Oh man, PS4 reveal went much better than expected. All the Sony stuff was perfectly done, shits all over any other console reveal that I have seen, especially the PS3 reveal.
The fact that it was before E3 means they can introduce the important features and then go into full detail at E3 when they don't have to provide background for all of this.
I cannot think of how they could have pleased more people, without alienating the majority of the market. The focus on DD and Cloud gaming, along with PC ideas like interconnected social networks (and livestreaming) give console gaming something fresh which is nice.
Love the idea of streaming PS4 games to a Vita when you have to give the TV up for someone else to use.
Also love that you can allow people to message you will you livestream a game, I can see that being really fun in adventure games.
The fact that the PS4 is effectively 'always on' also means I don't have to worry about updates, which you would think more people would be talking about since one of the biggest complaints about the PS3 is that you have to update it every 30 minutes!
Also really cool that you get to try every PS4 game without spending a cent! I can see that being a good way to pick up impulse buyers in the future, allow people to try a game on a whim and if they like it they will find a price tag in front of their face saying "unlock the whole game right now for only $xx!".
After 360/PS3 dropped BC with the vast majority of Xbox/PS2 titles I didn't expect PS4 to either, especially once it was confirmed it was x86. It sucks but I can deal with it while I have a working PS3, same as I did with my PS2 and Xbox.
The potential of the Cloud certainly makes it a less bitter pill to swallow! Definitely the future of gaming.
Games shown were great, just a taster since it was only announcement day after all. Most games would be held for E3 since they have to go up against all the other platform holders. Also love the fact that the first PS4 game to be shown to public is a cool, cutesy looking Jak & Daxter type game.
Still lots of questions to be answered, but the event ran long as it is. If we don't get more concrete details about all the prices involved at E3 I would get annoyed, not yet though.
Nice to see that it is 2013 though! Didn't expect it to come with a headset though.