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Battlefield 4 |OT2| Is it fixed yet?


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
And still the EA warriors make posts about how it's fixed and completely fine. It disgusts me that people are OK with the state this is still in.

I really can't believe after 11 patches and over nine months that things like this can still exist.

Somehow EA and DICE are getting away with the game, that deserves an award in itself.

Yesterday I happened to check out a stream on Twitch for some guy who says he's the #1 guy on the leaderboards with the AH-6 helicopter. He's playing on his own rented server. Guy gets wrecked twice in a row in the couple of minutes I'm watching by a guy with a SRAW. He gets salty and decides that he's gonna ban him so he goes to the server menu to find the guy's name, and his game crashes as he tries to ban him. This was on PS4 if I remember correctly. I closed the tab after that since I didn't care to watch a crybaby admin who brags about his chopper kills yet bans people for not letting him fly around all day. This all happened within a five minute time frame.

So for those that don't experience any of the glitches, I'm happy for you all, but nowadays, just one is enough to piss me off. All because in the amount of time I've played, I've seen all of the freezes, falling through the floor glitches, spawning inside solid buildings, server crashes, etc. that a customer should expect.

I've never in over 300 hours seen a bug where everyone is invisible for 5 minutes. Sure I've seen it a few seconds after I enter a server but not on that scale ever.

Sound bug is not as common as it used to be, but it always went away after a few seconds in.

I've never had problems using the XP Boosts.

I've played over 20 hours this past 2 weeks and over 10 hours this weekend and not once did I encounter any of the bugs the first guy mentioned, or any major bugs at all, so he must be super unlucky. But sure, call me an EA warrior.

I think some people just look for any excuse to hate on the game. I will never understand that. It would not be as popular as it is right now if it was as broken as some want to make it seem.

Trust me, I have better things to do than to hate on a game for no real reason. I actually spent money on BF4 because before it, the last BF game I bought was Bad Company 2, and BF3 didn't interest me at all during its beta. BF4's beta had some problems, but if (a HUGE IF) the beta's problems were fixed, I would have loved the game. Got it for 50% off so I bit the bullet and bought it 3 weeks after launch. Weapon choice and balance are great. Minor problems with the class setups, but I was still fine with the setups.

But nope, the game still to this day has so many little and big glitches. It's ridiculous, and I guess you're fortunate that not everyone experiences them as often as everyone else.

The glitch I got where everyone was invisible was just a point where I just had to vent it out here because that is a prime example of what you call game breaking. Especially since it wasn't for the usual start of the match, but the entire last half of the match I was in. I actually stayed in that match till the end to see if it would actually go away, but it never did.

Matter of fact, when the match ended, it never showed me the scoreboard, medals, ribbons, progression, etc., just the background of that screen. Then I got the endless loading loop, so I had to go back to the dashboard and start the game up again.

The XP boost glitch has the box where you can choose which XP boost you want darkened, and you can't even select it.

Again, on paper, BF4 on paper appeals to me far more than BF3 ever did, but I've experienced so much of those glitches that really are game breaking that I can not give this game any praise whatsoever. I actually give the game a chance every time a patch comes out only to get the same shit or some new shit every time. So no, it's not some irrational hate on my end, or else I would have tossed this game and never looked back.

it's been completely fine since at least late February. peeps have been bandwagoning the EA hate for 3 years now. i swear the shit some people post is completely fabricated. i mean, i've seen some things in the 400+ hrs of playtime i have and nothing comes close to the stories from people who 'havent played in months but checked this piece of shit out to see how fucked up it still is' go thru.

where's the shadowplay/xboxrecortdthat/sharebutton of this stuff?

I would figure that I've spent enough time on this board for anyone who's ever read my posts to know that I'm above lying even on an internet forum, let alone in general.

If you don't believe me, just look at the list of their own patch notes every patch of the things they "kinda" fixed for the past 11 patches. Not even mentioning the NEW glitches that every patch brings in. Better yet, there's apparently a complete list of bugs that BF4 still experiences from since day 1 all the way till now. I'm guessing that it's somewhere on the official forums somewhere.

Why would I even need to lie in the first place anyways? I don't even get anything out of it. You said you spent 400+ hours in the game, and I just checked and I have 385 hours, despite me having the game put away for so long within patches. I could just as easily say that you're just letting the glitches slide since you're enjoying the game that much, while I reached a point along time ago where the very first game freeze on Lancang Dam or server crash makes me switch to another game. When the game actually holds itself together, it can actually be fun, but the shit is unacceptable.

