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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Majanew said:
Yeah, I have no fear of helos like I did in BC2 because the Engineer's Stinger gets rid of them easily in BF3. It's just absurd that the air vehicles control like ass when nothing else does. I tried to practice in a jet earlier over and over but...ugh...what a joke. Once again, I can't take part in air combat because DICE decides to go with terrible controls.

I have to disagree on the jets; I find the controls pretty precise, there. The choppers are another story, though. I think they feel "heavy" in a way. The choppers in BC2 could stop on a dime, be swung around to face a target quickly, etc. It may just take some getting used to, I guess, but it's not as intuitive as it was in BC2.


Not even once me and my buddies managed to join a game as a single squad. Something is horribly broken here, we ALWAYS end up being split between teams and squads and then have to manually set everything to play together. This is dildos, especially for a squad based game like BF.


BigNastyCurve said:
No one takes their jtagged xbox online.
Yeah. He's probably just boosting.

Hell, the top guy in the world is under the Battlelog account "Boosters Channel" or something stupid.

I don't know what it is about online games, but it seems like boosters never get banned for some reason. You'd think someone somewhere would look at that and say "Hm, maybe 22,000,000 points in 31 hours is cause for concern." but I guess not.


Impressions of the 360 multiplayer from a long time BF fan:

- Aliasing is bad... really bad. It's almost impossible to identify enemies at distance. The graphics are worse than in BC2 to be honest.

- They need to drastically reduce the onscreen info. Especially the names of players not in my vicinity. I failed to shoot at an enemy a couple of times yesterday because I thought he's one of mine. The names of my team members were hovering above them, although they were far away.

- Great maps so far (I haven't played all of them thanks to the server issue), except Seine Crossing... wtf. Tehran is a great though.

- Too few points on conquest. There should have been more points and spread out much more. Caspian Border points are too close for my tastes.

- Jets are useless as I said yesterday... but I may just need more practice. We'll see.

- Why the fuck can I not invert the y-axis? I can't control the helicopter like this!

- Tanks being disabled at 50% health is rubbish. It's way too early and takes the fun out of tanks imo. They should lower it to 25%.

So right now I have pretty mixed feelings...


Those patch notes do little to console me as I'm still having the issue of only being able to play for a few moments before I rubberband wildly then disconnect immediately thereafter. I was starting to think it had something to do with my connection, but given how often the topic appears....everywhere, one can only assume there's an issue elsewhere. If anyone has had the same issue, what have you done to resolve it? I tried playing on servers that don't use PB but that only lets me play a little longer until I get a timeout. Unbelievable.


Oh good. A patch!

Now I won't have these rumored mouse issues in a game that generally refuses to run. Thanks!

Awesome, hit Repair Install and now the game is stuck and won't install...
That happened to me last night. I deleted everything and am redownloading. This is a fucking mess of a launch.


Short bus special
Could somebody just quickly summarize the Platoon-thing for me? I haven't fully understood it. I am in the Ps3 Platoon now, but, does it mean that I can access those friends without having them on my proper PSN Friends-list? Or... what?

Yeah, I need some of you guys. Badly. Haven't had a single win yet. Most of my teams I've ended up with have consisted of Wookie 2.0. =/


TCRS said:
- Jets are useless as I said yesterday... but I may just need more practice. We'll see.
Jets are amazing against both air and ground targets. Not quite as effective as an Attack Chopper, but great nonetheless.

TCRS said:
- Tanks being disabled at 50% health is rubbish. It's way too early and takes the fun out of tanks imo. They should lower it to 25%.
Tanks (and APCs) are ridiculously powerful as it is. Lowering the disabled to 25% would be ridiculous. Once you get the coaxial heavy machine gun and thermal vision, you're pretty much unstoppable.


Deadly said:
According to twitter, pistols will be getting buffed. Awesome.
Woah, that's...

M1911 is damn good. Getting buffed? That's crazy.

Aside from the starting sniper rifles which are terrible (love the EMR though, good lord) and maybe the PDWs which have been rendered completely useless since the beta nothing really needs a buff.
Deadly said:
According to twitter, pistols will be getting be getting buffed. Awesome.
Weird, they've been fine for me.

TCRS said:
- Tanks being disabled at 50% health is rubbish. It's way too early and takes the fun out of tanks imo. They should lower it to 25%.
It seems like a decision made to support team work, so I'm in favor of it. If you have a decent driver and an engineer it will rarely be an issue. All this does is make it more difficult for you to completely wreak havoc in a tank by yourself, and that's just how it should be in my opinion.

Izayoi said:
M1911 is damn good. Getting buffed? That's crazy.
Exactly, that's how I feel about it too.


Has anyone else tried flying the choppers on the PC version with an Xbox controller. I can't get it to increase throttle enough to take off more than about 5 meters. When I bind the throttle to the Y axis of the left stick, the menu adds another bind option which looks like a glitch.


