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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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I love this game beyond all love. I've been a BF2 junkie for years. And outside of a few niggles, I feel right at home with this title. Very happy about the job dice has done. It could be the breakup that I'm currently going through, or the drugs, maybe the prostitutes. But I honestly think its the game.

Had one of my best games yesterday:


This is one of the first times in my PS3Fanboy history, that I have absolutely no interest in Uncharted3/the ps3 exclusive. I'm a 28 year old man looking forward to going home and playing it. Origin & The online setup isn't nearly as problematic as it seems here. CO-Op seemed a bit stale, but the basic online stuff is great.

Would love to hookup with a gaf game. I am having good luck finding good random servers of teamwork as well.

Ah man. Stay classy gang..

Question though, do you have to UNLOCK Bombs for planes...?


Also, a good tip.... Be squad leader, set targets/defense, etc. You get like 20pts anytime anyone kills anyone. Tis great..
During the load times for matches, a frequent "tip" is that match bonuses don't count if you quit a match early. Well, because of some unforeseen circumstances had to quit a match early today. I was actually doing well in a jet for once, getting multiple disables and vehicular destructions. I received some ribbons and a new dogtag. My question is, did I still earn these things even though I left the game early?


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Had my first roadkill with the MAV today. Good fun! I can see why people do it. I spot like crazy with it, too. It's a shame that the spot seems to be borked from time to time.

It got to the point that I went 0-0 for two rounds due to the MAV and me spotting like mad. The enemy must have been annoyed as they were trying to shoot me down. Yep, we won both rounds. :)

When I'm not playing with friends, I tend to dick around a bit. I also tried the EOD bot and trying to get the silver star for recon. I'm a decent sniper, but no way great. I use the ACOG or Rifle scope on bolt action so I got pew-pew while running. :)


How do you spot things? When your a squad leader (on consoles) does it mean I can do anything differently (set goals and stuff) and how do I do it?

I rage so hard when the douches in my squad either retreat to snipe or play so cautiously as to protect a k/d ratio when playing a non deathmatch game. My god, it turns conquest and rush into exercises in torture. I'm literally leading my squad (sometimes team) in kills, points, comm units blown up but I still lose. I had to rage quit like 2 times because I just couldn't take the suck that was going on.

I even sent out messages to people on my team about how its a team game and to stop doing dumb shit after the games and I never do stuff like that. Other than that, the game is amazing.

Squad Deathmatch is intense. I find myself crawling, going around corners slowly, and generally having better matches because my squad almost automatically moves forward in a line and supports each other.


timmytheman123 said:
Whoever designed Operation Metro conquest needs to have their throat slit. It favors the Russian side so much it isn't even funny.
It totally depends on the team though.

I get what you are saying .. most of the times RU captures B and usually tend to win in the pissing spam matches but sometimes I get on a good team that works well and we even manage to capture A and all the RU guys can do is spawn in their building and hide like pussies. :p


Subete no aware
exarkun said:
How do you spot things? When your a squad leader (on consoles) does it mean I can do anything differently (set goals and stuff) and how do I do it?
Use the back/select button. You can select objectives as a squad leader and everyone in your squad will get extra points if you get kills at the objective and/or capture the objective.


exarkun said:
How do you spot things? When your a squad leader (on consoles) does it mean I can do anything differently (set goals and stuff) and how do I do it?

I rage so hard when the douches in my squad either retreat to snipe or play so cautiously as to protect a k/d ratio when playing a non deathmatch game. My god, it turns conquest and rush into exercises in torture. I'm literally leading my squad (sometimes team) in kills, points, comm units blown up but I still lose. I had to rage quit like 2 times because I just couldn't take the suck that was going on.

I even sent out messages to people on my team about how its a team game and to stop doing dumb shit after the games and I never do stuff like that. Other than that, the game is amazing.

Squad Deathmatch is intense. I find myself crawling, going around corners slowly, and generally having better matches because my squad almost automatically moves forward in a line and supports each other.
Press back (select on ps3?) to spot enemies. You can set objectives by spotting a flag HUD element. Both you and your teammates get points for attack orders followed.
My game keeps crashing whenever I join. It was fine last night, and I haven't changed any drivers or updated windows or any of that old guff. Any ideas, GAF?


