Hey AusGAF, I need some advice...
I can't tell you what to do, but maybe I can shed some light on maybe what not to do based upon my own experience.
I love drawing. I've always wanted to be an artist. Leaving high school I applied for an Animation course but didn't get in. I finished my business management course which I had put in as a back up and applied again for animation when I had finished it. I was successful in my second attempt and everything was great. Kind of.
During my animation course I was also working a very-close-to full-time job. It was tough, and the drive for both my work and my art suffered. All of a sudden, drawing was less of a love and more of a responsibility that I had to do around work. At the end of the course I was burnt out, to the point where I didn't want to do anything, including draw. I didn't want to do anything and due to the change of drawing because I loved it and drawing because I had to, I questioned if I should even be trying to do it as a career. I questioned if that meant that I should be drawing at all.
So I didn't. For a long time. In a life full of regrets and a multitude of mistakes, that was and still in the biggest mistake of my life.
Over the years my skills have atrophied, even though I still draw from time to time. I mainly doodle, because if I try to draw something properly I just become frustrated with how far I've gone backwards and lament where my skills possible could have been if I had not stopped drawing.
I'm not happy with my life it is right now I don't like my job and when I think about what job I would like, there are none that I can think of. What would I really like to get paid to do? Draw. So I now I have to try and force myself to work through the barrier of disliking my own atrophied skills in order for me to get to the point where I can even start looking at working in the field.
This is all 10 years later than it should have been and it's a struggle. It's also frustrating because I gave up on my passion when, if I'd worked through it I could be living a completely different life right now.
My advice to you is this: even though you've lost all motivation within your life don't stop doing the things that you have loved doing in the past. Give yourself time to re-evaluate your life but keep doing those things that you had a passion for; there is a reason why you did them in the past, so don't let those interests and skills lay fallow for too long.
At some point in the future you may realize that your life is missing something and that may be the very things that you gave up during the period of your life you're currently experiencing. Keep on doing the things that you loved, even if just a little bit. At some point your life's path will become clearer and it may involve the very things you're thinking about giving up.
Anyway, I'm just rambling now and like I said, this isn't really advice, it's just a perspective from someone that possibly went through what you are and made the wrong decisions. At least for me, anyway.
I hope you're able to work through this, Ydahs.
A few hours ago I was laughing with friends and my biggest worry was what movie I'm going to watch. I'm now sitting here, heart broken, single, and lost the love of my life in a way I really didn't expect to happen. We didn't want to end it which made it even harder but had to due to the situation. I wish today had never happened.
I don't have anything to say apart from sorry, Darklord. I'm really sorry. I hope you can move past this quickly and find some happiness once again in your life.