I just about threw my controller through the TV just now, ended up with 49,990 points on sewer bat extreme :lolsomnific said:great game, and had a blast throughout, even when i wanted to pull my hair out during shock and awe extreme.
ThirstyFly said:Just finished the game and got 100% of the riddles. All I need to do is figure outand start on the challenge rooms.who the spirit of Arkham is
Some minor complaints here and there about the game, but overall, I loved it. Hopefully we'll see a sequel this generation.
ThirstyFly said:Not reading the spoiler, I want to figure it out on my own
Did all the riddles on my own and man, some of those were really tricky, but rewarding.
Volcynika said:Man I'm not gonna get that freeflow perfection anytime soon, I always mess up when I'm near the amount of different attacks I need to do. D:
Volcynika said:Man I'm not gonna get that freeflow perfection anytime soon, I always mess up when I'm near the amount of different attacks I need to do. D:
TylerD said:Just got it, played through the demo at least 5 times. Installing game data as I speak with the lights off and my gaming chair sitting in front of my TV.![]()
DimmuBurgerKing said:Good on you, dude. Figuring out the riddles was my favorite part of the game.
DimmuBurgerKing said:What Papercuts said, and avoid trying do the Batarang or grappling hook part of the combo at the beginning. You've probably figured that out already, but I've found it's important to remember, especially the grappling hook because you need to have some room to ensure you don't get pounded in the middle of the pull, which is very possible. And make sure everyone is either dazed or far away from you before trying a "Ground Pound" takedown, too. Fuckers will slap you in the face faster than Robin can say "Holy gangbang, Batman" for that shit. >.<.
Vyer said:Damn it, some chattering teeth left in Intensive Treatment and I don't know where they are. ARRR
ThirstyFly said:Thisone is turning out to be a little tricky though. ISpirit of AkrhamNot gonna give up though, the search continues! I'm sure there's some clue somewhere I'm missing.suspect who it is, but he's not where I last left him.
JacksUsername said:Add me to the love party. The game is everything one could hope to expect in a Batman game, and not only that, but the pacing, design, story, and gameplay mechanics have all been top notch. It's so rare to find a game that gets all those things right, let alone a licensed property game.
Also, considering the lack of certain villains, I really hope that if they get to make a sequel,that they concentrate on the gangster side of Gotham City with villains like Two-Face, the Ventriloquist, the Penguin, Catwoman, Rupert Thorne, the Black Mask, and R'as. (Spoilered just in case people are still trying to avoid seeing what villains are not in the game)
Regardless, a fantastic game through and through, probably the most enjoyable game I've played all year.
Papercuts said:There's no type of new game+, so you don't keep anything from normal. I would recommend trying Hard, the first fight seems really hard but after you adjust I think it's the way the game was meant to be played.
BeautifulMemory said:I was hoping at the end of thesequences, that Batman would punch this character in the motherfucking face. I always interpret the character to be more of a pussy and hiding behind a facade and shit. You know, I wanted to see a price paid for fucking with Batman'sscarecrowmind and especially memories of childhood
Hyunkel6 said:The ghoul-like enemies are annoyingas hell. They always burst out of nowhere to rush you when you are least expecting it. Thank god it takes only one hit to put them down.scary
SanjuroTsubaki said:Another reason to be jealous of the people waiting for the PC version.
Crunched said:Seriously more frustrated right now than I have ever been in my entire adult life. I feel like I'm fighting the game. We are engaged in some twisted battle of wills. I'm going to defeat it, I am resolved toward victory. But right now we are locked in combat, trading blows like warlords. I don't understand it, but I will defeat it.
I've seen a handful of times where I'll enter a counter animation and it will end prematurely. Batman grabs a guy who's lurching toward him, gives him a nice back rub, and then lays him down. The thug falls flat, unconscious, presumably because Batman is so dreamy. But there's no hit, Batman never punches him. Every time this happens, I lose my combo because I'm waiting for an attack to connect.
My hands have become adept at hitting start down A up A. It is like a bastardization of a legendary code, except here, instead of empowering, it is a forfeiture, an admittance of defeat. Each time I do it, a small part of me dies.
Hundreds of times. Hundreds.venom2124 said:Quoted for complete and total truth. I've restarted the challenge rooms more times than I care to admit. Evil, evil choice in making the rooms part of getting platinum.
Darkflight said:Wow, just got to the room (I imagine late in the game now?) whereThat was so damned awesome.the fucking Batwing breaks through the window to drop the line launcher off for you
MiamiWesker said:Predator challenge rooms are the best. I am so addicted to it. I am 1st place on one of them and 2nd on to others.