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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Since we're going to insist about whining over screenshots in the official thread, here are thumbnails instead. Location "spoilers".



I see that on theorigin battlefield tech support forums that have issues with BF3 stop working. This sucks! I guess I'm gonna have to pick up my 360 copy tonight then.


Izayoi, do you have a 580? What settings are you running and how is the fps? Do you have MSAA turned on or off? I am hoping to max the game out.


Darklord said:
Graphics aside, how's the gameplay in SP? As average as others are claiming?
It's good. The gunplay is fantastic and ALL of the weapons look and feel fantastic.

I'm thinking that people who were complaining about the game being "frustrating" are just fucking terrible. I've been playing on Hard and have had zero difficulties with the game so far.

Takes a bit to pick up, but when it does, it's pretty intense.


Moaradin said:
I want to play but whenever I join a game, my camera just shoots up. Anyone having similar problems?
I had this problem during the beta and it turns out it was my xbox controller that was plugged in, move the stick. If it's not that then idk lol.


Darklord said:
Graphics aside, how's the gameplay in SP? As average as others are claiming?
In the first 30 minutes I was met with way too much QTE, but nothing terrible. As time went on the amazing Frostbite 2.0 engine starts to shine. There are some night effects that will blow your mind, but thankfully the combat picks up as well.

Many choke points where I wasn't 100% sure what to do, pinned down... sniped. Sucks dying but thats what I get for run and gun. Normal is more of a challenge than most other shooters and so far I like what I see. Very cinematic.

Its like they take everything they did right with the BFBC2 campaign and expanded on it, I haven't played it enough to see major faults outside of some QTEs.

Enron said:
This is so much better than the beta.
If I had to rate the beta versus the release on a scale of 1-10 based on looks,performance, etc.. it would be

Beta = 6.5 (driver issues, old build, graphical issues)
Release = 9, maybe a 10.

The release is a major jump in quality.


razorman said:
Izayoi, do you have a 580? What settings are you running and how is the fps? Do you have MSAA turned on or off? I am hoping to max the game out.
I've got a 580. Running on Ultra (w/ everything on including 4xMSAA) @ 1080p, getting 40-50FPS on average. Never drops below 30.

Lots more screens on the way.


Dear xxxxx,

Thank you for ordering on Origin. The release date for the preorder product has changed. The product listed below will now be available on October 24, 2011.

Anyone else get this email?


Jira said:
Dear xxxxx,

Thank you for ordering on Origin. The release date for the preorder product has changed. The product listed below will now be available on October 24, 2011.

Anyone else get this email?


Jira said:
Dear xxxxx,

Thank you for ordering on Origin. The release date for the preorder product has changed. The product listed below will now be available on October 24, 2011.

Anyone else get this email?
Nooo, where are you located?


Foliorum Viridum said:
So that Paris level is pretty great, huh?

It's a shame the start of SP sucked so much but it's picking up a bit now.
Dem Mirror's Edge design queues. DICE is learning.


Jira said:
Dear xxxxx,

Thank you for ordering on Origin. The release date for the preorder product has changed. The product listed below will now be available on October 24, 2011.

Anyone else get this email?

I just got that e-mail too. I am in the US but at work so I don't know what this means : /


Press - MP1st.com
Watching the IGN live stream of the Xbox 360 version. Game is looking good, even from the blurry video.

I wonder what the chances of Battlecorder being patched in? Also, anyone here who's played consoles or whantot, is melee-killing for a dogtag produce any sound or just a hit marker? I don't seem to remember any sound from the beta, but I do know in the PC that there was one, yes?

Also, Arthur Gies (Aegis) reviewer for Joystiq was playing in the livestream and his teammates were crap! Not to name names, but someone drove the jeep to the enemy base and left it there. Wahahaha! Also, everyone seemed to go after kills way more than winning...
Tehran must be bugged, getting immense lag in every game. Just did an excellent round of Grand Bazaar on the same server ran beautifully and now it's a lag fest on Tehran :|


Used the IE proxy trick and started playing, thanks for whoever found that out :).

Time to get some work done before I get back into it...


Neo Member
Game shipped my order today, Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Fingers crossed it turns up in a couple of days, that way i won't have too far to catch up with all you guys lucky enough to have it released on the 25th.


whats the easiest way to practice in helicopter/jet?

can i create my own server on pc or something?

i need serious help with those, and they're never free obviously


So for the console users going to pick it up at midnight, what time are you going to wait in line? My gamespot gets pretty packed, but this game is no MW3/Halo Reach when it comes to fan base. So i'm thinking before 11, but who knows.
Load times seem to be weird. I'll join a server, and if I let Battlelog do it's thing, it'll pop up with me already in game. But if I select the executable before Battlelog does whatever, it'll be quite a bit longer. Seems to deteriorate over time as well.

Got the hang of the littlebirds now, shit is great.

I forget who said it, but you can take the choppers over the tunnel on Damavand.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
HotHamWater said:
Load times seem to be weird. I'll join a server, and if I let Battlelog do it's thing, it'll pop up with me already in game. But if I select the executable before Battlelog does whatever, it'll be quite a bit longer. Seems to deteriorate over time as well.

Yea it's been getting progressively worse as the day goes on.

I wonder if this will help that issue. Seems to be some scheduled maintenance.

Multiplayer (pc) is very good. Really impressed so far. Played a few hours sp and thought it was pretty average, great visuals but very formulaic. Runs great too


Not feeling the SP at all, but that's no big surprise. Didn't expect to play through it, BF is all about the amazing MP. Feels like I'm playing a rail-shooter.
Only about 2 hours in but thus far everything has been scripted. Don't see myself going back to it. Granted I havn't really played a SP FPS since uh, Quake 2 maybe haha. So maybe this is what it's like these days.
Still, this feels ridiculous. But who cares, the MP is a damn near outer body celestial experience.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Okay, if you guys say there aren't any repercussions to worry about using the VPN trick to access the game early, then I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.

I just hope you're all right.


All right so I unlocked the game, no problem, with the IP in IE trick. I have a problem though... I started the campaign and I'm getting some serious hiccup. It's pretty much unplayable right now. It's the same thing if I'm on low or High (the auto setting was set to high). Anybody encountered the same issue?

I'm on a i5 2400, 8gb of ram, Radeon 6870 with the Preview 3 drivers and on Win7.... I was running the alpha and beta just fine.

Edit: I just noticed that Battlelog is down for maintenance right now so that might be it?


Letters said:
Thread title is horrible. Such a contrast with the amazing first post.

Agreed, keep it simple.

Also, is the general consensus that we won't be banned for using the Korean proxy trick? Totally doing this when I get home from work!


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Letters said:
Thread title is horrible. Such a contrast with the amazing first post.

I agree, but fuck that OP is on point. I'm sure a friendly mod will change it sometime in the near future anyway.

PatzCU said:
Also, is the general consensus that we won't be banned for using the Korean proxy trick? Totally doing this when I get home from work!

I seriously doubt there will be any bannage.


Jira said:
Dear xxxxx,

Thank you for ordering on Origin. The release date for the preorder product has changed. The product listed below will now be available on October 24, 2011.

Anyone else get this email?

I did get it. Thing is, it only seemed to concern the Physical Warfare pack.


Operation Metro is certifiably the worst map DICE has ever released. Thank god the other maps played so far: Kharg, Firestorm, Caspian, Siene and Tehran are infinitely better.
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