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Banshee - Season 3 - Fridays on Cinemax

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Technically, he represents the guilt that Hood feels with the whole "father vs. biological father" thing. If Gordon wasn't around, Hood probably would be with Carrie (season 2) and would have moved into the house and stuff. It would have changed the complexion of the show entirely.

He's a necessary evil to make the show what it is. Not every in Banshee is who you want them to be, just like IRL. =)
Good analysis. I guess we just wish he'd stop drinking himself to death and hanging out at the Savoy. He's not even getting a Platinumm psych session like Brock, that would set him straight.
Good analysis. I guess we just wish he'd stop drinking himself to death and hanging out at the Savoy. He's not even getting a Platinumm psych session like Brock, that would set him straight.

I actually don't. Unless I'm forgetting, he did none of this stuff at the beginning of Season 1. I like how they're slowly building up how his world is crumbling around him. In Season 2, it was a dirty dark secret and it was slowly being revealed. This season, everyone knows, and you get to see how everyone reacts to it. Again, it's not stuff you should at all be comfortable watching (and hence, don't like), but it enriches the storytelling.

Also, it's probably setting up for something big, like
Gordon attempting to kill Hood
at the end of the season. That's what I'm figuring
I actually don't. Unless I'm forgetting, he did none of this stuff at the beginning of Season 1. I like how they're slowly building up how his world is crumbling around him. In Season 2, it was a dirty dark secret and it was slowly being revealed. This season, everyone knows, and you get to see how everyone reacts to it. Again, it's not stuff you should at all be comfortable watching (and hence, don't like), but it enriches the storytelling.

Also, it's probably setting up for something big, like
Gordon attempting to kill Hood
at the end of the season. That's what I'm figuring
Gordon was a pretty clean person in the beginning he had a few drinks, but he was fine. He didn't become unhinged I would think until Rabbit first broke into his house and threatened him. He cleaned it up a bit at the end of season 2 and then fell to pieces when Hood broke up his and Carrie's make up sex, for good reasons. Now I'd like to believe he'll pick up the pieces again only for Hood to probably fuck it up again....or just be a random casualty like the mayor from season 1.
New episode tonight:
Real Life is the Nightmare

Siobhan is torn between exposing Lucas and keeping his secret; Brock learns that his ex, Emily, is working as a caregiver for Proctor's mom; Chayton readies his army for an assault.


The episode with no gratuitous sex\nudity ends up being the best in the season and a standout in the whole series. Take a hint.

Great Nola-Burton fight but killing off Nola is a complete waste of one of the cooler characters in the show. And how come Burton gets to come out the fight alive with the injuries he suffered? Just shrugged them off like nothing. I would have been ok with double elimination.
Was Nola's actress cast into another project so they had to write her out of Banshee. 'Cause that's how it felt to me.

Ep 2 webm that i didn't get to post:



Hunky Nostradamus
The episode with no gratuitous sex\nudity ends up being the best in the season and a standout in the whole series. Take a hint.



whatchu talkin about brah

gratuitous sex/nudity has been a part of Banshee's blood since, like, the second scene of the pilot.

how come you don't like it dood

Was Nola's actress cast into another project so they had to write her out of Banshee. 'Cause that's how it felt to me.

She apparently had a busy schedule, which is why they could only get her for such short amounts of time. They were originally going to do the big fight scene in episode two, but Annable's schedule cleared up so they were able to do a bit of backstory for her instead and decided to push the fight to episode three.
75 bucks lol.

I'm glad carried realized she was acting out because that was getting annoying. Who did Chayton take.... Brother or nola?

Next week looks nuts
That whole Hood/Proctor fight scene I kept laughing because they kept going back to the tinnitus from the gunshot and all I could think about was...

And also...#TeamSiobhan
If they kill Siobhan, I'll be pissed. Not just because I like her character, but also because that's one of the lamest plot devices ever, killing off someone as soon as they learn the big "secret".

That being said, I'm so freaking pumped for next week. Even before S3 began, this was the one all the reviewers were talking about. (Which given how incredible episode 3 was, that's saying something.)
Regarding Siobhan:

I really hope they don't do it. Seems obvious? I don't know. I also really hope they don't do it for Kelly's sake. Looking at her IMDB, she doesn't have anything else lined up besides some film in post-prod. Hopefulyl that's a good sign.
Break into a shop like danny ocean with a glass cutter to steal forza Motorsport 5 brehs. A 75 DOLLAR game nonetheless

Holy shit at where they're going with the next episode tho. Assault on precinct 13 here we come
Goddamn, that was an incredible episode.

Sugar's picture. Oh my god.

Gordon finally turning it around? Let's see how long this lasts. The truth bombs from both Gordon and Carrie were hilarious.

$75 goddamn bucks for Forza 5? What? Good grief. And what that a boxed copy of Spartan Assault?

Deva stealing was hilarious, but I guess she has to start somewhere.

Holy shit at the Hood/Proctor fight. FUCK. This show is becoming more and more unpredictable with each episode. I love it.

Siobhan had better not die. That would be lazy ass writing and I've come to expect a lot better of Banshee. Seriously, she had better not die, don't take the easy way out with this plot development. Please.

That final shot of Chayton. My God.


Break into a shop like danny ocean with a glass cutter to steal forza Motorsport 5 brehs. A 75 DOLLAR game nonetheless

Holy shit at where they're going with the next episode tho. Assault on precinct 13 here we come

Didn't they already do this with the Rabbit guys in the first season?

Ok episode.
Carrie's scenes felt pointless.
Deva going into the dangerous: annoying teenage subplot territory.
Hood vs Proctor strangely disappointing fight.
Burton and Rebecca had the best scene.
Sugar and Job also good as usual.
Gordon back on track, but i'm not sure what the catalyst of his change was, more like they were bored by him sitting and drinking.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
That game store was the props department going "anything video game related you have, we'll take it!"


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Also next week


Also this show (and Strike Back) are so damn under appreciated.


That Hood/Proctor fight felt really forced ... It didn't feel like the tension between the two was still there or good enough for Hood to just straight up try to murder Proctor ... I get he was trying to take him down for his girl and all, but it just didn't feel right ...

Other than that, show continues to be fucking great ...


Siobhan or however you spell it needs to chill out didn't she just murder someone? Hood posing as sheriff is way lower on the morality scale. And she came on to him.
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