Naked Amy Adams? No, that was all her. She joked about it in an interview on the Graham Norton Show because her modesty patches kept falling off and floating around in the water freaking out Henry Cavill.
Naked Amy Adams? No, that was all her. She joked about it in an interview on the Graham Norton Show because her modesty patches kept falling off and floating around in the water freaking out Henry Cavill.
About that, is Jena Malone playing anyone significant? Spoiler tag in case anyone doesnt want to know. Thanks.
Honestly I can't remember who she was or where she worked. She's a contact for Lois that's investigating the source of the recovered bullet.
Anyway I think I'm out of here. Someone is going to be upset at the amount of tags.
All that time speculating and worrying, and Malone is playing...
All that time speculating and worrying, and Malone is playing...
Does the ultimate edition remove the part where batfleck kills people?
Does Clark Kent get to speak more as he's investigating batman? He doesnt say too much in the theatrical aside from when hes talking to his dad and Bruce at the party
Do you get a good sense of him trying to get a grasp on Batman in his investigation?
Thought the same when I saw this trailer.All that time speculating and worrying, and Malone is playing...
Absolutely not. Is that weird dream sequence with Pa Kent in the TC too?
There are no scenes of him investigating Batmab on the street and interviewing people?
Also does it still introduce the other heroes in an email?
Oh and any hints as to how you saw it early? Work?
Is Jena Malone Batgirl?Maybe there's a scene of him interviewing the girlfriend of a Batman branding victim. Really nothing of note. Clark is a shitty reporter and Batman is a bad detective. The character assassination really bummed me out.
Heroes still on Lex's server and the e-mail to WW.
As I said, work.
To the film's credit I thought X-Men Apocalypse was worse but not by much.
Is Jena Malone Batgirl?
ThanksI didn't catch her name when she was introduced. I'd like to think my ears would have perked up if she said her name was Barbara Gordon but honestly I can't remember. Very, very forgettable role.
All that time speculating and worrying, and Malone is playing...
Are you fucking serious? Jesus christ how much can you fuck up a movie in how many fucking ways.
fuck me sideways.
All that time speculating and worrying, and Malone is playing...
It was "leaked" that Jena was playing as her in a French magazine a while ago, so it's not complete nonsense.So the wikipedia entry sayingis nonsense then?she's Barbara Gordan
It was "leaked" that Jena was playing as her in a French magazine a while ago, so it's not complete nonsense.
Maybe there's a scene of him interviewing the girlfriend of a Batman branding victim. Really nothing of note. Clark is a shitty reporter and Batman is a bad detective. The character assassination really bummed me out.
Heroes still on Lex's server and the e-mail to WW.
As I said, work.
To the film's credit I thought X-Men Apocalypse was worse but not by much.
So the wikipedia entry sayingis nonsense then?she's Barbara Gordan
Are you fucking serious? Jesus christ how much can you fuck up a movie in how many fucking ways.
Apparently? I haven't seen this cut, but Bo here says her name isn't Barbara Gordon, and she apparently isn't anyone recognizable/memorable outside of being Lois' assistant.
lol that's not what I said.
I might have just completely missed it. But her contribution to the film is nearly 0.
How could you have actually missed it? You said "I'd like to think I'd have noticed if she said her name was Barbara Gordon."
Like, the movie was so shitty it put you into a fugue state or something?
In a cut that makes sure you know who Jimmy Olsen is before they put a bullet in his head, and had Lex Luthor design logos for the rest of the Justice League, they forgot to mention that Barbara Gordon is Barbara Gordon while explicitly re-inserting Barbara Gordon's scenes - which by the way, amount to nothing?
I mean, the theatrical cut is inept enough that this sort of decisionmaking makes sense, I guess.
Very possible.
See, I didn't take it seriously the first time you said it because that sounds silly to me. I just thought you were joking, especially considering the level of detail with which you're relaying other details.
They went to film school together
That bond runs deep
Will it have a 3D version at least?It was my first time watching the movie at all, hard to pick up small details of really minor characters.
Anyway EVERYONE will LOVE it! Pre-order TODAY! Check it out on Digital HD on June 28th and Blu-ray on July 19th!
Will it have a 3D version at least?
The Ultimate Cut doesn't have a 3D versionWill it have a 3D version at least?
Wait, did I miss something? How is Bo the only dude online who's seen the ultimate cut?
Not reading the tags.
No amount of Extended edition and scenes could improve the movie
No amount of Extended edition and scenes could improve the movie
Read a breakdown of the added shit.
At the very least, it sounds like things will flow much more smoothly, and there are a few things namely with Lex that are really important to the overall story. Clark has a ton added as well. I don't think it'll necessarily change anyone's mind, but for people who had more trouble with pacing/editing than the actual content of the movie, it might help them enjoy it more.