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Battlefield 4 |OT| Prepare to Leave Beta... Nevermind

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Nobody revives in this game. Played 15 hours of conquest with randoms (friends play on consoles) and think I have been revived less than 10 times.

So frustrating.

Every respawns before I can get to them meh.

The maps are much more open in this Battlefield, so it seems like players aren't bunched up as much and it makes it harder to reach people in time before they hit respawn


Nobody revives in this game. Played 15 hours of conquest with randoms (friends play on consoles) and think I have been revived less than 10 times.

So frustrating.
You don't even have to select the Defib! You can just run up to someone and hit 'E' if you have the kit equipped, it's awesome.

I revive everyone... occasionally some people I probably shouldn't, but oh well. :p
Nobody revives in this game. Played 15 hours of conquest with randoms (friends play on consoles) and think I have been revived less than 10 times.

So frustrating.

I haven't even seen a revive yet. Nobody revives at all. Everybody just runs around playing as fucking engineers.

It's a game design issue as much as it is the players' fault for not doing it.

- Revives give less points. Combine this with how it's easier to die with gun fire and you find people less inclined to do it.
- The defib isn't unlocked by default. Yes, it's an early unlock but it's a problem for new players who are still coming into the game and won't have it. Why DICE prioritized giving the class a noob tube before the defib is beyond me.
- It actually takes longer to revive someone until you unlock the combat medic perk (which is a late unlock). They've actually gimped it without that perk.
- The time in which you can revive a player is still too short. I remember this being a bug in the beta which they said they would fix and it seems longer now but it's still not enough. Nothing more frustrating than running towards a guy and seeing the revive icon disappear as soon as you get your paddles out and then you get killed because you're out in the open.
- 20% health revives. Charging the defib takes too long and you're defenseless while you're doing it. Instant reviving gives the player very little chance to make it since he comes back with 20% health which is nothing if you're in any sort of dangerous area.
- One thing I've personally noticed is sometimes the hitbox of the player doesn't seem to register the revive. I'll be standing right on top of a person and the revive won't work and then the icon disappears.

I still try to revive people as much as I can but I'm in division 1 worldwide with only 70 odd revives so people are obviously not finding it worthwhile.


You don't even have to select the Defib! You can just run up to someone and hit 'E' if you have the kit equipped, it's awesome.

I revive everyone... occasionally some people I probably shouldn't, but oh well. :p

But they don't come back with as much health I think?


I'm constantly throwing out med packs and ammo. I get more points from that than anything else. Hell, I consider myself a healer just like a MMO.


But they don't come back with as much health I think?

Yeah, that's why I have to throw out a medpack immediately afterwards. =/

They need to patch that shit, reviving is definitely fucked. As others have mentioned, most people usually respawn before I can even get over to them.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
You don't even have to select the Defib! You can just run up to someone and hit 'E' if you have the kit equipped, it's awesome.

I revive everyone... occasionally some people I probably shouldn't, but oh well. :p

WAT? really? dang i always hit 3 to get my defi out and after that 4 for the medipack to heal mah bros.

Dang it...


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
who the fuck says Assault's don't revive anyone? :p

at least i do:

Including the beta, Origin says I've played the game for 21 hours. 21 hours of game time, and I've reached level 6. I think I can count the number of games I've been able to play from start to finish on one hand.. Every time I'm doing decently, I get disconnected from the server or BF4 crashes.

It's annoying as hell.
Hope they get that fix out soon..
I revive and give ammo :(
Revive is somehow much harder in this game now. The window is smaller and you need to charge it.

Harder, but somehow - if that's even possible in this game - more realistic. It gives you a huge adrenaline rush as well when you're in the middle of a firefight and you manage to revive someone.

Anyway, I'm having a blast. The only thing that annoys me in maps like Flood Zone and Lancang Dam are those fucking vehicles. Add to that the fact that no one takes them out and you have a frustrating experience. Switching to engineer doesn't help because the default launcher is a fucking water pistol.


So is this game worth buying at this point? Seems like lots of complaints about weak sp campaign and glitchy mp. I was going to get this with my ps4 but I'm starting to have second thoughts.


Console Market Analyst
So is this game worth buying at this point? Seems like lots of complaints about weak sp campaign and glitchy mp. I was going to get this with my ps4 but I'm starting to have second thoughts.

Felt the same way yesterday. But I've seen enough in the streams to convince me it's solid.

Things must be improving.


OH GOD there's nothing more satisfying than blowing a helicopter out of the sky, controlled by some annoying ass pilot. Especially with HE Shells that blow up that helicopter instantly.

That's badass. So many cool battlefield moments due to it's large scope.

I love rag dolls falls of death from skyscrapers... Looking down your scope and seeing a guy either you or someone else has shot falling from the egde of a skyscraper looks phenomenal!

Edit: that gif is a bit more than half of what xboxone resolution runs at:| Next gen!


