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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Yoshichan said:
Wow, the sound difference between stereo and headphones = Amazing. Never going back to speakers again after this :lol

Oh, and the graphics are probably the best I've ever seen on console - no fucking joke.

The singleplayer sucks ass though (2 hours in).

Do you not have a 5.1/7.1 setup or are you using 5.1 headphones vs tv speakers or just normal headphones?
Here is the first Avatar I've made for the day...

I'm not really sure if they quite work at such a small size.

They look great large, but when it gets down to fit Avatar Restrictions, it doesn't really work.

See for yourself.

Avatar Size

Large Version


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Jira said:
Do you not have a 5.1/7.1 setup or are you using 5.1 headphones vs tv speakers or just normal headphones?
Yeah unfortunately no 5.1 (as if I'd be able to use that without waking everyone up at 4:10am :lol). It's TV speakers vs regular headphones... it sounds sooooooo good even with regular ones.


d0c_zaius said:
Or maybe I've just had some bad games....who knows.
I've played the series religiously since 1942 and my previous favorite was 2142.

You might just be having some bad games.

It is definitely Battlefield.

Yoshichan said:
Yeah unfortunately no 5.1 (as if I'd be able to use that without waking everyone up at 4:10am :lol). It's TV speakers vs regular headphones... it sounds sooooooo good even with regular ones.
Good "regular" headphones are almost always better than "5.1" headphones, btw. You're not missing out on anything.
Izayoi said:
I've played the series religiously since 1942 and my previous favorite was 2142.

You might just be having some bad games.

It is definitely Battlefield.

U and me brother... 2142 was also my previous favorite, before that was BF2, and then BC2 close to that because I love destruction.

But so far, BF3 is a clear outstanding winner as the best of series for me, it's just so Battlefield of the future that I imagined when playing Battlefield all those years ago that it's not funny and I am in bliss every single moment that I'm playing it.

I'm so glad I invested so much money into my PC to ensure that I could enjoy it at it's absolute maximum because I just couldn't have it any other way, it's so amazing.

Although I do admit, I was hoping for better in the Campaign, I find that I almost want to play it on Easy because it's not hard in a good way, it's hard in an annoying - poke your head out and all the enemies automatically auto lock onto just you and kill you kind of way.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Izayoi said:
Good "regular" headphones are almost always better than "5.1" headphones, btw. You're not missing out on anything.
Oh and you were right about the PS3-version. It's down-right fucking gorgeous. I've literally said wow a dozen times during some parts. The lighting engine is the most impressive thing I've seen in a long, long time.

leng jai

Yoshichan said:
Yeah unfortunately no 5.1 (as if I'd be able to use that without waking everyone up at 4:10am :lol). It's TV speakers vs regular headphones... it sounds sooooooo good even with regular ones.

Of course they will sound better than TV speakers. Thats the worst audio you can use. Headphones are good but a decent 2.1/5.1 speaker system will blow them away for BF3.


What the hell.

I re-download my game because of problems running it earlier but each game I join now, I'm "kicked by an administrator"



TacticalFox88 said:
BC2 was my first BF game and it was fun enough. But I bought that after the terrible launch it had so...yeah I guess my opinion may be skewed.

I messed around a little with BF2, bought BC1 and put it to the wayside after a while, and didn't get into BC2 until way late when I got a new gaming PC to run it on max. Sort of similar I'd say in that BC2 is the first BF game where I put time into it.

Coming from that it's still fun, but I need more time to find something that works for me here in BF3 like my playing Sniper in BC2. In the alpha and beta for BF3 I had no problem going sniper the whole time, because everyone was so limited in what was available, but I feel here in retail that the Sniper class especially at early levels is lacking due to some of the maps.

This game should still be worth the price of admission and like I said if you play with GAF, or friends, then your enjoyment will probably be greater than trying to go at with randoms.

My major complaints:

I can't change/edit load outs on battlelog, or in between games.
Hit detection is a little off, but I've played worse in that regard.
Some maps are 100% shit to play on. (Metro, and whatever the mine map is)
Spawning in TDM is the WORST of any game I have ever played. This is not up for debate.

Those are the things I'd say are severely impeding my enjoyment, and then there's a dozen other small things that stack up. I'm hoping once I level up enough, find more people to play with on a regular basis, and hopefully a patch from DICE for the loadout fixes and the spawning, will greatly improve my enjoyment of the game.

I say, buy it. :)


Yoshichan said:
Oh and you were right about the PS3-version. It's down-right fucking gorgeous. I've literally said wow a dozen times during some parts. The lighting engine is the most impressive thing I've seen in a long, long time.
Excellent, I'm glad you're enjoying it.

matics said:
Thanks.. Just got past it. Took way too long though.
Not a problem. I agree that it was a little drawn-out. Really enjoyed the first part of that level, though.
jokkir said:
What the hell.

I re-download my game because of problems running it earlier but each game I join now, I'm "kicked by an administrator"

Manually update your punkbuster, there might be a link in the OP or google the "kicked by admin," you'll find a link to where to do it.

Edit, from OP:
"Kicked by admin fix: Credit - Stevizo
1) First of you will need to download the latest punkbuster file here:
http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=dl-bf3.php [evenbalance.com]

2) Look under PunkBuster (Battlefield 3) Player Client Files and download the Filename: “wc002279.htm” to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3\pb\htm Overwrite the existing file even if it's the same size."


