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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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No, cause that gets you a month!

Things I miss most about not being able to log in: 100 posts per page, GMT +10, and telling you all that NANDOS CHIPS RULE.
100ppp weirdo.

Also, I am fine with the vaccination thing. Kindergarten in Victoria requires you have your vaccinations up to date I believe, although there is a loophole with some sort of doctor sign off. Shall check with my wife.
100ppp weirdo.

Also, I am fine with the vaccination thing. Kindergarten in Victoria requires you have your vaccinations up to date I believe, although there is a loophole with some sort of doctor sign off. Shall check with my wife.

There article mentions that there is a loop hole if you are a "conscientious objector", might that be it?


Maybe if shitty gif reaction pics were banned but 100ppp is just cruel and unusual punishment for my iPad browser.

One reason to use the mobile site on the tablet / phone and then turn off gifs.

There article mentions that there is a loop hole if you are a "conscientious objector", might that be it?

Yeah that's it. Apparently don't need vaccinations to attend Kindergarten, just school or as you say a letter of 'conscientious objection'.


Nandos is amazing. I tend to stick with either the chicken pita or chicken wrap and douse my chips in Extra Hot sauce. oh god I want some now. >.>


Wrong way round Fred.

Also, vaccinations should be mandatory. You shouldn't have the right to screw up your kids life, beyond the normal impact parenting has.
For you runners out there, had a chat with someone at work who is currently training to run his second marathon, and he seems to like the Adidas MiCoach app for said training. It's free so I'll be giving it a go this week.

Don't even know where to start...


For you runners out there, had a chat with someone at work who is currently training to run his second marathon, and he seems to like the Adidas MiCoach app for said training. It's free so I'll be giving it a go this week.

I haven't been for a run for about two weeks now, I'm gonna restart C25K from week 1 day 1. :(
Started c25k properly this last fortnight with a 3 day break over Thur/Fri/Sat sadly. Worst time of year to try and get into this :/

Zombies Run has been a great motivator though since I don't give a fuck about times or splits and shit. I just want to finish the c25k program, THEN I will worry about improving times.

Legs are sore as all hell though, another run booked in for 7pm tonight :/


Hi Jintor!

Speaking of this c25k stuff, has anyone heard of Fantasyze? I really need to get back into running, I haven't run since before my surgery last September =|


Nando's Peri Peri for me, but maybe that's because of the different varieties. I usually need to get lemon and herb so the kid can eat it, but my favourite is the mild. Medium is nice too.

AusGAF 9 - Fuck of, We're full (of fat because we only eat chips)


After an hour and a half on the phone, I found someone to talk to about seeing someone. Public mental health is a bit of a mess.

There is one psychiatrist nearby who may have availability in 4-5 weeks, everyone else is booked out until October. One drawback, no one they have access to is much into the treatment of ADD/ADHD or anxiety, they're more equipped to deal with the extreme mental problems like bipolar and depression. So there is help available, but it's not the help I need. I'm told I should receive a call back in a few days, but what're they going to do? The best they've got is the ability to treat the symptom, not the root cause.

Looks like I do need to go private. I think I have to start all over again, I'm lost and I don't know what to do anymore.


After an hour and a half on the phone, I found someone to talk to about seeing someone. Public mental health is a bit of a mess.

There is one psychiatrist nearby who may have availability in 4-5 weeks, everyone else is booked out until October. One drawback, no one they have access to is much into the treatment of ADD/ADHD or anxiety, they're more equipped to deal with the extreme mental problems like bipolar and depression. So there is help available, but it's not the help I need. I'm told I should receive a call back in a few days, but what're they going to do? The best they've got is the ability to treat the symptom, not the root cause.

Looks like I do need to go private. I think I have to start all over again, I'm lost and I don't know what to do anymore.

Keep talking to people and looking for help man. There is always help out there.


Keep talking to people and looking for help man. There is always help out there.

Why should it be so hard? It took me over an hour on the phone just to try and speak to the right person. In the end, no help available for me.

The help that seems to be out there is fucking expensive. This is heading for the 'too-hard basket' real quick.

Yep, have a friend who could easily have ended up in jail because of inadequate public mental health. Mentioned earlier in the thread.

I'm sorry to hear about that man, I did read that but didn't say anything at the time. I hope he gets the help he needs now.

Maybe I should follow his lead. See, if I try and top myself now (I know your mate didn't do this), they'll be rushing to help me; if I wait around for the right help, it'll be a long-arse time coming or I've gotta empty out my very shallow pockets.


So AusGAF. Battle of the sauces. Nando's peri or Oporto's chili? I'm going to side with the latter, I think.

Peri Peri for me. Also my local pizza place does a Peri Peri chicken pizza that is faaaantastic.

Hi Jintor!

Speaking of this c25k stuff, has anyone heard of Fantasyze? I really need to get back into running, I haven't run since before my surgery last September =|

I looked at that link for a while but I'm not sure what I'm looking at!


I looked at that link for a while but I'm not sure what I'm looking at!

It's a music podcast that plays upbeat electro music when you should run, and slows down when you can take a break, building up each week for 9 weeks until you can run 5k's.

