Why didn't we get this version of the movie? Somehow, in the history of film (omitting Kingdom of Heaven because if you haven't seen the directors cut, drop your shit and go watch it now) has there ever been a directors cut of any super hero movie to date? Sub-comment, and it was better than the theatrical cut?
I can't wait for the home release to come out so everyone can watch the movie more than once and actually listen and see everything. And that first 7 minutes in metropolis!
This movie was doomed from the beginning when they skipped Man of Steel 2 (and the Batman Solo movie) and jumped right into BvS, this is 3 or 4 movies in one, way too cramped.
I can't wait for the home release to come out so everyone can watch the movie more than once and actually listen and see everything. And that first 7 minutes in metropolis!
I just hope they remove the forced JL cameos (Wonder Woman watching videos, Flash suddenly appearing in Bruce's "dream") - they were so unnecessary and ruined what little pacing there was. Someone decided that right between Superman vs Lex confrontation and Superman vs Batman fight we should get a long scene of Wonder Woman slowly reading an e-mail and watching a bunch of vidoes that have no connection with anything in the movie. And that Flash's cameo should only affirm Bruce's fear of Superman - and yet it had no impact at all on future action.
Um, wow. There's already a great deal of expansion in the trailer that looks to flesh out a lot if the movie's jarring editing. Especially in addressing why Batman is different. This could actually really make the film more coherent. I'm pretty pumped.
There looks to be a good deal of character development and even action that was cut. Wtf, WB?
I feel like the Knightmare sequence and the Flash cameo should have been an after credits sequence. It just feels so painfully out of place.
I think it would have been better/cooler, if after the screen goes black at the end, we get the actor/director credits, then it cuts to the Knightmare stuff, and when that ends, it goes into the Flash cameo, and it hard cuts to black after Flash is gone. It really should have just been a teaser. There would be so many questions left for the audience. Spoilers below:
The Knightmare sequence plays out exactly as it does in the movie; with Superman arriving and killing everyone, then killing Bruce after demasking him. The audience would be like, "Oh shit, Superman's not dead, like we saw at the funeral, but did he come back wrong or something? What the fuck?!" It'd make the Doomsday stuff feel more important, because we have a question mark over Superman's state of being once he's resurrected. When he shows up in the Justice League movie, is he going to be the Superman we hope he is, or a herald of Darkseid?
The JL cameo stuff could have been integrated in a much smoother way as well. Like, a much, much, much smoother way. I've mentioned it before, but I always thought that they'd work in the Oil Rig explosion from Man of Steel into Aquaman's appearance in BvS. I remember when me and my wife left the theater after seeing Man of Steel, she was wondering if that Oil Rig being set on fire was due to Aquaman trying to stop the surface people from polluting his ocean. I thought it would have been a great set up for BvS. Have Arthur show up, either as Aquaman or in a civilian disguise, and call out Clark for interfering and allowing the humans to continue to threaten his ocean and people. It'd set the stage for internal conflict of the JLA later.
At the very least, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and The Flash could have been used to set up JL in better ways than they ended up in the movie. I'm curious about this Ultimate Cut, because I'd love to own it just to mess around with the editing myself. It'd be fun practice for me.
Folks are missing the point of the cameos. Flash isn't supposed to be recognizable, so he's only there to give false affirmation that Batman's nightmare will come true if he doesn't stop superman now. This is proven by flash asking if he came to too soon. The other clips, while unabashedly blunt, force Batman to make the wrong choice, thinking he's about to be overrun with meta humans. It's why he talks about future generations. For wonder woman, it's a rallying cry, where at first she seeks to run from the worst of humanity, realizes she must lead the fight to save humanity from itself. It's why the answer to Clark's question about if she's with Batman is, no we're with her.
So, Bruce, who has a fear and distrust of metahumans, will take the word of a time travelling metahuman who broke into his "dream" to warn him about a metahuman he is already convinced is bad news? A time travelling metahuman that he has no idea if they are good or evil? Not to mention it's framed as a dream, so it's authenticity is already suspect.
Batman doesn't need any affirmation of his nightmare coming true, because he's Batman. The only person he trusts is himself. Batman didn't need to be driven over the edge in order to prompt him to go after Superman. His resolve was absolute, and Superman hadn't done a single thing in the movie to change his opinion of him. The Flash cameo was gratuitous and bogged the pace down. The whole Knightmare sequence was there just so that we wouldn't have an insanely large stretch of screentime with no action in an action movie.
Batman breaking into Lexcorp to steal the kryptonite would have been a more worthwhile and plot relevant action setpiece to include over the Knightmare sequence. I stand by that sequence being better served as an after film teaser/stinger.
The other cameos were the definition of hamfisted. Only Amazing Spider-Man 2 did it worse, but not by much.
Why didn't we get this version of the movie? Somehow, in the history of film (omitting Kingdom of Heaven because if you haven't seen the directors cut, drop your shit and go watch it now) has there ever been a directors cut of any super hero movie to date? Sub-comment, and it was better than the theatrical cut?
