped in price sharply within a few months of launch, plus the Wii U was priced incredibly well.
I don't think MS and Sony will be able to get away with a big difference, especially with MS being brought before Parliament to explain their price differences.
I don't think any currency savings will be passed on to purchasers, I expect a butt raping for the first 18 months of the console.
As for the hive, I think it is more just that it was a confirmation of what was known rather than disappointment.
360? I doubt that would have dropped quickly (when nothing dropped for ages this gen). Happy to be corrected if it was.
I know the orig Xbox went from 650 to 399 in about a month.
I've just been advised that the AusGAF Mumble server has been down for a few days, thanks to BananaArnie for bringing this to my attention. It seems the providers were victims of a DDOS attack and the problem was recently resolved (this time yesterday). I just had to start the server to get things running again.
If there are any problems like this that occur, please let me know so I can get on it for you. Most of you use the server more than I do, so you'll be aware of most things well before I am.
I hadn't abandoned the server and am more than happy to keep it going for as long as people are using it.
just wanted to share the above. credit goes to shanshan for finding.
Depression Quest is an interactive fiction game where you play as someone living with depression. You are given a series of everyday life events and have to attempt to manage your illness, relationships, job, and possible treatment. This game aims to show other sufferers of depression that they are not alone in their feelings, and to illustrate to people who may not understand the illness the depths of what it can do to people.
Aww yeah. Next two brews lined up: A hoppy American Pale Ale (brewing tomorrow). Brew number ten (I think) will be a Saison, next month.
And now that I've moved my brewday up...
* codswallop
* holycheck
* bananaarnie (maybe?)
* aniseed (maybe?)
* evlcookie (ha!)
* you?
I'll come!
In my pants!
what state are you even
That is indeed excellent for people who don't get what depression does to you and how stifling it is.
As a person who has and still does experience depression, it's like a mirror being held up. I just read that for a little bit and am like "well, that's my life". It could certainly gotten much darker very early on, but it would throw people off who don't understand and it seems to be demonstrating the downward spiral that it really can be.
I've just been advised that the AusGAF Mumble server has been down for a few days, thanks to BananaArnie for bringing this to my attention. It seems the providers were victims of a DDOS attack and the problem was recently resolved (this time yesterday). I just had to start the server to get things running again.
If there are any problems like this that occur, please let me know so I can get on it for you. Most of you use the server more than I do, so you'll be aware of most things well before I am.
I hadn't abandoned the server and am more than happy to keep it going for as long as people are using it.
That is indeed excellent for people who don't get what depression does to you and how stifling it is.
As a person who has and still does experience depression, it's like a mirror being held up. I just read that for a little bit and am like "well, that's my life". It could certainly gotten much darker very early on, but it would throw people off who don't understand and it seems to be demonstrating the downward spiral that it really can be.
Cheers D.
D'ya need chip-in costs to keep it up by any chance?
Nah, it's not terribly expensive, but thanks for the offer.
One person chipped in a little while ago and I don't think they've even used it once. I think that was when cash-flow was a real problem for me, it was a nice gesture that I thought I'd mention so they know I haven't forgotten.
Awww that sucks, the ads looked good!Mad as Hell = Good
Mr and Mrs Murder = Bad
It's as if it is held together by paddle pop sticks lately, not sure what is going on.gaf already dropped once, wonder how many more deaths will be died today
Awww get fucked Jase! Gotta get your snack on! Especially if it was going to be a hilarious Wonderbook event!
Rep: Do you have that (whiskey) cheers/toast gif handy? Need it if you have it around!
(which man?)
Considering the 300 pound rumour seemed to be pretty solid I would guess $400USD in the US (maybe even $450 like you guessed), $500AUD here. Won't be more than $600AUD here, Aussie dollar is high and Sony know they need to get this thing rolling into as many homes as possible to avoid missing out on taking advantage of the weak WiiU reception.Any pricing prediction? I'm betting on $449 (USD).
Don't know why. It's unified memory, so if you wanted a reasonable graphics card compared to a PC one, which is 2GB, you "only" have 6GB left over. It is pretty fast though, which is nice.
