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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Do flares regenerate every 10 seconds or something? It's taking me 6 or 7 Stinger missles to take down a simple Little Bird. Ridiculous.
cdyhybrid said:
Do flares regenerate every 10 seconds or something? It's taking me 6 or 7 Stinger missles to take down a simple Little Bird. Ridiculous.
I was having a similar issue and just decided to get better with RPG prediction. It's not as difficult as it seems.


Foliorum Viridum said:
All these server/PB issues are just a pain.

I've wasted three hours I could have been sleeping, trying first to diagnose the issue, and then to fix it. I know that feel bro.

The server is down until EA/DICE/Punkbuster get their shit together, or at least until everyone is aware that Punkbuster will kick them from our server until they update.


Foliorum Viridum said:
I've had a nice long sleep and woke up so I can't complain too much >_>

Go get some sleep!

I'm going now, lol. I really hope DICE works it all out while I sleep (since it's working hours over there).

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I still don't get why companies continue to use PB. I remember not being able to play for Modern Warfare because of Punkbuster.
LordCanti said:
Half updated, half not I'd say. Forcing the PB update brings you to a version that other servers don't like, thus the kick. The updated servers see the correct (new) version, and don't kick you. That's my theory anyway.

...Yeah, it's a clusterfuck.

This is the log output we get when a kick happens:

PunkBuster Server: VIOLATION (AUTO-UPDATE FAILURE) #141: *REDACTED* (slot #4) This PB Server Requires (A1386 C2.279) - Error loading pbag [764003deff06e79fb1f936626360c2ab(-) *IP ADDRESS REDACTED*]
PunkBuster Server: Kick Command Issued (This PB Server Requires (A1386 C2.279) - Error loading pbag) for (slot#4) *IP REDACTED* 764003deff06e79fb1f936626360c2ab *REDACTED*
PunkBuster Server: Lost Connection (slot #4) *IP ADDRESS REDACTED* 764003deff06e79fb1f936626360c2ab(-) *REDACTED*

(redactions made by me)

It's clearly a PB issue. Absolutely nothing we can do about it on our end, except manually force PB to update like Cuban mentioned.

I fucking hate Punkbuster most of the time. It seems like it causes more trouble than it prevents.
I just had one of those awesome "Battlefield Moments" and it was completely by mistake. I jumped into Rush on Tehran Highway to check I had updated PB correctly and ran around for a few minutes.

It was the start of the game and we were at the first stage as defenders. I lay some mines down on the road, because I've become a whore for them. Two tanks roll into town, one going the road I laid the mines on, the other from the other side. The one on the road nearest the mines was closest to me so I put two RPGs in it before it rolled close enough to the mines for them to blow. Win. I turn around to look for the other tank and see it going near the compound, so I leg it over there. As I'm doing so other defenders are putting rockets in it. I didn't want to go the main route where the tank was shooting so I went around the side and there was one of those weak blue walls/fences in my way. I wanted to get to it quickly to get the kill points so I just shoot a rocket from afar so I can run right through.

Expect the rocket not only blows up the fence, but goes through it and hits the tank for that finishing blow.


I fucking loved it. The fact I took down two tanks was pretty bad ass, but for the second one to happen like that is just incredible.

Anyway, that's my little story. I'm sure everyone has one like it but I wanted to share :)


Any tips for leveling up the jets? Having a hell of a time because the guys on the other team are ace pilots in both the choppers and jets. Getting shot down within 30 seconds of taking off. Do I just need to wait until I get in a game with people who won't shoot me down? :p


Played Engineer for the first time tonight. Now I see why everyone plays it. I feel capable of defending myself versus tanks now!

Been using the UMP since I didn't feel like using the newbie guns. Not a bad gun at all.

Yeah flares are annoying. I stopped taking the stingers after a while because it wasn't worth it to sit there and wait for flares. By the time you reacquire the Jet his flairs are back up or he's long gone. Helicopters are still easy pickings though.


Binabik15 said:
So after people unlocked flares it turned from pilots crying about SAMs to engis raging about flares? Fuck, I'm going to be on team engi.

I need my copy now, dammit ;_;

Engies need to team up, two lock on, one fire, once the flares drop the other then fires and hits.

