I got banned for calling something gay. Before it was a big gaf taboo.I've been banned three times. Scrubs.
(Also been banned thrice)
I got banned for calling something gay. Before it was a big gaf taboo.I've been banned three times. Scrubs.
Islam's rise was so singularly dependent on so many unlikely events and borrowed so much from Christianity and Judaism that I just don't see it happening without Christianity itself being a thing first. Even the war between the Sassanid Persians and Rome that weakened them both to allow it to happen was partly religiously motivated.
If Christianity had fizzled out (as it would have without Saul to spread it so far and wide), what could have replaced it? Judaism and all its offshoots (apart from Christianity) were way too ethnocentric and stuff like Mithraism wasn't expansionist enough. There were messianic/apocalyptic movements, but they all stressed how mysterious and secret its knowledge was, how being a member made you a part of an exclusive club. Hardly good candidates for a worldwide proselytising movement.
Christianity was like that too, originally, both in its Jewish ethnocentrism and its elitism, but some secret sauce was added by Paul of Tarsus that made it highly attractive to lowborn and rich Yahweh-sympathetic Greeks alike. It helped that Paul would have been, for all his protestations of his Jewishness, thoroughly hellenised, probably speaking Greek better than he did Aramaic or Hebrew (Tarsus was an extremely Greek city). Not to psychoanalyse him too much, but his Pharisaic studies and heretic-hunting may have been a conscious rejection of the society in which he was raised in, in favour of the one his family's heritage was tied to. Think of a second generation immigrant teen affecting an accent and wearing visible symbols of his parents' homeland.
Whatever the case, he took a very Jewish sect and morphed it, then packaged it in a very Greek form, turning its gaze outward.
The only thing I can really think of that might have gotten close to doing what Christianity did is Buddhism, but it had a long way travel from Afghanistan to England and would have had to cross over Zoroastrian Persia in order to even break into the former Empire. I just don't see it having gathered enough steam by now.
Rice and almond milk are foul.
Try Zymil. My wife is lactose intolerant and since we switched, she's had no issues. Same great milk taste, no lactose issues.
Are you happy now?
The one and only time I ever had a chili dog was at a baseball game in the US. It was glorious. I think I'll be saving some of whatever slop I end up making and using it for this (I also usually make nachos with it). Thanks for the reminder! Grabbed the stuff tonight, so I think I'll make this most sombre of holidays chili day.Fuck yes! Next time I cook chili it will be going on a hot dog.
Don't know. Don't know. Whoever first did it is a god among men.What the fuck? How the fuck?
The wife drinks "Soy Milky" soy. It doesn't really taste like milk but it's not bad. I pretty much gave up on milk last year because I didn't really see any benefit in it. The milk we have in supermarkets is so bland I may as well not bother with it. Don't miss it at all. OK, I lie, after having probably less than half a litre in a year, I wanted a milkshake last weekend. Wasn't interested in plain milk though.Whats a good non dairy milk i can try? Rice or almond or....
Fuck yes! Next time I cook chili it will be going on a hot dog. Fucking Sonic. How have I never done this before?!?
Hell yeah, love me a good chili dog.
Continential Viennese smoked frankfurt served with freshly cooked spicy chilli con carne and chilli sauce.
How, exactly?I'm not talking about Islam, but other messianic sects in the same region, at the same time. Hell, Zoroastrianism could have become something similar. It is not possible to say with any degree of accuracy that without Christianity, Europe would be a barbarian wasteland. Hell, without Christianity fucking it up, the Romans may have had a batter shot at holding off the invasions. Pagan religions of many varieties may have become powerful. It's just not possible to say.
I got banned for calling something gay. Before it was a big gaf taboo.
(Also been banned thrice)
How, exactly?
The barbarian invasions were about plunder at first, then carving out petty kingdoms in Roman territory later on. How does the religion of the invaded change the overstretched military situation or the financial problems the central government was experiencing? How does it prevent the senatorial class retreating to their vast country estates and leaving the cities bereft of public patronage and the armies bereft of soldiers?
Classical Paganism would have done nothing to prevent any of this and was, in any case, already dying off by the time Christianity had come along. The cults of Sol Invictus, Isis, Osiris, Mithras and a host of other mystery religions had already largely supplanted the traditional Roman pantheon during the middle Empire, all except for Jupiter, who had come to have a quasi-monotheistic following all across the Empire. People kept the Roman gods around, because of tradition, heritage and good luck, but in many cities, their temples were empty and crumbling even before Christianity came along.
Seriously, all Christianity did was kick in the door and the whole edifice fell down.
But could Classical Paganism have held the various parts of the Empire together despite being parts of different polities? With how moribund and chaotic it was, I highly doubt it.
Zoroastrianism is one of those funny ones as it seems to vacillate between expansion and introspection. It was very closely identified with Persian ethnic identity and Persian power at the time, but could easily have spread over the Levant and Egypt like Islam had a Persian invasion ever succeeded. Even a major steppe tribe adopting it and invading the west might've been enough, given that monotheism seemed to have been an idea whose time had come. If that had happened, maybe Sweden would be a Zoroastrian country today.
