I just got BF4 on Xbox One (GT is randomrosso93 if anyone wants to add me)
My question is. Since I had premium on 360, is it supposed to transfer over to Xbone? I thought it was. I'd rather not have to buy it all again
I just got BF4 on Xbox One (GT is randomrosso93 if anyone wants to add me)
My question is. Since I had premium on 360, is it supposed to transfer over to Xbone? I thought it was. I'd rather not have to buy it all again
I literally just spoke with EA support about this. He gave me a new Xbox One premium code free of charge and a 15% discount in the origin store for my trouble
So not sure what that's about but I'm happy![]()
Yikes, they put a time limit on that? EA gonna EA I guess. Good on them for handing out a code when contacted though. How many people actually read the fine print on that offer when it was first announced? I clearly didn't lol. I bet a lot of people are going to be mad when they get BF4 on current gen and Premium doesn't carry over.
First time i tried this game a few months back i hated it, been playing it since yesterday and loving it so far...has something changed?
EDIT: Seems to play a bit better, wasnt being very specific before lol
I just added you, feel free to add me.I just got BF4 on Xbox One (GT is randomrosso93 if anyone wants to add me)
Thanks! Just waiting for these expansions to download and then I'll add you backI just added you, feel free to add me.
I don't trust DICE LA at all in map design. DT is terrible, and I still have 4 hours to go for the assignment ugh.
So I think it's great they're thinking of BF3 map remakes for the last DLC since BF4 is my first BF game and I never got to play BF3 or BC.
this is my first bf game, any tips?
is the base game enough for a while? or do i need to buy the dlc's?.
Off the top of my head:
Always charge your defibrillators when you have the opportunity to do so when playing Assault class.
Always give out medkits and ammo bags whenever your teammates ask for it/whenever you have the chance.
Any class can do this? or only medics? are there classes? lol have to download 25 gigs to play first ._.
I got this one PS4 a few days ago and something weird I'm noticing about it is that I'm really awful at it as compared to BF3. In BF3 I could usually stay pretty high up on the leaderboard, but now I'm at the bottom nearly every time. I think it might have to do with the map design so I'm wanting to practice on the old maps. Is Second Assault worth it?
Any class can do this? or only medics? are there classes? lol have to download 25 gigs to play first ._.
Hey guys,
Does anyone know if premium is region locked? I've just noticed that premium is on sale via amazon.com, my account is set for Australia. Would I have any issues redeeming the premium code?
Playing on pc btw
Okay I'm really not adjusting to 64 player battles all that well
On the 360 my overall K/D was like 3.2. But on Xbone I m struggling to pull 2 each match. Occasionally I'll go like 4+ but not nearly as often as I used to. And I know K/D isn't everything but it gives you an idea of how I'm going.
There's just so many ways to get shot. Game feels completely different. Rather frustrating
There's just so many ways to get shot. Game feels completely different. Rather frustrating
Don't shoot at thin air
Could you be a little more specific? Is there anything that feels off perhaps, or just getting used to some of the things BF4 handles a little differently?
Well a big thing I'm struggling with is changing my play style. In BF3 I was mainly a combat medic and most of my points came from defibs and conquest captures. BF4 heavily nerfed the defibs so now they give 5 times less points. Also the default gun you're provided with in the assault class is terrible in my opinion so I'm struggling to actually upgrade my rifle stat. Another issue I'm having is the map design. Battlefield has wide open maps like always, but it seems like the capture point placement in conquest just seems...poor. That or I'm backwards and it's actually better? I get spawnkilled a lot more, and generally the only way to avoid it seems to be spawning into a squad member and hoping they aren't right about to get shot.
Also this may be more of a complaint than a real struggle, but the skyscrapers seem to be big spots for camping out with a sniper rifle.
EDIT: I am basically having a lot of the same issues as randomrosso.
Also the default gun you're provided with in the assault class is terrible in my opinion so I'm struggling to actually upgrade my rifle stat.
Okay I'm really not adjusting to 64 player battles all that well
On the 360 my overall K/D was like 3.2. But on Xbone I m struggling to pull 2 each match. Occasionally I'll go like 4+ but not nearly as often as I used to. And I know K/D isn't everything but it gives you an idea of how I'm going.
There's just so many ways to get shot. Game feels completely different. Rather frustrating
Well a big thing I'm struggling with is changing my play style. In BF3 I was mainly a combat medic and most of my points came from defibs and conquest captures. BF4 heavily nerfed the defibs so now they give 5 times less points. Also the default gun you're provided with in the assault class is terrible in my opinion so I'm struggling to actually upgrade my rifle stat. Another issue I'm having is the map design. Battlefield has wide open maps like always, but it seems like the capture point placement in conquest just seems...poor. That or I'm backwards and it's actually better? I get spawnkilled a lot more, and generally the only way to avoid it seems to be spawning into a squad member and hoping they aren't right about to get shot.
Also this may be more of a complaint than a real struggle, but the skyscrapers seem to be big spots for camping out with a sniper rifle.
EDIT: I am basically having a lot of the same issues as randomrosso.
Okay I'm really not adjusting to 64 player battles all that well
Okay then. Like I mentioned a few posts earlier, charge your defibs when you think your fallen teammate is in a good spot and you have enough time to revive him.
Note: Charging your defib fully gives your revived teammate full hp and gives you 100 points regardless if it was a squad revive or not.
Hey guys,
Does anyone know if premium is region locked? I've just noticed that premium is on sale via amazon.com, my account is set for Australia. Would I have any issues redeeming the premium code?
Playing on pc btw
Is this game dying, I can almost never find servers for game modes other then Conquest on PC.
Why can't some of these random idiots try their shit in the practice range? One full squad was blowing our vehicles up to see how far they fly and all kinds of stupid things.
Sounds like BattlefieldWhy can't some of these random idiots try their shit in the practice range? One full squad was blowing our vehicles up to see how far they fly and all kinds of stupid things.
Practice range isn't multi
You rock dude! Wish more people were like you.There are 4 classes: Assault, Engineer, Support, and Recon. All of those classes can choose 2 class specific gadgets.
... Tons of fantastic information for someone new...