Monogatari Series Second Season HITAGI END
The way they resolved the Nadeko incident was also quite unexpected. I was afraid all the time that he'd actually fail and, well, he did fail but he actually managed to talk with her about it. Nadeko's reactions after he revealed he knew about her hobby were so good. A very critical moment that was made both funny and emotional. I'm really pleased with the outcome. And it seems that Nadeko is done as a character, good ending. Another thing of notice is how useless Araragi was. His screen time was really diminished in S2 but in this and Nadeko Medusa he was completely useless. Actually, he's part of the problem. I find it quite amusing that he's not actually the perfect main character you usually see.
Finally, Ougi and Gaen are two characters that really intrigue me. Both of them seem to be powerful, one of them seems to be the source of everything bad, the other of everything good. Also, Ougi is portrayed as friendly and good when she's talking, even though she's manipulating everyone, while on the other hand, Gaen seems bad, while she essentially helps everyone. Quite a nice contrast. I don't think that this is just a coincidence.
I think I should be done with the series tomorrow. Looking forward to catching up with the rest of you.
Oh, and after this and the previous arc, Yotsugi has really grown to me. Yeah, Peace Peace.
Also, it's nice to see I'm not the only one in Monogatari mood.
What a ride! Certainly my favourite part until now! I was fond of Kaiki from the very first moment he appeared, but he's actually a way better character than I expected. The conversations with Senjougahara were some of the best in the show. She was trying to keep cool, but Kaiki was just better at everything. I don't think that there was one conversation of him that wasn't amusing.The best girl isn't Senjougahara but Kaiki...
Why did he die? The saddest moment in the show.
The way they resolved the Nadeko incident was also quite unexpected. I was afraid all the time that he'd actually fail and, well, he did fail but he actually managed to talk with her about it. Nadeko's reactions after he revealed he knew about her hobby were so good. A very critical moment that was made both funny and emotional. I'm really pleased with the outcome. And it seems that Nadeko is done as a character, good ending. Another thing of notice is how useless Araragi was. His screen time was really diminished in S2 but in this and Nadeko Medusa he was completely useless. Actually, he's part of the problem. I find it quite amusing that he's not actually the perfect main character you usually see.
Finally, Ougi and Gaen are two characters that really intrigue me. Both of them seem to be powerful, one of them seems to be the source of everything bad, the other of everything good. Also, Ougi is portrayed as friendly and good when she's talking, even though she's manipulating everyone, while on the other hand, Gaen seems bad, while she essentially helps everyone. Quite a nice contrast. I don't think that this is just a coincidence.
I think I should be done with the series tomorrow. Looking forward to catching up with the rest of you.
Oh, and after this and the previous arc, Yotsugi has really grown to me. Yeah, Peace Peace.
I said with a posed look.
Also, it's nice to see I'm not the only one in Monogatari mood.