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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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Congratulations! You'll have your dog/s, won't you? You're never alone with a dog around.

Anyway, being in the company of other people can sometimes be overrated.

Thanks. No dogs, housemate will be keeping them because the current house has a big backyard and my new one does not. Plus living alone it will be hard to leave them alone all day.
I guess cookie eventually got his Steam account back after a couple of months.

This is completely unrelated to this current discussion, but it ties into what you said in the other thread and now I'm curious.

You said AusGAF has been racist towards other countries? I'm genuinely curious who you mean by that and if they were called out on it?


You said AusGAF has been racist towards other countries? I'm genuinely curious who you mean by that and if they were called out on it?
Not "racist" towards other countries. The language was "shit on another country" and all it takes is one Choc post about Americans to invalidate any claims of innocence.
I would probably swap racist for prejudiced, but I haven't read it all.

hmmm okay, that's fairly disappointing if that's the case.

Edit: My mistake, wording was clarified above. I don't feel so bad then, because I know Choc gets routinely called out for his Chocness :)

I have seen one explicitly racist Aus Gaffer, though I don't know if he is actually part of what I would call 'AusGAF'.


That's what I figured :/
I guess cookie eventually got his Steam account back after a couple of months.
EA were fine with their customer service, but man... it's STILL fucking happening to EA accounts, with the hacking and the renaming etc. You'd think they'd have plugged that fucking hole by now. Christ almighty.

Did cookie get his Steam account locked completely? I must've missed that story.


Did cookie get his Steam account locked completely? I must've missed that story.
Yeah, I think it was his banks fault in the end. He disputed one non Steam transaction, but the bank did a chargeback on a whole bunch of them, one of them being Steam. Steam disabled his account waiting for a letter from the bank who dicked around for ages. Steams fault for being zero tolerance, banks fault for it taking so long. If I remember correctly anyway.
Yeah, I think it was his banks fault in the end. He disputed one non Steam transaction, but the bank did a chargeback on a whole bunch of them, one of them being Steam. Steam disabled his account waiting for a letter from the bank who dicked around for ages. Steams fault for being zero tolerance, banks fault for it taking so long. If I remember correctly anyway.

Which bank was this by the way? Would like to avoid this happening if I ever have to do a chargeback :/
On a similar note have you got access back to your uPlay account Cod?
No. Also yes. They told me the account name and I was able to change the password so I can use it.

However it was a stupid account name as I thought it wasn't permanently tied to the serial. They won't transfer games between accounts despite me proving I created both and won't rename accounts, so fuck them.

Also took around five weeks to get access back to the game and three more for them to tell me they couldn't help me.
Ah at least you can play it finally. I know I avoided uPlay like the plague, still havne't even downloaded the free Ass Creed 3 I won! I should do that tonight!!

Oh hey Yag, turns out PS+ gets LEGO Batman on Vita since we don't get Mortal Kombat Vita for free locally.
Also Big Sky Infinity is the new free game today. PS3 and Vita versions!

So Rollercoaster Tycoon. Which are the good ones? I know the wife loved them but only the first 2 are by Chris Sawyer, with Frontier Developments (Braben) doing the 3rd.

EDIT: Oh fuck! San Andreas is up! Will wait for half price sale but sooooooo want.


Does anyone else get the feeling the Wii U is going to be a huge bomb? Like, of GameCube proportions?

It just doesn't seem like anyone is going to make games for it. At all. Look at the western publishers that still exist:

- EA: basically have zero interest in the console. At this point I'm convinced Iwata had an affair with Riccitello's wife.
- Ubisoft: - They'll put out ports and Just Dance. Doubt they'll make any more exclusives after Rayman.
- Take Two: - won't support it.
- THQ: Soon to be dead.
- Activison: Barely release anything outside of CoD and Skylanders anyway.
- Bethesda: Can't picture them providing any support.

It might have some okay support in Japan, but handhelds rule there and for the developers still making console games want nothing more than to appeal to the west (see: Dark "we want that sweet sweet Elder Scrolls money" Souls 2).

All the developers that could have found a home on the Wii U are dead. Mid-tier games are dead and they are never coming back. It's big budgets or $10 DD games, with nothing in between. Talking consoles only here, of course.

If I didn't basically shift 90% of my gaming to PC this would make me really sad. It certainly makes the 14 year old Nintendo fanboy version of me sad.

I pretty much see this as the way its going to go down. Western support outside of a few indies is going to be slim pickings and token effort test games. Every western publisher is positioning themselves to be the biggest and best ultra HD studio even if it runs all their contract devs into financial oblivion.

Next gen will be a bloodbath, but Nintendo is not going to walk away unscathed. They are the going to be colateral damage, unless the other systems end up being complete disasters.

I'd agree with most of this except UBI will probably try another exclusive or two, shit they had a Vita exclusive AC spinoff. Japanese support is probable but strangely atm there is even less announced Japanese games for it than western. You are also forgetting Square Enix as a western publisher :p but I don't see much support from them either.

Ubisoft, Capcom, Namco, smaller pubs like Atlus/Rising Star and the like will support Wii U to some extent. Activision will put ports of the same old shit with maybe one game the entire gen that takes the platform seriously. Then they will port it to smartglass within a week.

Meh, game cube bombed and got no 3rd party support but was one of the best ever.

