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Awesome Games Done Quick 2017 | January 8th - January 15th | Speedrunning for Charity


BTW i missed something in some run before metroid but i'm reading through twitter comments, was there some sort of transphobic comment made?
A guy took one of the mics and told the obnoxious crowd to go stand in front of a bus. Poor form on both him and the crowd, really.


I dunno if I should keep watching and get spoiled or not. I've gotten too invested in the donation counter and wanting it to hit 2 million. GAF, what do? D:

I'm in the same boat. Have it on in the background with the audio off and keep an eye on the counter.
BTW i missed something in some run before metroid but i'm reading through twitter comments, was there some sort of transphobic comment made?

From what I understand, the WWHD runner misgendered another runner, even though he knew what gender they are. I dunno who it was, and I may be wrong about this


Fuckery aside, that was fun to watch nonetheless. Kinda awkward at the end though with the crowd stifling stuff. I get there's "serious time" but it felt like this was an overreaction due to beanie guy.

I'll have to miss undertale though since I've yet to play it myself, but hopefully they hit that 2m mark.


Serious time is perfectly fine and normal. Just felt different here; they requested it for a long time period (across 4 different runners), even when the big stuff wasn't going on. They also stifled the crowd for clapping when a runner successfully did stuff, which was weird.

Not a big deal for sure, just awkward.
He called it like a minute or two early at most. I think Zoast did the Metroid skip like soon after the call and then Behemoth followed. While those two finished the fight, the other two were getting really close to the skips. It's normal for them to ask for the crowd to STFU nicely until everyone's done but the problem here was that they didn't specifically ask for that and just told them straight up to STFU entirely instead. And that came out rather harshly.

Everyone fucked up: The audience with their shit, couch with the uncalled crap, and the main commentators for not controlling the crowd. The announcer shouldn't have to step in and when he did he did it badly.

In contrast, here is the ending of last years run.
I think that was a special case since he was the last one standing and the EVERYONE was hoping for success. Nobody else needs to concentrate and there's no close run.


If you haven't seen THG run Undertale, yall are in for a treat. He's a great dude, will be very good on the mic (hopefully he does most of the talking), and has insane skill as the frame-perfect tricks keep rolling throughout the run. IT'S GONE BE GOOD.


Telling runners that what they want doesn't factor in is not a good way to get people to want to participate.

Surely you would agree there is a line where what a runner wants might run contrary to what the event stands for?

No doubt requesting silence for a particular moment is fine, but this was a buzzkill throughout.


I dunno if I should keep watching and get spoiled or not. I've gotten too invested in the donation counter and wanting it to hit 2 million. GAF, what do? D:

are you going to actually play undertale? if you've got an interest in those type of games, i would absolutely not watch the run


Telling runners that what they want doesn't factor in is not a good way to get people to want to participate.

Throughout the event - sure. But I don't think they're struggling to find people to compete in the signature event.

"Hey guys, I know it's distracting, but the donation momentum during this event is the whole reason we do these things. The Super Metroid bid war raised $793k last time, just do your best to deal with it for the charity. We don't want to kill the audience's momentum at the point where donations are coming in at the fastest rate."


They need to do a better job of controlling the crowd. Having fun and hype is cool, but often times these runners have spent a ton of time learning and getting good enough at the game to run it in a marathon. It's disrespectful as hell to be treating it like this when there are multiple hard tricks back to back. It ain't a let's play.

I don''t think anyone disagrees with you that the runners train hard and put in a lot of effort and they do a lot of really hard moves. The issue though is that this is not a "win something" race. This is for charity. They don't get anything for coming first or dying in their race and ending the run, in fact when racers cut their race short the crowd is into it. It's like when I play basketball with my niece, it's for fun, not me knocking her down and scoring and going "GET RECKT" when I score against her, shes 10.
It's fine to ask for silence in the room, particularly if the runners request it. It's also fine to ask people to knock off an annoying chant if the viewers are requesting it. But you can do it in a quick, professional way that doesn't make everyone feel awkward about the whole thing.


The donations are more important than the runners. For better or (mostly) worse, the crowd and atmosphere is part of that.

People tune in to watch the best players in the world play to begin with.