But one day itll be me who gets the spice girls singing at his birth day!
Im starting to think i might be somewhat lactose intol.
Whats a good non dairy milk i can try? Rice or almond or....
Might grab one tonight for testing purposes.
I logged in to gaf for a reason, the above wasnt it. Ive gone blank.
I love the aesthetic of it, I've watched a video or two but I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it or not. But if you're up for springing for the four pack, I'm definitely in.$10.12 each until the sale ends in 10 hours.
1. Called Vettel a cunt in the F1 thread (when it was still bannable)Been banned once, but it was a fair cop. No complaints.
Liddel's Lactose Free. Basically just like regular milk, but whatever enzyme it has that makes me queazy has been replaced with another one that doesn't. I get the low fat one because they're all kinda sweet and that particular one sort of balances out so it tastes like normal milk.Im starting to think i might be somewhat lactose intol.
Whats a good non dairy milk i can try? Rice or almond or....
One of my favourite bachelor creations is getting some Stagg chilli (I know, but I'm lazy) and eating it out of a bowl that's lined with corn chips. If you want to go the whole hog, apparently chilli makes a great nacho topping as well (kinda where I got the idea from).The one and only time I ever had a chili dog was at a baseball game in the US. It was glorious. I think I'll be saving some of whatever slop I end up making and using it for this (I also usually make nachos with it). Thanks for the reminder! Grabbed the stuff tonight, so I think I'll make this most sombre of holidays chili day.
Liddel's Lactose Free. Basically just like regular milk, but whatever enzyme it has that makes me queazy has been replaced with another one that doesn't. I get the low fat one because they're all kinda sweet and that particular one sort of balances out so it tastes like normal milk.
Sure. I'm just speculating, which was originally a response to somebody fantising about going back in time and smothering Christianity in the grave, the implication being that things would be better had Christianity never spread beyond Judea. I disagreed and provided a plausible alternative scenario citing historical trends at play at the time.I'm saying it would have prevented any one event, but to claim that without Saul Europe would have stagnated is rubbish. It may have, it may not have.
Sure. I'm just speculating, which was originally a response to somebody fantising about going back in time and smothering Christianity in the grave, the implication being that things would be better had Christianity never spread beyond Judea. I disagreed and provided a plausible alternative scenario citing historical trends at play at the time.
The enlightenment-era historical revisionist views on Christianity and its supposedly damaging effect on history are common, but are deliberately blinkered and ignore quite a lot of pertinent facts of history. It's like the idea that Richard the Lion Hearted was a great English king as opposed to a neglectful Angevin adventurer who happened to hold the throne of England as the least part of a French baronial empire.
yup, vitasoy liteI like soy milk.
You're wrong.I don't really like chilli.
I used to looooooooove Stagg Chili. Not sure what happened, but one day I just went off it. Picked up one a few years back and didn't enjoy it at all. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I just think the canned flavour got to me, it seemed to permeate into the taste somehow.One of my favourite bachelor creations is getting some Stagg chilli (I know, but I'm lazy)
Yeah, I'm not totally sure I'd enjoy it either. There is single player and different stories for each of the characters. I'm worried that might be the way to play it (at least for a first playthrough) as it seems like 4 players could turn into a bit of a clusterfuck, although I guess that could be what makes it fun.I love the aesthetic of it, I've watched a video or two but I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it or not. But if you're up for springing for the four pack, I'm definitely in.
I'm assuming it has some kind of single player?
Of course it caused problems at various points, it's had a 2000 year history, nearly all of it chaotic and in among a political situation (empire, invasion, feudalism, reformation/counter-reformation) that was nothing but perpetual turmoil. On the Internet though, it seems that there are those who are very quick to ascribe all that is evil and barbaric in the modern world to Christianity, which is puzzling to say the least.It certainly would have been very different, but I don't think it is possible to say it would have been better or worse. I agree that it does sometimes get a bad rap, but it also caused a lot of problems at times, same as any other mass social change.
Of course it caused problems at various points, it's had a 2000 year history, nearly all of it chaotic and in among a political situation (empire, invasion, feudalism, reformation/counter-reformation) that was nothing but perpetual turmoil. On the Internet though, it seems that there are those who are very quick to ascribe all that is evil and barbaric in the modern world to Christianity, which is puzzling to say the least.
I had Stagg Chili for the first time a few weeks ago and canned flavour is an apt description. Tasted like canned soup but in chili form.You're wrong.
I used to looooooooove Stagg Chili. Not sure what happened, but one day I just went off it. Picked up one a few years back and didn't enjoy it at all. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I just think the canned flavour got to me, it seemed to permeate into the taste somehow.
Just watched and heard the description and... eh, not sure if I'm keen to be honest. It actually feels like the sort of game I *should* be interested in, but I don't think I am. And given there's a strong focus on MP, it's another straw that breaks that particular camel's back.Yeah, I'm not totally sure I'd enjoy it either. There is single player and different stories for each of the characters. I'm worried that might be the way to play it (at least for a first playthrough) as it seems like 4 players could turn into a bit of a clusterfuck, although I guess that could be what makes it fun.