So has the scene of Clark in the apartment kitchen watching the TV news report about Batman's branding of criminals been replaced by the woman in Africa being interviewed about Superman's actions there?
And what happens after the time traveler appears? Batman wakes up again, so to him, it is his internal self saying do this. And remember, Batman is already at the edge from the past 2 years of Lex goading him from the shadows. Him having a fever dream about the end of the world, followed by another dream saying he's right in thinking Clark is the reason for that sends him in the wrong direction. Batman doesn't know or care who Flash is, doesn't know he's a metahuman, he just saw some crazy shit that confirms his bias and thats all he needs. Also, you can't talk about what Batman doesn't need or should and shouldn't do, as the movie goes out of its way to state that this Batman is far and away from what he should be.
I agree the other stingers feel really out of place and a little bit studio mandated, and I hope its the one thing that's cut out of the Ultimate Cut. They would be better off infered like they were when Batman was looking through the files, and having Diana click on them and cutting away and like you suggested put at the end. But then this is probably part of their concerted effort to not be like Marvel. And they are still well within the movie's themes of the incoming fight.
Put the JL stuff after the credits, the way it was shot with all their logos and just put in the middle of the movie was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in a bad way.
Didn't catch the film on its theatrical run, so I suppose I'll just watch this, after reading GAF's impressions. If it's worse, I'll just stick to the theatrical cut.
Didn't catch the film on its theatrical run, so I suppose I'll just watch this, after reading GAF's impressions. If it's worse, I'll just stick to the theatrical cut.
Maybe thirty more minutes of exposition will ties things together a bit more and make it more entertaining, but a big problem with the film was its oppressive atmosphere and relentless lack of levity and joy. So, going for a R rating really isn't what it needs. It's like some execs at WB saw the success of Dead Pool and mistakenly attributed it to the R rating.
Maybe thirty more minutes of exposition will ties things together a bit more and make it more entertaining, but a big problem with the film was its oppressive atmosphere and relentless lack of levity and joy. So, going for a R rating really isn't what it needs. It's like some execs at WB saw the success of Dead Pool and mistakenly attributed it to the R rating.
They didn't "go for the R rating". That's just what it got and they kept it. The rating stayed the same as the theatrical cut in every other region except one. The movie was filmed and rated before Deadpool was out so there's no success to attribute anything to.
Curious just how much was cut from the warehouse scene. We know some was cut for ratings, and I doubt the shot of Batman tossing a goon into a crate from the trailer was one of them. I'm sure somebody out there counted how many of the two dozen goons he dispatched on screen.
The longer version of Superman: The Movie included that underground gauntlet scene. Shot at him, tried to burn, tried to freeze him. That was cool as hell so it was worth it. Everything else was take it or leave it though.
They didn't "go for the R rating". That's just what it got and they kept it. The rating stayed the same as the theatrical cut in every other region except one. The movie was filmed and rated before Deadpool was out so there's no success to attribute anything to.
After the film came out and Dead Pool was still selling tickets in the US, they made it a point to announce the R version would be getting a release. I doubt that was just a coincidence, but believe whatever you want.
After the film came out and Dead Pool was still selling tickets in the US, they made it a point to announce the R version would be getting a release. I doubt that was just a coincidence, but believe whatever you want.
Curious just how much was cut from the warehouse scene. We know some was cut for ratings, and I doubt the shot of Batman tossing a goon into a crate from the trailer was one of them. I'm sure somebody out there counted how many of the two dozen goons he dispatched on screen.
I'd wager the BvS fight has more additions, like Batman's full speech. ("I'm going to teach what it's like to be a man" and I think there was a bit where he talked about if he can even feel fear) Also the Doomsday fight as well I feel might get a decent amount of new shots.
I'd wager the BvS fight has more additions, like Batman's full speech. ("I'm going to teach what it's like to be a man" and I think there was a bit where he talked about if he can even feel fear) Also the Doomsday fight as well I feel might get a decent amount of new shots.
There was a whole longer quote from the guys first encounter that was deleted. With Superman saying something like "Your signal is no longer yours, it's mine, and when they call you whey will be calling me".
I'd wager the BvS fight has more additions, like Batman's full speech. ("I'm going to teach what it's like to be a man" and I think there was a bit where he talked about if he can even feel fear) Also the Doomsday fight as well I feel might get a decent amount of new shots.
There's some lines in the fight that don't flow. Batman says, paraphrasing, "Breath it in. That's fear. You're not brave." Thinking there's supposed to be a line before the last part.
After the film came out and Dead Pool was still selling tickets in the US, they made it a point to announce the R version would be getting a release. I doubt that was just a coincidence, but believe whatever you want.
It was rated as the "Ultimate Edition" last October. What does Deadpool have to do with that exactly? The only point they made about releasing it was because everybody knew about it but it hadn't been officially talked about so they brought it up in an Entertainment Weekly interview and all they said was it included some connective tissue and a little extra violence. At no point did they "Oooh, this one is rated Rrrrrrrr hahahaha look a this R rating we put on it, what's it for, I don't know but Rrrrrrr". You are way overplaying it. Even the UC trailer made no mention of it. Just a small stamp on the bottom.