I'm not saying what they did this time was the right thing -- clearly there was a much better way to handle this -- but I am definitely taking issue with people saying "fuck the runners."


sealed with a kiss
yeah, tons of runs have asked for quiet at important moments and it's never been an issue

i'm putting the blame on the couch for this one
I dunno if I should keep watching and get spoiled or not. I've gotten too invested in the donation counter and wanting it to hit 2 million. GAF, what do? D:

I don't even know how fun the run can be without having played the game. They are surely going to say spoilers in the couch and whatnot, but the screen may as well be a bunch of nonsense. You may be safe if you mute it and don't look at it too much.
From what I understand, the WWHD runner misgendered another runner, even though he knew what gender they are. I dunno who it was, and I may be wrong about this

He didn't. The trick is named after Cosmo (who recently transitioned and is now known as Narcissa), and he attributed the trick to "Cosmo/Narcissa" for the people who probably didn't know that about Narcissa. He didn't dead-name anyone, and IMO it seems like people just misheard him.
People tune in to watch the best players in the world play to begin with.

I'm not saying what they did this time was the right thing -- clearly there was a much better way to handle this -- but I am definitely taking issue with people saying "fuck the runners."

Honestly you see this with fighting game tournaments all the time. The sentiment is usually "screw the people playing in the actual tournament, spectators should be catered to."


If the runners requested silence then give it to them. You wouldn't have an event without them.

On a different note, as someone that has never played Undertale but wants to sometime, should I avoid watching the speedrun here?


People tune in to watch the best players in the world play to begin with.

I'm not saying what they did this time was the right thing -- clearly there was a much better way to handle this -- but I am definitely taking issue with people saying "fuck the runners."

Is anyone actually saying "fuck the runners"? Seems more like people are taking issue with the commentators.


I feel like the couch event kind of undermined the later attempted silence announcement, sadly. It just snowballed it from there, especially considering how rowdy the crowd was to begin with.

Errrr... wow. I knew it was better, but that kinda drives it home.

For what it's worth, there was only one runner there too. So the audience didn't have to keep track of everything. Contrast to this run where there were four runners spread out with their times.
A hall of hundreds of speedrunners who have seen super metroid every year now yeah I can expect them to be a little more noisy but the request from the guy on the couch was flat out rude and poorly done, I don't agree with both sides but it's a charity event, not a league final.
People tune in to watch the best players in the world play to begin with.

I'm not saying what they did this time was the right thing -- clearly there was a much better way to handle this -- but I am definitely taking issue with people saying "fuck the runners."

People can watch these guys 24x7 and mostly don't. They watch because it is an event and for a charity and nobody should expect their absolute best times. It isn't what it is about.

This doesn't mean "fuck the runners". But metroid is the big thing at the event and these guys can play the whole thing with their eyes closed, especially the last few sections. If they want it to remain the "big thing" then yes they should have handled that a lot better.

Which isn't to say "fuck the crowd" isn't completely correct. But all that Nintendo meme type strangeness unfortunately also brings in the money from people who can physically sit through a mario sunshine run.


People tune in to watch the best players in the world play to begin with.

Here's my take:

The Wah's were insanely distracting and obnoxious and should have been stopped by the organizers with a polite announcement: "Lets keep the focus on the runners, give them your support but don't be distracting!"

Cheering should always be encouraged, and has never been a problem in previous SM runs, obviously quiet time during tough tricks is good, but not allowing applause after successfully getting a trick is a terrible idea.

These guys are indeed the best in the world, and can easily run these games with cheering and applause (and 3/4 have run this game at a GDQ before); in fact I'm sure they appreciate it. I've watched Zoast and Behemoth a ton, and I know they're very chill dudes.
He didn't. The trick is named after Cosmo (who recently transitioned and is now known as Narcissa), and he attributed the trick to "Cosmo/Narcissa" for the people who probably didn't know that about Narcissa. He didn't dead-name anyone, and IMO it seems like people just misheard him.

Ah I see. Yeah just read the link above


That was the least hype SM run ever at a GDQ. Super Metroid Rotation was the real SM run this year.

Hopefully Undertale can bring back the hype. Been looking forward to this.

Permanently A

Junior Member
next year's donation incentive:

$15,000 for the ability for the crowd to WAAAAAAAH

alternatively, anyone doing WAAAAAH is kicked out, but there's a button that says WAAAAAAH over the speakers when pressed and it costs $5 to press each time


Meh I probably going to call it. Not sure if I would get around to Undertale anyway, but think I shall be passing on seeing the true pacifist run in case I do.

And sweet looks like they are going to hit $2 million likely!


I quoted one such person already above.

I never said "fuck the runners." I do think that their request in this particular instance (and especially how it was applied) conflicted with the spirit of the event.

This is not a real competition, with people's livelihoods at stake - it is an event that is about the community feeling good and doing good work through donations. The "silence" was counterproductive towards that goal.


This is what I know Bepis from, for people asking

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