Rapstah said:
Did you sign up for the The Old Republic beta? That made Origin lose my password. Has to completely ditch that account, although it has no paid content in it.
Yeah, signed up to that. Changed my pass for that when I got the email about it and didn't even sign into origin for the first time until after that.

I even checked that I was entering the correct password. Like, I wrote it down, entered it when I changed my password, quit origin, loaded it back up and entered my password exactly and it said it was wrong.
Kaltagesta said:
My game keeps crashing whenever I join. It was fine last night, and I haven't changed any drivers or updated windows or any of that old guff. Any ideas, GAF?
Same here, keeps saying I'm getting disconnected. No idea why, worked fine a couple days ago.


Wthermans said:
Really hating the stationary AA on the Conquest Large maps. Pretty stupid that you can lock down airpower on half the map and be completely invulnerable.

Really? I can't hit stuff at all with those unless the plane is basically sweeping over me. If anything they need a buff in my book. Except for the one on Canals. They should turn the ship around on that one.

Any word on the upcoming patch? Some things are starting to become a little bit frustrating.


Zeppelin said:
Really? I can't hit stuff at all with those unless the plane is basically sweeping over me. If anything they need a buff in my book. Except for the one on Canals. They should turn the ship around on that one.

Any word on the upcoming patch? Some things are starting to become a little bit frustrating.

Lol you need to work on your aim. AA has ridiculous range.


scogoth said:
Lol you need to work on your aim. AA has ridiculous range.

That might be true. The stationary AA is the only thing I'm having trouble with. I never get the hit indicator when they're far away no matter how close or how far from them I place the reticule. And I honestly can't say I've ever felt threatened by it when I'm in the air myself. I've certainly never been shot down by it "half the map" away from it. The mobile AA is much more scary.


Zeppelin said:
That might be true. The stationary AA is the only thing I'm having trouble with. I never get the hit indicator when they're far away no matter how close or how far from them I place the reticule. And I honestly can't say I've ever felt threatened by it when I'm in the air myself. I've certainly never been shot down by it "half the map" away from it. The mobile AA is much more scary.
You need to lead it, but I'm sure you know that. The stationary one sucks compared to the mobile unless they are close.


Anton Sugar said:
hay why isn't people play

You don't have to check off empty to get a list of shitty servers. I'm really not a fan of the actual server list. If you're new to the game or the site, finding a game can be confusing. You have to click on the number of free slots or else you'll be left scrolling through pages of empty ones.
After a bit over 40 in-game I've come to the conclusion that I just don't really like most of the maps. I'm almost getting tired of the game.

Can't wait for the map pack.
Nabs said:
You don't have to check off empty to get a list of shitty servers. I'm really not a fan of the actual server list. If you're new to the game or the site, finding a game can be confusing. You have to click on the number of free slots or else you'll be left scrolling through pages of empty ones.
It all depends on how you sort it.
shagg_187 said:
I really wouldn't mind BF:BC2 maps being ported over. BC2 has some really good maps that would be fun in BF3.

Imagine 64 player Heavy Metal with Jets... *drools*

I agree, and I love the upgrade system for the vehicles this time around, it makes things so much better.

I am totally obsessed with the choppers... they are a dominating force if you can become a good flyer and I've been flying them almost exclusively lately.

If you have a gunner who has flares as well you can pretty much almost avoid any IR missile attack because you can both take it in turn to use your flares and then all you've got to do is take down the Mobile AA before it gets you and then there is really nothing else that can shoot you down.

If you have Stealth equipped it becomes very hard to lock on to you (but the auto loader makes a huge help as well, I am not sure which one I prefer yet, I think stealth because surviving longer is more important I think).

I freaking love choppers, I could never master them in BC2, I don't know if they've changed the controls heaps in BF3 or not, but I have them completely mastered now, I pretty much do nothing but fly these days... heh, it's affecting my stats because I can never score as good as I could if I was running around on the ground playing like normal, but I just enjoy flying so damn much that I can't help it, I'll get over it after a while and change my play style again at some point, but who really cares about stats anyway, it's about fun :)


Press - MP1st.com
exarkun said:
How do you spot things? When your a squad leader (on consoles) does it mean I can do anything differently (set goals and stuff) and how do I do it?

