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Batman Arkham City |OT| Smashin' Faces, Glidin' Places

Hari Seldon

I'm about ready to crack this fucking piece of shit in half over AR #1. I think I'm just going to beat the story mode and trade this mother fucker in.


Hari Seldon said:
I'm about ready to crack this fucking piece of shit in half over AR #1. I think I'm just going to beat the story mode and trade this mother fucker in.
Keep holding the glide button the entire time, including when doing a dive bomb. That wasted half an hour of my life.


While i was dive bombing i also pushed myself forward with the stick. It took me a while but I got it down. Don't let that take away from the game, stop trying it if it's ruining anything. EDIT: This was directed at Hari Seldon
I got this recently, only just starting it but I'm already very impressed.

And also really like the variety that Catwoman brings to the story, her combat is much faster paced and well executed.

This and Dark Souls, and Battlefield 3 tomorrow! It's getting crazy, people.
Truly loving this game, but man do I hate the character faces in this. I think the art direction overall worked better in Asylum.

For whatever reason though, I can already tell this is a game I'm going to play more than twice, unlike Asylum which I loved but never really felt like coming back to.


Solo said:
17 hours in, 85% done story, 41% overall. Yeah, I am firmly in the "Asylum was better than City" camp. Don't get me wrong, both are GREAT games, but Asylum was a lot more focused, unique, fun to explore, and had a narrative and internal logic that just worked so much better than what there is in City. And the art direction felt much stronger and part of a cohesive whole in Asylum.

Arkham City is still a 9/10 type game for me. Problem is that Asylum is a 10/10 type game and it came before.

I agree with this, pretty much (except knock down the score for both games by 1 point).

I also get the feeling going back and doing the Riddler stuff isn't going to be as fun in this one.


Beat the game last night, thought it was pretty bloody amazing and with a fairly interesting ending to boot.

I suppose my biggest complaint is that you can feel the strain as Dini and the other writers struggle to cram in a multitude of characters. Sometimes these inclusions are organic, and others, well, not so much. This results in the game's main narrative coming off a little like fan-fiction at times, and certain characters getting the short end of the stick. Poor old Two-Face, for example, barely gets a look in, and one very-late-in-the-game appearance by a major antagonist is surprising but oh-so-jarring. Hello, erm, goodbye (as it were).

I still don't know that this game totally eclipses Arkham Asylum, but I think it makes a very nice sprawling companion piece to that focused little story. I'm glad both games exist, and I think they both have their place. That we have been blessed with two such wonderful Batman games in two years is amazing. Can't wait to see what Rocksteady comes up with for Part 3.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
On the eve of Battlefield 3 I mopped up what I had left that I knew I could get done. Beat the story and all side quests aside from riddled stuff. One level up away from having all the moves for Batman unlocked too. I'll come back to the game, it just may be a while.


I'm stuck and I feel like I've missed an item or I'm just completely over looking how to use what I've got. Help would be sweet.
ive just got back to the steel mill and I'm close to the end of cooling tunnel d. I'm stuck at this giant corkscrwew thing, it's connected to a fuse box, but the fuse box is behind a chain link fence. I can't figure out how to deactivate/disable the damn box! My electric gun will not shoot past the fence and I've tried all my other gadgets too and come up with nothing. Help!
I beat the main game this morning, but when I went to check out the new game+ stuff just now my save file was gone. I'm bummed out about starting from scratch, but it's not too bad. I would like to be able to turn my console off and have reliable saves.

This just proves that this is a hardware problem and not a software problem like I thought when it happened in other games.
Just finished my New Game Plus run, now it's only the Challenge Rooms keeping me from my Platinum. And the full variation combo, but I'm still working that one out. I'm glad Rocksteady didn't feel the need to include a Shock and Awe equivalent in Arkham City. In the first game Shock and Awe was the map with three floor areas that would electrify at random intervals, forcing you to run away and break your combos, so the only way to get three stars was to have a perfect run of critical strikes and instant takedowns in order to get all the guys down in the time limit.

Arkham City's hardest Challenge Rooms are just the ol' dependable forty guys in a room with three monsters, which are actually great because if you manage to get on top of one of the Titans you can build up enormous combos, and then if you use that Titan to beat down the other one to the point where you can jump straight off one and onto the other you're laughing. I actually don't know if that'll still work in this game, given the changes to the way you get onto Titans, but you can counter in the middle of Ultra Stuns and beatdowns anyway so it doesn't really matter.


Strap on your hooker ...
cackhyena said:
I don't think he necessarily means that as an insult to the rest of the game.

I would kill for this game's combat system to be put to use in a full belt-scrolling beat-em-up. It's so good.
mickcenary said:
I'm just gonna put this out there:

Combat Riddler Challenge Rooms > the actual game.

