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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
&Divius said:
I read somewhere there's a 'fix' so you do not have to use origin, maybe you should look into that.

Considering how intertwined blog,origin and bf3 are it feels like virtual suicide messing with any of the three.


Broadbandito said:
good matches faceless. We were whooping for awhile. That awesome comeback we had on metro. I was like 41-18 at the end. Picked up like 12 at the cafe flag in the last 3-4 mins.

It's funny cause I joined my cousin and he was in the room with you :p I was gonna add you but your FL is full

I think those were the games I was in with you guys too (Astraer_Lavia). Had a bit of a mare on the metro one but i'm going to put that down to me just waking up lol. Had some good times just cruising around with faceless in the tank.

First time playing with Gaffers, will do more for sure.


PjotrStroganov said:
Origin keeps crashing. It also is unable to cloud sync. Unable to play BF3.
do a re install? maybe something went kaput when trying to update the damn thing. Also it being still in beta does not help :s


I'm seriously missing being able to ask for ammo/meds/a ride with the spot key. I should not have to shoot at my own team or use HULK CHAT WINDOW in order for them to get the hint that i need ammo/meds/ a ride.

DICE have some backwards employees for removing that function of the spot key in BF3.
&Divius said:
Look at the objectives and press the spot key (which is Select on PS3 iirc)

Which is a glorious design decision if you are playing Recon and provide support with a MAV.

"Enemy Tank spotted"
"Attack this Target"
"I want you to attack THIS target"
"AT Soldier spotted"
"Attack this Target"

I always feel bad for my squad mates and just hope that they don't hear it as often as I do on their end.
What exactly do you need to do to get the M-COM DEFENDER RIBBON (In a round, defend 4 M-COM stations)? What exactly counts as an M-COM defence? Is it disarming? Killing someone who is trying to arm? Something else?


The game really needs a better way to teach players the mechanics of the online modes.

I had completely NO IDEA that the squad leader could issue attack and defend commands in Conquest until I read about it here. Now, I do it every time I'm squad leader and I get annoyed when my own squad leader doesn't do it. It's essentially free bonus points at worst. The thing is, how can you blame these people? They don't know shit because DICE doesn't tell them shit. There should be a mandatory tutorial before you can join your first online game or something.


PjotrStroganov said:
BC2's system was perfect in that respect. Just press spot while aiming at a teammate and your guy will shout a context sensitive command. Like, give me ammo/health.
No, BC2's system was horrible. I shouldn't have to look around and hope that I have a medic in my view in order to request healing. A commo rose as it was in BF2 is perfect for this, no extra work needed. DICE keep trying to "simplify" it but all they are doing is making it more cumbersome. They should instead focus on how to make the other players realize that you need help because requesting it already worked perfectly.


mxgt said:
This shit sends me into hulk mode and happens all the fucking time even on <20 ping servers.

I run around a corner and still get killed, so unbelievably annoying.
Amen, brother.


Wolf Akela said:
I wish they sped up the commo rose. Takes like a second before it pops out.
I personally don't have a problem with this though, it works like that so that you won't bring it up accidentally when you just want to spot somebody. They need to make it more responsive overall though, it takes way too long for the selected command to be executed and I'd much prefer to have a visible mouse cursor so I know exactly what I'm selecting.
Enkidu said:
I personally don't have a problem with this though, it works like that so that you won't bring it up accidentally when you just want to spot somebody. They need to make it more responsive overall though, it takes way too long for the selected command to be executed and I'd much prefer to have a visible mouse cursor so I know exactly what I'm selecting.

That's the thing though. It takes about 1 sec for it to pop up so I can actually spot someone. Makes it annoying to spot jets when I'm flying on one.

And yeah, definitely needs better highlight on the words and require less mouse movement to get it to point to a command.