And here I was, complaining that I've never even seen anyone be revived. I join the GAF server and not 5 minutes later, cue the godly music


Oh and this is one of those moments that would make me rage-kill a cat. I can just imagine his situation, lying there waiting and when a prey finally comes along ...



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
They always 'botch' the Medic starting kit.
The class Icon is a cross + ... but you have to unlock the medikit. lol wut


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Yeah, that's why I have to throw out a medpack immediately afterwards. =/

They need to patch that shit, reviving is definitely fucked. As others have mentioned, most people usually respawn before I can even get over to them.

So whats the verdict? This game gets the anti seal of approval? I got my copy sitting on the desk for the PS3 but currently unopened atm.

My main concern with the game will be most of the weapons start out great, but then DICE as always will fucking ruin all the balancing / functionality little by little till the end game. Which was one of the reasons why I had quit playing BF3 was they kept fucking with all the guns due to people constantly crying on the forums. The most idiotic shit had got to be the explosive rounds and AA12 and their so called "fix". Am praying this wont be the case with BF4, but I strongly have my doubts.



This guy's been streaming for 33 hours. A new brand of suicide?

Anyway, been watching for several hours, and haven't seen a single disconnect. Things solid now?

Amazing detail. Enemy sniper just shot through his Little bird windshield and the bullet hole completely obscured his view and stayed there for the duration of his life. Not sure if BF3 had that.


Holy shit guys, try this if you have micro stuttering, i think it worked for me....full server, locker and ran butter smooth until the server disconnected.


Seriously? I don't even know how they can possibly fuck up something so minor and trivial.

Well, ran that setup file. Will play the game this evening and see if any difference.

So whats the verdict? This game gets the anti seal of approval? I got my copy sitting on the desk for the PS3 but currently unopened atm.

It already stands with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty 4 as one of the best multiplayer experiences I've had in the last decade. I've been playing Battlefield since BF2, but the series has never really "hooked" me, until now. I only played like less than 20 hours of BF3, total.


I revive like a mo-fo. I don't care that it's less points, because I'm out there trying to keep people alive and win the match, god dammit!



If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Seriously? I don't even know how they can possibly fuck up something so minor and trivial.

Well, ran that setup file. Will play the game this evening and see if any difference.

but make sure to ran it as administrator. right click > start as administrator.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Seriously? I don't even know how they can possibly fuck up something so minor and trivial.

Well, ran that setup file. Will play the game this evening and see if any difference.

It already stands with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty 4 as one of the best multiplayer experiences I've had in the last decade.

Well shit thats what Ive been waiting to hear. Gonna pop this in later tonight then! Much appreciated on the reply sir.

One last question if you got time. Hows the destruction compare to BF3 for example? Since a lot of the maps they showed off really didnt look like they were made to "break" things besides the scripted ones like the falling building or ship crashing into the island.


If I join a friend before we look for a game online do we enter the game on the same team and squad now?

Really annoyed me how in BF3 we would be on separate teams even though we joined the game together.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
To be fair, the RPG-7 is a "water pistol" as well. Hit someone in the ass, minor speed decrease but not major damage.

Add in the defense buff/whatever you call it perk and yeah... tired of vehicles.


Engineers AT capabilities definitely are on-point. Yes, for one player it's annoying to see your RPG or whatever deal a fairly low amount of damage but I can tell you as an avid tank driver, there's fucking 70% engineers meaning every single player you meet has an AT weapon. So you get hit from above, behind, in-front and everywhere else.


I gotta say, last night when I tried the multiplayer I wasn't impressed with the graphics. But I just did the shootout in the control room on board the hangar ship. DAYUM.


Any word on client crashes being fixed? The crashing seems to have gotten worse for me. It was fine on Friday when the game first came out in the UK. I got an occasional freeze but nothing major, but yesterday when I was playing I crashed like 5 times in a row within 5-10mins of each other. :|

It says on the main page that they are aware of the problem and a fix is in thew works, but goddamn it if it doesn't make for a frustrating time.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
And here I was, complaining that I've never even seen anyone be revived. I join the GAF server and not 5 minutes later, cue the godly music

The short window and 20% health make me rage about reviving people. If they buffed the revive to at least 40% and made the window slightly longer (or fixed the stupid server/client desync to where the body in your game isn't where the body in the server says it is) we'd be in business.

Also servers are still disconnecting, saying they're "full" for me. Which is horseshit when I'm already in the goddamn server.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Engineers AT capabilities definitely are on-point. Yes, for one player it's annoying to see your RPG or whatever deal a fairly low amount of damage but I can tell you as an avid tank driver, there's fucking 70% engineers meaning every single player you meet has an AT weapon. So you get hit from above, behind, in-front and everywhere else.

Yeah, everytime I hop in a tank or LAV I'm mostly trying to eradicate the engineer scum due to how many there are.
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