Went out into the backyard to see if I could grab some macro shots before the sun went down this afternoon. There was nothing but leaf-curling spiders for ages and they're incredibly boring, I saw one scurry out of it's leaf and wander around it's web for a little bit, couldn't get the right angle though and only captured its underbelly (lucky for those in here who don't like them).
Then out of nowhere, a ladybug!
It went for a wander off...
...and then some ant harassed it and it went and hid under a leaf and didn't move. Not the best picture, but I included it for part of the story.
I saw something small fly past me and land on a leaf nearby, I was wondering what it was. On closer inspection it was a mosquito, probably one of the pricks that was biting me around the legs the whole time.
A cool looking fly landed right in front of my face right after I turned away from the mosquito, it had stripes and shit and was pretty big too, unfortunately it took off right as I started to raise the camera to my eye. Immediately after that, some other fly landed and just stayed in the same spot for ages, an ordinary house fly but it'll do. Poser.
With the available light quickly dwindling to nothing and my legs well bitten and incredibly itchy, it was time to head inside.