I'd probably agree if the damn combo prompts were so damn touchy and easily to miss. Combat wasn't this difficult in AA.
mickcenary said:
I'm just gonna put this out there:

Combat Riddler Challenge Rooms > the actual game.

I almost agree with you. I don't know what changed between Asylum and City, because I hated the challenge rooms in Asylum and never finished them. But for some reason the combat just clicked this time. I'm not getting three medals yet on the combat challenges, but I'm getting better and this shit is seriously addicting. I mean, I'm only halfway through Dark Souls but instead I'm finding myself running around collecting Riddler trophies and doing challenge rooms instead of going back to it.
Shig said:
I don't think he necessarily means that as an insult to the rest of the game.

I would kill for this game's combat system to be put to use in a full belt-scrolling beat-em-up. It's so good.

Exactly. The game as a whole is obviously superb, but the combat system, for me, is what makes it so. It's just that good.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
The combat is something I always loved first back in AA. You really do feel like Batman - fighting 3 or so guys is not a problem at all for him, and fighting up to 40 guys and beating them all while they're doing all kinds of random shit makes you feel like Batman more than anything else in the world. It is glorious.
They totally fixed the counter system. In AA there were times when you would be punished for attacking at the wrong time and it was literally impossible to counter. In this game, as long as you mash the counter button it works 95% of the time. It took the combat from frustrating to addictive.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
The combat is something I always loved first back in AA. You really do feel like Batman - fighting 3 or so guys is not a problem at all for him, and fighting up to 40 guys and beating them all while they're doing all kinds of random shit makes you feel like Batman more than anything else in the world. It is glorious.

It makes me love Rocksteady - or any developer, for that matter - that appreciates the value of aesthetic and visual sensibility.

They know that no one likes seeing their character jank about with shoddy animation and that working towards the opposite can go quite a long way. The fact that they've crafted a combat mechanic that is anything but a QTE whilst looking and feeling THAT GOOD is simply awesome. It's better than real-life choreography.

Less emphasis on textures/game world size, more emphasis on believable animation.

I suck at these challenge rooms now.

Feels bad man.

Doesn't help they made the combos you need to do to get big points awkward position for your fingers.
Those with iTunes experience:

I downloaded the Batman Album that was included in the CE and now that it's in my itunes library all of the songs are separate even though the album is named the same. How do I get it to all be together? As you can tell I don't have much experience with itunes and this is driving me nuts.


Square Triangle said:
I love some of the chatter between the thugs

How am I going to update my status?

God the Batman Beyond skin is so damn awesome. After beating the game I'm at 54%, I've got a while to go in collecting all the shit lol.
Random question. Can you play with that skin in the main story? And would I be able to switch to that skin mid story if I went to purchase a NOS (ugh) tomorrow? And last, does it show battle damage?

Also, I was one of the few people generally disappointed in this game but I just beat
and I find that Im enjoying it a bit more. Mostly because Im choosing to ignore most of the sidequests and only tackle the riddler trophies as I stumble upon them (I was seeking them out at one point). Im still not enjoying it as much as I did AA but its a bit better than I initially thought.

Why on earth did they take out the bat claw take down? Pretty sure in the last game when you bat clawed someone that was standing near a railing they would just fall off. Now they just hit the railing and bounce back. Youre overcookin mah grits rocksteady.


Finished the main story this weekend. Pretty awesome game, but it felt less coherent than Asylum. Also
I felt like there were some hints towards Penguin supplying Titan to Joker in Asylum, hoping he would be Joker and take the stuff himself, and essentially killing him in the process. There never was a proper exlpanation for the huge amounts of Titan in City, was there.

Catwoman was HUGELY underplayed. Her bits could just as easily been done with cutscenes. Her storymissions acount for about 2 hours of gameplay, spread over 4 missions. And one of those missions has NOTHING in terms of Catwoman-specific gameplay.
For a character that's been touted in every single media-outing since june this year, that's just too little.

I also felt the main villains could've been played out more. It's a videogame, there's no 2,5 hour limit to the amount of time you have, flesh out the villains.
Why is Penguin in Arkham City and why did he take over the museum?
The villains felt very flat and 1-dimensional, except for
Freeze, well, up to the point where he decides to off Batman, and when that fails, decides to align himself with the Dark Knight again like nothing happened. What the hell?
Most villains fall into the "OMG I'm so evil!"-category, without any method to their madness. Batman has some of the best villains in terms of backstory, yet they do so little with it. Also:
never manages to take center-stage, and he's the main baddy!

