Damn man, you are overly aggressive against Seks. It appears you shit every post he makes.
He's just mad because I ignore him, which a bunch of people should do if they're that angry toward me.
But you know, "stupid people" and all that.
As for "DICE shit the bed," Visceral shit the bed attempting to make Dead Space 2 multiplayer, community died in weeks. So who knows how Battlecops will fare.
Oh, that was a thing? I hadn't been paying attention. I hope that gets sorted before they roll it out.
Yes. The new hit registration is "more responsive" (though I've ran into "Nancy Drew and the Case of Balls-touching-close-no-hitmarkers" just like BF4 live right now) but brings issues with RoF and suppression. CTE changed suppression somewhat but the new blur effect is annoying as shit with the fact that LMG's can hold an entire area in Line of Sight where they can see you, but Line of Sight where
you can see them is
Someone prones on C Locker they can shut down the "D" door and the stairs leading up from the underground without you being able to see them. It's crazy.