I rage so hard when the douches in my squad either retreat to snipe or play so cautiously as to protect a k/d ratio when playing a non deathmatch game. My god, it turns conquest and rush into exercises in torture. I'm literally leading my squad (sometimes team) in kills, points, comm units blown up but I still lose. I had to rage quit like 2 times because I just couldn't take the suck that was going on.

I even sent out messages to people on my team about how its a team game and to stop doing dumb shit after the games and I never do stuff like that. Other than that, the game is amazing.

Squad Deathmatch is intense. I find myself crawling, going around corners slowly, and generally having better matches because my squad almost automatically moves forward in a line and supports each other.

Same problem I even rage message some people for being asshats when playing Rush. They use vehicles and jump out of it near the objective. Thus giving the enemy extra vehicles. Such a stupid move.

I once had a round of CQ where my entire squad (randoms) where friggin' sniping from the spawn point in Grand Bazaar!

I had my W/L ratio nearing 4 and now it's down to 3.3! I'm quite ready to just be a dick when it comes to playing with randoms and just use the MAV, Mortars, etc.

Confirmed! 90 percent of people playing are asshats who don't give a shit! Sigh...if only DICE included a tutorial! Also, if you're driving a tank make sure to use thermal imaging! No reason not to use that shit!


ColonialRaptor said:
I agree, and I love the upgrade system for the vehicles this time around, it makes things so much better.

I am totally obsessed with the choppers... they are a dominating force if you can become a good flyer and I've been flying them almost exclusively lately.

If you have a gunner who has flares as well you can pretty much almost avoid any IR missile attack because you can both take it in turn to use your flares and then all you've got to do is take down the Mobile AA before it gets you and then there is really nothing else that can shoot you down.

If you have Stealth equipped it becomes very hard to lock on to you (but the auto loader makes a huge help as well, I am not sure which one I prefer yet, I think stealth because surviving longer is more important I think).

I freaking love choppers, I could never master them in BC2, I don't know if they've changed the controls heaps in BF3 or not, but I have them completely mastered now, I pretty much do nothing but fly these days... heh, it's affecting my stats because I can never score as good as I could if I was running around on the ground playing like normal, but I just enjoy flying so damn much that I can't help it, I'll get over it after a while and change my play style again at some point, but who really cares about stats anyway, it's about fun :)

As long as there isn't an AA gun somewhere...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
exarkun said:
How do you spot things? When your a squad leader (on consoles) does it mean I can do anything differently (set goals and stuff) and how do I do it?

Squad Leader/commander star? If not, you can't.

If so, hover over A/B/C/D and press spot. TAH-DAH. Attack/Defend order.
excaliburps said:
Same problem I even rage message some people for being asshats when playing Rush. They use vehicles and jump out of it near the objective. Thus giving the enemy extra vehicles. Such a stupid move!

Not if you preload the vehicle with C4 before driving it over there.


Majority of NA East GAF has moved on to other games. If anyone around here still plays regularly my soldier/Origin name: CrusoeCMYK.


Ryuuga said:
Majority of NA East GAF has moved on to other games. If anyone around here still plays regularly my soldier/Origin name: CrusoeCMYK.

Yes, I see you online all the time. You have to hop on mumble with us, thats really how we communicate and organize games. Even if you don't have a mic you can at least listen in and we'll hear your messages.
Ryuuga said:
Majority of NA East GAF has moved on to other games. If anyone around here still plays regularly my soldier/Origin name: CrusoeCMYK.
So you're the bastard who took first place from me for the engineer kit?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Operation Metro + Conquest + 64 players + 1000 tickets + support class with ammo kits = holy shit-ton points, Batman!


OldJadedGamer said:
Been playing all day on 360 with full 24 player servers.
It's really hit or miss. Some nights I'll get on PS3 and it'll be full server every time I match make. Other times I'll keep switching servers and they'll be half full all the time. If you're in a good squad you'll run into an issue where you get into a full server, finally get your squad on the same team then after a couple of matches everyone quits out and it never fills back up. :(

Nick_GTL said:
Finally going to start playing BF3 as it is coming with my mobo, hopefully I do not get destroyed.

Good luck leveling any of the vehicles now, especially aircraft lol


Just got 20,400 points total in one game :p 5700 in-game, Assault Service Star, USAS-12 Service Star, plus ribbons, etc. 60k points from level 45.

So what happens after level 45? Do I stop advancing?