Mental health services are a shambles in Australia, even the private system can have you waiting months for that first appointment. I hope you manage to work something out Danoss!


Against the idea? With what reasoning?
Let's see "If vaccinations REALLY worked why does everyone have to vaccinate" (DERP DERP HERD IMMUNITY HOW DOES THAT FUCKING WORK?) "I heard from a mother and she said her son or daughter got condition x because of vaccination" (ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE.. wheres the doctors certificate? a explanation for how the vaccination caused x?) "You almost died because we vaccinated you and you had breathing problems afterwards" (I WAS A PREMATURE BIRTH and was tiny as a baby, surely that's a more influential variable than the fact I got a harmless vaccination) and some doctor saying we don't use vaccination x unless situation y calls for it, then using that as a argument for why vaccinations really aren't effective, even tho it's basically good science, not all vaccinations are made equal, and there are some that aren't neccesary unless conditions x & y are met etc etc.

Drives me so insane. I want to cry.;_;


Danoss: You'd think they'd be a little more accommodating and understanding, especially given the whole Anxiety Week thing that they're pushing at the moment. Maybe tweet someone high up, maybe it'll get some exposure.
BTW, what's your sleep like at the moment? I know it may not help massively, but all the days when I'm worse it's usually because I didn't get much sleep. Perhaps in the meantime, look into techniques and remedies for assisting in a good night's rest. I have a *heap* of melatonin (didn't realise when I ordered 3 bottles, it was 3x2) that works a treat for me (one pill, an hour later I struggle to keep my eyes open). Be happy to send you a bottle gratis. It's not a weird chemical either, so you don't have to worry about weird side-effects or potential conflicts with something inside your bod.

PS. I'm not sure on the whole peri peri vs. Oporto's thing. I do like PP, but maybe because there isn't an Oporto's in Geelong, that's more exotic.
I can always murder a single-fillet Bondi w/ chili, though.


You'd think they'd be a little more accommodating and understanding, especially given the whole Anxiety Week thing that they're pushing at the moment. Maybe tweet someone high up, maybe it'll get some exposure.
BTW, what's your sleep like at the moment? I know it may not help massively, but all the days when I'm worse it's usually because I didn't get much sleep. Perhaps in the meantime, look into techniques and remedies for assisting in a good night's rest. I have a *heap* of melatonin (didn't realise when I ordered 3 bottles, it was 3x2) that works a treat for me (one pill, an hour later I struggle to keep my eyes open). Be happy to send you a bottle gratis. It's not a weird chemical either, so you don't have to worry about weird side-effects or potential conflicts with something inside your bod.

My sleep is actually okay. Just being awake is fucking miserable, everything is difficult and I'm over it.


Not that I want to get too deep into shit here, but were you more relaxed/less depressed then? It could be something you might want to bring up next time you speak to someone.


Not that I want to get too deep into shit here, but were you more relaxed/less depressed then? It could be something you might want to bring up next time you speak to someone.

Not really, my anxiety was pretty crazy then. It took my mind off some things though.


Not that I wanna get full-on Dr. Shaneus here, but before I was diagnosed (but when I suspected something was NQR) I dabbled a fair bit (and fairly seriously) in nootropics. Had a quick look, and found this from a medical thingy:
Aniracetam has been developed as a cognition enhancer and used to treat cognitive disturbances, mood and motor performance in patients with stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. However, contrary to expectations, its practical benefits in memory impairment were small. Recently, new pharmacological studies expanded its clinical indications. New indications are based on findings that aniracetam restores various types of mental function impairment or cerebral dysfunction in animal models of CNS disorders. These findings suggest possible usefulness of aniracetam in the treatment of personality disorders, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, ADHD, autism, negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and sleep disorders. Clinical trials are needed to validate these new indications.

I'm pretty sure I have a shitload (unopened, too... just gave up on it, basically. Not unlike pretty much everything else) of it at home. It may be a little over it's expiry date, but I don't think it makes the slightest bit of difference. Be happy to send it to you as well if you were game (and trusted me, lolz). It really did make a difference to me when I was using it, but it wasn't as significant as dex. But any little thing may help.


Not that I wanna get full-on Dr. Shaneus here, but before I was diagnosed (but when I suspected something was NQR) I dabbled a fair bit (and fairly seriously) in nootropics. Had a quick look, and found this from a medical thingy:

I'm pretty sure I have a shitload (unopened, too... just gave up on it, basically. Not unlike pretty much everything else) of it at home. It may be a little over it's expiry date, but I don't think it makes the slightest bit of difference. Be happy to send it to you as well if you were game (and trusted me, lolz). It really did make a difference to me when I was using it, but it wasn't as significant as dex. But any little thing may help.

I really appreciate the effort mate, but I'll politely decline. I took that SSRI piece of shit a while ago, my friend wouldn't leave me alone until I did. SSRIs can interact badly with other drugs, so I'll play it safe and stay away.