Since you wanted proof, I went to Youtube and simply searched for "Battlefield 4 invisible enemies" - watch the two videos and just pretend that they were me, and that it happened for the whole second half of a match on Rogue Transmission.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaIzPC0jlOI - PS4, on a Dragon's Teeth map, so it's with the latest patch. The enemies seemed to have loaded again after he died, I died multiple times without things ever going back to normal.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvPEDwCHrZk - PlayStation d-pad, no idea if PS3 or PS4. He's experiencing it for the duration of this short clip, and it wasn't at the start of a match so he possibly had it till the end of the match like I did as well too.

I keep waiting for the day EA actually gives some kind of compensation for this mess, but people seem to be satisfied with free bullshit Bronze and Silver Battlepacks, along with camo that has the same patterns as all the other camos in the game but with other colors. Good job EA & DICE.


I've had the invisible bug several times

Sometimes it's my player model. Other times it's my teammates. And more often than not it's a mixture of both as well as most enemy player models

Very annoying
Anyone ever gotten jeeps up on the roof of Hatian Resort before?

They make covering the doors easy lol




So, start a match and find the enemy team helo spawn continuously flying around our spawn. We take over all the points, their helo still at our spawn. Turns out they were trying to steal ours. They manage to do it, and we take down our stolen helo. Couple of seconds later, what do I see flying around our spawn again? Enemy helo. So I quickly spawn into our little bird and take him down. Get booted. Fucking shitty admins I swear.

so guys, what are some good server names I should keep an eye out for, that have auto balance at the end of match and fair admins?


I never post in this thread, because as much as I love this game, I don't really care to talk about it much. It's weird. It's probably the most lopsided "play time vs. discussion interest" ratio of any game I've been into, lol. But anyways, I'd really love some more people to play with! I'm on XB1 and my gamertag = kittens dx.
I added you a while ago and haven't really seen you playing. We might just have different schedules. Recently I have been in some NEOGAF XBO squads and it's been a lot fun. It's a way better experience then running solo or with randoms.


So, start a match and find the enemy team helo spawn continuously flying around our spawn. We take over all the points, their helo still at our spawn. Turns out they were trying to steal ours. They manage to do it, and we take down our stolen helo. Couple of seconds later, what do I see flying around our spawn again? Enemy helo. So I quickly spawn into our little bird and take him down. Get booted. Fucking shitty admins I swear.

so guys, what are some good server names I should keep an eye out for, that have auto balance at the end of match and fair admins?

[Edit] Sorry, I'm sure you know this; it was more of a PSA. I didn't answer your question, but you didn't state your platform.[/Edit]

Spot them and let the base AA pester the shit out of them.

I don't know how many times I've been spawned killed because someone on my team didn't spot the heli camping over our base. It's been alot though.


Not as deep as he thinks
I love the China Rising map pack a lot, but mother of fuck, I can't stand Dragon Pass (I hate it with a passion) and every time I join, it's ALWAYS that fucking map. Every. Single. Time.
Overall, the CTE changes are a HUGE improvement. BF3 movement system + improved tickrate + UI/HUD customization + nuanced mouse sensitivity settings + weapon rebalances + reduced nade capacity + reduced suppression + ADS improvements = amazing.

I was playing last night, though, and did notice the Catch 22. The netcode is so much better + reduced suppression + ADS improvements, that you die MUCH faster versus vanilla. At the same time, they increased the amount of bullets (via balancing) required to kill someone by 1, so a number of encounters (and many people in chat discussing this) end with:
-Super fast kill/death OR
-Enemy gets away because your last round didn't hit.

I think part of it is adjusting to the +1 shot to kill, but it does make some shootouts feel...weird. Hard to explain.

I love the China Rising map pack a lot, but mother of fuck, I can't stand Dragon Pass (I hate it with a passion) and every time I join, it's ALWAYS that fucking map. Every. Single. Time.

It's a very pretty map, but a downgrade in every way from the map that inspired it, Dragon Valley.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
For someone who didn't play BF3 can someone explain how BF3 movement differs from BF4.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I think part of it is adjusting to the +1 shot to kill, but it does make some shootouts feel...weird. Hard to explain.

Nah, it's the netcode being shit plus the tickrate increase/game being more responsive. They know they have to rebalance the entire game but they haven't gotten around to doing it just yet since they're focused on making SLAMs pointless (since you'll only disable with those now and you can't place 6 SLAMs down like you can the M2 so...) instead of making a longer TTK at the moment. :/

Did I stutter? CTE added hit-markers.

Problem is the hit markers are "thin/thick" based on where you hit the enemy which is kinda stupid because you shouldn't care about the "damage" you're doing and just the fact you're "hitting."