Yay, got C4. Only took a single set of m-coms to defend and 2-9 kills :p

I don´t get the support guns, I really need to unlock the M249. I was great with that. But how? People don´t take ammo and I really suck with their guns and my only PDW, the PP2000, sucks at anything but close quarters, so that´s not a good main weapon to get 7000 points with. Tell me where to set up shop, which map, which mode to get the M249, please.

How many C4s can you have out and how many can a vehicle take? Any creative uses, now that you can´t really collapse buidlings under snipers?


So I just got invited to a party with a random person who wasn't even in the same game as me. Turns out they want to 'boost'. I'd been seeing people with insane score per minutes so I was interested in seeing how they do it. All I'll say is that it involves playing Squad Rush with 8 people in a party.

Anyway, long story short, added one of these kids as a friend to monitor his stats, and with this boosting method they're going up by like 10 levels an hour. Why the fuck would you even want to do that? It pisses me off that these people get away with this shit. I find it much more rewarding to actually play the game and have statistics that represent your actual skill.
Facism said:
I'm seriously missing being able to ask for ammo/meds/a ride with the spot key. I should not have to shoot at my own team or use HULK CHAT WINDOW in order for them to get the hint that i need ammo/meds/ a ride.

DICE have some backwards employees for removing that function of the spot key in BF3.

I particularly like the "Need Backup" message. Its sheer uselessness reminds me of that episode of the Simpsons where Bart gets that Batman style utility belt thing to escape the bullies at school, but pressing the button just makes a pathetic voice go "help help!" and he gets punched all the more.
ElyrionX said:
The game really needs a better way to teach players the mechanics of the online modes.

I had completely NO IDEA that the squad leader could issue attack and defend commands in Conquest until I read about it here. Now, I do it every time I'm squad leader and I get annoyed when my own squad leader doesn't do it. It's essentially free bonus points at worst. The thing is, how can you blame these people? They don't know shit because DICE doesn't tell them shit. There should be a mandatory tutorial before you can join your first online game or something.

Even a little throwaway (for them) game like BF1943 had a tutorial where you could practice flying before jumping straight into multiplayer matches. I don't understand why they didn't include something like that for BF3 if they weren't going to offer bot matches.


Enkidu said:
No, BC2's system was horrible. I shouldn't have to look around and hope that I have a medic in my view in order to request healing. A commo rose as it was in BF2 is perfect for this, no extra work needed. DICE keep trying to "simplify" it but all they are doing is making it more cumbersome. They should instead focus on how to make the other players realize that you need help because requesting it already worked perfectly.

I don't think it was a deliberate attempt to simplify so much as it was to find a system that was most suitable for people playing with console contollers. Unfortunately this results in steps backwards for PC players, but I'm holding out hope that they will patch in a more suitable scheme (a la BF2) for the PC.


Wolf Akela said:
That's the thing though. It takes about 1 sec for it to pop up so I can actually spot someone. Makes it annoying to spot jets when I'm flying on one.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding but you are not supposed to bring it up when you want to spot. Just tap Q and you will spot whatever you are looking at.

Shnookums said:
I don't think it was a deliberate attempt to simplify so much as it was to find a system that was most suitable for people playing with console contollers. Unfortunately this results in steps backwards for PC players, but I'm holding out hope that they will patch in a more suitable scheme (a la BF2) for the PC.
But this makes no sense, the commo rose was already perfectly suited to a controller. In fact, if BF2 came out with the commo rose today I bet you'd get a lot of misguided "consolized" complaints.


Eel O'Brian said:
Even a little throwaway (for them) game like BF1943 had a tutorial where you could practice flying before jumping straight into multiplayer matches. I don't understand why they didn't include something like that for BF3 if they weren't going to offer bot matches.