Also, the story didn't really mesh with the semi-open world that is Arkham City.
Batman: "I'm dying, I need the cure, minutes to live... ugh! Hey Trophies, AR Training, O M G RIDDLES!!" Also, the countdown by Strange made no sense at all because of this.

also, if someone has a spare Batman Beyond Skincode, please PM it to me.
My word, the only thing this game is missing is bees. Have loved every second of it, but I have a question about the side missions
I just got back to the steel mill and will be fighting the Joker, all I have left are the Identity Theft, Political Prisoner shakedowns and Deadshot missions but IT is the only one which hasn't advanced since the beginning, do i fly around until something happens

I love that as the game goes along, guns and other weapons flood the street
Enjoying this so much
magnificent83 said:
My word, the only thing this game is missing is bees. Have loved every second of it, but I have a question about the side missions
I just got back to the steel mill and will be fighting the Joker, all I have left are the Identity Theft, Political Prisoner shakedowns and Deadshot missions but IT is the only one which hasn't advanced since the beginning, do i fly around until something happens

I love that as the game goes along, guns and other weapons flood the street
Enjoying this so much

I do not understand your question...you seem to be asking about multiple missions at once. In any case,

The first one, supposedly, you will get cues from Oracle for the first two incidents, the rest you got to find on your own

The second one, yes

The third one, I got it by doing side things and when it happened, I got on it right away


I'm still scared of the spoiler thread for some reason.

But for those that have beaten it completely, is it true
that there is more to the ending after that?

Another question, is the Nightwing DLC going to be more side quests or is it just the character for challenge rooms?
Buckethead said:
I suck at these challenge rooms now.

Feels bad man.

Doesn't help they made the combos you need to do to get big points awkward position for your fingers.

You don't need to do any button-combos to get 3 medals on any combat challenge.

Just attack, counter, and don't get hit. If you do that you'll blow passed the ??? requirement in the 3rd and sometimes even the 2nd round. You don't even need to use any gadgets, just your fists/feet of fury.

The only button-combo you should familiarize yourself with is the one that destroys the weapons, to take out those pesky shield and cattle-prod bastards; Square+Triangle, or X+Y.


So does anyone else find that they suck at the combat? Im fucking dying like all the time!

Feel like a tool... are there tutorials in-game or anything?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
People complaining the urgency of the plot doesn't match the open world also need to note that the open world itself doesn't actually match reality (a completely endless night). just think of the side missions or whatever detours from the plot as shit that would've taken real Batman 1/30th of the time to complete.
neorej said:
Finished the main story this weekend. Pretty awesome game, but it felt less coherent than Asylum. Also
I felt like there were some hints towards Penguin supplying Titan to Joker in Asylum, hoping he would be Joker and take the stuff himself, and essentially killing him in the process. There never was a proper exlpanation for the huge amounts of Titan in City, was there.

Catwoman was HUGELY underplayed. Her bits could just as easily been done with cutscenes. Her storymissions acount for about 2 hours of gameplay, spread over 4 missions. And one of those missions has NOTHING in terms of Catwoman-specific gameplay.
For a character that's been touted in every single media-outing since june this year, that's just too little.

I also felt the main villains could've been played out more. It's a videogame, there's no 2,5 hour limit to the amount of time you have, flesh out the villains.
Why is Penguin in Arkham City and why did he take over the museum?
The villains felt very flat and 1-dimensional, except for
Freeze, well, up to the point where he decides to off Batman, and when that fails, decides to align himself with the Dark Knight again like nothing happened. What the hell?
Most villains fall into the "OMG I'm so evil!"-category, without any method to their madness. Batman has some of the best villains in terms of backstory, yet they do so little with it. Also:
never manages to take center-stage, and he's the main baddy!

Also, the story didn't really mesh with the semi-open world that is Arkham City.
Batman: "I'm dying, I need the cure, minutes to live... ugh! Hey Trophies, AR Training, O M G RIDDLES!!" Also, the countdown by Strange made no sense at all because of this.

also, if someone has a spare Batman Beyond Skincode, please PM it to me.
I agree with EVERYTHING mentioned dude, my exact thoughts.
not only was the countdown dumb but Protocol Ten was SUCH a letdown
overcast said:
I'm still scared of the spoiler thread for some reason.

But for those that have beaten it completely, is it true
that there is more to the ending after that?

Another question, is the Nightwing DLC going to be more side quests or is it just the character for challenge rooms?

Someone told me on here the Nightwing and Robin DLC is just challenge room. I'm wondering too about your spoilered part.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Square Triangle said:
I agree with EVERYTHING mentioned dude, my exact thoughts.
not only was the countdown dumb but Protocol Ten was SUCH a letdown
While I don't mind Protocol 10, could the game have been more clever with the name of it atleast? It was arbitrary as shit.

Also, the game did just about nothing with Strange knowing Wayne's Batman at all, aside from just getting him in the city, then it did nothing with it after. That seemed very underutilized too.


Damn, I was hoping there would be some DLC with more missions. Excited to see how Nightwing looks and plays though.

Somebody in here must know..
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