The flare reload is lengthy enough to not cope with that.


Binabik15 said:
So after people unlocked flares it turned from pilots crying about SAMs to engis raging about flares? Fuck, I'm going to be on team engi.

I need my copy now, dammit ;_;

That's how the fun game of game balancing goes. For every nerf, there was the exploiters who abused it.
kitch9 said:
Engies need to team up, two lock on, one fire, once the flares drop the other then fires and hits.

The flare reload is lengthy enough to not cope with that.
Yeah-if I could coordinate with someone to do that I would. It seems like the jets just pop out flares evey 5 seconds. The stinger is worthless against them...


kitch9 said:
Engies need to team up, two lock on, one fire, once the flares drop the other then fires and hits.

The flare reload is lengthy enough to not cope with that.

The AA gun has two unlockable Stingers, but the game bugs out a lot when trying to reaquire a lock after the first stinger has fired. Often times I hear the sound, but don't see the graphic. Or I see the graphic but not the sound. As a solo Engineer, it's pretty hard to take em out since they are so mobile.


The new wookie seems to be support in the greyed out zone launching infinite mortars the entire match.

Pretty awesome /s


shagg_187 said:
I still don't know which vehicles do Stinger lock on to. It's a hit or miss... stupid.
The weapon description:

The FIM-92 Stinger is a man portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile (SAM). The Stinger is capable of locking on and engaging a large variety of craft, from small UAVs up to low flying helicopters and jets. The Stinger requires a locked target in order to fire.


but ever so delicious
What did dice do to this game over the past 24 hours? Every server is a god damn lag fest, it's terrible.

The soflam is still a waste of my time and everyone else's. Give me back the binoculars.
Oh God. My bad. I meant Javelin, not Stinger.

Javelin sometimes lock on to Tanks. Other times it just wastes my motherfucking time. Same with Aircrafts.

Not sure if it's specific tank, specific range, specific positioning, etc.

Rainy Dog

vidal said:
Metro and Peak are just awful Conquest Large maps. Just wow. The person who actually allowed these maps to go retail is a fucking idiot.

You play a few games of Bazaar and Kharg, then you go to these maps and it's just mind boggling how the fun and freedom of Conquest immediately becomes frustration.

After the first 2 Rush MCOM's in Vantage Point from BC2 Vietnam, nothing will ever surprise me again from a map designed by Dice.

As for complaints about the BF3 maps in general; I think half the the problem is that they possibly had too huge a variables to account for this time.

  • They had to allow for both Rush and Conquest on all maps.

  • They had to design maps that could accommodate both 64 player and 24 player matches.

Rush and Conquest are too different to work in tandem within the same designed layouts.

The difference between 64 and 24 players is just too big to allow for proper flow with both sets of player counts.


Dina said:
The AA gun has two unlockable Stingers, but the game bugs out a lot when trying to reaquire a lock after the first stinger has fired. Often times I hear the sound, but don't see the graphic. Or I see the graphic but not the sound. As a solo Engineer, it's pretty hard to take em out since they are so mobile.

yeah there is lots of buggy stuff going on during launch week.

two things that happend to me over and over yesterday:

-when trying to do a repair, the repair circle wouldnt come up. the ony way i knew i was doing anything would be when a ribbon popped up. (and BOY do those ribbons and all of the pop up shit get in the way! that crap is all over the screen. dial it back a notch DICE)

-i would get killed, but know know it. my screen would just freeze so that i thought my controller died or something until it went to the kill cam. half the time i didnt even know i was dead until the kill cam came up.

ah launch week Battlefield. typical glitchy, laggy goofiness.


FREE Portal 2 and Left 4 Dead to anyone who can give me the Dino(PREORDER Dog Tags!)

I really want that damn dinosaur one! Couldn't get them since they weren't available in AUS


Huh knda glad I'm not gonna get to play until Saturday now, sounds like the usual Dice launch week server issues are still happening :)


I swear I'm not a shitty shot, but this game makes it impossible for me to hit anything. Whenever I DO get the drop on someone, and I unload on them and count somewhere around 7+ X's, they just 1 shot me.