Third parties just duck on Nintendo.

Gamecube bombed but it wasnt obvious in month 1 that it would struggle.

I think the problem is the Wii U GamePad won't pull in as many casuals as the WiiMote waggle stuff did.

Although tablets are pretty popular these days. Who knows. I just don't think it will do any where near as good as the PS4 and 720.

Waggle took off because it was awesome for the demo games on Wii Sports. It was simple, accessible and for those who stuck with it, it delivered some incredible experiences.

Wii U is a tablet market chase - even if they don't admit it, it is trying to capture the public fascination with ipads etc and doing different things, but also not doing the things tablets do well.

I think the clear distinction was Wii was Nintendo being proactive and defining the market on its own terms. That strategy took balls and it paid off. Wii U is a safe, reactive move and it isn't yet clear it will pay off, and it quite possible will hurt them.

The issue is - do they go their own way and do another Wii next time, or do they jump into the spec war and try compete in the war of attrition that will inevitably follow.

This isn't a case of "doomed", but its a case where they need to work out what their identity is and play to it, fuck what the others do.

I'm sure there are games coming to Wii U, they're just not going to be announced any time soon and that's the problem. We know nothing about the games post Q2.

Their strategy in recent years has been to not announce games until they are within 6 months of release (some exceptions). I suspect a lot of third parties are being gagged until after the launch window is shut, so I expect to see announcements in March/April next year.

I expect most of next years games will be coming in some form, with a few notable exceptions. But the strategy is hurting them big time with respect to the 'core market' they say they are chasing.

I actually think that the Vita has had a much stronger 12months than the 3DS, which is why the sales numbers from Sony's handheld are quite frustrating.

It had a good luanch lineup and a good last couple of months but not alot in between

As a 2 week Vita owner and a day one 3DS owner, I'd say its pretty evenly split. Vita has a killer lineup, and its great coming in to the system without the release droughts. Very happy I bought it, but fuck buying it at launch. Or any system for that matter. Vita taught me a valuable lesson: good things come to those who wait. Except Castlevania.

AusGAF 9 - Near Enough is Good Enough
AusGAF 9 - Convicts Only, DNA Scan on Entry

AusGAF IX - Port Arthur Class of 2013

That thread was essentially: "There was a video of a handful of individuals being racist towards another on a bus in a Melbourne suburb. It's disgraceful to see people apply stereotypes to a poor individual. Bloody Australians, they're all the same!" Without a hint of irony.

It's one of the dumbest posts I have seen from someone on GAF for a very long time, and you have highlighted why. Of course there are racists and bigots all over the country. Listen to talkback radio, read newspaper comments, listen to conversations etc. Australia isn't a racist country, but it has a large enough number of racists and ingrained inequalities in the system we live in.

I maintain that the biggest victims of prejudice in this country are the various Aboriginal people and they absolutely need to be treated better in terms of opportunity and making up for the gaps that remain after the history they have gone through.

But scientific ninja's post was a load of shit, and I really expected better from someone like him.


Ah at least you can play it finally. I know I avoided uPlay like the plague, still havne't even downloaded the free Ass Creed 3 I won! I should do that tonight!!

Oh hey Yag, turns out PS+ gets LEGO Batman on Vita since we don't get Mortal Kombat Vita for free locally.
Also Big Sky Infinity is the new free game today. PS3 and Vita versions!

Just saw that a minute ago. Also, I'm incredibly dirty that Castlevania Symphony of the Night is still unavailable on the Aus PSN store.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Edit: IT IS!!!!

(°□°) T━T
Just saw that a minute ago. Also, I'm incredibly dirty that Castlevania Symphony of the Night is still unavailable on the Aus PSN store.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Edit: IT IS!!!!

(°□°) T━T
Great day for releases out of the blue!
Just saw that a minute ago. Also, I'm incredibly dirty that Castlevania Symphony of the Night is still unavailable on the Aus PSN store.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Edit: IT IS!!!!

(°□°) T━T
I know, but $15? Geddouttahere.

Also, it may not be playable on Vita. People have reported that it's not n the Vita store and isn't recognised if downloaded through a PS3.
I have only seen one person comment that it was playable on Vita. That person was clearly being a troll.

Set your expectations low.



Yep. About there.
Yes, it's great! Definitely look into it, I'm sure they have some sort of good deal going right now, too.

Oh shit, forgot that their current/last deal is $60 a month for line rental, unlimited download ADSL2+ ANNNNNNND an Xbox 360 with Halo 4 (or Skyrim, can't remember).

Fucking awesome deal. Pissed I signed up in September and missed out :(


You know, the game has been 6 years coming for PSN. Its a PS1 rom dump. If they update it down the line they will update that version I assume.

I'll probably end up nabbing it in the end anyway, seeing as Dracula X Chronicles isnt on the PSP store for vita either. Its disappointing, but last week I didnt have a vita and I would have got the game then regardless.
Look what arrived today!


Oh shit, forgot that their current/last deal is $60 a month for line rental, unlimited download ADSL2+ ANNNNNNND an Xbox 360 with Halo 4 (or Skyrim, can't remember).

Fucking awesome deal. Pissed I signed up in September and missed out :(

That's the one! Our family signed up in September as well, so pissed about that!
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