I agree. It kinda annoys me that they didn't have a tutorial in BC2 and still don't have one in BF3. It would make sense to have a tutorial so people can practice their driving/flying skills and learn the basic components of a MP match. That tutorial in 1943 helped me tremendously with getting better at the tank controls and flying. I didn't even bother trying to learn to fly a chopper in BC2 because the only way to learn was to do it live in a match and piss off the rest of your team. Also, access to a chopper wasn't guaranteed. I would be happy with just a map that allowed me to mess with all the vehicles and try out the various weapons and gadgets I've unlocked.


AEREC said:
Damn...I would give anything for an El Alamein remake in this engine....my fav map from 1942.

Just remembering, another DICE lie. They said the maps in this game were BIGGER than El Alemein. Fucking bullshit. El Alamein is bordering in ridiculously big but that's why it's awesome. The biggest map in this would probably be Firestorm and that is small on 1942 standards.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Moaradin said:
Those actually have big drawbacks, and aren't half as bad as the IRNV.

And those draw backs being... blinding me having me spray and pray against you... while you have complete and utter non blinding view and able to kill me?


mr_nothin said:
Most of the time, you cant even tell when you're getting hit until you're dead. I swear, I
was just thinking that "this feels exactly like BC2 now" and not because of gunplay or
whatever but because the netcode seems exactly the same now. Its like someone shoots
5-6 bullets at you and the game doesnt let you know until you're dead. It's like all of their
hits are registering at once and making it feel like a 1 hit kill. I cant go prone or even
react to someone shooting at me anymore.....not even on a server where I have 10-15

It's bullshit
This perfectly sums up my feelings with the net code. I know exactly what you mean about being killed before you know what's going on, it's like the hit registers and the death animation (which stops you dead on the spot instantly) begin at exactly the same time and there's absolutely nothing whatsoever you can do about it.


Does the team or squad VOIP option actually work on the 360 or PS3 for everyone?

How can a game that's apparently sold millions of copies have barely no one on the servers who uses voicechat at all, in a FPS of all things which usually have the most vocal userbase.
Very rarely do i see someone with the mic symbol when playing a match. Is it a technical problem from DICE's end? Or are people just happy being silent in a heavily team based game.

They all can't be in private chat on the 360, i refuse to believe it.
GuessWho said:
was just thinking the same last night

Same here, frigging loved that map. Nothing like massive tank battles at the chokepoints before dashing over vast open ground. The desert maps were huge, 1942 had a much bigger vehicle focus than later games.


Be advised: MBT with zoom optics is awesome.

I run into a ditch on Kharg Island and was facing two tanks rolling down the street from the US spawn. I decided to go down fighting. Missed with the first shot and thought "Whelp, that was it.".

They didn´t hit me. I destroyed and killed them both, totally amazed at myself. By the time I was done with the second tank, another one rolled down the road. I aimed at it, not knowing hoq far I had to aim above it, having only equiped the zoom for this one round. Just put the first bar on the tank to see where the shell lands and it arcs perfectly on top of the tank that was angling down a bit because he was coming down from the hill. Insta-disabled. Destroyed him an an AA tank.

Then I got killed, I think by rpgs into my shiny metal ass. Or I got away and drove over a mine, one of both.

So awesome.

Is there any reason not to take the HMG over the LMG on the tank?

PS: How the hell do you hit and kill anyone with the M320? The grenade travels slooow. I unlocked it when I was forced into playing Assault once Metro Conquest popped up. Wounded a few dudes, I guess, but no kill.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Dabanton said:
Does the team or squad VOIP option actually work on the 360 or PS3 for everyone?

How can a game that's apparently sold millions of copies have barely no one on the servers who uses voicechat at all, in a FPS of all things which usually have the most vocal userbase.
Very rarely do i see someone with the mic symbol when playing a match. Is it a technical problem from DICE's end? Or are people just happy being silent in a heavily team based game.

They all can't be in private chat on the 360, i refuse to believe it.

There's a reason why I created this thread:


My question is why voice comm is not supported in the PC version of the game. Can anyone please explain what the fuck that shit is about?
boris feinbrand said:
So an urgent question from my brother.

