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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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RoboPlato said:
Any tips for support? I'm useless with both support and recon.

C4 is your friend and ammo the crap out of everyone.... EVERYONE if they need it or not. Spawn on your team and drop a box. Then get the fatty guns and put the extended clips on them and fire away. I mowed down 6 or 7 guys once with just one clip. But ammo box, ammo box, ammo box. Then C4 some more.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
OldJadedGamer said:
Got my first service star for Support so now switching classes. I will miss it so much though. Easily the best class out of the four.

I'm starting to use (and... gasp... prefer) Assault in about half the maps now. The M320 is a game-changer, especially with the smoke. So useful.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
TheSeks said:
It wouldn't be a DICE patch if it didn't.

Please to be fixing co-op mission 3/5's alert phases. Please.
I bet they aren't even looking at what needs to be fixed in co-op or singleplayer for that matter.
commish said:
I'm starting to use (and... gasp... prefer) Assault in about half the maps now. The M320 is a game-changer, especially with the smoke. So useful.

Assault is next for me but hate being defenseless against tanks.
Anton Sugar said:
Recon is probably the most underrated class in the game but has great options for teamwork. The MAV (from a teammate) has saved my life numerous times/allowed me to hunt down enemies around a capture point, an intelligently placed Spawn Beacon can be the key to winning a Rush round, and if they work out the glitches with the Javelin, the SOFLAM will be crucial for anti-vehicle work.

I think most people are just taken by surprise, because the Recon/sniper class is usually just instant gratification.
i think the real problem is the Recon can help by spotting 40 people in a map, leading to their deaths and only end up with 1100 points.


Gui_PT said:
I'm done with Support and Engineer. Currently working on Assault. Recon will be horrible for points =\

Not only is it horrible for points, it's horrible for your KD and WL ratio when your used to being a Support/Engineer player.


OldJadedGamer said:
C4 is your friend and ammo the crap out of everyone.... EVERYONE if they need it or not. Spawn on your team and drop a box. Then get the fatty guns and put the extended clips on them and fire away. I mowed down 6 or 7 guys once with just one clip. But ammo box, ammo box, ammo box. Then C4 some more.

I can't say how much I needed some Support peoples to ACTUALLY drop some ammo. I'm pressing select all kinds asking for it, hell I chewed some teammate out over the headset and he still didn't give up any. When I'm Assault and need some extra rounds for my gnade launcher - I look to my Support peeps - so please drop ammo boxes, us other soldiers need em to hold a line.
I'm trying my hardest to get into BF3 (PC), but man, I just don' think it's for me. Hit detection just doesn't feel right, and I find myself frustrated, as my bullets never seem to hit their mark. Any tips? Am I doing it wrong?
Aeonin said:
I can't say how much I needed some Support peoples to ACTUALLY drop some ammo. I'm pressing select all kinds asking for it, hell I chewed some teammate out over the headset and he still didn't give up any. When I'm Assault and need some extra rounds for my gnade launcher - I look to my Support peeps - so please drop ammo boxes, us other soldiers need em to hold a line.

I got my resupply medal super fast. I know the pain though when I am not playimg support. Seems no one is aware they can drop ammo.


Neo Member
OldJadedGamer said:
Assault is next for me but hate being defenseless against tanks.

My defence against tanks as Assault is spotting them and cowering like a scared kitten in the corner. Or spamming smoke like a mofo and running like hell :)


OldJadedGamer said:
I got my resupply medal super fast. I know the pain though when I am not playimg support. Seems no one is aware they can drop ammo.

I think it's people not giving a crap instead of not being aware. Most players don't care about the objective or helping your team, just kills.

Which is unfortunate and becomes frustrating with time.


Aeonin said:
I can't say how much I needed some Support peoples to ACTUALLY drop some ammo. I'm pressing select all kinds asking for it, hell I chewed some teammate out over the headset and he still didn't give up any. When I'm Assault and need some extra rounds for my gnade launcher - I look to my Support peeps - so please drop ammo boxes, us other soldiers need em to hold a line.
Happens so often to me too. Usually I just end up picking up a downed enemy's gear because ammo boxes are nowhere to be found. Is it just me or BC2 was nowhere as bad in this regard?