What wouldn't have made it weak though? I'm not sure what more they could have done a few months before E3. If they blow all their wad at once they will lose steam before release.Maybe I've become jaded, but the I thought the Sony conference was fucking weak. If this is what people are excited for then maybe consoles are dead to me.
Terrible article. Zero detail, just "ZOMG! Look at the Twitters!".
One of the Pussycat Dolls got done too.So Jarryd Hayne is being spray painted as Prophet for some reason...
Would be good, Kinect has turned out like the Wii though. Sold a fuckload of hardware, graveyard of software though. Nothing outside of party games and some early, promising efforts that didn't sell.Maybe Kinect 2 will actually do some cool shit this time. Like for real. Like finger tracking for RTS games or gesture control for team mates in shooters. People are clearly getting sick of the same games just shinier (RRP $899)
It was meeeeeeeeeeee.One person chipped in a little while ago and I don't think they've even used it once. I think that was when cash-flow was a real problem for me, it was a nice gesture that I thought I'd mention so they know I haven't forgotten.
It was meeeeeeeeeeee.
I don't play MP games so I haven't used it, aside from that one time we played L4D2 and I stunk up the place.
Yeah, I wasn't blown away, but I don't think it would be possible for a console launch to do that, I don't know what people expected who are disappointed. I am disappointed by the lack of PS1 BC, and BC in general, but other than that it is about what I expected, some cool things I wasn't expecting balance it out.What wouldn't have made it weak though? I'm not sure what more they could have done a few months before E3. If they blow all their wad at once they will lose steam before release.
Problem is, most of the demos they ran were dullsville. I was bored about 30 seconds into where the guy was given control on the Killzone 4 (whatever) demo, after the 45 minute cutscene.Compared to current gen, which has gotten us games like Watch_Dogs, Uncharted 2, Halo 4 and Arkham City, it is a huge deal!
The Revolution launch blew my hype levels into the stratosphere. I thought myself cynical then but I bought into it. For something to impress me given the Wii letdown, it's going to have to be pretty fucking incredible.
Can we get a scale on that bar graph.
I expected Killzone 4 since the dev hasn't been doing much lately, Killzone 3 was what, 2011? So they would most likely be the furthest along in development, also because of their close ties to Sony hardware development.Killzone 4 (whatever) demo, after the 45 minute cutscene.
The car game might be nice, but who the hell knows (and it's not Gran Turismo, where the fuck was that)?
Watch_Dogs I am incredibly skeptical about, because it's Ubisoft
What else did they show? A PC game (The Witness) and some fucking weird Muppet simulator (that Media Molecule thing). That's it. Oh, the CapcomDragon's DogmaDark SoulsDeep Down game looked nice. But given it's Capcom... I'll wait and see. And where was Remember Me? Oh right, there's a Final Fantasy apparently..
Yeah I was dreading the tech talk but Cerny is awesome and hit all the points quickly and focused on how it made things better to use.The game stuff they showed didn't really wow me but pretty much all the system talk before hand was pretty awesome imo. Which is the opposite of how these things usually go.
looks a bit dodgy to me like they did some weird bandwidth + size combo graphs
Buying for $5. If only someone could do a similar thing for ADHD, then I'd donate ten times as much. But knowing my luck, there are probably about 300 different games out there... all half finished.That is indeed excellent for people who don't get what depression does to you and how stifling it is.
As a person who has and still does experience depression, it's like a mirror being held up. I just read that for a little bit and am like "well, that's my life". It could certainly gotten much darker very early on, but it would throw people off who don't understand and it seems to be demonstrating the downward spiral that it really can be.
Actual framerate?
What's that?The Revolution launch blew my hype levels into the stratosphere. I thought myself cynical then but I bought into it. For something to impress me given the Wii letdown, it's going to have to be pretty fucking incredible.
sell ur bootsSalazar said:Anyone have a best-guess as to how much money I should set aside for this Sony thing ?
Buying for $5. If only someone could do a similar thing for ADHD, then I'd donate ten times as much. But knowing my luck, there are probably about 300 different games out there... all half finished.
And now I am abusing someone who probably suffers from depression in that Depression Quest threadI am a bit of a shit sometimes.
So university starts again next week. Where would be the best place to buy a Surface, AusGAF? (figure that it would be good for note taking)