Kinda wishing I'd gotten the game on PS3 rather than on 360.

As with all 360 games, the sound quality is so muted compared to my PS3 games.

War Tapes on Bad Company 2 PS3 was very impressive. The same setting in BF3 360, even with my stereo cranked up an extra 5 notches, does not compare favorably.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
OK Terran Highway can go Fuck itself in the ass

So much lag/rubber banding on that stage, I've played it 5+ times, and it's there all the time

I'll run, stay in place, then couple of seconds later slingshot into an area, so fucking stupid

Got to level 10 in 1 day of play, just played 4+ hours and got to 12...Jesus, this grind be ridiculous

Also on Canals the 9K22 TUNGUSKA-M is HAX, I tell you, HAX, with Belt Speed
I let loose a full round and got 5+ kills in one spray, good god that thing is too beastly, the reload is insanely quick


Anyone having really poor graphical performance?

I have a 460gtx but even medium is having sub 30fps performance. 460 is oc'd to 815/1800. I don't see how a 460 is having trouble with medium? Should be eating it up no problem.

Could my CPU be bottlenecking the game? It's a C2D E6600 oc'd to 3.0GHz...
I'm loving my time with BF3 so far and got a few games in on the gaf server. Forgive me if it's late at night and I really suck, I'm probably wasted. But on to more important things!

I got a pair of 558s to fully enjoy the amazing audio, but there are a lot of options to consider. I browsed the web and GAF for a proper response, but I couldn't find one so I'll ask here before moving on to the headphones thread.

What is the best software setup (windows and in-game)for these headphones? I'm using onboard realtek audio and I currently have the virtual surround option clicked on through realtek and Hi-Fi in BF3. Would stereo headphones audio option work better in game, or the hi-falutin' war tapes or what? And do I really need the virtual option checked in the realtek? If I do, is there external software somewhere that does this better?

I've toggled through on all of these before, which is why I have it set to what I do now. But I would appreciate any feedback from someone else with more experience.


Tomat said:
The UI in this game is almost laughably bad, on the 360 at least. It's "Can't see shit captain" in a nutshell.

Notifications pretty much take up the bottom half of the screen. When you capture a point the point marker goes just above the center of the screen.

Points will flash on your minimap, but unless I'm missing something there's no on-screen notification as to which point it is (They flashed on screen in BC2).

I've also noticed there doesn't seem to be balance between extreme brightness (BLOOM EVERYWHERE) and the darkness on the night maps. It was either too fucking bright to see most of the things on screen, or too dark (Tehran Highway for example).

Unrelated, but server lag doesn't really help with the experience either. I expected it though, BC2 was the same way on launch.

I've been killed a few times because of the Objective icons blocking my sight and essentially covering up an enemy from my vision...

Does no one in the company test or notice these things?

EDIT: You're right about the mini map icon flashing but not the ones in your view. I assume on the mini map they're in alphabetical order (Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta). At least that is how it worked on one map I played on.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
cametall said:
I've been killed a few times because of the Objective icons blocking my sight and essentially covering up an enemy from my vision...

Does no one in the company test or notice these things?

Glad Im not the only one with some issues here.


MaritalWheat said:
Manually update your punkbuster, there might be a link in the OP or google the "kicked by admin," you'll find a link to where to do it.

Edit, from OP:
"Kicked by admin fix: Credit - Stevizo
1) First of you will need to download the latest punkbuster file here:
http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=dl-bf3.php [evenbalance.com]

2) Look under PunkBuster (Battlefield 3) Player Client Files and download the Filename: “wc002279.htm” to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3\pb\htm Overwrite the existing file even if it's the same size."

Nope. Didn't work. I'm still getting kicked for some reason :\


Prologue said:
Anyone plug in the 360 controller on pc? How is the experience? Concerned with the lack of auto aim

It's broken. Buy a Logitech G-13 and you will be good to go. It has little joystick. Makes things much easier if you suck with WASD movement.
I hadn't even realized the "stuttering" seems to be two different issues. This is the kind I'm getting, this is what other people are having, I guess. Either way agh I want it to just work lol. Disabling cloud saves didn't help, rolling back drivers to the last ones, going down to high textures, etc etc etc.


I love how Amazon basically blew me off after I E-mailed them about my lack of exclusive pre-order dog-taggage. They basically blame it on XBL and said to be patient.


I love that I started playing as support and unlocked C4. And I love it when the enemies decide not to set/defuse bombs in rush cause then I can go to them all huddled into a tank and blow them all up.


KingOfKong said:
you're doing it wrong

To be fair, I have died more spawning on squad mates than any other way. My only saving grace is that when games start I start as sniper, set up a portable spawn somewhere, and then keep respawning there as an Engineer to do my part.

Edit: Whoops, didn't see the "Run for 5 minutes," as the second step. I generally die too quickly off of squad spawns, and tend to last much longer if I chill back at base, grab a tank, then do some work with it on the big maps. Tanks are my only saving grace to not go negative. ; ;


OldJadedGamer said:
My friend and I can't join a single game. 360.


seriously, evey fucking time i tried to play with friends today.

and squad management appears to STILL SUCK. why can i view every squad on the team, but not pick ONE to join? auto join only?! wtf?

gg DICE.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Is the Gaf server now down to a 5 map rotation?

Also, was getting rubberbanding on Caspian. And the person I was talking to during was getting it at the same time.
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