My friend also called a councellor she knows to get a bunch of places to try out near where I live. That might be my only choice left. I called the GP and she said that she didn't have anyone in mind to help, that I should google about and she mentioned one or two private clinics that are pretty big, but are frightfully expensive (and a cunt to get to from where I live).

Mental health in this country is beyond fucked. Have anything else wrong with you and there's a host of specialists available to you from any GP. If I didn't have anyone to push me, I would've (and previously had) given up completely. Even then, I don't have much left in the tank to keep me going unless I get showered in money somehow.


I used to be high pretty much constantly from age 17-22. I think about doing it constantly, but have fought it.

Did your problems start before or after the weed >.<? Not to sound like a nark, but the people I remember who did weed the most in high school tended to be pretty... fried...


I really appreciate the effort mate, but I'll politely decline. I took that SSRI piece of shit a while ago, my friend wouldn't leave me alone until I did. SSRIs can interact badly with other drugs, so I'll play it safe and stay away.
Fair call, tiger. From what I know about cognitive medication, one of the things you really don't want to mess with is taking anything with an SSRI. Have a look at this link, though and maybe just have a poke around if it takes your fancy. If you feel curious and you're off SSRIs (hopefully it's only a trial) I'll be happy to send some stuff up to you.

Mental health in this country is beyond fucked. Have anything else wrong with you and there's a host of specialists available to you from any GP. If I didn't have anyone to push me, I would've (and previously had) given up completely. Even then, I don't have much left in the tank to keep me going unless I get showered in money somehow.
Thankfully I've been lucky in that regard, but I've seen enough of what you and others have gone through to see that it really is fucked. You basically just have to luck out in getting a good (ADHD-friendly, for example) GP to refer you a good (ADHD-friendly) psychologist so you can get a script and hopefully some other treatment.

If you're able to (and there's every chance you can't, I know I couldn't get into it while unmedicated) I'd also recommend looking into practising mindfulness. Can personally vouch that it works wonders for any anxiety that might crop up.


Fair call, tiger. From what I know about cognitive medication, one of the things you really don't want to mess with is taking anything with an SSRI. Have a look at this link, though and maybe just have a poke around if it takes your fancy. If you feel curious and you're off SSRIs (hopefully it's only a trial) I'll be happy to send some stuff up to you.

I think I might just leave it at that dose I took today, we'll see what happens.

Thankfully I've been lucky in that regard, but I've seen enough of what you and others have gone through to see that it really is fucked. You basically just have to luck out in getting a good (ADHD-friendly, for example) GP to refer you a good (ADHD-friendly) psychologist so you can get a script and hopefully some other treatment.

If you're able to (and there's every chance you can't, I know I couldn't get into it while unmedicated) I'd also recommend looking into practising mindfulness. Can personally vouch that it works wonders for any anxiety that might crop up.

Found this website and I gave the helpline a ring. Super helpful, the lady who answered the phone really knew what she was talking about. Asked a bunch of questions and even knew both of my childhood psychiatrists and the medication situation when I was young. She had a list of psychiatrists in my area to call that understand and treat ADD/ADHD. One of them is just 3 streets away from my house too.


Found this website and I gave the helpline a ring. Super helpful, the lady who answered the phone really knew what she was talking about. Asked a bunch of questions and even knew both of my childhood psychiatrists and the medication situation when I was young. She had a list of psychiatrists in my area to call that understand and treat ADD/ADHD. One of them is just 3 streets away from my house too.
Fucking awesome! Hope it's all good news from here. The comforting thing about finding out you have ADHD is that all you need do is find people who know exactly what that means, and you're set. But until then, all you can give people are vague symptoms. Glad you hit the jackpot :)

Did your problems start before or after the weed >.<? Not to sound like a nark, but the people I remember who did weed the most in high school tended to be pretty... fried...
There's sometimes a common link between substance abuse (from tobacco/alcohol to coke etc.) and ADHD, not because one causes the other but illicit substances often have a calming effect on the brain in ADHD people. Some people are never able to consciously deduce this. It's a massive reason why I just don't go out and get sideways every second weekend. Hell, I barely even drink anymore.


Man, what is up with my Twitter / Facebook / NeoGAF feed being full of people being outraged? I'm just...I dunno, desensitised to it all? I just don't care any more if some politician / news reporter / religious wacko / whatever has opinions that differ from mine, and seeing people get outraged about it is just getting old. I'm actually more annoyed by all the outrage than the original person spouting their nonsense.

I just found that my life's gotten a lot better once I stopped caring about people I'll never meet or interact with in any real way...

So, I had applied for the PAX enforcer gig, and today they offered me a spot. Can't decide if I should accept or not.

Do it! All the fun of PAX, all the power of being an authority figure. Plus US PAXes had Enforcer parties, so that would be nice if they did one for AusPAX.

AusGAF 9 - Fuck of, We're full (of fat because we only eat chips)

I laughed.

Maybe I should follow his lead. See, if I try and top myself now (I know your mate didn't do this), they'll be rushing to help me; if I wait around for the right help, it'll be a long-arse time coming or I've gotta empty out my very shallow pockets.

Please do not do this. Please do not do this.
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