He just bought the european version of BF3 (PS3) in Austria and wants to play it in Italy but he is unable to redeem it's online Pass. He tried it in the ingame menu and on the PSN store but he keeps getting an error (no longer available, not correct)

I tried skimming through the posts here, but found nothing. Is this a widespread issue? If so, are there some general ways of solving EAs complete and utter incompetence?

I'd appreciate a fast response as my brother is about to throw his PS3 out of the window (wouldn't be the first one)

Read this thread here:


Apparently its a region issue. So either your brother bought a non-European release in Austria, or Austria and Italy are different regions within Europe (which would be very odd). Tell him to contact EA Support.


I have gotten so many kills with the M320 :) I really feel bad for guys who are prone and I lob a grenade right on top of them lol.

Just takes practice to get the arc down at diff distances, I never take the med pack (enough players use it) so I have got really good with the M320 in the last few days.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
haha wow.
I am having a hard time playing other games. This game makes everything else look so ugly.



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
boris feinbrand said:
He just bought the european version of BF3 (PS3) in Austria and wants to play it in Italy but he is unable to redeem it's online Pass. He tried it in the ingame menu and on the PSN store but he keeps getting an error (no longer available, not correct)

He has to use the German PSN store instead of Italy...? I know the PS3 is region free and all that, but if you're buying shit in other countries that includes country specific content (DLC/online passes) why is it such a mystery shock to realize you *gasp* may have to use that countries store for that game instead of your own?
Binabik15 said:
Is there any reason not to take the HMG over the LMG on the tank?.

LMG seems far better than HMG at taking out infantry, which is nice if you don't have a gunner.

Admittedly, with a gunner, I love bringing guided shells for anti-vehicle work. Opening up with a shot from them and then getting a direct hit with a followup shot from the main gun generally disables--with the autoloader you'll finish them off in seconds. Downside being that without a gunner, infantry groups wreck me when I do this.


FlyinJ said:
One of the things that bugs me about Battlelog is that one of the largest things shown is "accuracy".

Every time I'm playing as a support class and suppressing the enemy, all I can think about is how I'm ruining my accuracy rating. I will sometimes unload two entire clips of 200 bullets each just to suppress the enemy so my team can advance. My reward? A few meager points for suppression support kills, and a huge accuracy JPG on my stats showing a 8.1% accuracy.

Why would you care about accuracy stats using the Support class? I'm using it and I don't give a shit. You should never care about stats like that in BF.

Your job is to give out ammo and suppress the opposition. Battlefield was never about stupid stats. It a team based game.
Stats are fun to look at.

I don't give a fuck about them, though. I have 10% accuracy and a KDR of 0.80 or something. The most interesting stats are ranking the kills you've got with weapons etc.


JoeMartin said:
Is the type 88 any good or should I stick to the M249 until m60?
The M249 seems to the job quite well.

Foliorum Viridum said:
Stats are fun to look at.

I don't give a fuck about them, though. I have 10% accuracy and a KDR of 0.80 or something. The most interesting stats are ranking the kills you've got with weapons etc.
They are...for certain games (you guys know "the game" I'm talking about). This not being one of them.


Zod the Bear said:
LMG seems far better than HMG at taking out infantry, which is nice if you don't have a gunner.

Admittedly, with a gunner, I love bringing guided shells for anti-vehicle work. Opening up with a shot from them and then getting a direct hit with a followup shot from the main gun generally disables--with the autoloader you'll finish them off in seconds. Downside being that without a gunner, infantry groups wreck me when I do this.
Okay. Never got to play on a tank map after getting the hmg.

I dream about the anti-infantery round. How awesome is it? Does it look like a giant shotgun volley?

Is the guided shell ammo for your main gun or a n add-on missile?

I only need another 80k points to finish tanks @.@


Can someone answer this question? Why is the tank usually always sitting at the uncappable during matches?

Do players not like them?
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