There was a short IGN playthrough of a mission that was uploaded not long ago if you want to check that out. Can't link it as I'm on my phone.
I'll decide if I get a 4 pack once I get home and if I can find at least one other person.
My memory of it is vague, but I believe an Aussie hacked the forum and on trying to find out who the whole place turned hostile to any known Aussie.
I remember it was so harsh that even years afterward I was hesitant to post in AusGAF at first.
I had Stagg Chili for the first time a few weeks ago and canned flavour is an apt description. Tasted like canned soup but in chili form.
Scores threads based on matched positive/negative keywords. High scoring threads are highlighted, low ones are greyed out. Keywords easily editable at the top of the script.
Best thing that happened to me today? Came home and forgot that I put seasons 1-9 into Sickbeard on my NAS a week or two ago. Now I don't have to dig out my DVDs! Woo!
This is correct. I actually posted that in the Simpsons thread first, but didn't realise I wasn't at all specific when I posted it in here.season 1-9 of what
edit"actually im going to guess simpsons?
Will you sign my copy of Party Animals and the other Viva Pinata games?Also. Finally bought the plane tickets to Melbourne for PAX. EXCITED AS ALL HELL.
Difference with The Simpsons is I actually have all these seasons on DVD. Laziness has prevailed in this case.I'd feel really weird if I ever pirated the Simpsons. Not because, y'know, piracy. But because it'd just seem so off to watch Simpsons out of syndication. I never, as a child, actively sought out Simpsons to watch - it was just always on.
To be able to just go out and get The Simpsons, in a form where I could watch any episode any time I wanted to, is frankly bizarre to me.
But I still want to do it some day. Do a season 1-12 marathon.
Sure, and I'll be selling unsold copies of Viva Piñata Party Animals in the PAX Australia carpark after the show!Will you sign my copy of Party Animals and the other Viva Pinata games?
Do whatever you like to it. I did mention the design was a bit ugly pretty much the first post we discussed it.I hope you don't mind, but I made some slight changes to your script
Liddel's Lactose Free. Basically just like regular milk, but whatever enzyme it has that makes me queazy has been replaced with another one that doesn't. I get the low fat one because they're all kinda sweet and that particular one sort of balances out so it tastes like normal milk.
You can also get tablets that help you digest lactose if you're intolerant but can't get out of having to eat it (ie. at a restaurant or something). They sell them at Chemist Warehouse and are called "Lactese" (from memory).
Tell me about it! The tablets definitely help, and for some reason I'm not as bad as I used to be (though I guess I'm somewhat avoiding dairy-heavy products) but sometimes I lapse and just think "fuck it", like Christmas last year when I had pudding with cream, ice-cream and custard AND I think some cheesecake... yeah, I wasn't in the best state when I got home :/Thanks for that, turns out I'm now lactose intolerant too. It seems that my tolerance has been gradually decreasing over time and has not reached a point where I can't touch even the smallest amount without feeling pretty ill.
Was sad at not being able to have all the wonderful dairy products. At least I can buy that milk and still have cereal and stuff. Great change in diet coming as many of the meals I had involve some kind of dairy.
This is fucking awesome to hear, dude. I know you're not flash on medication but even if you don't go down that route, even just talking to someone who's well versed in ADHD can be a great help. Even better if you talk to someone who's a qualified medical practitioner who also happens to have it (like I have) but man, just hearing you're taking steps is a fucking awesome thingAt least I got a referral to a psychiatrist today. Hopefully get my ADD/ADHD, associated anxiety and depression and who knows what else under control sometime soon.
What a fucking dick move by Polari. Non-contributing, antagonistic waste of a post (and space in general).Help him out you racists http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546160
The more I play of Bioshock Infinite the more confused I become as to the crazed praise.
That sucks about the dog and you being blamed, utter bollocks. Good to hear you got a referral though, good luck.Thanks for that, turns out I'm now lactose intolerant too. It seems that my tolerance has been gradually decreasing over time and has not reached a point where I can't touch even the smallest amount without feeling pretty ill.
Was sad at not being able to have all the wonderful dairy products. At least I can buy that milk and still have cereal and stuff. Great change in diet coming as many of the meals I had involve some kind of dairy.
Do not reveal the below spoiler if you're easily grossed out.
Just mentioning that she had done so when asked what I was doing when going to clean it up was enough to spark a hail of abuse. My mother is here and is joining in my gran that it must have been the dog (that had been sleeping by our feet all day, also, locked door) and agreeing about how terrible I am.Tonight my Gran shat on the toilet floor, stepped in it and traipsed it halfway through the house.
Sorry, I just had to complain about that. Getting real fucking jack of it.
At least I got a referral to a psychiatrist today. Hopefully get my ADD/ADHD, associated anxiety and depression and who knows what else under control sometime soon.
The more I play of Bioshock Infinite the more confused I become as to the crazed praise.