Majanew said:
Yeah, I have no fear of helos like I did in BC2 because the Engineer's Stinger gets rid of them easily in BF3. It's just absurd that the air vehicles control like ass when nothing else does. I tried to practice in a jet earlier over and over but...ugh...what a joke. Once again, I can't take part in air combat because DICE decides to go with terrible controls.

Are the controls really that terrible? Or is it the inability to practice using them? It's mystifying thing #199 about this game.

How much thought does it really require to say, "Hey, maybe we should put an offline flight training thing in this game." Kind of like, oh, I don't know, the old games? Where instead of crappy single-player trigger mode, you could play against bots and practice these things at will.

The_Darkest_Red said:
It seems like a decision made to support team work, so I'm in favor of it. If you have a decent driver and an engineer it will rarely be an issue. All this does is make it more difficult for you to completely wreak havoc in a tank by yourself, and that's just how it should be in my opinion.

Except everything they've done has fostered an anti-co-operative spirit. The only people really playing as teams are those who are co-ordinated outside the game. This makes their dominance even worse.
Majanew said:
Yeah, I have no fear of helos like I did in BC2 because the Engineer's Stinger gets rid of them easily in BF3. It's just absurd that the air vehicles control like ass when nothing else does. I tried to practice in a jet earlier over and over but...ugh...what a joke. Once again, I can't take part in air combat because DICE decides to go with terrible controls.

I have no problems flying jets with a 360 controller on PC...actually really like how it controls.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
eznark said:
That happened to me last night. I deleted everything and am redownloading. This is a fucking mess of a launch.
Turns out you can fix it by deleting the _Installer folder, still something that shouldn't have slipped into Retail.


Ikuu said:
Turns out you can fix it by deleting the _Installer folder, still something that shouldn't have slipped into Retail.

I was planning on wiping and reinstalling anyway since the game is freezing after every MP match and in the first level of the single player campaign (at the same spot everytime...if it loads).

Fucking. Broken.


1-D_FTW said:
How much thought does it really require to say, "Hey, maybe we should put an offline flight training thing in this game."

I agree - I just want to get in a chopper and configure my controls, and maybe fly around a map for 5 minutes to see where everything is, but I can't do that because as soon as I get in a chopper 3 other people spawn in it waiting for me to go. I can understand the lack of LAN support as an anti-piracy measure, but no local games at all is insane.
Drone said:
Has anyone else tried flying the choppers on the PC version with an Xbox controller. I can't get it to increase throttle enough to take off more than about 5 meters. When I bind the throttle to the Y axis of the left stick, the menu adds another bind option which looks like a glitch.

Isn't that because it is set up differently by default? You have to bind the previous Y axis function to another button or axis. The game mentions this if one button or axis is bound to two functions.

I've set it up this way myself. Left stick for collective (forwards and sideways), right stick for tail rotor. Triggers for throttle and bumpers for firing and flares. Y changes weapons and right stick click changes camera.
1-D_FTW said:
Except everything they've done has fostered an anti-co-operative spirit. The only people really playing as teams are those who are co-ordinated outside the game. This makes their dominance even worse.
Care to elaborate? I feel like there is usually a pretty decent feeling of comradery amongst a squad during a fight. Are you talking about something that's more team-wide?


Izayoi said:
Woah, that's...

M1911 is damn good. Getting buffed? That's crazy.
I dunno there's just something off compared to the BC2 one. Probably just me. Here's the message in question.
Demize99 Alan Kertz
Just checked in some small balance changes for #BF3. Pistols will be getting a bit of love in the near future.


I love this fucking game! The sad part is it pales in comparison to my FUCKING LOVE for Origin. I just can't say enough good things about Origin. It's probably the greatest thing to happen to gaming since horse armor, micro transactions, and on disc DLC.

Fucking. LOVE. It!
Maddness said:
I love this fucking game! The sad part is it pales in comparison to my FUCKING LOVE for Origin. I just can't say enough good things about Origin. It's probably the greatest thing to happen to gaming since horse armor, micro transactions, and on disc DLC.

Fucking. LOVE. It!

Me too!

I'm so pleased I had to authenticate twice. It may have stopped me from playing a whole day but it makes me warm and fuzzy at the thought of all the nasty pirates that'll be prevented from defiliing this game because of it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Finally had the chance to at least try the campaign. Definitely not amazing, as people have noted, but it does at least feel somewhat immersive. It runs very smoothly for me as well, though I have to admit I think Crysis 2 looks quite a bit better overall.

Any ideas if there are solutions for QTEs while using the 360 pad? I've spent most of my time with a mouse and keyboard, but when I wanted to play a bit in my theater with a 360 pad, I found that none of the QTEs actually worked. You have to use a keyboard and/or mouse to execute the actions. Any fixes out there?


uh picked up the 360 version yesterday but exuse me WHAT IS THIS?

the single player is scripted badly, the ai is stupid as fuck, there a graphic problems all over the place, sound bugs and a stupid story !?

Multiplayer, didn´t work first then it worked but its not to mooch fun honesty , jets feel completely useless and so on … mhew

love BF2


PjotrStroganov said:
Isn't that because it is set up differently by default? You have to bind the previous Y axis function to another button or axis. The game mentions this if one button or axis is bound to two functions.