Now if they added Hardline's "headshot" indicator color and color customization it'd be perfect.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I've stopped using SLAMs a long time ago. It's all about that AT Mine now baby!

Then you're ready for the SLAM nerf. But honestly: I'm not seeing the issue with the SLAMs beyond the fact they are glitched and DICE should've fixed that for the sake of spotting and killing them.

M2 is entirely redundant which is mostly why they're nerfing these to "disable" points and going "OH BUT YOU CAN PUT 4 MINES IN AN AREA TO GET A KILL!"

"...Except we can't place more than 3, DICE. GG."


Then you're ready for the SLAM nerf. But honestly: I'm not seeing the issue with the SLAMs beyond the fact they are glitched and DICE should've fixed that for the sake of spotting and killing them.

M2 is entirely redundant which is mostly why they're nerfing these to "disable" points and going "OH BUT YOU CAN PUT 4 MINES IN AN AREA TO GET A KILL!"

"...Except we can't place more than 3, DICE. GG."

If you're using mines and not using Anti-Tank field upgrades you're doing it wrong.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
If you're using mines and not using Anti-Tank field upgrades you're doing it wrong.

Why use Anti-Tank to "support" when I can place six M2 mines normally?

SLAMs were fine the way they were. They just needed to be fixed in terms of hitting to destroy AND spotting them. Same shit with IRNV's on the MAV still being bugged since launch with commanders. Stupid shit that could easily fix other issues but DICE wants to ignore them and band-aid fix for other redundant shit. :/

CTE said:
New option for whether tapping spot button should give attack/defense orders.
Updated the placeholder names and description strings for the various new options with proper ones.

DICE heard you whiners. But proud.


I've tried playing today, but I'm getting constant rubberbanding all day on Conquest, even when my ping consistently shows that it's in the 40s.

edit: yeah havent been able to play at all today. nonstop rubberbanding in conquest, even though it worked perfectly yesterday


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
First time I've had to play "base police" since BC2. People that go into the enemy base to steal helicopters are dicks. It's a sound tactical troll, but having to spend my entire time placing mines while using the commander resupply is stupid as shit.


The roadkill part of this assignment is pretty fucking funny. I think last game I ran over the same sniper like 4 times.
Problem is the hit markers are "thin/thick" based on where you hit the enemy which is kinda stupid because you shouldn't care about the "damage" you're doing and just the fact you're "hitting."

Now if they added Hardline's "headshot" indicator color and color customization it'd be perfect.

i would love to see from the hitmarker when an enemy dies, Max Payne 3 style. Sometimes you fire a burst and you're not really sure if it kills or not as it might take awhile for the bullets to actually register the damage(lag)

Would prevent the issue of firing wildly until you see the 100XP text showing up.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
i would love to see from the hitmarker when an enemy dies, Max Payne 3 style. Sometimes you fire a burst and you're not really sure if it kills or not as it might take awhile for the bullets to actually register the damage(lag)

Would prevent the issue of firing wildly until you see the 100XP text showing up.

It kinda doesn't since the hit registers are lagging just like the firing wildly and praying the 100XP shows up right now. :/ Doesn't mean it isn't a bad idea, just it doesn't solve the "lag response" times that the score indicator/UI has right now. I've had a few kills that took a good five seconds later to go "nope, you're dead. I'm giving him 100XP" to me. :/
Anybody have weird disconnect issues last night? I was able to connect to rounds but kept losing EA connection on X1.

I wasn't losing my connection to Live, so I don't think it was my internet. First issues I've had in months.


Anybody have weird disconnect issues last night? I was able to connect to rounds but kept losing EA connection on X1.

I wasn't losing my connection to Live, so I don't think it was my internet. First issues I've had in months.
There were issue with the internet yesterday for north America, no joke.
They are nerfing the slams?


Just enough so people can't get cheap easy kills from full hp tanks across the map with that glitchy gadget.

"It's so useless that I have to *gasp* shoot a single rocket or have a teammate finish off the enemy tank my SLAMs just hit!"


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Just enough so people can't get cheap easy kills from full hp tanks across the map with that glitchy gadget.

"It's so useless that I have to *gasp* shoot a single rocket or have a teammate finish off the enemy tank my SLAMs just hit!"

People will just use Rockets instead. Kinda a band-aid fix for making the M2 less redundant.
People will just use Rockets instead. Kinda a band-aid fix for making the M2 less redundant.

It's not a band-aid fix. That would imply they are not directly tackling the issue of SLAMs being incredibly versatile AND killing enemy vehicles as effectively as mines.