I've run into obvious aim botters too. M249 across an entire map when I'm barely visible as a sniper/ Seriously? I'm kinda fucked with this game as the only thing I was decent at in BC2 and in this beta was sniping, but in the retail it's a joke. If I try to move around with my squad as Engineer I'm always the first gunned down even if I'm in the back.

I have no clue how people going 27+ with little to no deaths, but I'm guessing it's either 24/7 jet/heli, or they camp 1 spot the entire game.

Seriously can someone point me in the general direction of where all the shitty people are? I can't even scrape together 1.0 k/d on PC verison.

Maybe I should just give up. :/


Daigoro said:
yeah there is lots of buggy stuff going on during launch week.

It sucks because you can hold a lock, making them pop flares, but you can't punish them you when get a lock again cause the sights and/or sounds bug.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
zlatko said:
I swear I'm not a shitty shot, but this game makes it impossible for me to hit anything. Whenever I DO get the drop on someone, and I unload on them and count somewhere around 7+ X's, they just 1 shot me.

I've run into obvious aim botters too. M249 across an entire map when I'm barely visible as a sniper/ Seriously? I'm kinda fucked with this game as the only thing I was decent at in BC2 and in this beta was sniping, but in the retail it's a joke. If I try to move around with my squad as Engineer I'm always the first gunned down even if I'm in the back.

I have no clue how people going 27+ with little to no deaths, but I'm guessing it's either 24/7 jet/heli, or they camp 1 spot the entire game.

Seriously can someone point me in the general direction of where all the shitty people are? I can't even scrape together 1.0 k/d on PC verison.

Maybe I should just give up. :/

Don't run around like a headless chicken. This isn't CoD :p

Prone is the key word.


Victrix said:
If it is, they need to stick to what they know, because it's the antithesis of what makes a good CoD map. CoD maps work when they have excellent flow, multiple flanking routes to any position, and quick traversal.

Metro is a fucking line, the worst sort of DM map. Damavand has this issue as well, to a lesser extent.
He said a good infantry map, not necessarily a good Deathmatch map.

I think Metro is pretty obviously made for Rush, anyways. I enjoy that map in this mode.


Sn4ke_911 said:
Don't run around like a headless chicken. This isn't CoD :p

Prone is the key word.

You caught me. All I'm doing is running around like rambo. You sir have opened my eyes.


For clarification I played a fair amount of BC2, and had no problems going positive in that game on PC as a sniper. I found nice spots, moved only if my position was given away, etc. It's not working here, and trying to move bit by bit or not at all as an Engineer isn't getting jack shit to happen no matter the game type.

Either everyone is super god like or I'm just that shitty. I swear I'm not running around like a jack ass.


Arment said:
I played some CO-OP today with a friend. There wasn't any story but the scenarios are supposedly the same. Not all that great.
Just played the first mission with a random, 2nd mission I kept failing since it was my first time flying.

Is there no way to talk during co-op?!


zlatko said:
I swear I'm not a shitty shot, but this game makes it impossible for me to hit anything. Whenever I DO get the drop on someone, and I unload on them and count somewhere around 7+ X's, they just 1 shot me.

I've run into obvious aim botters too. M249 across an entire map when I'm barely visible as a sniper/ Seriously? I'm kinda fucked with this game as the only thing I was decent at in BC2 and in this beta was sniping, but in the retail it's a joke. If I try to move around with my squad as Engineer I'm always the first gunned down even if I'm in the back.

I have no clue how people going 27+ with little to no deaths, but I'm guessing it's either 24/7 jet/heli, or they camp 1 spot the entire game.

Seriously can someone point me in the general direction of where all the shitty people are? I can't even scrape together 1.0 k/d on PC verison.

Maybe I should just give up. :/

my advice is not to worry too much about k/d, work on objectives and class specializations. you can have a negative k/d at the end of the round and still have an ace pin if you're busy enough with other activities.

like every other MP game, learning the maps and being aware of your surroundings will come with practice and will help in all aspects of your game. your k/d will even out after a while. running around a lot and not knowing the good hiding spots, or not having a squad with you that has good awareness will lead to getting shot in the back often as well.

that and learn to vehicle whore with a good engie. or be a good engie yourself and repair like a madman. tons of points and fun to be had there.

edit: oh as a sniper. i have zero advice for that. except get off your ass and go complete an objective.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
zlatko said:
You caught me. All I'm doing is running around like rambo. You sir have opened my eyes.