Yeah I've managed to unbind all the other Axis 0 controls so now I have it bound the way I like:

Throttle Up/Down - Axis 0 Y
Yaw left/right - Axis 0 X
Pitch up/down - Axis 1 Y
Roll left/right - Axis 1 X

Now I just have to spend 30 minutes finding a game with a free slot, and a helicopter that nobody's already flying to test if it works.
Is there a single-player campaign mission where you can fly a chopper? I have no interest in playing single-player unless I can practice my chopper controls :)


is now taking requests
The_Darkest_Red said:
Care to elaborate? I feel like there is usually a pretty decent feeling of comradery amongst a squad during a fight. Are you talking about something that's more team-wide?

Yeah it's not really that bad in my (so far very limited) experience. There's no talking on PS3 so nothing fancy in the way of teamwork obviously, but when i'm squadleader and set a target people actually tend to go there.
Alextended said:
So, no plans for a demo? I don't wanna buy it blindly after the state the beta was in...
Don't think they will release a demo and spend time patching it just like they did on the beta. The beta is a good way to know what the gameplay is going to be.

If you've played BF before or played the bea, you should know what to expect. If you didn't like it then the final product isn't for you.


I'd be in the dick
Kylehimself said:
It's as well Blackburn turned up to support the war effort in SP, because none of the other guys do shit. At least on hard anyway.
On normal the other guys did a surprising amount. A couple times they cleared out everyone before I even got the chance to do anything.


To all DVD users out there. How the hell do you install it from DVD? I boot from DVD but then Origin proceeds to download the game from the internet (Wtf?) and it takes long time.


Such a fuck awesome game. Without a doubt the best MP shooter on the market. Just pure magic. Also, Battlelog works great too. I will be playing this as long as I've been playing BF2. Fucking love this series to death.

Battlefield's back, bitches.
I think the planes control good enough, but the cannon is so damned weak. When I finally line up and unload several bursts of fire into an enemy chopper I want it to go down. Now it just feels like you're shooting needles and it's not really satisfying.

With my short time in the choppers I always ended up rolling too much and crashing into some structure. It's hard to re-adjust from all the time I spent flying choppers in the Apache game, probably need to change the sticks around. A practice mode would truly be great.


Does anyone know if there are any servers out there that has started to remove the shitty maps yet? I don't think I want to play on Metro, Seine, or Damavand ever again.


Alextended said:
So, no plans for a demo? I don't wanna buy it blindly after the state the beta was in...

trust me, it's worlds better than the beta. i played the beta and was very concerned that battlefield 3 was going to be a giant pos (on consoles at least). the beta was definitely an old build. i'm playing the 360 campaign at the moment and it's gorgeous at times. rest easy, the game is fine. better than fine actually. it's pretty kick ass.
Okay so I got this game a couple of hours ago on PC and have finished the jet mission in campaign.

Now it's time for some multiplayer.

However I click multiplayer quick match in battlelog and in the game manager in the bottom left it just says "Matchmaking..." Nothing is happening.



i've been begging for over 5 years.
ashbash159 said:
Okay so I got this game a couple of hours ago on PC and have finished the jet mission in campaign.

Now it's time for some multiplayer.

However I click multiplayer quick match in battlelog and in the game manager in the bottom left it just says "Matchmaking..." Nothing is happening.

Go with Server browse it is the way.
raphier said:
To all DVD users out there. How the hell do you install it from DVD? I boot from DVD but then Origin proceeds to download the game from the internet (Wtf?) and it takes long time.

It says it's downloading for me too, but it's actually installing from the disk, at about 8.5mb/s


ashbash159 said:
However I click multiplayer quick match in battlelog and in the game manager in the bottom left it just says "Matchmaking..." Nothing is happening.

Yeah matchmaking doesn't work for me either - have to go to the server browser in multiplayer.

I can't get my Xbox controller to bind the Axis 0 Y to the throttle for choppers for some reason... this happens:


Anyone else getting this? Could someone with an Xbox controller try binding the chopper throttle to the left stick's Y axis and let me know if it's bugged, or is it just me. Seems to work ok for Jets, just Helicopters is broken.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Amazing how opinions can change.

I just went back and took a look at the "Fault Line series" thread on GAF (based on the initial BF3 SP footage). People are going ape shit in there. Best looking game ever! No way this is possible on 360! There were even people doubting whether it would really look that good.

Well, the final version actually DOES look just as good as that footage and it runs very smoothly on the PC. Not only that, the console versions are extremely close as well. Yet, that same level is being viewed as absolute shit and not even worth trying. I don't necessarily think it's a great SP level, but it's not as if it looks any different than what you saw in that first footage. It's exactly the same and you could tell that it was completely scripted.

Does anyone else find this fascinating?


MrPing1000 said:
It says it's downloading for me too, but it's actually installing from the disk, at about 8.5mb/s
oh, okay. I kinda thought so. Shitty UI design from EA. Had to really doubt it.
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