Whoever was grateful they escaped yesterday without seeing any spiders won't be so lucky today. You can skip past these images if you really want, but it's super cute and I don't know why you'd want to miss out on that.
This morning shortly after waking up, I thought I'd go out into the yard and see what bugs were around. My macro setup was disassembled and I couldn't be bothered setting it up again, so I went without it. Rookie mistake.
When I got out there, I saw some crazy looking fly with bright red eyes that I'd never seen before, it was pretty chill, so I could have easily photographed it if I'd brought my gear. I saw some ladybugs in the same place as last time, though there were quite a few more this time. I saw some other tiny things which I had no idea what they were, but they weren't terribly interesting. Then I saw it, I'd been waiting years to actually see one of them in the flesh, let alone be able to photograph one. I slowly backed away so I didn't scare it and then piss-bolted into the house and assembled my macro kit and ran back out.
By the time I returned, I couldn't see it anywhere. I was disappointed to say the least. I looked around to make sure I hadn't missed it and it was nowhere to be seen. I stuck around and looked for some other things to photograph and while there were some, I missed my chances as they were only sticking around momentarily, not even sticking around long enough for me to focus on them.
I kept checking back where that missed opportunity was, and luckily I did because there it was. I wasted no time and just fired off a couple of shots in case I lost it again. It took some time for it to get in position for a nice looking photograph and it was worth it.
Hello jumping spider, at last we meet!
No idea for a caption.
About to jump...
Just hanging around.
Step back from the ledge!
It looks like the jpeg compression has crushed some of the blacks. Easy fixed, but not worth it for a forum post. The cuteness should distract you from this anyway, but accept my apologies.
I spent close to an hour just watching it move about, waiting for the right moments to capture. Even if I wasn't photographing, it was fascinating to watch. When you have them in frame and they jump, it can give you a bit of a fright because it happens so quickly, there's no warning and it happens in an instant. At one point I saw it bungee off a leaf with its silk to get to a different spot it want to get too without jumping.
A lot of the time it would wave its pedipalps up and down, which I believe is a mimic of some kind as that's how a lot of them catch prey; they're very clever.
After the high of seeing and photographing this awesome critter, I went inside to sort through the 136 images. That's when I received the phone call with the bad news, which made it even more devastating. That crash from up high is brutal when you come tumbling down.
Anyway, I'm sorry if my posting of images is getting tiresome. Let me know and I'll stop, though I doubt I'll have more until I can get out somewhere again; it'll be hard to top a jumping spider in my backyard.