For clarification I played a fair amount of BC2, and had no problems going positive in that game on PC as a sniper. I found nice spots, moved only if my position was given away, etc. It's not working here, and trying to move bit by bit or not at all as an Engineer isn't getting jack shit to happen no matter the game type.

Either everyone is super god like or I'm just that shitty. I swear I'm not running around like a jack ass.

These are the 10 tips DICE gave us for the beta.

1) Stick to your team mates, and remember to spawn on them to stay close to the fight.
2) Use your kit specific abilities to help your team mates. Assault can hand out med kits, Engineers can repair vehicles, and Support can hand out ammo.
3) Make sure when you have armed an M-COM station, that you defend it to make sure it is destroyed.
4) The bombed-out tunnel section in Operation Métro is an excellent place to use a flashlight as one of your weapon attachments. Use it to light the tunnels up – and to blind your enemies.
5) Attach bipods to your weapon and deploy it automatically by pushing up against cover or going prone and zooming in – this gives you a huge increase in accuracy and stability.
6) Use suppressive shooting (fire close to enemies behind cover) to negatively effect the enemy’s fighting capabilities.
7) Watch out for falling debris as this can hurt you. But you can also hurt your enemies by taking out buildings with the Engineer’s RPG.
8) Shotguns are excellent for CQC (Close Quarters Combat) in the tighter tunnels sections.
9) Fire automatic weapons in short bursts for accuracy, or switch to single fire mode if applicable.
10) To grab your enemy’s dog tag as a souvenir, do a stealth knife kill from behind.

Also have you searched for a noobs guide on youtube or so?


Daigoro said:
my advice is not to worry too much about k/d, work on objectives and class specializations. you can have a negative k/d at the end of the round and still have an ace pin if you're busy enough with other activities.

like every other MP game, learning the maps and being aware of your surroundings will come with practice and will help in all aspects of your game. your k/d will even out after a while. running around a lot and not knowing the good hiding spots, or not having a squad with you that has good awareness will lead to getting shot in the back often as well.

that and learn to vehicle whore with a good engie. or be a good engie yourself and repair like a madman. tons of points and fun to be had there.

Which gun with which attachments do you, or anyone else here, recommend for some easy kills? My scar with night vision, grip, and silencer is solid, but I feel like I have to pour a mountain of bullets to get a kill while anyone else just shoots me twice and it's over.

In another post I said the only times I really go positive and do well is if I'm getting the tank. I can keep it alive forever, have it leveled up a fair bit, and can rack up kills. The second I'm out of the tank and I'm trying to spawn on my squad or capture objectives = I'm shot from everywhere, because anything is a hiding spot. I'm prone, I'm taking cover, I'm watching my radar, I know to look and scout up first, I'm pretty aware of what the already good hot spots are in most maps, and more.


zlatko said:
Which gun with which attachments do you, or anyone else here, recommend for some easy kills? My scar with night vision, grip, and silencer is solid, but I feel like I have to pour a mountain of bullets to get a kill while anyone else just shoots me twice and it's over.

In another post I said the only times I really go positive and do well is if I'm getting the tank. I can keep it alive forever, have it leveled up a fair bit, and can rack up kills. The second I'm out of the tank and I'm trying to spawn on my squad or capture objectives = I'm shot from everywhere, because anything is a hiding spot. I'm prone, I'm taking cover, I'm watching my radar, I know to look and scout up first, I'm pretty aware of what the already good hot spots are in most maps, and more.

really any automatic rifle is decent. (but this being launch week servers are wonky, there is lag and it will affect some battles. and in general you're just going to get killed by that one guy who you unloaded on when he turns around every once in a while. sucks but it happens) it really depends on preference. some will be better than others, but use what works for you.

lots of good ones to unlock im sure. the M416 (second assault rifle you get) seems better than the dafault one for me. the Ak the engie starts with also seems good. pistols are also very decent imo.

try alternate fire modes too. it all really depends on what works for you. having a good squad with good communication also really open up a whole new world, but thats easier said than down, i know.

and this being launch, im sure there are all sorts of hit detection and damage bugs still lingering about. :/
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