Vustadumas said:
I'm trying my hardest to get into BF3 (PC), but man, I just don' think it's for me. Hit detection just doesn't feel right, and I find myself frustrated, as my bullets never seem to hit their mark. Any tips? Am I doing it wrong?

Its just how it is when you first start, everyone I know new to BF3 were very frustrated with it in the beginning. Try sticking to one gun for now and get the service star/IRNV, I bet that scope will help you a ton in infantry combat.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I was on the worst team ever for 3 straight rounds...no one was capping flags, shitty vehicle drivers and crappy snipers. I defended a flag with my m9 though. 5 kills in a row.
Gui_PT said:
I think it's people not giving a crap instead of not being aware. Most players don't care about the objective or helping your team, just kills.

Which is unfortunate and becomes frustrating with time.

I know, I hate that they show the KDR at the end. In BC2 they only showed points earned.


moonspeak said:
i love that sometimes when the round ends, you'll hear the "upbeat fuck yeah!" bf theme even when your team loses and the opposite "aww your team lost" music when your team wins. Though most of the time it's just silence for some reason.

Just reminds me of the "Your Team Lost" from BC2

Oh Dice...

Did you play the beta? When you'd lose you'd hear the voice of a guy on the radio just start screaming obscenities. "WE'RE ALL GONNA FUCKIN' DIE!" "WE'RE TOTALLY FUUUUUUCKED AARARARRARR!@!" it was like being on XBox Live.
So I got through with what I wanted with Skyrim. pffft. Did some BF3 tonight. It was really really fun.

Man I think this game is on such another level from MW3 that I can't believe how well it sold.

Playing this on high settings, with little lag on a 64 player server!!! It's simply marvelous! I know it sounds gay, but the joy of war. every single time you go into battle on Caspian or Firestorm is like your own personal black hawk down! but its without the scriptedness of the COD single players.

I find sniping difficult. very difficult, but I like that it's difficult. camping is not the best option in this game. I like that.


aka andydumi
alphaNoid said:
So I've just been a machine lately. Support class+M249+foregrip+suppression+HOLO+expanded mag farming Operation Metro = MASS LEVELING! I had a few games today where i was god-like, one I went 68-7. Most of the time I'm finishing 4 to 1, usually with over 30 kills and single digit deaths. Grenades, suppression and rearming my team = max leveling its unreal.

All I play now is Metro only servers to farm XP. I went from level 16 to 21 in like 2 hours.

Me too. But I use them to level the classes I want. TUGS and MP5 netted me a nice boost in recon score. Took me 20 minutes to unlock smoke grenades for Assault.

What they need to fix that map is an alternate way to get down/up without being shot to hell on the stairs.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Vigilant Walrus said:
So I got through with what I wanted with Skyrim. pffft. Did some BF3 tonight. It was really really fun.

Man I think this game is on such another level from MW3 that I can't believe how well it sold.

Playing this on high settings, with little lag on a 64 player server!!! It's simply marvelous! I know it sounds gay, but the joy of war. every single time you go into battle on Caspian or Firestorm is like your own personal black hawk down! but its without the scriptedness of the COD single players.

I find sniping difficult. very difficult, but I like that it's difficult. camping is not the best option in this game. I like that.

Can't help but roll my eyes. If you're an adult, it's even more pathetic.
Gui_PT said:
The MAV is useful, definitely. But recon just doesn't feel as useful as other classes. I guess partly because I'm an awful sniper.
That's why they gave you all class weapons. That spawn beacon is the sole purpose in using the recon class.


AlmostMilk said:
That's why they gave you all class weapons. That spawn beacon is the sole purpose in using the recon class.

Was. In the beta. Now it's as big as a car(exaggeration, I know) and really loud. Anyone can find that thing.


Gui_PT said:
I'm done with Support and Engineer. Currently working on Assault. Recon will be horrible for points =\

Depends on what you play ...

