You fail to mention what platform.vaelic said:hey guys, I live in Austin, Texas. Feel free to friend me. Online name: vizionblind
You fail to mention what platform.vaelic said:hey guys, I live in Austin, Texas. Feel free to friend me. Online name: vizionblind
Kid is doing it wrong. You fill the helicopter, roll it and bail yourself out at the last minute.snack said:
snack said:
Even in conquest I have no idea where I'm spawning. If you could click on the map and select where you want to spawn and who to spawn on, it'd be far better than how it is nowCudder said:So, on Rush, why does the mini map, when you're dead and about to spawn, not update to where the action is? I can't figure out who to spawn on because I think the map stays on the first set of checkpoints..
Waaahhh?Spookie said:Yes! Caspian is fucking terrible on Rush, awesome on conquest.![]()
People are bitching because they want better and bigger maps and those people aren't the type to be playing a game as old as BF2 for the past couple of years. I'm pretty sure people don't want to play bad large maps, but good ones (regardless of the results of previous efforts) and they probably would appreciate the opportunity for variety as well. BF allows for a HUGE variety in map size and it's a shame that DICE didn't utilize that and didn't appease the people of all desires in that regard.Red Blaster said:I don't get the map bitching. Only a handful of the large BF2 were actually any good, most of the servers the last couple years have been infantry only Karkand and Sharqis, maps with heavy emphasis on hectic urban combat. And while the flags on some maps are little closer together than I'd like, this isn't new to the series:
zlatko said:You know what I would have liked to see ? A vehicle training simulation where it lets you just train up with how vehicles work. Not an actual server you could make, but like another tab option along with campaign,co-op,mp, etc.
Would be a great way to help people become comfortable with the flying controls and tweak their settings.
Empty servers are your friend.WoodenLung said:I have done this a couple of times now, gotta learn how to fly that bad boy somehow and I can't do it any other way.
I'm totally having some pareidolia with this image. I swear it is a dinosaur head.FlyinJ said:![]()
What an amazing map.
Izayoi said:Empty servers are your friend.
Or the co-op mission.
Niblet said:I'm totally having some pareidolia with this image. I swear it is a dinosaur head.
Massa said:There will be some paid DLC eventually that lets you do that.
PaleFolklore said:I hate that rockets and grenades you shoot or throw disappear midair if you die. It's bullshit.
Sprinting out of prone seems pretty snappy to me.zlatko said:They do? Omg I thought I was going insane! I had several moments where I would be setting up to shoot a tank with a RPG, then someone shows up by me so I let it fly at them, but I die and I saw the rocket trail and heard the noise go right at them, but no death.
You know what else stinks? That it takes 7 years to stand up. You'd think my soldier would be in better shape that if a grenade lands by him he would GET THE FUCK UP AND RUN!
My god the framing of the jet (this can hardly be a spoiler) is gorgeous. Those clouds are so good and the sounds is exhilarating.RiccochetJ said:I'm enjoying the hell out of the campaign at the moment. I guess I don't understand/see the viewpoint of the reviews out there about it.
Playing on hard andJust finished the jet level. So good.
Yea it takes a split sec too long to get up from prone now. They slowed it down from the alpha/beta.zlatko said:They do? Omg I thought I was going insane! I had several moments where I would be setting up to shoot a tank with a RPG, then someone shows up by me so I let it fly at them, but I die and I saw the rocket trail and heard the noise go right at them, but no death.
You know what else stinks? That it takes 7 years to stand up. You'd think my soldier would be in better shape that if a grenade lands by him he would GET THE FUCK UP AND RUN!
Massa said:There will be some paid DLC eventually that lets you do that.
Nabs said:long loading and amd here
zlatko said:You know what I would have liked to see ? A vehicle training simulation where it lets you just train up with how vehicles work. Not an actual server you could make, but like another tab option along with campaign,co-op,mp, etc.
Would be a great way to help people become comfortable with the flying controls and tweak their settings.
Yup. I'm confused as well. I loved BC2 and Battlefield 2 is one of my favorite MP games of all time so I assume this is worth it? (On consoles btw).TacticalFox88 said:Any idea what's the general consensus? GAF seems all over the place with this one. :/
TacticalFox88 said:Any idea what's the general consensus? GAF seems all over the place with this one. :/
gibon3z said:Bet you the karkland maps that are coming are edited and are not the originals.
They will screw those maps up too.
Xbox Live has parties and tons of different ways to mute people, not sure about the PS3 functions in that regard.Badgerst3 said:Any more feedback gaf on aiming in the ps3 version?
Gotta decide xbox or ps3. Flexible either way.
Don't want screaming, swearing 12 year olds if it can be helped.
Most definitely. It is Battlefield through and through.overcast said:Yup. I'm confused as well. I loved BC2 and Battlefield 2 is one of my favorite MP games of all time so I assume this is worth it? (On consoles btw).
That's great to know. I'll probably get it around black friday though.Izayoi said:Most definitely. It is Battlefield through and through.
Red Blaster said:I don't get the map bitching. Only a handful of the large BF2 were actually any good, most of the servers the last couple years have been infantry only Karkand and Sharqis, maps with heavy emphasis on hectic urban combat. And while the flags on some maps are little closer together than I'd like, this isn't new to the series:[IMG]
Lot of the 2142 maps were also pretty linear in Conquest and comparable to Rush maps.[/QUOTE]
Honestly if you're judging BF by the maps played after BF2 1.5 came out , you're missing the point of the argument. BF3 maps are heavily scaled down and lacking in many regards to their larger BF2 counterparts. The entire strategy portion of the game is missing.
BC2 was my first BF game and it was fun enough. But I bought that after the terrible launch it had so...yeah I guess my opinion may be skewed.zlatko said:I suck at it, and I haven't found a game type that I like the flow of yet, but you can still have some super fun moments. Not sure if you are PC or console, but speaking from a PC point of view it's worth picking up if you play with GAF. The server makes up for the shitty games you can join in on your own with randoms.
Is this your first BF game? If it is then the learning curve can be a little steep, but if it isn't and you enjoyed BC2 then you should have fun here too.
Mileage may vary, but I still say pick it up as there isn't anything quite like it. Plus, what other games let you parachute from the air and shoot a RPG to the ground as you plummet and blow up a tank?![]()
Izayoi said:Most definitely. It is Battlefield through and through.
leng jai said:Battlefield MP always sucks until they fix the servers.
Protip:matics said:Thisis the dumbest shit ever. Holy shit.defending Al Bashir in the mall mission
That is all.
It's shit. Don't do it for infantry combat. You could be the shittiest person at mouse aiming, and you'll do better with a mouse. Aiming has a weird ass acceleration and is very touchy (even at super low sensitivity, which'll screw you in other ways)--renders you entirely ineffective. I tried to be the lazy couch bastard, don't make the same mistake.Prologue said:Anyone plug in the 360 controller on pc? How is the experience? Concerned with the lack of auto aim