Gold Member
kill 3 HVTs is the worst requirement ever.
What assignment is that?
kill 3 HVTs is the worst requirement ever.
What assignment is that?
If Africa Harbor is in final strike than I'm definitely buying premium or at least the final strike pack.
This is on PC. Look at the server browser it looks like there are still quite a few that have the DLC markers on them. I assume that means they have the maps in rotation?
To the GAF player I T'd earlier tonight; had I known you were from GAF at the time, I'd have T'd you longer.
part of the problemAnd it isn't that hard, Faceless: Provided you have a commander that'll designate the HVT. I got the three WAY before 100 and then struggled slightly to get it but got it within like a week or two. If you play the NS maps with a commander and the enemy RCB is up, just Javelin it to death as quick as you can.
is this a door you want to open?ARICA.
you're welcome.Asshole.
That game on Dawnbreaker was really frustrating since I was playing against a bunch of GAF members.
Also, damn you Faceless and your shitty mine the entrance of the team's base tactics, lol.
I did this. Broke 100 on xbox one and bought bf again on ps4 a couple of weeks ago when my friends moved to next gen.Gonna hit rank 100.
Actually feel pretty good about that, seeing as though I hit rank 60 on a different account, too.
Gonna hit rank 100.
Actually feel pretty good about that, seeing as though I hit rank 60 on a different account, too.
I did this. Broke 100 on xbox one and bought bf again on ps4 a couple of weeks ago when my friends moved to next gen.
Almost level 60 already!
(Reach rank 100 Pre-req)
Perform 10 Squad Wipes 10/10
Get 5 Kill Streak Stopped 5/5
Kill 3 Commander-designated High Value Targets3/3
part of the problem
they just don't seem to be interested in doing that. i've had like 3 chances and got 1. ok, more like 5 chances, but 2 didn't count as they were random awesome jet pilot dudes.
Gonna hit rank 100.
Actually feel pretty good about that, seeing as though I hit rank 60 on a different account, too.
This is on PC. Look at the server browser it looks like there are still quite a few that have the DLC markers on them. I assume that means they have the maps in rotation?
I think it is worth it on PC. I got back into the game about a month ago and had premium. I have been playing Naval Strike and Second Assault mostly. Not a ton of servers but they are there.
Why so much Dragons Teeth hate when Ive been seeing so many youtubers saying Propaganda is one of the best BF4 maps?
My friends who play this have no idea what they are talking about.
They say that BF3 had more destruction, the netcode is better than BF4, and the map design was better in BF3.
They also believe everyone who has played bf4 thinks this too. I sure as hell don't. Fuck BF3 and it's bunny-hopping, bipod filled, cod-map style bullshit.
Does gaf think that BF3 is a better game?
I agree on most of those, but when it comes to infantry combat...Zavod can't be beat on vanilla maps.
Zavod and Guilin are by far the best infantry maps in the game, imo.
No, I'm referring to how many walls and hallways there were in BF3 except for Caspian Border and maybe Firestorm. It felt too tight and restrictive honestly.CoD-Style map probably means Operation metro
Do you guys think this game will keep its popularity after Hardline is out? I've been wondering if I should buy this, hardline or Titanfall as a long term online FPS investment, but I am not really sure which.
I don't feel the new COD at all.
Guys is Battlefield 4 still relevant now?
Do you guys think this game will keep its popularity after Hardline is out?
Yes? I mean, obviously it is if you're posting in this thread that's semi-active, yes?
You just said it, semi-active. Will it go dead once destiny and COD release?
That game on Dawnbreaker was really frustrating since I was playing against a bunch of GAF members.
Also, damn you Faceless and your shitty mine the entrance of the team's base tactics, lol.
Do you guys think this game will keep its popularity after Hardline is out? I've been wondering if I should buy this, hardline or Titanfall as a long term online FPS investment, but I am not really sure which.
I don't feel the new COD at all.
Guys is Battlefield 4 still relevant now? I've been deciding between it and Destiny. Destiny will be newer and have more exploration but I want a crazy and let me emphaize crazy fun multiplayer game to tie me over till October 29 and BF4 has supposeldy a very good multiplayer?
Hardline was a hard sell. i mean, when vets were saying it should be an expansion pack...
i guess peeps who like SP will be pretty interested after the latest trailer.
Ah, that was my first few matches back in a long time. It was extra satisfying to get kills on a fellow GAFer, so thanks!
Hardline is a joke of a game that shouldn't even have Battlefield i nits name. BF4 is the way to go until either BF5 or Star Wars Battlefront comes out.
It is more relevant that it has ever been. More maps, way less bug filled than launch and no other game offers its style of large scale multiplayer.
Hardline shouldn't be a BF game, let alone a battlefield game that people may be more interested in singleplayer than multi. Hardline makes me want to vomit.
On a plus note, I see more BF4 in my future, so you bastards better get ready for some quality revives.
Ok, which package do I need to get all the goodies? Can I settle for a BF4 premium edition? I saw some good sales, but I have no idea if I need that + a season pass? All these SKUs are confusing the hell out of me.
Ok guys just bought BF4 for PS4Where are all the PS4 BF players here?
No? BF3 didn't when CoD launched. Will it lose some of the base? Possibly. Will it still be active? Definitely.
The question is: Do you want the "new shit" or "old shit?" If new, go with Destiny. If old, go with BF4. They're both apples and oranges and I really don't see the need to exclude one from the other.
Battlefield 4 (The base game) + Battlefield 4 Premium (All the DLC plus Premium content included). Battlefield 4 Premium Does not include the base game, it's basically the season pass.
As far as I'm aware they haven't announced a Premium Edition that includes the base game and Premium.
If you wanna see who signed up for the PS4 ID list:
Since Titanfall is also on Origin is there any sort of overlapping in community between the two titles? can you see your friends list in either game ?
KingJolly said:I'll probably end up getting premium if its that worth it? Right? I can see myself investing in this game for a long time.
Propaganda is probably my favorite map right now.
Dragons Teeth is best expansion so far.
Ok guys just bought BF4 for PS4Where are all the PS4 BF players here?
Ok guys just bought BF4 for PS4Where are all the PS4 BF players here?
Same here, Add me, PSN: Nocturnx
I'm an xbox convert who has no PSN friends lol. I usually only play on weekend nights though when the wife and kids are asleep.
How good would a new L4D be right now.I've got 0 interest in Destiny. I have 0 interest in any coop "singleplayer" if it isn't l4d.
and they blocked the dual-class already? goddamnit, how do i play this game normally anymoreRocket-Assault, Ammo-Sniper and Ammo-Health classes were da bess.