Since I didnt want to spend years with Recon I just took my USAS and played lots of TDM on Canals. Pretty fast point whoring and you can still role with 3:1 - 2:1 K/D if it matters to you.


OldJadedGamer said:
I got my resupply medal super fast. I know the pain though when I am not playimg support. Seems no one is aware they can drop ammo.
Just got it, with exactly 50 ribbons, lol. Started with 20. Good thing I didn't just M320 spam that last round. Yes, I played Metro Large QC for a few rounds, I don't care. I ended up with 666 kills after the last round I played. Seems not much for over 20 hours, then again my deaths are only slightly higher.

How do I get dynamic dog tags or advanced or whatever they're called? I thought you'd getthem for medals, but nooo.

I gave up on trying Rush, I always was in the short bus teams. How can it be that I, someone who didn't even know where the m-coms are on Seine, destroy two if them while the rest of the team thumbs their asses or whatever? Why are all other defenders rushing way to fat ahead to grief kill some attackers, leaving me and another guy to take on several respawning squads around our m-coms? I need an A-Team to play with.


Neo Member
Violater said:
So seriously has there been any mention of DICE fixing the VOIP issues on PS3?

This. I had to setup a four way Skype chat the other day instead. It's terrible as it stands. If you're in game, kiss decent VOIP goodbye.


desu said:
Depends on what you play ...

Since I didnt want to spend years with Recon I just took my USAS and played lots of TDM on Canals. Pretty fast point whoring and you can still role with 3:1 - 2:1 K/D if it matters to you.

That sounds good. Thanks.


boris feinbrand said:
Well at the very least they should give us the 32 player layout of the classic maps (5 caps on Gulf and I guess 5 on Karkand) Wake NEEDS 5 flag points to even work. If they go below they could simply throw that map aways cause it won't work, simple as that.

they should allow 32 players on console. there's a thread on the official forums where one of the guys from dice explains that they could do it if they sent microsoft a request to get the okay.


recon w/SKS and suppressor or shottie + T-UGs = points galore. the SKS especially is a killing machine, even in close range.

recon seriously pretty deadly. T-UGs alone are the game's killer gadget imo. don't even use the spawn beacon but I should get in the habit... thing is, it's just so BIG

no. 1 bugbear about this game so far: no supports ever drop ammo.

did DICE ever give any rationale for why they took ammo from the assault and gave it to support and vice versa with the medkits? at least in BC2, since the assaults were killing machines, they'd often have to drop ammo for themselves... to kill some more.

I swear now the only time I ever get ammo from a support is if they're in my party


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I feel bad for not playing very much in the past 4 or 5 days but Skyrim is so good.

I have jumped off a couple of cliffs in Skyrim and then went to pull my parachute, uhm, splat!
aznpxdd said:
What's a good map for Recon? About to get my service star for Support and want to move on to working on that Recon.
Lol . I've started using recon too. Id like to know this as well. Just a few more hundred pts to unlock mortars.

Btw, hit detection is ass. I always die right after I hide behind a corner during a gun fight. Its almost like the bullets still manage to penetrate the walls
aznpxdd said:
What's a good map for Recon? About to get my service star for Support and want to move on to working on that Recon.

I'd say Grand Bazzaar on Conquest. Flag B usually becomes the point where everyone flocks to so I can easily pick up kills/suppress points. Just started back using Recon and it's pretty much the only map I do any good with.


Gui_PT said:
The MAV is useful, definitely. But recon just doesn't feel as useful as other classes. I guess partly because I'm an awful sniper.

I'd play Recon a lot more if I had throwable motion sensors :( I miss them so much


eternaLightness said:
I'd say Grand Bazzaar on Conquest. Flag B usually becomes the point where everyone flocks to so I can easily pick up kills/suppress points. Just started back using Recon and it's pretty much the only map I do any good with.

Hm...that's right. Alleyway looks like the perfect place to snipe from Market or Square.
Just finished a 1500 ticket Conquest game with 64 players on Caspian Border. My god, it was beautiful.

The map was barely recognizable by the end of the game.

(Man this game looks like ass in screenshots, looks so SO much better in motion)
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