I think I'll get the G3A3 this week, should be nice. In BC2 I rocked so hard as a G3 wielding combat recon...on PS3. I hope for DICE (and myself) that it's as good as people on youtube say, I haven't seen one in the wild, I think.
PC is sometimes still a brave new world. People are just so agile and good shots. The whole game is played faster, more brutal.
After grinding co-op I think I'll go Rush exclusive for a time, I barely touched it so far. Nothing compares to rushing, arming and defending a set m-com, IMO. Getting those two m-coms on Demavand (my only ones since the beta, lol) was way more adrenaline pumping than everything I experienced in CQ. Losing Rush is much more frustrating, though, and you're like a headless chicken until you know where you should be, where you can be hit from etc. And from the limited time I spent on Rush, I've never seen attackers win. Put m-coms back in collapsible buildings or something equally stupid, please.