When dear old Gran tells you that you're a waste of space loser with no friends, no life and no future, maybe it's time to pack it up and call it a day.
If there's anything I've learned about dealing with my own anxiety and depression, it's that (mostly) family will acknowledge any problems you have on a surface level but refuse to understand and will talk shit about you regardless.
Even if it's just explained as 'tough love', it's utterly pointless because you'll already be feeling that way and giving voice to the negative thoughts that keep you in the hole in the first place is not only not news, but extremely unhelpful given family are supposed to give a shit.
I'm so over family opinion, and it was when I discovered that they thought my father was faking his illness to rout the system right up until it killed him, I realised how shallow the whole idea is. You may be born into a family, but that doesn't make those people in any way your actual family.
And if they're not acting like family, you don't need to give one fuck what they have to say.