kitch9 said:Man, the amount of people who just let Wall-E drive by and arm the Mcom is unreal..... People just sit and watch it going WTF is that?
subversus said:they think "it's a robot, lol"
They're fine when you get them barebones. It doesn't take long to unlock attachments, and it's not much of a problem outside of using unscoped sniper rifles.Enkidu said:It's the downside of the stupid unlock system. Not only do you have unlock the weapons, but you get crappy versions of them that you are then forced to use until they become good. Seriously, just kill all this unlock stuff and give us a limited but more balanced set of weapons. I don't think anyone would complain really.
KAOz said:Become Squad Leader, set attack/defend marker on the objective, fly around in circles or something. Watch the points roll in towards your jet. You'll unlock the flares in no time.
Makes everything so much easier.
FStop7 said:Yes, I disabled Aero because I was so tired of the "Windows has detected slow performance" pop ups.
About weapons, is the A-91 that much better than the SCAR-H?
Kandrick said:Yes there is a search filter on consoles, now they just need to add servers that only run one map.
Corky said:Jeeesus finally, have had the worst university week in ages and now I can finally breathe and play some bf. Is euro-gaf up for some fun sessions later this evening?
It shouldn't take any time at all is what I'm saying. And you are definitely at a disadvantage against someone who has everything unlocked. Not because of any fault of your own, you couldn't have picked the same loadout as he did just for the simple fact that he has played a lot more than you. It's a stupid system.Izayoi said:They're fine when you get them barebones. It doesn't take long to unlock attachments, and it's not much of a problem outside of using unscoped sniper rifles.
kitch9 said:Man, the amount of people who just let Wall-E drive by and arm the Mcom is unreal..... People just sit and watch it going WTF is that?
I get this constantly, and I don't have a slow pc by any means. the game pushes my card to the limit, giving me occasional artifacts and green flashes and the slow performance popupFStop7 said:Yes, I disabled Aero because I was so tired of the "Windows has detected slow performance" pop ups.
Twinduct said:Some people just don't know about it. Hell We had a guy who completely freaked about how the game is bugged and shit, because a 'maphacker' was arming the mcom station the whole time ...
LabouredSubterfuge said:Aye captain. As long as you'll permit my attempts at dive bombing a jet into a tank whilst ejecting and trying to perform a 360 no-scope, you can be on my squad![]()
J-Rock said:That was mostly my point.
I knew about the server options on the 360 but they don't allow 1 map on infinite repeat.
subversus said:they think "it's a robot, lol"
loblaw said:So apparently EA support lets you change your soldier name, that's pretty nice. Now if only GAF did...
scoobs said:the F2000 is outrageously overpowered in mp. Just like... how can anyone consider it balanced?
mxgt said:F2000 + foregrip + silencer + IRNV = you're basically hacking. I have almost 1000 kills with this combination now and it really needs to be toned down.
Kandrick said:If anything, the IRNV needs the nerf hammer the most.
kitch9 said:Man, the amount of people who just let Wall-E drive by and arm the Mcom is unreal..... People just sit and watch it going WTF is that?
Ehm, I believe we do, as long as you don't do it too often.loblaw said:So apparently EA support lets you change your soldier name, that's pretty nice. Now if only GAF did...
Corky said:I'm way out of the loop, but I'm guessing IRNV stands for infra-red night vision, but in which situation? Weapon mod? Vehicle mod?
Corky said:I'm way out of the loop, but I'm guessing IRNV stands for infra-red night vision, but in which situation? Weapon mod? Vehicle mod?
Pretty much, it's so stupid :lolmxgt said:F2000 + foregrip + silencer + IRNV = you're basically hacking. I have almost 1000 kills with this combination now and it really needs to be toned down.
Kandrick said:Weapon mod. Works way too well, even in broad daylight. It's way overpowered right now, there is almost no disadvantages.
mxgt said:It's a scope that has zero downsides and gives you predator vision. It needs to be removed or severely nerfed.
With me hooahing everything on your profile, I agree.Orgun said:The only changes i'd like to see are - IRNV removed or have the vision range significantly reduced, and I wish the hooah button on Battlelog had an audio cue to go with itLike a really unenthusiastic hooah too
It bugs me you lose optics for the IRNV. I much prefer to snipe with my tank...darkwing said:tank with the IRNV is even worse lol my friend just went 40-1 with it
firehawk12 said:The IRNV is basically a hack on any gun. It's amazing. And sadly, by making it such a late unlock for the guns, unless someone decides to stick with one gun and only one gun for a while, most people won't get it and will be at a significant disadvantage.
Ubersnug said:Can anyone confirm this, was reading the battlefield 3 wiki and it states that the SOFLAM is a set up weapon (like the mortar), can be used remotely like the EOD Bot but can also work semi-autonomously if the recon player isn't connected to it.
Is this true? If so, how well does it target and track targets?
Rahk said:I've tried dropping vertically on a prone sniper but it seems to do nothing. You need some horizontal motion, pretty much going at full speed. Aim for the middle or top half of their body. I've managed to kill a few prone players by flying forwards at full speed then going slightly downwards when I'm just behind them. It's easiest to kill people who aren't moving, or are moving in a straight line ahead.
Also, since you were looking for some recon tips earlier take a look at some of Sacriel42's sniper videos:
Yeah I even ended up liking Bad Company 2 SP more, haha!Fersis said:The singleplayer campaign is so average. Im kinda disappointed to be honest.
Rainy Dog said:I feel like I'm hampering myself if I don't equip the IRNV but, honestly, I don't want to be picking off orange silhouettes on a dark green background either. Such a stupid thing to have in the game.
Aside from removing it altogether, I'm trying to think of ways it can be left in but balanced somehow. Perhaps increase ADS time even more, add more sway and make it so it increases recoil tenfold. At least MW2's thermal scope had crazy recoil and a perk that could counter it.
I really love the core gameplay of BF3 but there's alot of niggles that are becoming harder to overlook so I can just simply enjoy it. I can only hope that they just didn't have time to balance and fine tune everything and they'll be making a ton of tweaks and alterations over the coming weeks and months.