Hank The Tank

Neo Member
cdyhybrid said:
Just got 20,400 points total in one game :p 5700 in-game, Assault Service Star, USAS-12 Service Star, plus ribbons, etc. 60k points from level 45.

So what happens after level 45? Do I stop advancing?
There's 99 more levels... :p


Any tips on long range sniping?

I never seem to get the bullet drop calculations right. Most of the time I manage to get of a bodyshot after which my target flees and all I get is a kill assist.


Hank The Tank said:
There's 99 more levels... :p

Oh geez. At least I finished all the classes so I can just play whatever the fuck I feel like without feeling unproductive.

&Divius said:
Any tips on long range sniping?

I never seem to get the bullet drop calculations right. Most of the time I manage to get of a bodyshot after which my target flees and all I get is a kill assist.

Practice. Use the 12x Scope, the lines make it a lot easier for long-range shots once you know the bullet drop.


scogoth said:
Yes, I see you online all the time. You have to hop on mumble with us, thats really how we communicate and organize games. Even if you don't have a mic you can at least listen in and we'll hear your messages.

Can and will do. I ordered a new set of headphones + attachable mic, but I'll join you guys on mumble tomorrow night.

Anton Sugar said:
So you're the bastard who took first place from me for the engineer kit?

What!? I would never do such a thing!


Anton Sugar said:
Thermal vision. Or a good set of eyes/gunner.

A dumb exclusion, I agree. Wish we could still spot them.

Zeppelin said:
Thermal optics. Haven't died from a mine more than maybe once or twice since I unlocked that and I've got the tank service medal so I spend quite some time in tanks. So many anti explosives ribbons... The only time I exit thermal mode is when my CITV bro tells me we are about to shoot down a helicopter and I need to get a better view of the sky.

Also: It's pretty fucking awesome to spend a whole round in thermal optics on Caspian only to go out of it near the end of the round. That map look so different after a half hour of fighting on it.

ahhhhh. thank you good people.

i actually have thermal and use it regularly, but i was using it like the irnv scope and just searching for lurkers. didnt even occur to me to use it to look for mines. makes sense.

i will check this out during play today. thanks!


So if you have problems withn (lag) controles the solution is Game mode on your tv. If you dont have that, you will have to wait till the patch it up.


The more I think about it, the more I think chat sections/boxes are needed in the server info sections on battlelog. I want to comment on so many diff servers and thank the admins for having settings that fit my needs exactly


I think I've gotten pretty good at piloting helicopters. I know this, because i'm getting random friend requests from gunners. Together, a helicopter tandem own the scoreboard. One guy amassed 9k on Caspian with 37 kills while I was piloting. I knew he was doing well, but not that well. I was in second with 5k.

If anyone wants to partner up, send me a friend request.

PSN: bKak.
&Divius said:
Any tips on long range sniping?

I never seem to get the bullet drop calculations right. Most of the time I manage to get of a bodyshot after which my target flees and all I get is a kill assist.
Some Protips:
Use 4x for everything but Intentional Long range camping and sniping. Next to no sway, no glint to give you away, able to headshot suprise encounters up close easily.
Using a suppressor will slow down the round and cause it to drop faster. A shot with a normal SV98 that hits inbetween the 1st and 2nd chevron will hit the 3rd with a suppressor, and take a bit longer to get there. That's the price you pay for being undetected and un-mortar-able. If you do decide to go with suppressor you'll need some time to get used to it.
Use the base distances as a reference, but it's easiest just to take a shot at no one in particular but in the same area where you'll be shooting and noting where it hits


irfan said:
It totally depends on the team though.

I get what you are saying .. most of the times RU captures B and usually tend to win in the pissing spam matches but sometimes I get on a good team that works well and we even manage to capture A and all the RU guys can do is spawn in their building and hide like pussies. :p
A good strategy as US is to smoke the far middle escalators and sprint past everyone out of the station. Have a squadmate spawn recon and plant a beacon in one of the buildings. The distraction your squad causes at A pretty much guarantees your team will be able to take B.
eek5 said:
It's really hit or miss. Some nights I'll get on PS3 and it'll be full server every time I match make. Other times I'll keep switching servers and they'll be half full all the time. If you're in a good squad you'll run into an issue where you get into a full server, finally get your squad on the same team then after a couple of matches everyone quits out and it never fills back up. :(
yeah, it's always been like that, some servers seem to get refilled a lot faster than others...
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