I love how the News Ltd websites see Thatchers funeral as more of a forefront issue than NZs gay marriage decision. Just like Murdoch.
None of them...
I love how the News Ltd websites see Thatchers funeral as more of a forefront issue than NZs gay marriage decision. Just like Murdoch.
Seriously, this guy is worse than Bill O'Reilly. He is a fucking moron.
UK, NZ are fully for it and the US is likely to let it go on a State-by-State basis. Labor's for it, but the Lib/Coalition won't even get a conscience vote.
Labor isn't for it any more that the Libs are. They may have a higher proportion of members that support it, but it is a long way from being a party position. Gillard won't even say why she doesn't want it, stupid fucking politicians, last couple of months they have been making me rage way too often.
It's in their bloody national platform. So they're a bunch of asshats basically.
:/ Utter failure on all levels.125
Labor will ensure that all couples whether married or de facto do not suffer discrimination.
Labor will amend the Marriage Act to ensure equal access to marriage under statute for all adult
couples irrespective of sex who have a mutual commitment to a shared life.
These amendments should ensure that nothing in the Marriage Act imposes an obligation on a
minister of religion to solemnise any marriage.
Labor will ensure that Certificates of No Impediment to Marriage are issued regardless of sex or
gender of either member of the couple.
Same sex marriage
Conference resolves that the matter of same sex marriage can be freely debated at any state
or federal forum of the Australian Labor Party, but any decision reached is not binding on any
member of the Party
Then why do you hate Whingepool? WHYYYYYY?!
Oh, you are with the ombudsmen and you have to deal with the complaints!
In an exclusive interview, the head of the NSW police drug squad says penalties should be softened for minor drug possession.
In a wide-ranging interview, Detective Superintendant Nick Bingham told triple j's Hack program that police should move to a softer approach for policing personal drug use and possession offences.
Det Supt Bingham said he would like to see cautions given for all "use-possession-type offences".
Sudo apt get pwnt
Goto sleep
Welp, Link to the Past 2. Didn't expect that. Hopefully it's not super boring like the last few Zelda games. They have a legacy to respect with how they've named this game.
All this whinging about Foxtel getting first access to BBC programming gets to me. It's just another example of how we think we are so entitled to get everything for free or cheap.
Not trying to start anything, but if you really want to watch these shows, pay for them.
All this whinging about Foxtel getting first access to BBC programming gets to me. It's just another example of how we think we are so entitled to get everything for free or cheap.
Not trying to start anything, but if you really want to watch these shows, pay for them.
You want to move to Adelaide???!?jambo give me a job
It was super depressing to see my member, from Canberra, one of the safest seats in the most liberal of towns, vote against it >_< stupid apparatchik. (Proper liberal sense not big L)
You want to move to Adelaide???!?
All this whinging about Foxtel getting first access to BBC programming gets to me. It's just another example of how we think we are so entitled to get everything for free or cheap.
Not trying to start anything, but if you really want to watch these shows, pay for them.
It's more that they've traditionally been on the ABC for years and people hate change, especially change that doesn't benefit consumers
realistically though who the fuck's going to go buy foxtel for the BBC channel when they can almost certainly just pirate the living shit out of it instead
I bought a US 3DS to avoid this shit.Also suck shit US we get Bravely Default this year! Another one on my buy list. Along with Fire Emblem. Which still isn't out yettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.
Seriously, this guy is worse than Bill O'Reilly. He is a fucking moron.
Meh, I'm on an unlimited TPG plan.
The reason why I think the BBC moving to pay TV sucks is because the ABC gives a lot of shows that no other channel would take a chance on airtime. If any of those program's get popular, all of a sudden they're snapped up, edited to fit timeslots and adverts crappily checked in a stupid places.
The ABC deserves to keep these program's because they take a chance on them, have a better reach to social and geographic demographics and treat them with more respect.
I'm pretty excited about Catherine on + this month, always wanted to play it but never got around to it yet.
Yeah I understand that. If I didn't have cable the only channels I would watch are ABC and SBS.