Do you want one mine to be able to one shot a tank instead?


if there's room, i'd like to join the gaf console platoon. I don't always have time to play (very busy job), but it would be nice to play with a team rather than just randoms. also, feel free to add me as a friend even if there isn't room in the platoon.

PSN ID (ps4): PsychOut83


The game has become unplayable for me. Monday and this past weekend it worked perfectly fine, now I have nonstop rubberbanding. On PC btw. I've reset my modem, router, everything but the game still has nonstop rubberbanding, even though nothing has changed on my set up since then and my ping constantly shows it's hovering in the 30-40s and not spiking when I get rubberbanding. Good thing I didn't buy the season pass this weekend.. :/


Gold Member
The game has become unplayable for me. Monday and this past weekend it worked perfectly fine, now I have nonstop rubberbanding. On PC btw. I've reset my modem, router, everything but the game still has nonstop rubberbanding, even though nothing has changed on my set up since then and my ping constantly shows it's hovering in the 30-40s and not spiking when I get rubberbanding. Good thing I didn't buy the season pass this weekend.. :/

Is your ISP throttling Netflix?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
nerf SLAM instead of buff Mines.

DICE balance!

More like "nerf SLAM instead of fixing SLAMs being glitchy bitches.

DICE™ priorities!

(Sup, IRNV's being kinda buggy and have been since launch!)"

Seriously: SLAMs made M2's redundant, the only problem with the SLAMs was the fact that 1) they stick and 2) they were a pain in the ass to see/hit to explode from a safe distance.

If they fixed #2, they'd be fine.
Mines would be redundant regardless of whether or not the SLAMs were fixed. The problem that people don't seem to be understanding is that you have an incredibly versatile gadget that also makes mines useless because it can eliminate enemy armor just as well, if not better. There should be a downside to using these things. I'm okay with a few buffs to the AT mines, but SLAMs still needed a nerf regardless. Since they also can't seem to fix the damn bugs with it, then that should be taken into consideration as well, because unlike the recoil bug, it puts the gadget over the top with the already plentiful advantages and uses it has.

Fixing #2 wouldn't change the fact that SLAMs are versatile and still deal enough damage to be as effective as mines.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Fixing #2 wouldn't change the fact that SLAMs are versatile and still deal enough damage to be as effective as mines.

Yes it would. Making them easier to see and easier to deal with means people have to be smarter with placing the SLAMs in places. The SLAMs benefit is being able to stick to things. This means people would have to get them off the ground, something the M2 covers. This also means the M2 would be hidden behind walls instead of being placed on the ground a la M2's.

The major problem is that the M2 is redundant, and you just said it yourself in your post. So... why doesn't DICE just remove the M2? (Oh wait they can't since they launched!) The SLAM does it's job and does it better. Nerfing the SLAMs make them pointless in comparison to the M2 now. People will switch to that for their guranteed kills. "Good," you say. But that's missing the point: The SLAMs didn't need a nerf. They needed their glitchy-asses to be fixed. Same for some numerous bugs that the game has had since launch.

Again: Band-aid fix for a more serious issue: bugs. The SLAMs were pretty damn balanced outside of the fact that they were "glitch"y in regards to being hard to see and hard to hit.

And unless T1gge or someone at DICE-LA has posted something on CTE's boards in regard to SLAM's glithcy-asses never being fixed (please link me in that case via Steam IM) I'm firmly in the camp of "band-aid fix."
I'm suddenly enjoying this game. As much as I enjoyed Bad Company 2.

Picked it up last week for PS4 while it was on sale as well and I'm having a ton of fun. I have some minor gripes, but on a technical level I really haven't had any problems at all other than an audio glitch when a match starts. The audio usually kicks in a minute or so into the match. So far though I haven't had any issues staying connected to servers or anything lag related really.

I'm actually surprised at the amount of destruction in the environments this time around compared to BF3, other than the large skyscraper levels like Dawnbreaker or Siege of Shanghai the environment destruction is pretty much on par with Bad Company 2 or 1943. It seems like they did put some of those destructible buildings from BC2/1943 into BF4 and touch em up a little bit. For instance those skinny two story portable buildings in Rogue Transmission.

Overall I'm having as much fun with this as I had in BC2 as well, I really wish they would go back to BC2's method of kit/weapon selection though. That crossbar format they were using was soooooo much better.

edit: So the aircraft carrier stuff that's similar to the titan mode in 2142 is only in the Naval Strike expansion correct?


edit: So the aircraft carrier stuff that's similar to the titan mode in 2142 is only in the Naval Strike expansion correct?

Yep, it's not very good tho. It's just another version of Conquest/Domination with the twist that whoever gets to the MCOM first (opens the carrier) pretty much wins 95% of the time.
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